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  8. <title>RSS Natural Cosmetic</title>
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  10. <description>Natural Cosmetic</description>
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  16. <title>House Shampoo For Hair Growth</title>
  17. <description>A lot of girls in the long hair struggle spend large bags of money on a variety of shampoos, masks, serums, lotions and sprays. Unfortunately, most of them produce short-term results. Deeply desperate, beautiful women resort to ...</description>
  18. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/domashniy_shampun_dlya_rosta_volos.jpg" alt="Домашний шампунь для роста волос" align="left" /><p>A lot of girls in the long hair struggle spend large bags of money on a variety of shampoos, masks, serums, lotions and sprays. Unfortunately, most of them produce short-term results. Deeply desperate, beautiful women resort to salon procedures by building artificial hair. Alas, this procedure also fails to produce a long-term result: the hair raised is held for only a few months. Today, we're offering your attention a prescription for a hairdresser that's not only gonna help you grow a stunty, but it's gonna get you out of the peaches. In order to make this effective, it is necessary to mix food soda with water in relation to 1 : 3. It's best to use a plastic bottle for this purpose. The mixture should be applied to the wet hair, moving from the roots to the tips. The means must then be retained for 2 to 3 minutes. To wash a mixture of hair, we need to use a warm chimney. To achieve the maximum result at the end of the procedure, the hair of a mixture of water and apple vinegar in relation to 1 : 4. Such a procedure is required once a week.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  19. <category><![CDATA[Champoo]]></category>
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  22. <pubDate>Wed, 06 Nov 2024 13:31:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  25. <title>How To Make A Cream At Home</title>
  26. <description>What&#039;s a chemical cream? Modern cream is a complex emulsion system. Emulsion is a mixed system consisting of two or more liquids that are bad or not mixed together. The uniformity of the mixture shall be supported by the ...</description>
  27. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/sdelat_krem_doma_uvlazhnyaushiy.jpg" alt="сделать крем дома увлажняющий" align="left" /><p>What's a chemical cream? Modern cream is a complex emulsion system. Emulsion is a mixed system consisting of two or more liquids that are bad or not mixed together. The uniformity of the mixture shall be supported by the introduction of special emulsions. One of the liquids is usually called the dispersal phase, the other is the dispersed environment. The numerical proportion of phases and the type of emulsor predicts the type of emulsion. Emulsion classifications are several: polarity of phases, concentration, large particles. We're interested in polarity classification. There are direct emulsions of " oil in water " when non-alarial fluid is dispersed and polar is dispersed and, on the contrary, reverse emulsions of the " oil-water " . Direct emulsion is predominantly very light and air, well absorbed, leaves no fat film, no lipstick, easy to use as hammer, day cream or fat cream. Reverse emulsions are usually tighter, and almost always after their use, skin is blestivated if it is not specifically adjusted. They are used as night nutrients, hand and leg creams, dry skin creams. The simplest example of emulsion cream is classic mayonnaise. We have a oily phase, a water and an emulsionr. The cosmetic cream also consists mainly of the oily phase, the water phase and the emulsor. However, in addition to this, there will be a mandatory presence, so-called active phase and conservative. To make the cream with our hands, we need to prepare each of these phases. As a oily phase, we can take any vegetable base butter or skin-like mixture of oil. Various hydrolatas or weeds may be a water phase, or simply distilled or filtered boiled water. There's no way to ignore the conservative! It's better to buy a well-verified conservative, even not natural, and without any fear, to use the cream prepared by his hands, rather than to hypnotize the barrel every day, finding the smallest signs of plesen. For well-founded oils in a simple cream, it is not necessary to add any active substances, but the mixture will only benefit from their addition, and it will be more useful. The most available assets are, of course, air oils. But be careful with high-concentration phytoessence, and carefully follow doses.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  28. <category><![CDATA[Creme]]></category>
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  31. <pubDate>Thu, 17 Oct 2024 12:23:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  34. <title>Champun At Home</title>
  35. <description>A well-known plant has a truly unique purpose, so it has become widely used in domestic and professional cosmetology. The secret of such popularity of the Roma is its universality. Searching for the skin of a person, Cosmetics ...</description>
