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  22. <title>What Is Socially Responsible Investing For A Better Future?</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 11:39:15 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  28. <category><![CDATA[Investment]]></category>
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  31. <description><![CDATA[Green investing focuses on investing in companies and technologies that are deemed to be good for the environment. This includes individual companies that have a solid track record of reducing the environmental impact of their operations, as well as companies that offer alternative energy technologies such as solar and wind power. Green investors will also [...]]]></description>
  32. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Green investing focuses on investing in companies and technologies that are deemed to be good for the environment. This includes individual companies that have a solid track record of reducing the environmental impact of their operations, as well as companies that offer alternative energy technologies such as solar and wind power. Green investors will also avoid investing in companies that have a negative impact on the environment, such as companies with poor emissions standards. Socially responsible investing is broader in its focus in that it considers companies that create a social and environmental benefit, and avoids companies that have a negative effect on society. Companies with a strong record of charitable contributions that provide a fair and diverse workplace, and/or that have a minimal impact on the environment are just a few examples of social responsibility. A major part of socially responsible investing is the exclusion of certain industries that are deemed to have a negative impact on society, including those involved in alcohol, tobacco and defence.Six Trends in socially responsible investing to watch for in 2010.1 Continued push towards technology.As technology has been a pillar of the fundamentals of social investing, 2011 will not prove any different. It will be the development of technology that allows the world to achieve better sustainability, ranging in areas from energy to food scarcity. Considered to be an underlying mega-trend of socially responsible investing, the advancement of technology, and subsequently human productivity, will continue to be a strong foundation in the performance of socially responsible investment portfolios.2 Renewable energy.Continuing to push forward for renewable energy, socially responsible investors and companies are looking for the new technologies that will turn renewable energy into a cost-effective reality. Shell for example, will expand its investments in renewable technologies such as wind, solar and hydro power by also investing in next generation sustainable bio-fuels that will not drive up food prices or lead to deforestation. When this technology is mature, it will create a new evolutionary process of cost-effective renewable energy. Green investments in this sector will continue to grow in a quest to find better, more sustainable energy sources.3 Changing tide for all companies.As the movements for human rights, sustainability, and corporate governance responsibility have moved into the mainstream consumer&#8217;s radar, all corporations will eventually be impacted by shifting perspectives &#8211; and held responsible for their corporate governance sustainability practices. In addition, prompted by the growing strength and influence of social investing dollars, which account for $1 out of every $5 of managed investment funds, corporations have no choice but to respond to the changing tide. An exemplary example is Walmart, the black sheep of retail corporations, who recently released its first sustainability report &#8211; and also began offering sustainable farm produce and organic food in the stores.4 Global warming measures.With mainstream financial powerhouses launching &#8220;climate change funds,&#8221; global warming measures will continue to fuel the growth of socially responsible investing and green investing. With additional calls from both the scientific community and policy makers, companies are taking heed. In addition, there are significant profits to be made. According to the &#8220;Carbon Beta&#8221; research report published by Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, the corporations who capitalized upon climate change opportunities have performed better than their industry peers. This value can only continue to grow, with government policies moving towards stricter emission controls, benefiting those socially responsible stocks that are geared toward solving the environmental problem.5 Going green.The socially responsible investing focus on green investments has been a significantly prominent staple of the screening process of sustainability. However, in 2011, expect additional &#8220;financially green&#8221; investment vehicles introduced to the global market. With growing consumer awareness fuelled by media coverage, the report predicted an increased demand for green investing &#8211; and related green financial instruments &#8211; offered by specialised investment firms. In addition, with the launch of several regulated and non-regulated green funds, focused on environmentally friendly initiatives and sustainable companies, the trend of green investments in the financial sector will be a big mover in 2010.6 Community investing.Having grown five times in value since 1995, community investment efforts will continue to be a leading trend in social investing for 2011. With the private real estate market in the US either decreasing or hitting a plateau, the supply of land available for low-income housing and economic projects increases &#8211; creating additional opportunities for community investments.Final RemarksDon&#8217;t let the recent events on global stock markets scare you off. Green investment fundamentals are rock solid. Green Investing is at the nexus of stimulus support by governments around the World. But it&#8217;s not just governments. Corporations, too, are ramping up their Green investments. You may be familiar with some of them. Big companies like Intel&#8230; PepsiCo&#8230; Dell&#8230; and Wal-Mart are investing substantial amounts of money in solar, energy-efficient buildings, sustainable food practices and other renewable technologies.World leaders and CEOs of multinational corporations aren&#8217;t tree-hugging liberals getting into Green Investments because they want to &#8220;make the world a better place.&#8221; They are shrewd economic realists betting big dollars that Green technology is vital to their economic survival. A few years ago, Green Investing may have been the domain of environmental idealists, but today it is one of the fastest-growing sectors on global markets. It is still early days, and the sector is still young enough to provide tremendous opportunities to the discerning investor. Green is here to stay. And it&#8217;s shaping up to be the cornerstone of the 21st century economy. </p>
