It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. I looked for a feed associated with this page, but couldn't find one. Please enter the address of your feed to validate.


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  542. /************************************************************************/
  543. /* IP.Board 3 CSS - By Rikki Tissier - (c)2008 Invision Power Services */
  544. /************************************************************************/
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  546. /************************************************************************/
  548. /************************************************************************/
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  1824. /************************************************************************/
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  1850. /************************************************************************/
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  1907. /***************************************************************************/
  1908. /* WIZARDS */
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  1947. /************************************************************************/
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  1990. width: 24px;
  1991. }
  1993. /************************************************************************/
  1994. /* 'LIKE' FUNCTIONS */
  1996. .ipsLikeBar { margin: 10px 0; font-size: 11px; }
  1997. .ipsLikeBar_info {
  1998. line-height: 19px;
  1999. background: #f4f4f4;
  2000. padding: 0 10px;
  2001. display: inline-block;
  2002. -moz-border-radius: 2px;
  2003. -webkit-border-radius: 2px;
  2004. border-radius: 2px;
  2005. }
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  2007. line-height: 17px;
  2008. padding: 0 6px 0 24px;
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  2012. -webkit-border-radius: 2px;
  2013. border-radius: 2px;
  2014. color: #fff !important;
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  2026. /************************************************************************/
  2027. /* TAG LIST */
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  2045. /************************************************************************/
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  2122. /************************************************************************/
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  2132. /************************************************************************/
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  2171. /************************************************************************/
  2173. /* Additional form styles for posting forms */
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  2200. /************************************************************************/
  2201. /* MEMBER LIST STYLES */
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  2205. .ipsMemberList > li .ipsButton_secondary { margin-top: 15px; }
  2206. .ipsMemberList li .rating { display: inline; }
  2208. /************************************************************************/
  2209. /* COMMENT STYLES */
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  2212. .ipsComment_wrap input[type='checkbox'] { vertical-align: middle; }
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  2241. /************************************************************************/
  2242. /* FLOATING ACTION STYLES (comment moderation, multiquote etc.) */
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  2267. /* specifics for seo meta tags editor */
  2268. #seoMetaTagEditor { width: 480px; }
  2270. #seoMetaTagEditor table { width: 450px; }
  2271. #seoMetaTagEditor table td { width: 50%; padding-right: 0px }
  2273. /************************************************************************/
  2274. /* FORM STYLES */
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  3954. <meta name="description" content="Games from Steam/Epic when double clicked open up notepad. - posted in Windows 10 Support: Hi,
  3955. &#160;
  3956. When ever I try to run a game Ive installed from either steam or Epic,its open up notepad, and I cant find a way to fix it.
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  3958. Any ideas?
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  3960. Thanks in advance." />
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  3963. When ever I try to run a game Ive installed from either steam or Epic,its open up notepad, and I cant find a way to fix it.
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  3965. Any ideas?
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  3967. Thanks in advance." />
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  4318. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-19T04:44:44-04:00">19 May 2020 - 03:44 AM</abbr>
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  4321. <p>Hi,</p>
  4322. <p>&#160;</p>
  4323. <p>When ever I try to run a game I've installed from either steam or Epic,it's open up notepad, and I can't find a way to fix it.</p>
  4324. <p>&#160;</p>
  4325. <p>Any ideas?</p>
  4326. <p>&#160;</p>
  4327. <p>Thanks in advance.</p>
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  4329. <p class="edit">
  4330. <strong>Edited by Chris Cosgrove, 19 May 2020 - 03:46 AM.</strong>
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  4332. <span class="reason">Moved from Win 10 Discussion to Support.</span>
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  4436. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-19T05:28:26-04:00">19 May 2020 - 04:28 AM</abbr>
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  4439. <p>I don't know if those games with launchers these days still have an .exe, but can you check in the install folder and see if the .exe has a Notepad Icon?&#160;</p>
  4440. <p>If there isnt any, you can create a new icon on your desktop, rename it to test.exe (Make sure you have file extensions enabled in the folder view options) and see what Icon you have?&#160;</p>
  4441. <p>&#160;</p>
  4442. <p>Have you tried reinstalling steam/epic?</p>
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  4513. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-19T06:15:03-04:00">19 May 2020 - 05:15 AM</abbr>
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  4516. <p>Hi,</p>
  4517. <p>&#160;</p>
  4518. <p>I'll give that a try, and let you know how it goes.</p>
  4519. <p>&#160;</p>
  4520. <p>Thanks</p>
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  4591. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-19T06:51:36-04:00">19 May 2020 - 05:51 AM</abbr>
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  4594. <p>Hi,</p>
  4595. <p>&#160;</p>
  4596. <p>Okay, I've done some checking, If i launch any of the games in either Steam or Epic, they run fine.</p>
  4597. <p>&#160;</p>
  4598. <p>When I right click on the icon it's create on the desktop, and go into the properties, it's says it's a URL file, this is for both Epic games and Steam.</p>
  4599. <p>&#160;</p>
  4600. <p>I've tried re-installing steam, and have the same result. If I double click on the short cut desktop icon.</p>
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  4677. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-19T13:52:20-04:00">19 May 2020 - 12:52 PM</abbr>
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  4680. <p>Can you post a screenshot of the properties?</p>
  4681. <p>&#160;</p>
  4682. <p>I'm suspecting that the file type has had its defaults changed to Notepad, and we should change it to Steam.</p>
  4683. <p>&#160;</p>
  4684. <p>On the other hand, in the past, people have often not reported success creating Steam shortcuts this way. See if this path still exists:</p>
  4685. <p>&#160;</p>
  4686. <div>right click on game in your library</div>
  4687. <div>click 'properties'</div>
  4688. <div>select 'local files' tab</div>
  4689. <div>click 'browse local files'</div>
  4690. <div>locate your games MAIN exe - it might be in a subfolder if you don't see it</div>
  4691. <div>right click on main exe and select 'create shortcut'</div>
  4692. <div>move your new shortcut to the desktop or wherever you want</div>
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  4766. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-19T14:27:37-04:00">19 May 2020 - 01:27 PM</abbr>
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  4768. <div itemprop="commentText" class="post entry-content ">
  4769. <p>Hi,</p>
  4770. <p>&#160;</p>
  4771. <p>I've attached a screen shot of what the properties looks like.</p>
  4772. <p>&#160;</p>
  4773. <p>I've done the other way, so I can play the games, but would like to fix this.</p>
  4774. <p>&#160;</p>
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  4787. <p class="edit">
  4788. <strong>Edited by sokarsstudio, 19 May 2020 - 01:28 PM.</strong>
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  4865. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-19T14:56:54-04:00">19 May 2020 - 01:56 PM</abbr>
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  4868. In the Properties box, next to Notepad, select Change and navigate to the Steam.exe file and let me know what happens.
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  4942. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-19T16:00:19-04:00">19 May 2020 - 03:00 PM</abbr>
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  4944. <div itemprop="commentText" class="post entry-content ">
  4945. <p>Hi,</p>
  4946. <p>&#160;</p>
  4947. <p>That fixes that for that game, it also change the icon for other games.</p>
  4948. <p>&#160;</p>
  4949. <p>I've just installed another game,&#160; and it's used the same icon for the game that I just got working.</p>
  4950. <p>&#160;</p>
  4951. <p>I just checked the second game looking for the ,exe and either not looking for it in the steam library, and when I've link it there. they swap icons, which which ever game the icon, is the only one that will launch, if that makes sense.</p>
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  5022. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-19T16:02:50-04:00">19 May 2020 - 03:02 PM</abbr>
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  5024. <div itemprop="commentText" class="post entry-content ">
  5025. <p>Hi,</p>
  5026. <p>&#160;</p>
  5027. <p>If there's no easy way round this, I'll just create the shortcut myself. Less hassle.</p>
  5028. <p>&#160;</p>
  5029. <p>Thanks for you help</p>
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  5100. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-20T08:11:59-04:00">20 May 2020 - 07:11 AM</abbr>
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  5103. <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="cknoettg" data-cid="4996667" data-time="1589914614">
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  5105. <p>In the Properties box, next to Notepad, select Change and navigate to the Steam.exe file and let me know what happens.</p>
  5106. </div>
  5107. </blockquote>
  5108. <p>This should have worked.</p>
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  5179. Posted <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="2020-05-20T08:32:46-04:00">20 May 2020 - 07:32 AM</abbr>
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  5182. <p>It does work, but with if I have 2 games installed, let's call them game 1 and 2 for ease.</p>
  5183. <p>&#160;</p>
  5184. <p>If I point game one to it's .exe,&#160; it changes the icon to the one for game 1, but if I the icon for game 2 changes to hte icon for game 1, and game 2 won't run, And if i do the same with game 2 the same happens to game 1.</p>
  5185. <p>&#160;</p>
  5186. <p>That's with the steam games I tried.</p>
  5187. <p>&#160;</p>
  5188. <p>I've just tried it with 2 epic game store games. and it's pretty much the same.</p>
  5189. <p>&#160;</p>
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  5193. <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="cknoettg" data-cid="4996667" data-time="1589914614">
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  5195. <p>In the Properties box, next to Notepad, select Change and navigate to the Steam.exe file and let me know what happens.</p>
  5196. </div>
  5197. </blockquote>
  5198. <p>This should have worked.</p>
  5199. <p>&#160;</p>
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  5439. <p>Has anybody noticed that the OP's last post was in May 2020 ?&#160; That's nearly 4 years ago !&#160; To prevent any more overly delayed responses - topic closed.</p>
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