  36. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/suhoy_shampun_v_domashnih_usloviyah.jpg" alt="Сухой шампунь в домашних условиях - рецепт на Womanincity" align="left" /><p>A well-known plant has a truly unique purpose, so it has become widely used in domestic and professional cosmetology. The secret of such popularity of the Roma is its universality. Searching for the skin of a person, Cosmetics prepared on the basis of a plant will be suitable for any skin. Normal and fat skin can be cleaned by standing. For 15 minutes, it is sufficient to withstand, in a dark place, two large Roma spoons with half-litre. The remaining plant mass after healing can be used as a mask for a person who gives the skin a mat, makes it gentle and barhatist and prevents the emergence of wrinkles. In order to get a chemistry, we're going to have to get a weed fee in a bed of 200 millilitres of water 5-8 minutes. It will have a useful influence on dry skin, moisture, softening it and preventing silos. The daily tips of the Roma hot spot will help in the fight against the heated rash, and the steam baths will reduce the number of black spots. The use of nutrient-based hot tubs will increase the treatment effect. The laundering of bits of ice derived from the chimney of the flower is thinning and refreshing the skin, making it urchy and spreading the wrinkles. The rumish-coloured compressions are doing great with fatigue and eye inflammation, preventing sacks and improving the colour of the face. It is often possible to see the image of the Roma, the plant is very good for the hair, especially for dry and damaged, in the bottles of champoo and air conditioners. Vegetable resistance feeds and improves their structure, gives softness and glacier, stimulates growth by activating bleeds in hair follicula. The saturated rumb is used to light the hair. The same stalemate often makes shampoo in domestic settings. After we've had this weed, they're buying an inexorable golden shade, and they're sealed. The regular use of Roma-based cosmetics will help to cope with many head skin diseases and prevent the emergence of perchotes. Leaving behind the skin of the body, using the Roma in the form of warm baths will help to get rid of the dryness of their hands, heal the cracks, heal and humidize the skin. Compressions from the mole casserole clean up the postpartum. For the skin of the legs, water procedures will be useful with the Roma. The regular reception of the Roman-coloured hot tub will rid itself of elevated sweating, cool baths are very good at leg fatigue.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  37. <category><![CDATA[Cosmetics At Home]]></category>
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  40. <pubDate>Fri, 27 Sep 2024 12:16:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  43. <title>Calcium Calcium Chloride</title>
  44. <description>6. We&#039;re starting to massage the face of a soap foam. From the reaction of soap and chloride calcium, the face will be spanked. That should be it. Keep scrubbing, soft motions of swinging, dead leather sections without longing in ...</description>
  45. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/piling_skatka_kalciya_hloridom.jpg" alt="Пилинг-скатка кальция хлоридом" align="left" /><p>6. We're starting to massage the face of a soap foam. From the reaction of soap and chloride calcium, the face will be spanked. That should be it. Keep scrubbing, soft motions of swinging, dead leather sections without longing in one place. Put your hands on it again as necessary and continue the procedure. 7. We're taking all the warm water. 8. We'll put on a calming mask and wet cream. 9. We admire our younger, shiny skin! You can do this one or two times a month. The skin must not be inflamed. Although, my friend, who has skin problems (small drops and dust marks), risked, processed and was satisfied with the result. The skin was tight. But she's clearly narrowed down her lipsticks and substantially cleaned the T zone. And there's also a marked decrease in small eye wrinkles. Sensitive leather can also be protected. But there must be no strong burning (in this case, you must smash the rum with the face of the warm water. Ideally, it's a leather procedure without inflammation, a flavour. A test procedure may also be made on any other, closed body area where the skin is sensitive. If the skin's reaction is normal (without heavy burns and paints), give the procedure bold. Let's have some light plugs and paint. That's why it's better to do it before bed so the leather comes back and rests. Immediately after the procedure, it is very good to make a stunning mask based on a chimney with the addition of suitable ingredients for your skin (hercules, for example), then, after the mask is removed, put a light wet cream on the skin. It would be good to have your cosmetologist ' s advice and recommendations before the domestic procedure was applied.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  46. <category><![CDATA[Piling]]></category>