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  38. <title>Secrets to the Structure of a Commercial Property Management Proposal</title>
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  41. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 05:42:05 +0000</pubDate>
  42. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  43. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  44. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
  46. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  47. <description><![CDATA[In commercial real estate agency, it is common to be preparing a property management proposal to submit to the property owner following a sale or a lease. This is the most opportune time to seek a new management appointment.The structure of a commercial property management proposal will be designed for the property, the landlord, and [...]]]></description>
  48. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> In commercial real estate agency, it is common to be preparing a property management proposal to submit to the property owner following a sale or a lease. This is the most opportune time to seek a new management appointment.The structure of a commercial property management proposal will be designed for the property, the landlord, and the general precinct location. Importantly the proposal should tap into the strategies and ideas that help the property owner to achieve better property performance through sensible strategies of lease performance, income, and expenditure control.Here are some key ideas to help structure your proposal for the management of the property. You can add your specific agency recommendations around the model.An executive summary should always be placed at the front of the document. This allows the client to quickly grasp of the main strategies and outcomes that you can see as part of the management strategy.<br />
  49. Summarise the property physically together with locational elements that impact tenancy mix or occupancy. This provides clarity as to how you see the property and how it can be managed.<br />
  50. The lease and tenant mix management processes should be detailed within a section of the proposal. Care must also be taken in reviewing the tenancy schedule first to ensure that the leases are totally understood and accurately reflected in your recommendations. You should also be looking for occupancy matters that need to be immediately addressed after management handover; such as rent reviews, options, lease expiries, make good processes, and arrears.<br />
  51. The daily maintenance and function of the property will require a specific management processes. The tenants, customers, and landlord each have a different relationship to the performance of the property physically; they all have needs in the management of the property. It is wise to review the special maintenance demands of the property and to make specific recommendations regards maintenance controls, plant and machinery management, and risk management that applies to property function. As part of this it may be necessary to talk to the contractors that supply specialised maintenance services to the plant and equipment.<br />
  52. The property manager reporting processes to the landlord will be part of the property management service. Detail the relevant reporting systems that you can adopt and implement. The landlord may have other particular special reporting requirements to incorporate into the program.<br />
  53. The financial reports to be provided to the landlord can be split into examples at the back of the document; this allows the landlord to see the comprehensive nature of your reports and controls. Normally the reports will include income analysis, expenditure analysis, budget status report, arrears report, tenancy mix strategy, tenancy schedule, and lease management report.<br />
  54. The management of maintenance contractors associated with the essential services and major plant and equipment should be itemised. The major plant and equipment provides functionality to the property and tenant occupancy comfort. Any concerns that you may have here should be identified in the proposal.<br />
  55. If the subject property is complex and contains a number of tenancies, it is likely that a business plan including a tenant mix strategy should be compiled. This helps the landlord to see just how you will implement controls across the tenant mix.<br />
  56. Summarise the relevant personnel to be applied to the management of the property. In a large office or retail property the list is lengthy; it can include property manager, lease manager, engineer or maintenance manager, tenant services manager, and onsite management staff.<br />
  57. The fees to be charged to manage the property should be itemised. In some cases they will be split into base management fee, on site management office costs, and the on-site management staff.Within each of these main categories of your proposal, you will have recommendations and ideas regard particular things that should be immediately implemented in the property.The property management proposal is prepared on the basis of relevance to the property and the needs of the landlord; not on the relevance of your agency to manage it (you will prove that anyway if your proposal is of high quality). </p>
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  63. <title>Positive Change in the Management Will Change the Organization Positively</title>
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  66. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Apr 2023 20:19:07 +0000</pubDate>
  67. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  68. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  69. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
  71. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  72. <description><![CDATA[Management was considered a skill and art. People said leaders are born. Then people said leaders could be inspired. Now people say that leaders could be trained. It is true that we could be trained and taught to become leaders. Management is a leadership skill. The best leadership ever is the leadership by example. If [...]]]></description>
