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  8. <title>RSS Summer House Renovation</title>
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  10. <description>Summer House Renovation</description>
  11. <lastBuildDate>Mon, 19 Aug 2024 04:00:35 -0400</lastBuildDate>
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  16. <title>Landscape Design Of Garden And Garden</title>
  17. <description>The fascinating modules have already studied all the 10 super-tanks proposed by Pantone for 2017. The main colour of the year is the living color of fresh green (Greenery, 15-0343). I&#039;d say the Mayan green. And Pantone claims ...</description>
  18. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/sad_ogorod_landshaftniy_dizayn_sadovogo_doma.jpg" alt="сад огород ландшафтный дизайн" align="left" /><p>The fascinating modules have already studied all the 10 super-tanks proposed by Pantone for 2017. The main colour of the year is the living color of fresh green (Greenery, 15-0343). I'd say the Mayan green. And Pantone claims that this colour symbolizes the hope and connection of mankind to nature, which is now particularly important. Among the tents of companion, I would have identified the color of the cauliflower cables (Kale, 18-0107). It's a symbol of healthy food and... militarily. Fair enough, without healthy food and healthy lifestyles, it's hard to be a strong protector. Pantone's color model dictates fashion not only for clothing and other beuti sphere. She puts a tone in garden design. Although, if you look at the name of the shades of flowers, it becomes clear that nature, plants, give the fantasy of designers. That's what they call fashion shades 2017: In my garden, or more specifically, the garden this year of the Toscan Cabage will be central. It's a classic of cable cabbage. I'll put one of the saints of Redbor's duck cabbage in the middle of the compost. With his purple and beetle leaves, he's gonna cut the Toscan's brute green. Fresh color is green in the summer, and it's time to find green plants. There are a few, but even a couple of them are worth stealing your garden. In the spring, in the garden, they are struck by their unusual view of the freezer, by the ‘Francesca’, or by the tumor 'Green Wave'. There are also many green-coloured plants in summers, both flyers and multi-years. But perhaps the most effective green flowers on the hortension of the ancient 'Annabelle'. Yeah, she's got white flowers first, but the closer the sunset of the summer, the greener they are. And the queen of flowers, roses, has a lot of sorts of green shades. "Green Diamond, 'Green Ice', 'Rainforest', 'Elfe', 'Lovely Green'. But only with the most advanced pinks in the garden, you can meet a rare sort of roses of Chinese 'Viridiflora' with true green flower, which is not really flower, but a growing colour. Among the flying people, perhaps the most famous plant is a hammer. She's so good in the flower room, and she's better in the bouquet. It's just a moon plant! She doesn't have a very pleasant scent, but it's a minus.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  19. <category><![CDATA[Landscape Design]]></category>
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  22. <pubDate>Mon, 19 Aug 2024 12:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  25. <title>A Long-Term Interior With His Hands</title>
  26. <description>What summer without a vegetable? In fresh shape, ear, carcases, wrapped in grilles, vegetables are very useful and delicious. They&#039;re everywhere, in the garden, at the shops, on the dining table. Even the pillow will be in the ...</description>
  27. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/dachniy_interer_svoimi_rukami_ekskluzivno.jpg" alt="Дачный интерьер своими руками" align="left" /><p>What summer without a vegetable? In fresh shape, ear, carcases, wrapped in grilles, vegetables are very useful and delicious. They're everywhere, in the garden, at the shops, on the dining table. Even the pillow will be in the shape of a pumpkin! Rosing on the wall, let's say you're allergic to room flowers. Or your cat eats everything that grows in the mountains. Or you're pathologically forgetting to bury plants, but greens in the house. What do we do? The answer is to draw. A desk player many consider gambling addiction to gambling harmful. In fact, they develop logic, make them think, learn strategies - word, " gambling " contributes to personal development. At the beginning of the development of salmon, it is difficult to decide on a large project, such as a cover. However, individual clusters that have been implemented in different ways can be applied. For those who cultivate room plants, the choice of cough is a difficult task. In addition to being practical, it must emphasize all the virtues of the flower and correspond to it. We're offering to take a simple ceramic cough and sign it in Mexican style. In this environment, there will be a good cocatus and any other exotic plant. What summer without vegetables? In fresh shape, ear, carcases, wrapped in grilles, vegetables are very useful and delicious. They're everywhere, in the garden, the shops, the lunch table, and even... the pillows. It's time for vitamins! The curtain on the sink probably doesn't have a man who doesn't like the sea. The artists and the poets will reign it in their creations, and the designers offer us... to move a little sea into the house. If the idea seems attractive to you, but there's no way to renovate, turn on the fantasy, go shopping a little, and get on with it.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  28. <category><![CDATA[Interpreter]]></category>
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  31. <pubDate>Tue, 30 Jul 2024 11:58:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  34. <title>Diesin Of Gardens</title>