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  49. <pubDate>Sat, 07 Sep 2024 12:05:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  52. <title>Harmless Shampoo</title>
  53. <description>In recent years, more and more people are concerned about the environment. This is due to the fact that the Earth, as a living organism, has finally begun to respond to the harmful effects of mankind. There is even a view that ...</description>
  54. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/bezopasniy_shampun_dlya_volos_bez_himii.jpg" alt="Безопасный шампунь для волос без химии, запаха и отдушек: видео" align="left" /><p>In recent years, more and more people are concerned about the environment. This is due to the fact that the Earth, as a living organism, has finally begun to respond to the harmful effects of mankind. There is even a view that the mass use of deodorants in the form of spray and hair lacs has become a cause of global warming. Russia has only now become more conscious of environmental issues and interests in environmentally sound materials, products and cosmetics, while in Europe there has long been a real boom of eco-friendly products. In European stores, from supermarkets to cosmetics, you can always find so-called " harmless " natural and environmentally friendly products. Not to mention other things that are perfectly normal for Western consciousness, such as segregated garbage collection or windmills. However, Russians are also gradually approaching the greenness of their lives. More recently, a series of broadcasts were broadcast on television, which, according to the feedback on the Internet and the relay discussions, prompted the population. They were also blessed with other means of daily care containing allegedly very harmful additions, such as sodium laurilesulphate. Despite this, many authoritative people claim that sodium laurilesulphate is not as dangerous as it stands. And that the creation of a bad image of habitual means is beneficial to producers of so-called " natural cosmetics " . We have tried to understand whether the laurilesulfate is really harmful, as they say, or whether it is a pyar-war by the producers of “natural” cosmetics with known market leaders. Harmless shampoo Coming: Read the label of Laurilesulphate sodium lauryl sulfate, SLS, he's a sodium dodesilulphate (angl. sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS) - sodium salt laurilesulfolic acid. This surface-activated substance is widely used in champoo, shower gel, bath foam, dental paste, cosmetic cleaning materials. This ingredient ensures effective cleaning and good foaming. There is a myth that this ingredient may cause skin irritation and even malignant tumours. Many manufacturers offer, as an alternative to the sodium laurilesulphate, sodium sodium nixylated lauryl sulphate - sodium lauretisulphate, calling it a harmless vegetation substance.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  55. <category><![CDATA[Champoo]]></category>
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  58. <pubDate>Sun, 18 Aug 2024 11:43:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  61. <title>Domestic Cosmetics Of Champoo</title>
  62. <description>Now that I need a hug, I&#039;m buying ingredients from the vetted suppliers with whom the major cosmetic companies are cooperating. There are specialized sites for small parties to sell ingredients for domestic cosmetics. Like this ...</description>
  63. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/domashnyaya_kosmetika_molochniy_bio_shampun_i.jpg" alt="Домашняя косметика: молочный био-шампунь и кефирный био-бальзам" align="left" /><p>Now that I need a hug, I'm buying ingredients from the vetted suppliers with whom the major cosmetic companies are cooperating. There are specialized sites for small parties to sell ingredients for domestic cosmetics. Like this. This site created two doctors who understand perfectly all the skin characteristics, and the ingredients are matched by physiology. Our lab is a contract production because I can't afford my lab yet. Laboratory services are not expensive, and the ingredients have more money. I used to make all the cosmetics at home myself. I tried to be a sterile production, and my sterilization was even more appropriate, I think it's more than some production. All the clients I had at that stage didn't care if I had a certificate, they were people who were already desperate. They're allergic to industrial means, leather riot, they don't know what it is, dermatologist can't always help. There's a result of my cream. Organic cosmetics don't mean hyper-alerge, because they contain plant extracts, but we try to minimize allergic reactions. My job is to make the client permanent. Since I started on a case-by-case basis, I know the history of everyone, everyone writes to me, calls, I advise everyone, tell them what's done. I know who married and what the kids are. Permanent buyers are 60-70. It's not much for a multi-million-dollar Moscow, but it's my really loyal buyers who come back from month to month from year to year. Now there are those people that I don't know where they came from, where they read about us, they're working on a barbed radio. Site doesn't bring new buyers, I'm not on the move, I have other guidance and priorities. It is very important for me to finalize the documentation. Well, then I'll be able to keep my ads open, so you'll have to grow up.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  64. <category><![CDATA[Champoo]]></category>