  73. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Management was considered a skill and art. People said leaders are born. Then people said leaders could be inspired. Now people say that leaders could be trained. It is true that we could be trained and taught to become leaders. Management is a leadership skill. The best leadership ever is the leadership by example. If the example is right then the understanding will be full. If the example is not right then the understanding will not be right.Companies and organizations have managers and management levels. Smaller companies might have only one level of management and there might be only one individual as a manager. Larger corporations have different levels of management. There might be junior managers who directly deal with base level employees. There might be middle managers who interact between the junior managers and the senior managers. There might be a higher management team which would be at the top of the organizational structure.If an organization is established to be bigger, the management would have been planned and structured beforehand. Most organizations that are worldwide and famous now, were not planned to be so when they were initiated. If you take any of the gigantic businesses, corporate companies or organizations, most of them were not meant to be grown into worldwide entities. In fact, some of the current successful and worldwide businesses were opened up for fun. We can consider the United Nations Organization as one of the very few organizations which were meant to be worldwide as they were established.The change becomes necessary when the organization transforms from a small group of people having fun to a larger entity of importance in the society. When Facebook was launched, it consisted of only one manager; the founder himself. Now it has over 10,000 employees with different levels of management. Google was started with two people. Now it has more than 57,000 employees worldwide. This is the transformation that takes place when a company or organization grows.All companies had to face the issue of transforming from a smaller stage to a bigger stage. Once they transform, the organizations which changed their structure of management accordingly were able to survive. The management of whichever organization was resistant to change had to pay the price of losing the organization. If an analysis is done on the organizations, companies or corporate businesses which were closed or sold, then the management would be held responsible for ending up in such situations.The most effective mode of management is to lead by example. A military is a controlled system that runs by orders. One of the most important aspects in the military is that the leader who is giving an order also carries out that order. For example if a soldier is required to wear a uniform, then the chief of the battalion is required the same. If a soldier is required to carry out training exercises, the commander is required too. In other words, militaries are successful organizations not because the leaders or managers have much authority but because they lead by example.As a simple fact, if a manager keeps his table clean all the time, he can ask his subordinates to keep their table clean. There will be no opposition. Since the subordinates know that their manager always keeps his table clean, they will have no excuse or reason to give him. The leader gets his authority through his example behavior and not through shouting at people.Since management is essentially leadership, it should lead by example. The duty of higher management is to make sure that there are example leaders in the middle management. The middle management consists of the most sensitive links with most critical positions. The middle management of any organization is the bridge between the workforce and the managing force. If the bridge is not right, then the journey wouldn&#8217;t be fulfilled.As organizations transform from small to big, the gap for a middle management arises. The top managers might be able to manage 10 staff but not 100. If the top management decided to manage all staff without middle management, it is like building a suspension bridge without any poles in the middle. It will work for up to a certain length. If the bridge exceeds the optimum length, then the strength would be in question.It is the same with a growing business. There have to be changes to address the needs of tomorrow. Most organizations fail because they try to address the problems that took place yesterday and they forget to think and make a plan to avoid problems tomorrow. In the long run, this kind of organization will have problems piled up from the past and will be facing problems in the future as well.The aspects of the management should change in a way that the management should be able to think, anticipate and identify potential problems in the future. They should then be able to get ready to face and solve the problems before the problems hit the organization. If this is not considered by the management, then the day to day problems will keep all the staff occupied in problem solving. While everyone is busy trying to solve the problems, the intended regular tasks will be missed. The missed tasks will seed for new problems in the future. Since the management is not willing to change, the same will take place in a loop.A few managers don&#8217;t consider themselves as examples. The manager might not think that he is not supposed to be an example, but the employee will always look at the manager as an example. If the manager is not punctual, then the employee will either become like the manager or will not like the manager. If people don&#8217;t like other people, it is hard to take tasks from them. If you are a manager and your employee doesn&#8217;t want to take tasks from you, then you are in trouble.Every single aspect of the manager is critical to the organization. If there are five different managers in an organization, all of them should be together and be leading by example. The employees who look at the managers should get an impression to become like the managers. In a few organizations the founders or the owners make sure that the staff will like the management. If someone in the management is spoiling the name of the entire management, that person would usually be fired.Some say that the only job of a manager is to hire staff. I strongly disagree. The only job of a manager is to manage. Managing is a leadership aspect. The best leadership is to lead by example. To be a positive example, the manager has to be positive in all qualities. If the manager is positive in all senses, the employees will like the manager. If the employees like the manager, then they will listen to the manager. If the manager asks them to do something, they will do it. A positively qualified example manager is going to ask only something good for the organization. At the end, a positive change in the management will change the organization positively. </p>