  35. <description>In the fall of 1994, our club opened its first courses on landscape design. The group gathered a small, only 12 people. The induction course was taught to us by Nina Petrovna Titov, a famous landscape architect, author of several ...</description>
  36. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/kak_oformit_dizayn_sadovogo_uchastka_svoimi.jpg" alt="Использование старых велосипев" align="left" /><p>In the fall of 1994, our club opened its first courses on landscape design. The group gathered a small, only 12 people. The induction course was taught to us by Nina Petrovna Titov, a famous landscape architect, author of several books on garden design. In a year, the classes were over, and we received beautiful degrees in Russian and English. We didn't want to break up, there were lots of plans to set up our gardens, so we had to learn more. To that end, it decided to establish a new section on the Disein Garden Station. Our leader, Nadez Aleksandrovna, the Lucer has been able to combine people ' s common ideas and create a friendly creativity in the section. Over the years of further training, participation in club life, many members of the Section have reached a professional level, enabling them to successfully conduct lectures and teaching at the Florale and Gertrude training centres, the Himki Landscape Design School, the Dobrodea Women ' s Club and, of course, the Moskva Flowers Club. We are very proud of our work on the depletion of the various sites of Moscow, including the Patriarchy of the Swiblow, the temple of the Cazan icon of God ' s Mother in the Uzkoi, the necropolities of the Saint-Danish monastery, the gardens and children ' s homes, the rehabilitation centre for difficult teenagers in Nicsk-Gorke Penza province. The readers of many magazines are familiar with the articles on various aspects of amateur colouring and the design of our gardeners, N. Galkina, T. Galkova, O. Vilčin, T. Zheltovski, V. Zuravlyeva, G. Inovenkova, E. Klonica, V. Mugka, N. Lunchov, L. Osipova, E. Members of the Section are permanent participants in all exhibitions, both club and international, held at WHDC, with diplomas and medals. We're visiting friends at the club, enjoying their successes, the beauty of the gardens and the flower, learning from each other ' s experiences and already sharing experiences and knowledge with other gardeners. The Disen Garden Section opens a series of classrooms to deal with gardening issues. Today, the chairman of the section, Elena Ivanovna Klonica Landscape Designer, decided to talk about the problems of the gardening.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  37. <category><![CDATA[Garden Section]]></category>
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  40. <pubDate>Wed, 10 Jul 2024 11:57:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  43. <title>Handwriting Of The Garden</title>
  44. <description>Sad arcs with their hands: photos and ideas to steal gardens use a lot of small architectural structures. These are pergoles, tribes, spals, bars. They are all destined for the growing of emerging plants, but they are external ...</description>
  45. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/dekorativnoe_oformlenie_sada_svoimi_rukami_foto.jpg" alt="Декоративное оформление сада" align="left" /><p>Sad arcs with their hands: photos and ideas to steal gardens use a lot of small architectural structures. These are pergoles, tribes, spals, bars. They are all destined for the growing of emerging plants, but they are external and perform different functions. Arka is a single design consisting of walls and arc or a letter P. Arka for gardens: functions and basic requirements Amazing, but these fine designs, depending on the location of their location, are capable of radically altering the landing area. Through them, it is possible to create a romantic atmosphere, to give the palace a note of mysteriousness, aristocracism, or to emphasize natural nature. A sandy arc with Arc's plug can be both a separate element of a garden design and an effective complement to planting. It can also perform many other functions: to provide plant support; to build architectural styles; to reinforce and maintain pulmonary poles (if located above the shell or gates); to divide the garden into areas, for example, to separate the decoration from other sediments; to serve as a basis for children ' s pumps or gamacs; to be used for lighting in lieu of the lampposts (inside the park or garden). The requirements for the Pergol gardener with the shop are the perfect rest space because the archae is multifunctional and its requirements are high. First of all, it should be: implemented from a quality long-term material that will ensure its sustainability to any weather conditions; estetic, both by and without plant. The winter period is particularly marked by the decorational iron or pergola along the tracks. It is constructed according to the growth of all family members, taking into account the reserve for the flow of coloured and fertilized plants. Arca in the garden: the material of their characteristics of the Pergola with the shop and the table from the appearance, dimensions, and materials, depends on how harmoniously and naturally the arc fits into the garden. Externally, this may be the most unusual decisions from a simple rectangular form to a fine acryption design.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  46. <category><![CDATA[Information]]></category>
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  49. <pubDate>Thu, 20 Jun 2024 11:47:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  52. <title>Dizine&#039;s Home With His Hands</title>
  53. <description>All about the salt test of the salt test for free creativity: -200 g. = (one glass ) = flour -200 g. = (0, 5 Stakana) = salt -125 ml. of water *Take your attention, the salt of the heavy flour, so by weight they&#039;re the same and ...</description>
  54. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/vse_vidi_otdelochnie_raboti_stroitelstvo_i.jpg" alt="все виды отделочные работы" align="left" /><p>All about the salt test of the salt test for free creativity: -200 g. = (one glass ) = flour -200 g. = (0, 5 Stakana) = salt -125 ml. of water *Take your attention, the salt of the heavy flour, so by weight they're the same and the salt is about twice as low by volume. It's gonna make it easier for a mixer to use, and it's gonna make it more qualitative. For thin relay figures, add to the choice: - 15 - 20 g (stop spoon) of PWA g or - Krakhmala (cafeteria spoon) - rim glue (preliminarily mixed with a small bulb) Bulk testo for large items: -200 g. flour -400 g. salt -125 ml of thin water: -300 g. flour -200 g. salt -4 st. glycerin (possible to purchase in the CET TECT pharmacy: - paint salt potable painters It's a great chocolate color when you add cocoa. - We have to take into account that after drying, the color will be less saturated, but if you cover the patchwork, it'll be brighter again. * The pancakes are not allowed to be suffocated as good pie testo and screamed * * The salt of the iced water is not dissolved, the end of the test is not homogeneous - into a rupinco * the water is best very cold, the water can be added 50 milligrams after each adding. * The salt is interfering with flour first, and then the mass is filled with water. The salt testo is stored in a polyethylene bag or a tightly closed container. Soldied polyethylene bag testo is better delivered to small pieces, because the test pieces are covered fast enough by a crust and, when scattered or blind, these dry crusts blow up. INSTRUMENTS AND APPLICATION: To begin with the most necessary thing: - The rock, the skin or the glass, the hairstyle (a non-replaceable subject, such as making baskets) - Another irreplaceable object is a common balloon pen and especially the rubber! It's great, different ends of the bar to make points and holes different from the angles, the holes in the cheese, the eyes and a lot of other... Fixed liver knives or already ready plastic kits will be used to process and play with children. Now we're looking for all the prints we can do, for example, buttons, sacks, mugs, beads, beads, baby toys, candles for cakes, pens, forks, spoons and sticks - there's a handwriting plugs, children's rings, they're interested in printing, buttocks.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  55. <category><![CDATA[House Design]]></category>
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  58. <pubDate>Fri, 31 May 2024 11:41:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  61. <title>Hand-Delivered Photos</title>
  62. <description>The landlords are happy people. Even on a small piece of land, you can work for glory and rest with a friendly company. And there&#039;s a creativity room. Repainting your area can be simple deals made with their hands. &#039;Cause they&#039;re ...</description>
  63. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/dekor_dlya_dachi_ukrashaem_sad_svoimi.jpg" alt="Декор для дачи своими руками" align="left" /><p>The landlords are happy people. Even on a small piece of land, you can work for glory and rest with a friendly company. And there's a creativity room. Repainting your area can be simple deals made with their hands. 'Cause they're the ones that create that inexorable comfort and a light romantic mood. Also, if you don't have a good orchard and an inventory yet, we're recommending that we look at these goods here, for example, we bought a benzopile with a discount of 40%! You want your country house to be more than just a summer family residence, but you also remind me of an amazing story? Then my advice is to draw attention to the elements of the decor that can be prepared with your own hands. I offer you TOP 10 ideas for the garden with my hands that will help in the transformation of your precinct. Before embarking on a responsible assignment, such as the design of the garden with its own hands, I recommend a thorough examination of my stock. There will be a lot of small things and objects that, at first glance, may seem absolutely unnecessary to you. Remember, you can't throw anything away! Smokers use everything that falls under the arm: old dishes and furniture, string residues, wood, road tyres, plastic bottles. Original clumbing in the old darkness of the Color is on every day, without exception. Even if there's a vegetable garden, any owner will definitely plant a number of astros or a couple of pines on it. To add the originality to the flower composites, try to put them in the old unnecessarily dark. It could be labels, pots, big bowls. You can even use a car or a car. Look, that's what a long-distance bed looks like if it's sewn with colors-mouths. It's just a beating of paint! We're stealing the garden with flowers so we can celebrate the bright paints all summer. If the cloams have been broken for a long time and do not want to change their location, you can just update their appearance. For example, to build a sticker from wooden sticks or from the spray slogan, something like a basket. Originally, wooden cuts look like flowers grow from a miniature beam. If you've done long-distance stone paths, there's probably a lot of extra material left behind. Why don't you put the decorative stones on the clumbing? You can just put them in a few layers on the perimeter by forming the right height.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  64. <category><![CDATA[Transactions]]></category>
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  67. <pubDate>Sat, 11 May 2024 11:37:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  70. <title>Yes And Garden</title>
  71. <description>From the interview of Tatiana Tolsto Delfi&#039;s writer, when we talked to you in 2008, you said your dream was to be a Russian barn on your land. But today you&#039;re getting deeper into the virtual web of the Internet, breaking out of ...</description>
  72. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/arhivi_dacha_i_sad_domashniy.jpg" alt="Обустраиваем сад: мебель" align="left" /><p>From the interview of Tatiana Tolsto Delfi's writer, when we talked to you in 2008, you said your dream was to be a Russian barn on your land. But today you're getting deeper into the virtual web of the Internet, breaking out of the land you love. What does that have to do with it? In the shower, I'd like to have a house drowning in the siren, somewhere in the peaceful middle Russian strip, with gardens, fields and gardens - I like the earth and the feeling of it, but... First of all, it's dreams for young people, not for those who have a backache. And secondly, it's all beautiful in my dreams that I'm not going to do. In Russia, rural life is dangerous and unpleasant, especially in the suburbs, there are all kinds of attacks and other greed. We had a kick and sold it because no one wants to be exposed. We need to live under guard and behind barbed wire, but that's not it. What's the good virtual reality? You can create any name there... - What principle do you develop your virtual policy of making parishes, fridays, banites, come on, excuse me, scumbags? My "frends" is a very narrow circle of people I know and pleasant. Next is a circle of people who are either interested in reading or they extract interesting references that I never do. I'm also a friend with people who's very uncomfortable, and I need to know what they're doing and what they're targeting. There's a totally disgusting thing! One day, I've set up an experiment-- called for the most humiliating, very vicious. There's a lot of people out there who want to take me, I'm a jerk too. That wasn't enough. I needed someone who wouldn't come and ask for it. Recurrently, I find and join you, I think they're surprised.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  73. <category><![CDATA[House Setting]]></category>
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  76. <pubDate>Sun, 21 Apr 2024 11:35:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  79. <title>Day-To-Day Interface</title>
  80. <description>Interrier... We&#039;re so used to that word, easy to use it in different words. But very often, in the organization of the internal space of their home, many people don&#039;t even try to create anything unordinarily. Sometimes people ...</description>
  81. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/40_luchshih_idey_dlya_interera_i.jpg" alt="С миру по нитке - отличная" align="left" /><p>Interrier... We're so used to that word, easy to use it in different words. But very often, in the organization of the internal space of their home, many people don't even try to create anything unordinarily. Sometimes people think that a beautiful, interesting interior is too complicated. That's what they buy into the house, the apartment is functional, often good, but completely different. There's nothing to say about the day, but it's all in a row, often arrogant, inaccurate, listening to only one piece of cake...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  82. <category><![CDATA[Interpreter]]></category>
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  85. <pubDate>Mon, 01 Apr 2024 11:30:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  88. <title>Dizine Garden</title>
  89. <description>The Ghazon is a beautiful and sequential lawn, a home or institution card. The Belgorod Landscape Design Studio offers a lawn created in your eyes, within a specified time frame and at a moderate price, as well as other greening ...</description>
  90. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/foto_dizayn_sada_sadoviy_portal_novosti.jpg" alt="12" align="left" /><p>The Ghazon is a beautiful and sequential lawn, a home or institution card. The Belgorod Landscape Design Studio offers a lawn created in your eyes, within a specified time frame and at a moderate price, as well as other greening and clouding services. Our phone 8(950) 719-54-53 Powl lawn under the key performed by the Fazend landscape design studio specialists is the possibility of creating an inexorable landscape design of your plot and a relentless green soda around the house. Unlike sports and rolling decisions, they are the result of completely natural processes and are therefore chosen by people who love their land, can look after and wait to be rewarded for patience by a stunning green carpet that equits the territory and bright eyes...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  91. <category><![CDATA[House Design]]></category>
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  94. <pubDate>Mon, 01 Apr 2024 09:12:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  97. <title>Dream House By Hand</title>
  98. <description>In the picture, it&#039;s a long house plan. The issue of the reader wants to extend the season is to warm up and put his hands on a long house so that we can stay outside the city until late autumn, maybe meet in New Year&#039;s house ...</description>
  99. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/dizayn_i_interer_dachi_svoimi_rukami.jpg" alt="Оформление дачного дома Дизайн" align="left" /><p>In the picture, it's a long house plan. The issue of the reader wants to extend the season is to warm up and put his hands on a long house so that we can stay outside the city until late autumn, maybe meet in New Year's house. The house is built, the situation hasn't been bought yet. I'd like to know if there's a need for some additional warming in our case (previously we start setting up the interior itself). And the main question is how to set up furniture, given that it will be a home for a family with two children for 10 and 13 years (boys)...</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  103. <pubDate>Sat, 23 Mar 2024 10:48:00 +0000</pubDate>
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