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  67. <pubDate>Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:41:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  70. <title>Chlorist Calcium Pyling Feedback</title>
  71. <description>To date, the content of the article remains a relevant and effective way of leather chloride pyling, which is also referred to as &quot; calcium chloride calcium &quot; . It&#039;s a long-standing procedure, which, when properly implemented ...</description>
  72. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/piling_hloridom_kalciya_otzivi.jpg" alt="Пилинг хлоридом кальция отзывы" align="left" /><p>To date, the content of the article remains a relevant and effective way of leather chloride pyling, which is also referred to as " calcium chloride calcium " . It's a long-standing procedure, which, when properly implemented, produces amazing and amazing results. Today, this method is actively promoted by show business stars and actresses, and cosmetologists recommend it to their patients. The nature of the procedure is essentially purification of the face of chloride calcium, a procedure that you can conduct at home, but the best person can trust a specialist cosmetologist. The word " chemistry " already implies a process and the proportion of its composition must be clearly observed. It is important to understand that prior to the beginning of the purification session, a test must be carried out which will show that allergic reactions and possible skin irritation are available. It's best to have a procedure tonight, since it can be slightly painted after completion. I think a lot of people have already had this session and know that in the home, it's costing money. Certainly, the salon will have to pay a certain amount, but for security purposes, the funds spent are justified. Each pharmacy sells a normal 10 per cent chloride solution, so it's not hard to buy it for domestic use. You're also gonna need a vat disk and a baby soap. It's best to use children because there's no additives, painters and so on. After the pyling's end, you'll be able to feel skin smoothness through the removal of the dead horn. In general, chloride calcium for a person is an effective means, resulting in: Cloths are purified and skin conditions are improved regardless of the type (liver, normal or combined) The inflammatory processes are being reduced, and the smallest pimps are attached to the skin. In addition, such cleaning is better mechanical, but without undesirable consequences, it is better to comply with the basic rules. Removal of chloride cells with soap foam when chloride calcium pyling is performed, a special solution shall be applied in the process with a cotton disc or napkin. After full drying, the procedure should be repeated until there is a sense of easy skiing and tightening. Typically, three or four layers are required. The most important rule in this case is to avoid an area above the upper lip and around the eye.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  73. <category><![CDATA[Piling]]></category>
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  76. <pubDate>Tue, 09 Jul 2024 11:19:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  79. <title>Natural Algae Cosmetics</title>
  80. <description>Integrated programmes based on drilled algae, treatable dirt, various kinds of glin. We offer your attention to a large selection of servitude, scrubs, massage oils, creams and contour gels. A programme of 24 marine facilities ...</description>
  81. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/naturalnaya_kosmetika_na_osnove_morskih_vodorosley.jpg" alt="Натуральная косметика на основе морских водорослей и термальных" align="left" /><p>Integrated programmes based on drilled algae, treatable dirt, various kinds of glin. We offer your attention to a large selection of servitude, scrubs, massage oils, creams and contour gels. A programme of 24 marine facilities for use in beauty salons. A line of 10 helmet algomas for professional procedures in the beauty salon. The masks for the face and body are based on alginat gel, economic in the flow, can be used without water washing water, water and oil extracts of the burrows, laminaria and fucus. Perfectly suitable for massage, vents, clouts and other cosmetics. Anti-cellulose tonics with algae and dirt components can be used at various stages of the spa-procedure of 13 magnificent tools for chocolate-water-seaberries in your beauty salon. Chocolate, cinnamon and coffee aromomites contribute to the relaxing of modeling, anti-cellulite algae for the body. Wet, refreshing and anti-aged helium with aloe faith and algae extras for the face. Contact gel for hardware. Wide choice of crems in a professional package. 13 scrubbers of varying intensity for the person and body. The ALGANICA programme, which has been recognized by the cosmetologists of Russia, includes 119 effective means for the person and body on the basis of bourgeois, red and green sea algae, treating muds, cocoa-products, various kinds of clay (both white, white, pink and green). All funds complement each other and enable the effective implementation of cosmetic procedures at a professional level.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  82. <category><![CDATA[Natural Cosmetics]]></category>