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  79. <title>Looking After Your Gadgets</title>
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  82. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 18:53:09 +0000</pubDate>
  83. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  84. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  85. <category><![CDATA[Gadgets]]></category>
  87. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  88. <description><![CDATA[In contemporary society, we have really coined the term &#8216;gadget&#8217; &#8211; and now more than ever we are surrounded by them. You can&#8217;t walk down the shops without being surrounded by people on their iPhones, iPads, iPods, BlackBerrys, Laptops and so forth. Society now has become enveloped by these gadgets &#8211; and in no way [...]]]></description>
  89. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> In contemporary society, we have really coined the term &#8216;gadget&#8217; &#8211; and now more than ever we are surrounded by them. You can&#8217;t walk down the shops without being surrounded by people on their iPhones, iPads, iPods, BlackBerrys, Laptops and so forth. Society now has become enveloped by these gadgets &#8211; and in no way is that a bad thing &#8211; but it is a surprise how poorly we look after these very expensive items! Below, you will find a few tips and tricks in giving your gadgets the protection they warrant.Soft Cases Investing in a case for your iPad or laptop is imperative for sometimes even the tiniest of knocks could cause the unit to malfunction in some way &#8211; and when you are travelling around, accidents are sometimes completely unavoidable. When you buy a case, you should look for a few factors. The case should be made from high-density foam, which is proven to be the leading material in gadget protection &#8211; light, malleable, soft and has a high protection index. The case should also be fit to your gadget, the tighter it is, the more protection it will give.Be CarefulIf you&#8217;ve ever been unlucky enough to slip and fall right onto your iPad whilst walking to your car from the office, you know sometimes it can&#8217;t be avoided. However, things like eating and drinking around your gadgets is something that definitely can be helped. Using laptops in coffee shops is a given, but just to be sure have your drink far away from your gadget. Or alternatively, if on an iPad or another touch screen device, buy a USB keyboard &#8211; spill coffee on that and you&#8217;re only looking at a twenty pound replacement compared to the 600 pound replacement for the iPad.The BatteryBattery life is always an issue especially with old laptops and, to be honest, most iPhones and iPads (iPods get by). So, how to solve this baffling battery issue? Well. With laptops, keep your laptop plugged in as much as you can &#8211; putting less of a strain on the battery, so when it comes to real time when you need the battery life it will last a while. With iPads and iPhones, keep your unit up to date with the latest version &#8211; for Apple are always trying to find ways in the programming to reduce battery output. Also, if you turn 3G, location services and Wi-Fi off or turn the brightness down you will cut down on battery use.Gadget InsuranceAs I&#8217;ve stated mistakes sometimes can&#8217;t be avoided. So, having insurance is the final touch into fully protecting your gadgets. With iPhones costing up five hundred pounds and iPads up to seven hundred pounds and laptops and Macbooks costing up to a grand or so, it would be foolish not to invest in an insurance policy. The typical household has 5,128 pounds worth of gadgets [research provided by AXA home insurance]. Certain insurance companies have great gadget insurance policies protecting from theft, accidental and malicious damage.Rizwan Rajpoot, Group Head of eCommerce trading at CPP &#8211; who are launching a brand new gadget insurance protection policy, explains the importance of gadget insurance:&#8221;&#8230;We know how important people&#8217;s gadgets have become to them [customers] and our insurance means that, if anything does happen, they won&#8217;t have to survive without their laptop or iPhone for long.&#8221;With all of this in mind, there is plenty you can do to protect your gadgets whatever they are. With a combination of being safe and smart, you will always be protected. </p>
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  95. <title>A Personal Loan Can Bring You a Fortune or Failure</title>
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  98. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 07:56:19 +0000</pubDate>
  99. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  101. <category><![CDATA[PayDay Loans]]></category>
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  104. <description><![CDATA[How you handle your personal loans can make the difference between a fortune and failure for life. From birth to death we all have different needs and requirements. To know some basic facts and some real life experience is important to make the best out of life and to avoid misery with personal loans and [...]]]></description>
  105. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> How you handle your personal loans can make the difference between a fortune and failure for life. From birth to death we all have different needs and requirements. To know some basic facts and some real life experience is important to make the best out of life and to avoid misery with personal loans and other kinds of loan-taking.The personal loanThe personal loan is a loan for yourself or your family. In this way it differs from a loan for a business or the loans related to long term mortgage for buying houses and other real estate.The danger of a personal loan is that what you get from it often disappears during a few years. You might ask for a personal loan to finance a vacation, some household goods or for the purpose of dept consolidation.Compared to a business-type loan the personal loan is often a short-term investment &#8211; the business-type loan is a more long-term investment, but of course the business can go wrong. Even more long-term is the financing of real estate as an investment and the value of real estate will typical stay there or even increase during longer time spans.A car loanA car loan is in some way an in-between loan: You get the value of the car, and the bank is backed by collateral (the ‘automobile’), but during 10 years the car looses its value and during these years you should get rid of your car-loan. If you aren’t able to get through your installments you will get into misery with your loan. If you don’t fulfill the requirements in the loan contract the bank or another loan provider will take back the car, and you will be left with nothing.Loan and timeTime is an important aspect of all kinds of loan taking. During time the amount of value you have to pay back will typical decrease due to inflation. But at the same time the rates of interest play a more than crucial role. Never, ever take a loan with delayed paying of rates of interest, unless it is a student loan to finance your education and studies. In that case be very basic in your requirements for daily life –as that will help you later.Student loanAs soon as you graduate and get a job make sure you eliminate your student loan with a debt consolidation loan. Student loan consolidation is a must unless you have a wealthy family and then I doubt you will be in need for any student loans. For the student loan consolidation you should be better served by a government sponsored federal student loan than by a private loan. Anyway seek for financial advice and remember that many financial advisors aren’t independent, but earn from their advice and what you agree upon as conditions for a loan.Loan and long-term quality of lifeThe earlier in life the more important it is to be modest in requirements not to build up a lot of debt but to make use of personal loans at a minimum and to use that to increase your long-term quality of life. Save a fixed part of the money you earn and keep your luxury dreams until later in life.Loan and your whole lifeNothing in life is as bad an investment as a superfluous, luxury car. An expensive car loan has paved the road to failure for many, while investment in real estate at the right time has helped many to achieve a fortune without any hard time through a proper equity home loan. Similarly a home improvement loan can be a good investment, especially if such an construction home loan isn’t used for tearing down too much before adding a construction of real value to the house. Loans should be taken for added value. </p>
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  111. <title>Destroy The Office Of The CEO Using A Human Resource Management Software</title>
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  114. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 21:46:29 +0000</pubDate>
  115. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  116. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  117. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
  119. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  120. <description><![CDATA[In any industry, people are the ultimate commodities. At least top management people do have a legitimate right to opine so. Rampant poaching, talent wars and personal issues always mar straight jacket human resource management methods and plans. Conventional wisdom suggests that people need to be guided and controlled in order to derive the best [...]]]></description>
  121. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> In any industry, people are the ultimate commodities. At least top management people do have a legitimate right to opine so. Rampant poaching, talent wars and personal issues always mar straight jacket human resource management methods and plans. Conventional wisdom suggests that people need to be guided and controlled in order to derive the best out of them. This myth is associated with the stereotyped thinking that leadership is about control. Commodification stems from the fact that, people are just like inventory. In the ensuing process, these systems have stifled innovation and creativity. While it is true that a good human resource planning is about placing the right people in the right place and at the right time, there is more to people management. Here we discuss the ingredients of a recipe that can bring disaster for &#8220;commodification&#8221; and delight to enterprise performance.1. Measurement, Not Control Aids Human Resource Planning.Have you measured the finer aspect of your people? These are aspects may not be revealed in their resumes. Personal information management holds the key to discovering puzzles of individual choices. It enables a human resource manager to know the employee inside out and thus plan better. It is more sensible to manage and control an employee on the basis of information. Management by measurement leads to accountability.2. Streamline Reporting Procedures To Get The Complete PictureMultiple teams and resources get employed in the project. Managing different people is the same as handling different perspectives. Communication is perception. When reporting occurs on communication platforms that are linear watertight compartments, it becomes easier to have many interpretations of the same event from the same employee. It thus recommended that the human resource management software should foster openness by enabling a common communication platform with customizable settings for users of different designations3. Time Management Is Not About Keeping BusyThere is a strange compassion for oppression in giving due diligence to spending time at the office. Time management is not just about early entry and late exit. It is about what an employee does in the time for which he is at the office. Keeping busy with a task indicates a high lock-in period of a resource. It does not give the slightest hint of progress made on the work front. An effective performance management software measures work. A task when shaped into a project and a specific deadline fuels pace of work. Most projects do have deadlines and hence progress tracking is easy. But from a strategic view, there should be a time parameter to inspect how far the company has come towards meeting its goals. The usage of the &#8220;Hundred Day Rule&#8221; may be effective in this regard. We can set goals for a hundred days. Performance appraisal about targets met in hundred days would be more effective in manning manpower.4. Transform Your Enterprise Into A Learning OrganizationThe learning organization needs not spend precious dollars and time in training and development. A small intranet to share knowledge resources can be a very effective mechanism to foster innovation and creativity. It is more like a drop box of ideas and best practices. While many companies have implemented this long ago, it is for the human resource manager to monitor activity on the knowledge network. An employee who consistently pours new ideas, tools and techniques to solve problems counts high on innovation and leadership. An employee who makes an effort to look beyond problems concerning his work is a leader in the making. Not only does it motivate the concerned employee, but serves as a system to groom building leadership talent.5. Integrate Quality Management With People ManagementQuality management is not the responsibility of the chosen few. It is the responsibility of the people working in the organization. Achieved the quality through people. People engineer systems, run those and produce the output. A human resource management software that rewards quality realizes the aspirations of the company to be a true quality leader. Proactive quality management may be executed by using simple tools like quality check, agile methodology and pruning ideas emerging from team meetings within the human resource management system. Achieving targets signify efficiency of employees. Achieving quality standards signifies effectiveness of employees. By rewarding quality, companies can become great employer brands and quality leaders simultaneously.Modern day business needs to go a step beyond commoditization. Business consulting teams at top software companies firmly believe that human resource management automation should consider the above-mentioned points to overhaul employee and business performance. A global human resource management system that empowers employees and encourages them to be transparent, self-motivated and quality oriented can transform the performance of the enterprise. The CEO needs to put in place a strong system that caters to these points. Beyond administering a system, the CEO should only focus on results. A human resource management software can be the ultimate demolition weapon in the hands of a business leader. It can be the most potent bulldozer in pulling down walls in the organizational structure. For those who are familiar with the concept of &#8220;liberal democracy&#8221;, it is a process of empowering people and enhancing accountability. For those who are still not enlightened enough to distinguish between anarchist revolution and human resource management, we discuss the most important aspects of new age people management prospects. </p>
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  127. <title>Edinburgh: Perfect for Splendid Spa and Sightseeing Getaways</title>
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  130. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 19:28:43 +0000</pubDate>
  131. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  133. <category><![CDATA[Spa and Wellness]]></category>
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  136. <description><![CDATA[If you&#8217;re searching for a destination where you can combine all the luxury of a spa break with some of the UK&#8217;s best sightseeing opportunities, why not consider Edinburgh? Scotland&#8217;s beautiful capital has so much to offer &#8211; read on to find out more.Scotland has long been associated with healthy and relaxing breaks, from simply [...]]]></description>
  137. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> If you&#8217;re searching for a destination where you can combine all the luxury of a spa break with some of the UK&#8217;s best sightseeing opportunities, why not consider Edinburgh? Scotland&#8217;s beautiful capital has so much to offer &#8211; read on to find out more.Scotland has long been associated with healthy and relaxing breaks, from simply enjoying its amazing green spaces to early forms of spas, which used to be known as hydro hotels.When it comes to taking spa breaks in Scotland, there are numerous destinations you could choose, but Edinburgh is a particularly special option. After all, this stunning city is home to a wealth of things to do and see, giving you so much more than the relaxation of the spa alone.For example, while you&#8217;re here you could explore the grand Edinburgh Castle, which is one of the best-loved attractions in the city. Once you have paid your visit, you could take a stroll down the historic Royal Mile, wandering through this enchanting maze of streets and its intriguing buildings.Among them you will find the Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre, where you can learn all about the delicious drink that the nation is so famous for.As well as exploring the Old Town, you could head up to the New Town and stroll around the wide streets and wonderful Georgian architecture.There are also plenty of fantastic shops to peruse during your stay &#8211; particularly if you visit Princes Street.So, once you have finished sightseeing, what are your spa options? Perhaps one of the best places to choose is the Sheraton Grand Hotel and Spa, where you&#8217;ll find the splendid Spa One.Offering great views out over the castle, this centrally located hotel provides an excellent variety of indulgent, relaxing and reviving spa treatments, such as facials and deep tissue massages.As well as treatments, you can also simply enjoy the various facilities on offer, like the 19 m swimming pool that&#8217;s surrounded by floor-to-ceiling glass walls. An immensely light space, the pool is a great place to unwind, whether you want to take a dip or simply lie on one of the loungers around the water.Alternatively, why not try out the Hydropool? Sit in here and feel mineral-rich jets of water massage your body.For world-class sightseeing and ultimate spa relaxation, breaks in Edinburgh are a wonderful choice &#8211; so start planning your getaway today. </p>
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  143. <title>Mind, Body, And Spirit &#8211; Me And My Cell-Phone Aren&#8217;t So Different</title>
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  146. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 17:39:31 +0000</pubDate>
  147. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  148. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  149. <category><![CDATA[Mind Body Spirit]]></category>
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  152. <description><![CDATA[Understanding &#8220;who&#8221; and &#8220;what&#8221; you are is one of the prerequisites for finding balance, peace, happiness, and control in your life. For example, until you know what a car is, and have some idea about how it operates, you are more of a danger than you are in control. Your mind, body, and spirit &#8211; [...]]]></description>
  153. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Understanding &#8220;who&#8221; and &#8220;what&#8221; you are is one of the prerequisites for finding balance, peace, happiness, and control in your life. For example, until you know what a car is, and have some idea about how it operates, you are more of a danger than you are in control. Your mind, body, and spirit &#8211; and the relationship between them &#8211; is much more complex than a car &#8211; but much simpler, too.Imagine your cell phone; and consider that there is a body that you touch and interact with, as well as a power-source, and information stored in a memory card and processor like thoughts and memories stored in your brain and mind. If we compare ourselves to a cell phone, the phone is the &#8220;body,&#8221; the sim-card, or memory card, the brain; and the energy stored in the battery, flowing through the sim-card, and making the whole thing light-up and make noise, would be the &#8220;animating force,&#8221; or spirit.In order for your cell phone to work properly, or as-designed, all three basic components need to be in working order and joined together the way they were meant to be. When you separate the battery from the phone, it no longer works; likewise, when you separate the &#8220;mind&#8221; of the phone, it will still work, but it won&#8217;t work like it did before &#8211; it won&#8217;t remember anyone&#8217;s phone number, and it won&#8217;t even remember it&#8217;s own. A phone without a &#8220;mind&#8221; is only as useful as a toy; and a phone without a battery is simply dead.With humans, we have a physical body which is animated by an invisible energy that we only know exists because of the work it does and the effects it causes; we call that energy, &#8220;Spirit.&#8221; Spirit is capable of doing any work and carrying any information &#8211; whether or not we nurture it, think about it, or use, guide, or direct it efficiently and effectively. Spirit is life; and spirit is always there and available. Bodies, however, are formed and physical; all such things have a temporary existence, but if we keep the batteries charged and the pieces together, we can dramatically extend the useful life of a phone or a human body.Cell phones and humans have other things in common, too. They were both designed for a purpose; and they operate within a much larger system &#8211; that was also designed for a purpose. The phone cannot ever know who conceived and designed it; nor does it truly know who is using it &#8211; or why. Nonetheless, a cell phone can do lots of stuff and make lots of noise; and so can we &#8211; without much more understanding of our true nature than a cell phone has of its own. In fact, most people don&#8217;t know any more about who they are and how they work than they did when they were children. That&#8217;s good for the people making the calls &#8211; and controlling your life; but not so good for you if you want to be in control of your experience.The thing is, you have a body and, if you&#8217;re alive, your body is said to be &#8220;occupied,&#8221; or charged with, life, or spirit; but it is the mind that directs the flow of spirit through your body &#8211; and shapes your body with and around the spiritual energy available to you. Your mind can be programmed just like the memory of a phone; and anyone can do this &#8220;programming&#8221; &#8211; teachers, preachers, parents, friends, television, etc&#8230; And, since it is your mind that controls your emotions (how spirit is flowing through you) and your body, then whoever is programming your mind is controlling most aspects of your life experience. How are their programs working for you?Think about it; and then take steps to decide what kind of life you want &#8211; and program your brain for it. You&#8217;ve done it before and called it, &#8220;learning;&#8221; now learn something you want to learn for yourself. Teach yourself how to think new thoughts and do new things; then, dial-up any kind of life you want. You can do it; we all can. And, even if you don&#8217;t remember, you&#8217;ve done this before. </p>
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  159. <title>Document Control Software &#8211; Managing Your Documents With Ease</title>
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  162. <pubDate>Sun, 26 Mar 2023 06:52:41 +0000</pubDate>
  163. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  165. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
  166. <category><![CDATA[software]]></category>
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  169. <description><![CDATA[Almost all organizations keep records digitally in today&#8217;s world, but it is not enough to simply type the records into a word processor and save them on an office hard drive. Organizations need greater control and access to their records, which is where document control software comes in. This software organizes documents and makes them [...]]]></description>
  170. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Almost all organizations keep records digitally in today&#8217;s world, but it is not enough to simply type the records into a word processor and save them on an office hard drive. Organizations need greater control and access to their records, which is where document control software comes in. This software organizes documents and makes them easily accessible to personnel, while also allowing executive control over who can and cannot access them. Security is a paramount concern for any organization, and they must be certain that a conversion to digital record-keeping will not render their information less secure. To this end, such software is designed with the best Internet security measures available, making the documents as secure as a bank or government network.Document control software allows an organization to compile a master list of its essential documents and records. It can not only store digital copies of these records, but also maintain a database of each record&#8217;s physical location, if any. Storing documents digitally allows the organization to restrict access to them when it needs to. As such, it combines the power of accessing and managing documents from anywhere in the world with the security tools to keep those documents only in the right hands. User-specific access restrictions are employed to ensure that those who require access to the records will have no trouble getting to them, while those who are not allowed such clearance are blocked.It&#8217;s also very important for organizations to keep track of revisions to its documents. Document control software maintains records of revisions and allows the user to view past versions of revised documents. Such software ensures that organizations never lose track of the evolution of their processes and record. Meanwhile, the software also allows the user to reference documents to each other, making it easy to group related information. Cross-referencing and hyperlinking further add to the flexibility of the digital document platform, making such records far more useful and productive than printed ones.Document control software can serve as a complement to printed records, by keeping secure digital copies while also tracking the location of the originals, or it can serve as a replacement for them. Either way, organizations can enjoy the flexibility of accessing their documents from anywhere in the world. And the software&#8217;s emphasis on security and ease of locating relevant documents makes it an essential tool for organizations to more efficiently store and access records. </p>
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  176. <title>6 Benefits of Investing in Cryptocurrencies</title>
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  179. <pubDate>Tue, 28 Feb 2023 17:00:22 +0000</pubDate>
  180. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  184. <description><![CDATA[The birth of bitcoin in 2009 opened doors to investment opportunities in an entirely new kind of asset class &#8211; cryptocurrency. Lots entered the space way early.Intrigued by the immense potential of these fledgling but promising assets, they bought cryptos at cheap prices. Consequently, the bull run of 2017 saw them become millionaires/ billionaires. Even [...]]]></description>
  185. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> The birth of bitcoin in 2009 opened doors to investment opportunities in an entirely new kind of asset class &#8211; cryptocurrency. Lots entered the space way early.Intrigued by the immense potential of these fledgling but promising assets, they bought cryptos at cheap prices. Consequently, the bull run of 2017 saw them become millionaires/ billionaires. Even those who didn&#8217;t stake much reaped decent profits.Three years later cryptocurrencies still remain profitable, and the market is here to stay. You may already be an investor/trader or maybe contemplating trying your luck. In both cases, it makes sense to know the benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies.Cryptocurrency Has a Bright FutureAccording to a report titled Imagine 2030, published by Deutsche Bank, credit and debit cards will become obsolete. Smartphones and other electronic devices will replace them.Cryptocurrencies will no longer be seen as outcasts but alternatives to existing monetary systems. Their benefits, such as security, speed, minimal transaction fees, ease of storage, and relevance in the digital era, will be recognized.Concrete regulatory guidelines would popularize cryptocurrencies, and boost their adoption. The report forecasts that there will be 200 million cryptocurrency wallet users by 2030, and almost 350 million by the year 2035.Opportunity to be part of a Growing CommunityWazirX&#8217;s #IndiaWantsCrypto campaign recently completed 600 days. It has become a massive movement supporting the adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain in India.Also, the recent Supreme Court judgment nullifying RBI&#8217;s crypto banking ban from 2018 has instilled a new rush of confidence amongst Indian bitcoin and cryptocurrency investors.The 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer Report also points out peoples&#8217; rising faith in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. As per the findings, 73% of Indians trust cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. 60% say that the impact of cryptocurrency/blockchain will be positive.By being a cryptocurrency investor, you stand to be a part of a thriving and rapidly growing community.Increased Profit PotentialDiversification is an essential investment thumb rule. Especially, during these times when the majority of the assets have incurred heavy losses due to economic hardships spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic.While investment in bitcoin has given 26% returns from the starting of the year to date, gold has returned 16%. Many other cryptocurrencies have registered three-digit ROI. Stock markets as we all know have posted dismal performances. Crude oil prices notoriously crashed below 0 in the month of April.Including bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies in your portfolio would protect your fund&#8217;s value in such uncertain global market situations. This fact was also impressed upon by billionaire macro hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones when a month back he announced plans to invest in Bitcoin.Cryptocurrency Markets Are On 24X7X365As opposed to usual markets, cryptocurrency markets operate round the clock, all days in a year without fatigue. That&#8217;s because digital currency systems are essentially designed using pieces of software code that are secured by cryptography.The operational blueprint doesn&#8217;t involve human interference. So, you are free to trade crypto or invest in digital assets whenever you want to. That&#8217;s a great benefit! Cryptocurrency markets are very efficient that way.E.g., Bitcoin has successfully processed transactions with 99.98% uptime since its inception in 2009.Tweet: Paperwork or Formality RequiredYou can invest in bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency anywhere and anytime without any unnecessary terms and conditions.Unlike conventional investment options, where an absurdly high amount of documentation is required to prove yourself as an &#8216;accredited investor&#8217;, crypto-investment is free for all. In fact, that was the intended goal behind the inception of cryptocurrencies. The democratization of finance/money.For buying any cryptocurrency on WazirX, you need to open an account for which you just need to provide some basic details including your bank account information. Once they are verified, within a few hours, you are good to go.Sole Ownership in InvestmentWhen you buy bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency, you become the sole owner of that particular digital asset. The transaction happens in a peer-to-peer arrangement.Unlike bonds, mutual funds, stockbrokers, no third party &#8216;manages your investment&#8217; for you. You call the buying and selling shots, whenever you want to.User autonomy is the biggest benefit of cryptocurrency systems that provides incredible opportunities to invest and build a corpus on your principal capital &#8216;independently&#8217;.These were some of the benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies. We hope you find them useful and convincing enough to kickstart your crypto investment journey. </p>
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