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  85. <pubDate>Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:40:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  88. <title>Home Pyling For Face</title>
  89. <description>Who doesn&#039;t dream of great skin, clean, healthy and as young as possible? There&#039;s hardly any of these. But this is how to extend the young skin, how to improve her condition? The answer to this question is PILING for the face ...</description>
  90. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/skrab_dlya_lica_v_domashnih_usloviyah.jpg" alt="Скраб для лица в домашних условиях: как сделать и какой лучше?" align="left" /><p>Who doesn't dream of great skin, clean, healthy and as young as possible? There's hardly any of these. But this is how to extend the young skin, how to improve her condition? The answer to this question is PILING for the face. Korean piling for the face is an accessible opportunity to free the skin from the dead pieces and to remove the minor skin defects, including rubies and scars from the acne. The right peting of a person ' s face improves the face ' s colour by returning the leather to a delicate peache. The pleasant cost of the best natural pyling and the abundance of the types of funds proposed enables regular domestic salon procedures. The modern Korean cosmetics are the mikes of traditional products and innovative technologies, so the skin can be updated safely and quickly, just following instructions.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  91. <category><![CDATA[Home Cosmetics]]></category>
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  94. <pubDate>Thu, 23 May 2024 15:25:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  97. <title>Light Piling Face</title>
  98. <description>Today, this is one of the most common services offered by cosmetological clinics in Kaliningrad. What is this procedure? The chemical piling of the face is the removal of the highest layers of leather epithel through special ...</description>
  99. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/chistka_lica_pri_kuperoze_v_salone.jpg" alt="Чистка лица при куперозе в салоне" align="left" /><p>Today, this is one of the most common services offered by cosmetological clinics in Kaliningrad. What is this procedure? The chemical piling of the face is the removal of the highest layers of leather epithel through special, cosmetic low acid solutions. Such acids are used to rejuvenate the person, pigmentate, update the skin, reduce the size of small wrinkles and other skin defects, including rubies, ankne and its effects. The modern pyling market offers a huge choice of this kind of acid for this procedure. This may be a separate chemical, for example, gliconic acid or trichloroucesacetic acid, or may be a combination of acid. Depending on skin efficiency, acids and acid cocktails, acids are divided into three groups. First: light and minimal impact on patient skin. Second: medium and, third: deep is the greatest effect. We'll figure out these groups for more detail... Alpha hydrochloric acid, e.g. glycol, dairy or fruitic acid, is used for light, surface pyling. To achieve the best results, alpha-hydroic acids are used on a weekly or high interval basis. The intermediary shall be produced with trichlorouxacetic acids more and more refreshing than alpha-hydroic acids. Deep Fenola is the most powerful type of pyling. It is used to rectify deep face wrinkles, to smooth the wrinkles around the lips and chin areas, to correct the shirts. Felony procedure is very painful (with anaesthesia) and possible multiple side effects. Your lecturing doctor, based on your skin condition, will provide you with an acceptable influence and the best combination of chemical acids. The procedure and effect of the pyling procedure shall be carried out only in the doctor ' s office. Deep pyling requires anesthetic, but lighter forms generally do not require pain. The procedure itself takes about 15 minutes and then requires one to three weeks for recovery. The number of sessions is individual for each patient. From the line of all possible MediDerma meds, the following are in our center.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  100. <category><![CDATA[Home Cosmetics]]></category>
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  103. <pubDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 15:06:00 +0000</pubDate>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda