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  22. <title>How to Invest in Gold &#8211; Alternative Investment Series</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 12:01:19 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  27. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  28. <category><![CDATA[Investment]]></category>
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  31. <description><![CDATA[Since April, gold prices have continued their meteoric rise, with many institutional investors seeing gold as portfolio insurance that will provide growth as the value of other assets in their portfolios fall. Some Family Offices are reported to hold up to 15% of their portfolios in the precious metal, although many are now also taking [...]]]></description>
  32. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Since April, gold prices have continued their meteoric rise, with many institutional investors seeing gold as portfolio insurance that will provide growth as the value of other assets in their portfolios fall. Some Family Offices are reported to hold up to 15% of their portfolios in the precious metal, although many are now also taking profits to invest elsewhere in other tangible alternative investments like farmland or forestry.Why invest in gold?There are two main reasons for investing in gold; firstly, as already mentioned in this article, gold is traditionally viewed as a safe haven when equity markets are volatile and is therefore perceived to be a good capital preservation tool. Secondly, gold investments are seen by many to be a hedge against the US Dollar. Many investors believe that US economic dominance will wane and the value of the dollar falls, so then the price of gold will rise.As gold does well when inflation is high and markets are volatile, it is no surprise that prices have rocketed in recent times as markets experienced the worst falls on record and central banks pumped new money into economies creating inflation.Gold is also a relatively liquid investment asset, allowing investors to trade in and out with relative ease. Also, supplies of gold are limited and production of the precious metal peaked back in 2003, since then production has fallen yet demand from investors and demand for gold from wealthier classes in developing nations such as China and India has increased year on year.Some analysts have predicted that gold will continue on rising and pass $2,000 per ounce, other have even gone so far as to quote and eye-watering $5,000 per troy ounce. Another set of thinkers believe gold to be overvalued and prices will fall back as confidence returns to traditional markets and investors sell their gold to repurchase equities.Long-term returns from gold investmentsOver the longer term, the investment performance of gold has been outstanding, outperforming many other alternative investments.Labour Chancellor Gordon Brown sold off around 395 tonnes of the UK&#8217;s gold in a series of auctions between 1999 and 2002. This amounted to over half of the United Kingdom&#8217;s gold. The $3.8 billion raised from the sale would now be worth over $25 billion if it were kept in gold, costing the UK economy over $20 billion, or about $2 billion per years since.Gold Investment Funds and SharesInvesting in traditional equities can be a risky business, especially when the investment is speculative as is the case with gold mining companies as their result reply on finding more gold reserves to harvest. Shares in gold mining companies have not fared as well as the price of physical gold.One particularly popular gold investment fund is the Blackrock Gold &#038; General fund, previously referred to as the Merrill Lynch Gold &#038; General. Graham Birch is the Fund Manager and has over 20 years of experience. The fund mainly invests in gold mining companies.Ian Henderson is another credible gold investment fund manager. He manages the JP Morgan Natural Resources fund which has broader investment remit, investing in global companies involved in the production and marketing of commodities and is heavily weighted toward gold investments.Another choice is the First State Global Resources Fund which buys shares in companies connected to the global natural resources and energy sectors. This fund has a large proportion of assets under management invested in precious metals, including gold.Blackrock have two prominent choice for the gold investor; The Blackrock World Mining investment which invests in a range of precious metal commodities, and the BlackRock Commodities Income investment trust which again has a large percentage of its investments held in gold.Physical GoldInvestors may choose to take actual ownership of physical gold in the form of investment grade bullion bars or coin.There are a number of advantage to holding physical gold as some gold coins are still legal tender and therefore do not attract capital gains tax.There are a number of gold brokers that are set up specifically to deal with investors and will arrange the sale and purchase of physical gold on behalf of the investor. Some will also offer secure storage facilities for investors not keen on keeping their gold at home. </p>
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  38. <title>3 Proven Steps to Making Money Online</title>
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  41. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 06:02:46 +0000</pubDate>
  42. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  43. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  44. <category><![CDATA[Making Money Online]]></category>
  46. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  47. <description><![CDATA[The advent of the internet has paved way to a lot of things. As a matter of fact, it has significantly changed the way people make business. Nowadays, you can make money right at the comfort of your own home. You can make money online, manage your own time, and be the boss of your [...]]]></description>
  48. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> The advent of the internet has paved way to a lot of things. As a matter of fact, it has significantly changed the way people make business. Nowadays, you can make money right at the comfort of your own home. You can make money online, manage your own time, and be the boss of your own business. If you have the knowledge, skills, dedication, and perseverance, then you can certainly make money online. There are so many ways to make money online. If you are one of those people who want to make money online, then all you have to do is to follow these steps.1) Find a niche that buysThere are so many niches that buy products and services online. If you have a small business, the best thing you can do is to fine tune your products for a selected group of people. You have to establish your promotional strategy so that you will be able to introduce your business to the right market. First and foremost, you should distinguish whether the products and services you offer require a niche market. It would be a big help if you are going to participate in the different online forums and discussions. Through this, you will be able to know more information about your target market. You also need to ensure that your products and services are really marketable or else you will end up wasting your time and money.2) Find the common problem and create the solutionTo be able to make huge money online, you have to distinguish the common problems faced by people online. To be able to do this, you should conduct a thorough research, join forums, discussions, and blogs. After distinguishing the common problems, the next thing to do is to come up with the best solution. Finding a solution to the common problems may seem difficult, especially if you don&#8217;t have the right knowledge and skills. But if you have the dedication and zeal, then you will be able to create a perfect solution thereby increasing your chance of generating money online.3) Build trust in your nicheOne of the efficient ways to promote your product and services are through niche marketing. With the right niche market, you will easily target the right market and literally thousands of online marketers use this strategy. To stand out among your competitors, you should work on establishing trust in your niche. There are plenty of ways to build trust on your business and one efficient way is to make your website look like professional. If the site is professional looking, then there is a high possibility that more customers will be enticed to patronize your products and services.The amount of money you generate online primarily depends on the aforementioned factors. It depends on the degree of your dedication, skill set, and trust. These skills cannot be learned overnight, but if you are truly interested in making money online, then you will be more than willing enough to dedicate your time in mastering the art of making money online. </p>
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  54. <title>Make Money Online &#8211; Do Not Be Fooled!</title>
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  57. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Apr 2023 20:39:11 +0000</pubDate>
  58. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  59. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  60. <category><![CDATA[Making Money Online]]></category>
  62. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  63. <description><![CDATA[Most frequent in multi level marketing or MLM is the make money online scams. It is true that a lot of people are now engaging in working from home through the Internet and so online scams are also more popular than ever. Truth of the matter is not all online jobs are scams. You just [...]]]></description>
  64. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Most frequent in multi level marketing or MLM is the make money online scams. It is true that a lot of people are now engaging in working from home through the Internet and so online scams are also more popular than ever. Truth of the matter is not all online jobs are scams. You just have to be watchful in choosing the right online job for you so you will be able to be one of those people who have earned millions just by staying at home.If you are an online marketer, chances are you have come across these online scams without even noticing it. Online scams are raging and it comes in different forms. Most of these online scams even have a great way of getting money from the one scammed in most unsuspicious way. Online scams can lessen your chance of getting more and more income online. The more popular online scams are: clicking banners, answering surveys out, checking your electronic mails, chatting and shopping online.Make money online scams is really popular with MLM. Using the multi level marketing, these scammers are given the opportunity to scam other people with the use of the following: MLM directories, MLM sites, MLM companies, investment clubs and online training courses.Another type of scam that is most common and tops the online scams is with home-based jobs. This type of online scam comes with ad forms. The tactic is that you are required to pay a certain registration amount and then after getting that sum of money from you, they completely shut down their system. You will be surprised but an online scammer who is very successful at his job has an income of $10 to $70, 000!Spam e-mails are also one type of scams. You have probably seen thousands of these go to your e-mail every single day and they are even unsolicited. It means that you never signed up for any subscription to their services or whatsoever. These scams simply attack your e-mails and the whole of your e-mail inbox. Some scams cannot simply be deleted by pressing the empty tab or delete tab in your mail server. Most of these scams mails will require you to click a certain link so you will be able to remove them from your inbox or spam folder. This is where they earn hundreds and thousands of dollars.These scammers also make money by rummaging through your e-mails and then getting important information about you like your credit card bills, your name, your address and even your social security number. These scammers simply use your credit cards without you knowing it. You&#8217;ll just be surprised when your monthly credit card bills arrive.Make money scams are really unfair especially if you have been working so hard for you to earn your money. Do not add up to their income by simply clicking on buttons that pop-up in your screen. To avoid scams, you can earn legitimate money through Zero Friction Marketing. </p>
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  70. <title>Search Results</title>
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  73. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 17:35:35 +0000</pubDate>
  74. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  76. <category><![CDATA[Healthwellness]]></category>
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  79. <description><![CDATA[#EANF#]]></description>
  80. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>#EANF#</p>
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  86. <title>Illegal Immigrant Workers</title>
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  89. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 06:34:40 +0000</pubDate>
  90. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  91. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  92. <category><![CDATA[Immigration]]></category>
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  95. <description><![CDATA[Migrant labor is an issue receiving an increasing amount of attention. It has become a matter of growing importance as a number of factors, including rapid population expansion and higher rates of urbanization, lead many people to seek better economic opportunities in other countries.The International Labour Organization estimates there are roughly 96 million migrant workers [...]]]></description>
  96. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Migrant labor is an issue receiving an increasing amount of attention. It has become a matter of growing importance as a number of factors, including rapid population expansion and higher rates of urbanization, lead many people to seek better economic opportunities in other countries.The International Labour Organization estimates there are roughly 96 million migrant workers and their dependents in the world today. Some experts predict that the number will double in the next twenty years.In the United States there are 6.3-million illegal workers in the United States, according to estimates by the Pew Hispanic Center. About half of those are from Mexico. These illegal Mexican immigrants are at the center of an ongoing debate as to how the United States should handle illegal immigration.A common belief is that Mexicans immigrate to the United States in order to find work. But according to a study conducted by the center, a lack of jobs in Mexico is not a major reason that immigrants come to the United States illegally. Rather, immigrants are driven out of their home country because of Mexico&#8217;s low wages, poor job quality and lack of long-term prospects and opportunity.Study results were based on interviews with 4,836 men and women applying for Mexican identification cards at consulates in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Fresno, Atlanta and Raleigh, N.C.The study found that only 5% of Mexican immigrants who have been in the United States for less than two years were unemployed in Mexico. In fact, the vast majority of undocumented migrants interviewed were gainfully employed before they left for the United States.The study also found that immigrants have little trouble finding work in the United States, despite the lack of legal rights to work. After six months in the United States, only 5% of the immigrants reported being unemployed. This statistic reveals how important these immigrant workers are to the United States economy, because they perform jobs that few others are willing to do.And they do so for low wages. Immigrants generally make poverty-level wages in the United States, or about $300 per week. While shockingly low, these wages are twice what workers in Mexico make.According to the Pew Hispanic Center study, Mexican immigrants provide many types of labor needed around the country, including construction in Atlanta, Dallas and Raleigh; hospitality in New York; manufacturing in Chicago; and agriculture in California. These four industries employed about two-thirds of survey respondents.Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington D.C., says it&#8217;s not news that a demand for low-wage labor exists in the United States. But instead of establishing guest-worker programs or amnesty for illegal immigrants, Krikorian advocated removing immigrant workers from the economy gradually. In his view, this would, among other things, improve wages for American workers.Despite a seemingly steady stream of immigrant workers, farms in California and other businesses are having a hard time finding enough people willing to work for low wages. Many immigrants are choosing to work in the riskier but higher paying construction industry. And the government and civilian border patrol groups like the Minutemen are stepping up efforts to secure the United States-Mexico border, making it harder for immigrants to enter.Government officials, including the President, want to establish new legislation that will more strongly enforce the immigration laws.In January of 2004 President Bush outlined a plan to revamp the nation&#8217;s immigration laws and allow some eight million illegal immigrants to obtain legal status as temporary workers, saying the United States needs an immigration system &#8220;that serves the American economy and reflects the American dream.&#8221;Illegal immigrants already in the United States could apply for the temporary worker program only if they already had a job. The special status would last for three years and could be renewed once, for a total stay of six years. If temporary workers failed to stay employed or broke the law, they would be sent home.Bush said the new legal status would allow illegal immigrants to travel back to their home countries without fear of not being allowed to return to the United States.The reason for the reform, Bush said, is to confront &#8220;a basic fact of life and economics &#8212; some of the jobs being generated in America&#8217;s growing economy are jobs American citizens are not filling.&#8221;Currently, about 140,000 &#8220;green cards&#8221; are issued each year to people wanting to migrate to the United States. Bush has called on Congress to raise it, but did give a specific number.Bush described the immigration proposals as a national security measure that will help the United States exert more control over borders. &#8220;Our homeland will be more secure when we can better account for those who enter our country,&#8221; he said. &#8220;Instead of the current situation, in which millions of people are unknown&#8230; law enforcement will face few problems with undocumented workers and will be better able to focus on the true threats to our nation from criminals and terrorists.&#8221;The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Labor Department and other agencies, would administer the new program.When Bush announced his ideas in early 2004, some Democratic party leaders voiced suspicion that he was trying to increase his popularity with the Latinos contingent as the 2004 campaign got under way. Senator Kennedy said &#8220;I certainly hope the administration&#8217;s long-awaited reinvolvement in this fundamental debate is genuine and not because of election-year conversion. The immigration status quo is outdated, unjust and unacceptable.&#8221;Many senators also have ideas on reforming immigration law. Republican Senators John Cornyn of Texas and Jon Kyl of Arizona propose a program that would allow immigrants to work in the United States for two years, followed by a one-year break. This pattern could be repeated a total of three times before the worker had to return to his or her home country permanently.Senators John McCain, R-Ariz., and Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., support legislation that would allow illegal immigrants to work in the United States for up to six years without obtaining any permits or paperwork. After the six years, workers would have to be in the process of obtaining legal residency or return to their home country.And Nebraska Republican Senator Chuck Hagel has proposed granting illegal immigrant workers legal status if they pass criminal background checks, have lived in the United States for at least five years, pay taxes, have working knowledge of the English language and pay a $2,000 fee. Before this program is implemented, Hagel wants to see border security strengthened.But efforts to stem the tide of immigrant workers flowing into the United States seem to have stalled. Many farmers do not want to change the system that provides them with much-needed labor. And conservative anti-immigrant groups like vigilante group the Minutemen critically oppose reform that would in any way encourage immigration.&#8221;Guest worker programs are worthless,&#8221; says Minutemen president Chris Simcox. &#8220;We can&#8217;t even talk about that until there is real government enforcement on the border.&#8221; The Minutemen is an all-volunteer organization of citizens opposing illegal immigration. Members patrol the United States-Mexico border in search of illegal immigrants trying to cross over.&#8221;This is a direct challenge to President Bush,&#8221; Simcox has said. &#8220;You have continued to ignore this problem. Our state officials, senators, and congressmen will do nothing. So this is a last-ditch effort to roll up our sleeves and do it ourselves.&#8221;The Minutemen and others believe that illegal immigrants are bad for the United States, an economic drain and security threat. Immigrants often require the assistance of government and social service agencies, but because of their non-legal status often do not pay the taxes that fund these programs. Groups like the Minutemen claim immigrants are a threat to national security.Many businesses and industries also oppose new immigrant legislation for fear that it might further reduce the pool of available workers they need. Tamar Jacoby, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, says most Americans are unwilling to do hard labor or farm jobs. Immigrants are willing and do them cheaply, making their presence a matter of economic importance.Those in favor of new immigrant legislation may get their way. A 2004 poll by National Public Radio, the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard&#8217;s Kennedy School of Government found that Americans are less negative about immigration than they have been in several years. However, non-immigrant Americans polled felt that the government has not been tough enough on immigration. They would like the government to spend more to tighten the borders.According to, Florida has between 243,000 and 385,000 undocumented immigrants. But the numbers probably are even higher, because experts say illegal immigrants often avoid government surveys. The 2002 Census survey included both legal and illegal immigrants.In the Tampa Bay area, Pinellas and Hillsborough counties have seen foreign-born populations grow faster than the general population. Of the more than one million residents in Hillsborough, 13% are foreign-born. Census data shows that Hillsborough&#8217;s foreign-born population grew more than 80% during the 1990s-four times the growth rate of the overall population.In Pinellas, the proportion of foreign-born residents topped 10% for the first time in 2002, according to the Census Bureau. The foreign born population grew 45% during the 1990s, nearly six times the growth rate of the overall population. </p>
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  102. <title>Implementing an ISO 9001 Quality Management System</title>
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  105. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:33:07 +0000</pubDate>
  106. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  108. <category><![CDATA[Management]]></category>
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  111. <description><![CDATA[Implementing a quality management such as ISO 9001:2008 requires transforming the culture. It will affect the entire company, not just the quality department. More people in the organization are affected by it than just the management representative, or the person spearheading the effort. Implementing a quality system to the point of certification and registration is [...]]]></description>
  112. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Implementing a quality management such as ISO 9001:2008 requires transforming the culture. It will affect the entire company, not just the quality department. More people in the organization are affected by it than just the management representative, or the person spearheading the effort. Implementing a quality system to the point of certification and registration is a daunting task but is achievable with your current resources. Implementation times can vary but it can be accomplished.When considering implementation of a quality system such as ISO 9001:2008 you should consider &#8220;why are you doing it?&#8221; Companies pursue quality system implementation for various reasons, to become better, their customer&#8217;s are requesting it, they are having quality problems or they would like the recognition of being certified. In either scenario, the circumstances are different as will be the driving force to implement the quality management system. An organization should consider the benefits of having an ISO 9001:2008 quality system and are not concerned about flying the flag. The following steps best describe the implementation process:1. Why do you want to implement an ISO quality system?2. Educate Top Management3. Commitment from Top Management4. Select a Management Representative5. Select Implementation Team6. Understand the current system and processes7. Understand the Standard8. Gap Analysis9. Create an Implementation Plan10. Employee Training11. Monitor12. Internal Auditor Training13. Internal Audits14. Select Registrar15. Management Reviews16. Continual Improvement17. Pre-Assessment Audit18. Registration AuditWhy implement a quality management system such as ISO 9001:2008 To understand why you would consider implementing a quality management system, let us understand the various quality management systems. There is the ISO 9001:2008 standard along with the industry specific standards such as ISO/TS 16949 (Automotive), TL 9000 (Telecommunications) and AS9100 (Aerospace). In addition to these standards is the Malcolm Baldrige Award.The ISO 9000 standards cover all areas of control which has a potential to impact the degree of compliance of a product or service. The standard is not a cookie cutter quality system that means you will have the same quality system as your competitor, or customer. It means you will have quality systems that meet the minimum requirements but the details of how the requirements are met can vary dramatically.There are several misconceptions surrounding the standard, one is it creates a great deal of non value added paperwork, another misconception is it does not provide any value because all I have to do is &#8220;say what I do and do what I say&#8221; and they third misconception is it restricts creativity by burdening employees with structured approaches.Addressing the first concern of generating non value added paperwork. The belief is you must document, document, document everything you do. Actually, the standard requires one quality manual, six procedures, instructions where necessary and 26 records. This may sound like a lot but it really is not. The need for extensive documentation can be mitigated with a thorough training program that reinforces what is to be done and how it should occur. It is common for companies to utilize more documentation than the standard requires, simply because they find it valuable. When you are in an environment of continuous change and improvement, processes, duties and tasks are continually changing to keep pace with improvement. It could be extremely hard to know what the agreed upon method was without a formal documentation and change process. The end process would drift because the tasks within the process drift. It would be analogous to not having maximum speeds posted; they would be verbally communicated from area to area.The second misconception is that the standard does not really benefit a company because it simply means you documented what you do (even if it is wrong) and you can show you do it. I recall an example when I was touring a manufacturer and I could see they were lacking in quality systems. I asked the Vice President of Quality if they considered adopting an ISO quality system. He replied, &#8220;ISO is nothing more than doing what you say you&#8217;ll do. We could make cement life jackets and we could get certified. Our customers wouldn&#8217;t buy cement life jackets&#8221;. I listened to what he said (laughing inside) and suggested he get some training on the standard, because that is not the intent. The current standard focuses on ensuring you provide a product or service that continually meets the requirements of the customer with the aim of improving customer satisfaction. To make a long story short you could have a system that is extremely well documented and everyone follows the procedures and instructions. If this system is not producing an output that is meeting the requirements of your customer you will not get certified, end of story. Understand, the documentation portion of the standard is a tool or method, the end game is customer satisfaction and meeting you business goals.The third misconception perceives the standard as restrictive in that it binds employees into a specific, structured way to do their job. It removes creativity and replaces it with a mundane repetitive approach. This is to some degree true and dependent upon the organization. The level of control is at the discretion of the company. My experience supports having a level of structure that is consistent with achieving the desired output of the process. For example, if the process is purchasing, the desired output is to have quality product delivered on time in the correct quantities.The ISO 9001:2008 quality system standard provides an organization with a solid quality management system to build upon and improve. The objective of the ISO 9001:2008 standard is to provide a guideline which enables an organization to deliver a consistent product or service that meets the customer&#8217;s requirements and strive to enhance customer satisfaction. The requirements within the standard are developed for a company to maintain a predictable output from their key business processes and continually improve those processes.ISO 9000 is a combination of three quality system standards, ISO 9000, ISO 9001 and ISO 9004. The ISO 9000 standard covers the concepts and vocabulary. The ISO 9004 standard is guideline for improvement. The ISO 9001 standard is for quality system requirements and is the only standard with requirements. ISO 9001:2008 means the ISO 9001 standard with the revision year of 2008. From this point forward when I reference the standard I am referring to the ISO 9001:2008 requirements standard.Is an ISO 9001 quality system right for you? To answer that you must first answer why are you going to implement and possibly get certified to the standard? Let me give you a few scenarios that may help.Scenario 1 Your company is doing well. Your sales are increasing, you have little or no competitive pressure to reduce costs and upper management is happy with the current state of the company and the business climate. Your customers are not requesting you to become certified and do not perceive a competitive advantage with having an ISO 9001:2008 certification. Implementing and becoming certified to the standard is probably not right for you at this time. Chances are you will not get the support you need or convince anyone in upper management there is a need. Could implementing an ISO 9001 quality system improve your current situation? Absolutely, you could see cost savings and improvements in all types of areas. Implementation is more of timing thing and right now sounds like the wrong timing.Scenario 2 Your company is doing well. Your sales are increasing, you have competitive pressure but your current business practices are able to keep you competitive. Upper management is happy with the current state of the company, but your customers are requesting it of you. You are pursuing ISO 9001:2008 certification because your customers require it. I have experienced this difficult situation many times. The major obstacle is that nobody in the organization wants it or realizes a need for it. The driving force is external. An ISO 9001 quality system will probably be implemented and certified. The big question lies in the long term effectiveness and sustainability of the system or is it only needed to &#8220;fly the flag&#8221;. You can approach this by learning as much as you can about the standard so you can speak intelligently about it. You will continually &#8220;sell&#8221; this program to upper management to obtain their buy in. Once the benefits of the program begin to surface, your selling efforts will diminish.Scenario 3 Your company is doing marginal to bad. Sales are level to decreasing; you have quality problems that are adding a lot of cost. You are experiencing pressures from global competitors. Upper management is not content with the current state of the business, but they are unsure what to do. The climate is good for implementing an ISO 9001 quality system. If you can convince top management of the benefits and expected results of having a quality system this can be very good environment for implementation. You can choose to not become certified, you will gain benefits by simply having a quality system modeled after ISO 9001:2008. The benefits of having a structured quality system will provide the incentive and reward. Having implemented ISO 9001 quality systems in all three scenarios, experience has proven scenario 3 is the best. It is much easier to achieve buy in and commitment from the top.The overwhelming question for top management to answer is &#8220;why are we doing this and what do we want from it?&#8221; Understand why you are doing it and be fair regarding what you want from it. Don&#8217;t go in with expectations of an elite quality system generating a great deal of benefits if you&#8217;re going to seek the path of less resistance toward implementation and registration.Educate Top Management The education process for top management is a two-part approach. One part is to educate them on what ISO 9001:2000 is, the benefits, how it fits into your current business and what it will take to implement the system and be certified. The second part is to educate them and ensure they understand why they are doing it and what the challenges are.What are the ISO 9000 standards? We discussed this previously; ISO 9000 is a combination of three quality system standards, ISO 9000, ISO 9001 and ISO 9004. The ISO 9000 standard covers the concepts and vocabulary. The ISO 9004 standard is guideline for improvement. The ISO 9001 standard is for quality system requirements and is the only auditable standard.The ISO 9000 standards are internationally recognized. They are developed, maintained and revised by the International Organization for Standardization or ISO. ISO maintains thousands of standards. The ISO 9000 standards deal with quality management. You may have heard of ISO 14000 which deals with environmental management.The ISO 9001:2000 standard is adopted as a national quality system in more than 100 countries throughout the world. There are over 700,000 ISO 9001:2000 certificates issues in more than 140 countries worldwide. The number of certificates in Europe exceeds 200,000; the number in the US is over 60,000 with an estimated 30,000 organizations currently pursuing ISO 9001:2000 certification.The benefits of an ISO 9001:2008 quality system The soft benefits of an ISO 9001:2008 quality system are improved quality and customer satisfaction. The hard savings come in the form of a tangible reduction in the cost of quality. Appraisal costs will decrease significantly as will failure costs. A slight increase in prevention costs should be observed, which is desired, but the savings in the other two areas will overshadow the slight increase you see in prevention costs. For a quick review, appraisal costs are those costs associated with inspecting, evaluating and testing. Failure costs are costs associated with scrap, both internal and external along with warranty. Prevention costs are associated with quality planning, fmea&#8217;s, control plan development and quality engineering. Depending upon your company&#8217;s current situation including market, size, business practices and culture, it should be safe to estimate a savings in the area of 1% of sales. There is no reason why you can&#8217;t realize savings of up 2 &#8211; 5% of sales. This amounts to approximately $1,250,000 annually for a $50,000,000 company. On average for a $10,000,000 company you could expect savings in the $250,000 range. Where do the savings come from? They are in the form of reduced inspection, rework, scrap, warranty and handling customer complaints. How does the implementation of an ISO 9001:2008 quality system realize cost savings? It is estimated that approximately 75% of the total quality costs are the result of internal and external failures. For a manufacturing company, failure costs are associated with sorting or reworking product. For a service company, examples of failure costs would be working with a customer to resolve a problem or revising documents because they were not done correctly. Having a quality system in place will reduce significantly the amount of failure costs incurred. You will also be able to reduce the amount of appraisal costs or how much you test, inspect or validate the product or process. Below is an example of the savings realized by a company after implementing an ISO 9001:2008 quality system.A study was completed that showed a company reduced it&#8217;s total cost of quality from $1,323,302 to $748,567.  These are staggering improvements. Keep in mind that sales remained level but direct labor hours did not. A reduction in direct labor hours was observed due to process improvements. The cost of quality breakdown does not include financial gains in productivity, inventory reduction and reduction in changeover time. An important feature to recognize in the chart above is the shift in costs from appraisal and failure category to prevention.The important thing to remember is the savings are only visible if the accounting systems are in place to accurately report them. The process to capture, report and analyze the cost of quality is very detailed and beyond the scope of this article. There is a financial reward for implementing an ISO 9001:2008 quality system.How ISO 9001:2008 fits into your current business model The thought of a quality management system similar to ISO 9001:2008 brings fear to people because they believe they have to adopt someone else&#8217;s program, or force a system or method to work for them. The intent of the standard is to adopt a system that works for you. You could benchmark a company and observe how they determine customer satisfaction and your first thought is, &#8220;that would never work at our place&#8221;. That is alright, there is more than one way to &#8220;skin a cat&#8221;.Here is the best piece of advice I can offer, there is no best way to implement a process or create a system. There is no single best method or the right way to do it. That is where continual improvement becomes important. Don&#8217;t become overwhelmed with trying to find the one correct method, get something implemented and continually improve it. The power and value with the standard is that you start somewhere and improve. Not everyone starts at the same place or ends at the same place. This endeavor to implement an ISO 9001:2008 quality system does not end with certification. Not all ISO 9001:2000 registered companies quality systems are the same. Just like not all doctors, lawyers, teachers or car mechanics are the same. They all have certifications and credentials but differentiation lies in their approaches to the job.The implementation and maintenance of a quality management system can be tailored to a specific company. Don&#8217;t confuse this with allowance to not meet the requirements. It means there are many ways to meet the requirements. You can choose to meet the requirements or you can choose to exceed the requirements. It is dependent upon the organization. My hope is that should you adopt the ISO 9001:2008 standard and implement it, your decision is to do more than just simply meet the requirements of the standard. This is where so many companies fall short in realizing gains from a quality management system. They do just enough to meet the requirements but never push themselves to exceed. The implementation of a quality management system is like anything else in life, you get out of it what you put in.What it will take to implement ISO 9001:2000 This is dependent upon how fast you want to go, status of your current business practices and what type of resources you have. A typical timeline would be a year. I see no reason why you can&#8217;t go from where you are now to certification in one year. Can you do it quicker, say six months, three months, yes. It just takes time and money. Time and money can cure just about anything. I wish it could cure everything, but unfortunately it can&#8217;t.   From a human resources standpoint, for a single location company of about 500 people it will take about 4500 man-hours to implement on your own. Keep in mind a portion of that time will be consumed because it&#8217;s new to you. It wouldn&#8217;t take a consultant or someone with experience that long because they&#8217;ve done it before. If you hire a consultant you can reduce the amount of time it takes, but you will spend it in consulting fees. A good estimate would be about 8 man-hours per employee to complete it in a year by yourself. At an estimated cost of $25 per man-hour, you may look at it as $20,000 for a 100 person operation (8 x 100 x 25) = 20,000. One thing to keep in mind is the people working on the project are there anyway, you are not hiring extra people. You are going to temporarily reassign resources to accomplish the goal.Now let&#8217;s look at the cost to get certified. Depending on the registrar you select and we&#8217;ll talk about that later, the costs can vary slightly. A good baseline for costs to become certified and maintain certification, are as follows:Document Review $750 onetime cost, pre Assessment Audit $4,500 Registration Audit $7,500 one time cost Surveillance Audits $4,500 ongoing annual costTraining costs should be in the $1,400 &#8211; $10,000 range for internal auditor training. You can cut some costs of training by having one person in your facility trained and then have them train your internal auditors ($1,400) or you can have all of your internal auditors trained by an outside source ($10,000).Commitment from top management I can&#8217;t teach you how to get commitment from top management, I&#8217;m not that good, and nobody is. What I can teach you is how important it is, what it means and how to tell if top management is really supporting the implementation of a quality system. Can you implement an ISO 9001:2008 quality system without top management support and commitment? Yes, but the resultant quality system will not be as effective as it could be and you will probably find yourself asking where the benefits are. You will question the validity of the standard and the quality system because you won&#8217;t see a dramatic change in your complaints, quality levels, quality costs and warranty. You can implement a system, pass a registration audit and get your company ISO 9001:2008 certified. I have seen a large number of companies that are certified but are not reaping the benefits of the standard or the quality system. The root cause of this is most often top management support.In an attempt to avoid this scenario, it is important to educate top management of the commitment requirement and the ramifications of falling short. Educating top management does not guarantee the commitment. When the results are not there and people begin to question the initiative, you can point to this as a possible way to right the ship.Top management commitment does not mean they verbalize it. When it comes to an endeavor such as implementing an ISO 9001:2008 quality management system, people will not care what you say; they want to see what you do. It will be extremely difficult to get momentum when top management talks the talk but will not walk the walk. Employees at all levels of the organization will be watching to see if this is real, or is it another &#8220;flavor of the month&#8221;. They won&#8217;t look at the management representative singularly; they will be watching the members of top management and particularly the highest ranking individual at that site.That individual must provide continual support for the implementation process. They achieve that with actions that are consistent with what is spoken. For example, a situation exists where an area is having problems with a specific supplier. This has been occurring for six months and no activity is taking place. People will not believe top management is serious or supports the implementation of a quality system if this occurs. Take the same scenario but now the top ranking individual communicates to the employees what is being done and when. This is a big step. The biggest step is doing something to correct the problem.The key for top management is to be visible and active in the effort and have their actions consistent. If this hasn&#8217;t been a characteristic of top management at your facility then they need to change. Can it be implemented without this, yes but as we stated above it will be much more difficult and the results you get will be significantly reduced. This effort can&#8217;t be viewed as something the quality manager, improvement manager or any other anointed person does. This must be an effort spearheaded, guided and monitored by top management. If it is not, everyone associated will know and the progress will be slow, the results will be substandard and your frustration level will be high.Select Management Representative and Implementation Team The management representative is the person who has the responsibility to report on the status of the quality system and is most often the person who will spearhead the efforts. This person oversees the implementation process and is responsible to ensure management is aware of the condition of the quality system in order to facilitate continual improvement. It is not imperative this person is part of top management, but it does help. If the management representative is not a member of top management make certain they have direct report to someone in top management. The management representative is to the ISO 9001:2008 implementation what a black belt is to a six sigma project. They are the catalyst that makes the reaction move. Important characteristics of a management representative are forward thinking, change agent, and embody continual improvement, positive thinking and not content with just getting by.The next step is to identify the implementation team. This can vary depending upon the size of the organization. A 500 person facility could have an implementation team of perhaps 10 &#8211; 15 people. A 50 person facility could manage with an implementation team of 1 to 2 people. For the implementation team you&#8217;re looking for some resources that could carve 1 &#8211; 2 hours per day out of their schedule and work on the ISO implementation. You are also looking for change agents within the company. You do not want to fill your implementation team with individuals who are antagonistic, negative thinking and happy with simply doing what it takes to meet the requirements. </p>
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  118. <title>Spa and Costa Rica &#8211; The Spa Destination Experience</title>
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  121. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:09:43 +0000</pubDate>
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  124. <category><![CDATA[Spa and Wellness]]></category>
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  127. <description><![CDATA[Enhance your health and mood with tropical treasures.Imagine if the delicious cup of coffee, the freshly made piña colada, the exotic fragrance of wild orchids, or the rich rainforest chocolate could be part of your spa experience. By featuring these, and many other ingredients, within various health, relaxation and beauty treatments, the spa pampering that [...]]]></description>
  128. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Enhance your health and mood with tropical treasures.Imagine if the delicious cup of coffee, the freshly made piña colada, the exotic fragrance of wild orchids, or the rich rainforest chocolate could be part of your spa experience. By featuring these, and many other ingredients, within various health, relaxation and beauty treatments, the spa pampering that you will receive here will give you a unique, personal connection to the local environment here in lush Costa Rica. Many of the products can be purchased to take home with you so you can rejuvenate when back home as well, while being reminded of your exotic journey to Costa Rica.Costa Rica is one of the most biologically diverse and intense places on the entire planet. Each region has its own microclimates with specific representative flora and fauna to dazzle you. It is amazing how many things grow and flourish here, providing an incredible array of fruits, nuts, spices and oils which end up in hand-made organic spa products. Many spas offer a holistic or integral service of international quality, in a warm and personalized manner characteristic of the Costa Rican people. Add the wondrous source of natural, local ingredients such as coffee, brown sugar, coconut, papaya, mango, sea salt, organic rainforest chocolate and the result is magical; a small taste of the treasures in store for you here. These local gems in the able hands of soothing local practitioners will put you into relaxed bliss, leaving you thinking about your time here long after you leave. What a way to enhance your trip- this is Pura Vida!One of my favorite places is Hotel Punta Islita in the Nicoya Peninsula, home to the Casa Spa which artfully incorporates herbalist wisdom from the local Chorotega tribe into their treatments. Punta Islita&#8217;s own organic garden provides the ingredients for many of the spa&#8217;s treatments. According to Dorelia Mulca, director of the Casa Spa, the current trend is to return to our origins, where great value is placed on the natural. &#8220;We must not forget that the ancestral indigenous shamans would heal with herbs and rituals,&#8221; she points out. Choose from an array of wonderful treatments for him or her, families, athletes, kids, teens even special treatments for women that are pregnant. The Punta Islita Ritual massage is amazing, featuring heated river stones, herbal oil-infused compress ball, and a Guaro Cacique (local Costa Rican sugar cane spirits) drizzle. The Guanacaste Traditions body treatment and massage uses papaya, mango, banana and pineapple which smells and feels great, and leaves your skin super smooth. The Cappuccino Massage with almond oil and chocolate or the Green Coffee Pick-Me-Up (detoxifying with organic coffee beans) are to die for. There are so many to choose from using ingredients such as cucumber, mint, aloe, orange, honey, volcanic mud, avocado, sesame oil, rosemary, vanilla, honeysuckle, golden algae; the list goes on! Dorelia has done a terrific job. The hotel is also stunning and has a great mix of nature, art and community in a stunning setting. Check out the local church and school built with the design and funding of the architect and his wife Ronald Zurcher. The infinity pool at the top of the resort is great, but you can also enjoy a pool lower at the seaside, and dine there also to the sounds of the sea.Another great spot is the Neidín Spa at Arenal Kioro Suites &#038; Spa in the basin of the majestic Arenal Volcano in the Inland Volcano area. In Bribri indigenous dialect, the word neidín means small nest or point of rest to recover lost energy. Thanks to amazing views, excellent service, and top quality treatments, you can&#8217;t help but leave the spa with a sense of complete luxury and well-being. Tocando El Cielo is a great pampering and includes a grape pulp wrap, followed by an orange and honey polish, a &#8220;wave&#8221; massage (two therapists and four hands), an exotic herb and flower bath and a glass of sparkling wine to finish; scrumptious! The Chocolate Fantasy is the ultimate; starting with the chocolate and sugar glow, followed by the sweet chocolate body wrap and finishing with a super aromatic mint and chocolate bath. This is the nicest hotel in Arenal, with stunning views of the volcano. Don&#8217;t miss the trails surrounding the property that are gorgeous with the species of fauna marked for you.The newest destination by Grupo Islita of Hotel Punta Islita is El Silencio Lodge &#038; Spa nestled within the cloud forest of Los Bajos del Toro. Located just an hour and a half away from San Jose in the inland central volcanic region, treatments at The Wellness Spa are just as natural as the sounds of nature surrounding it. It offers a menu designed to rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. Recommendations: El Silencio Purifying Revival Massage in the cone room. This is an aromatherapy massage treatment utilizing hot oil compress ball with herbs like thyme, oregano and mint meant to increase relaxation. The cone-shaped room was specifically designed to capture positive energy from the forest that surrounds it, with the intent of enhancing the effectiveness of the treatments. Also offered are packages that combine wraps, exfoliating treatments, facials and aromatherapy using more fabulous ingredients: lime, honey, volcanic clay, coconut, carrot, and so on. The hotel&#8217;s organic orchard on property supplies fruits and vegetables to be used in the treatments. For couples the Meditation Duet is amazing. It starts with an organic herbal massage, followed by the brown sugar, vanilla and coconut body polish accompanied by organic wild blackberries and sparkling wine, such bliss! You can hike in splendor, visit nearby canopy zip-lines, river rafting trips and horseback riding. This place is heaven in the cloud forest.Next is the place with my favorite view in all of the Quepos area: Hotel El Parador Boutique Resort &#038; Spa. Located on the Central Pacific Coast in a region of great beauty, El Parador boasts gorgeous, panoramic ocean views. This gem is close to the Manuel Antonio National Park where you can hike through the park to pristine white sand beaches, viewing a myriad of wildlife along the way. Back at the hotel, the Pacífica Spa offers all kinds of natural treatments, including special day packages. Highlights include sand exfoliation, aloe vera relief wrap (if you have had too much sun), and the papaya and honey facial. The ginger-orange body mask is invigorating and super aromatic. The ylang-ylang milk bath is especially soothing. For men the Naturally for Him is excellent which includes a relaxing exfoliating cappuccino bath, a volcanic mud wrap with a hydrotherapeutic massage, a facial and a hot stone massage. Also offered are yoga lessons and a special place designed for couple&#8217;s massages with a spectacular ocean view. All spa visitors receive a plate of fruits. The spa also has its own line of products.Another option near Manuel Antonio National Park is the only 5 star hotel in the area: Gaia Hotel &#038; Reserve featuring the Terra Spa. The surrounding forest reserve is a perfect backdrop for the spa with great sounds and sensations. This hotel is very modern and elegant with clean long lines and great light. Terra Spa offers an array of treatments and therapies that use organic natural products, many of which are certified and produced by locals that also follow the sustainable concept adopted by the hotel. Terra Tuning is one of the most popular and holistic packages. This 4 hour splurge includes a sauna session, Reiki chakra balancing, Thai massage, and organic facial treatment using all local hand-made products. The organic facial is called the Arco Iris and includes Papaya Exfoliation Polish, Citrus Cleansing Lemon Meringue Mask, and Mango Dream Hydrating Cream. Part of the facial is a sumptuous acupressure scalp and foot massage. Also available is the &#8220;Vichy Rain Shower,&#8221; which consists of a hydrotherapeutic massage of a warm rain shower in the tropical forest where you select your desired temperature and which is recommended to follow with an exfoliation. Elegance and sophistication in the rainforest!Last but not least is another all-time favorite, Xandari Resort &#038; Spa. Located in tropical paradise some 1,200 meters above sea level and boasting a beautiful view of the Central Valley, the Xandari Spa is located at only 20 minutes away from Juan Santamaría International Airport in Alajuela. This is fabulous on your way in and out of San Jose traveling internationally, you can do fabulous day trips or half-day trips very easily from Xandari to Poas Volcano, Doka Coffee Tour, Sarchi, La Paz Waterfall Gardens, Sarapiqui, Reventazon, or Pacuare River Rafting, Villa Blanca Canopy Tour and many others. One of the Xandari Spa&#8217;s outstanding feature is that each spa treatment provides you your own palm-thatched jalapa with its own Jacuzzi. There you may experience the feeling of mind, body and soul melting into nature in complete privacy. One of the big treats is Xandari Heaven, which involves three hours of enjoyment in your private jalapa: Jacuzzi jets, followed by an aromatherapy treatments for your hair, exfoliation for your entire body and a soft or deep massage of your choice. Some of the key special treatments that focus on local ingredients include: Selva de Osa mud wrap using 100% natural sediment from the Osa Peninsula, Coffee and Macademia Buff to polish and hydrate your skin, or Papaya Body Polish. The views, service, architecture, art all come together for a unique and special Costa Rica experience only 20 minutes from San Jose&#8217;s International Airport. Those of us that live here in the central valley can escape to Xandari in minutes and feel we are a world away with all the amenities you could ever hope for. </p>
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  134. <title>Mind, Body, Spirit Is Not A Cliche</title>
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  137. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 16:29:06 +0000</pubDate>
  138. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  140. <category><![CDATA[Mind Body Spirit]]></category>
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  143. <description><![CDATA[It is often suggested that the term &#8220;Mind, Body, Spirit&#8221; is an overused cliché in a field that tries to deceive people for money. As I worker in this field I strongly disagree with that idea.Because I had no idea that I was a Medium until I was 34 years old I know what it [...]]]></description>
  144. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> It is often suggested that the term &#8220;Mind, Body, Spirit&#8221; is an overused cliché in a field that tries to deceive people for money. As I worker in this field I strongly disagree with that idea.Because I had no idea that I was a Medium until I was 34 years old I know what it feels like to hope that the Spirit World (or Heaven) exists but have nothing to base that hope on. However, even though I felt like that I never dismissed the feelings or beliefs of others if they told me that they were sure that Heaven existed.I hadn&#8217;t followed the Psychic field, nor was I into Mediumship in a big way. I&#8217;d seen Doris Stokes once and a local Medium once and thought they were both incredible, but it never occurred to me to go again. Except for Doris Stokes&#8217; books I didn&#8217;t have anything else in the house, nor did I think about Spirituality day in and day out. I worked, I saw our families, I kept a house and I loved my cats. That&#8217;s it.Then I became a Medium half way through a telephone conversation with a friend. I&#8217;ve never forgotten the moment, in fact it&#8217;s imprinted in my memory in minute detail.First I had a strange feeling that I wasn&#8217;t alone. Then a picture jumped into my mind&#8217;s eye of two crystal pots, one of which held jam and one marmalade, along with an impression that someone was telling me &#8220;never the twain would meet.&#8221;I tried to ignore the picture but it kept coming back more insistently each time, and I began to lose the thread of my conversation with my friend. She asked me what was wrong and I told her. She surprised me by saying &#8220;I know exactly what that means. Anything else?&#8221; As she said that I saw a single pink rose laid down in front of the two pots, so I told her.It transpired that her late parents&#8217; wish for their retirement was to be able to have their condiments in crystal pots, dad liked marmalade and mum liked jam, and never the twain would meet (as they said often apparently). My friend was as sure as she could be that I&#8217;d heard her mother called &#8220;my Mum&#8221; or &#8220;Lesley&#8217;s Mum&#8221;, but it transpired that her name was rose.I then got other information through that Lesley told me was for a friend of hers that I knew of but had never met. Lesley arranged for me to go and see Rosemary, which I did. Rosemary sat me down in her living room and said &#8220;start talking.&#8221; I asked what about and she said &#8220;Whatever comes into your mind.&#8221; So I did.At the end of the session Rosemary told me that she had no doubt that I had contact with her late husband, Esmond, and I should ask him why he&#8217;d come. I asked how and she said &#8220;In your mind.&#8221; I asked and he told me it was to introduce me to my Guide &#8211; Eduoard Fouchard.When they both pulled back Rosemary asked me if I had any questions and I said &#8220;Yes, what&#8217;s a Guide?&#8221;That was my introduction to the presence of the Spirit World, to be able to feel a being with me so real that I honestly thought if I turned round a living person would be there, and for me as a person who couldn&#8217;t claim to have seen or spoken to Spirit all her life it was and is real.Obviously I can&#8217;t give anyone that experience, believe me I would if I could because it&#8217;s an amazing thing to have in your life, but I can tell you why the of a Spirit World and the knowledge that somehow disincarnate beings can contact me, works for me as a completely logical belief.Firstly, it isn&#8217;t just Mediums who sense the Spirit World, when I do a talk or workshop I will discover that 2 out of 3 people have had an experience in their life or reported in their family that cannot be explained any other way than paranormal. Like me these weren&#8217;t people expecting it or necessarily believing in the field, it just happened and they can&#8217;t explain it in any other way.Secondly, most cultures in recorded history had a strong belief system that there was some kind of Spirit World, and they had that belief for a reason. Some would say it was a method of controlling the populace, some would say it was a joint delusion caused by fear of death. Yet people have been prepared to die for those beliefs and I would suggest that you wouldn&#8217;t die for something that didn&#8217;t feel extremely real to you.Lastly, my experience (and that of my friends and co-trainees on courses) tells me that when I&#8217;m channeling Spirit there is someone else with me. I can feel them there and if I can&#8217;t feel them then I can&#8217;t work, it&#8217;s as simple as that.They feel absolutely real. They are capable of communicating factual information in the form of dates, events, names, passing conditions, etcetera, that can be verified by the people receiving the messages.The people receiving the messages are the public and believe me they&#8217;re not the pushovers that the cynics would have you believe. They come for proof and by and large they expect proof. You do get the odd person who would take anything you gave them, but they are few and far between. Most clients are discerning, determined, and the know exactly what they want &#8211; facts!My own personal feeling is that it would be ridiculous to conclude that we are the result of an accidental collision between a sperm and an egg. There is too much evidence of past lives &#8211; again from people who didn&#8217;t expect to be talking about previous lives &#8211; for my historical training to dismiss it easily.Therefore the only thing that makes sense to me is that we come from and return to the Spirit World. As I told my brother when he asked me what made me believe in Heaven &#8211; I&#8217;ve never questioned it, never once in my life, to do so would feel ridiculous. Don&#8217;t ask me to explain it better than that, I&#8217;ve just felt that there was something else for as long as I can remember. I also had some interesting dreams for most of my childhood that would need an entire other article to explain, but they can&#8217;t be explained any other way than paranormal. Although it took me nearly 20 years more to realise that.In which case, we are mind (thinking/logic), body (you can see it), and Spirit (gut instinct/intuition/psychic ability). That&#8217;s a fact and we should embrace every ability we have within our own beings to maintain a balanced and harmonious outlook and to guide our lives sensibly, practically, and with reference to our true and honest desires. It isn&#8217;t all about being a Psychic Medium &#8211; it&#8217;s all about being all of you.Wishing you happy days and peaceful nightsDeb </p>
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  150. <title>Loyalty Programs in Travel and Hospitality Sector and Key Role of E-CRM</title>
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  153. <pubDate>Thu, 02 Feb 2023 06:23:18 +0000</pubDate>
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  158. <description><![CDATA[SECTION ONE: TRAVEL LOYALTYINTRODUCTIONThe travel sector offers quite a few loyalty programs &#8211; some of which are quite well-known, and successful as well. Within this sector, the sub-vertical that definitively takes the lead in loyalty program adoption and innovation is the Airlines sector.Airlines were among the first businesses to introduce loyalty programs to their customers. [...]]]></description>
  159. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> SECTION ONE: TRAVEL LOYALTYINTRODUCTIONThe travel sector offers quite a few loyalty programs &#8211; some of which are quite well-known, and successful as well. Within this sector, the sub-vertical that definitively takes the lead in loyalty program adoption and innovation is the Airlines sector.Airlines were among the first businesses to introduce loyalty programs to their customers. Frequent-flyer programs date back to early 1980s when American Airlines started the now iconic American Advantage (AAdvantage) program. Through the Sabre computer reservations system, American Airlines had amassed a database of around 150,000 of its best customers.SOME THE INDUSTRY&#8217;S BEST CONTEMPORARY LOYALTY PROGRAMSThe Star Alliance Network is a partnership where frequent flyers can accumulate and redeem miles on the following airlines: United Airlines; Lufthansa; Air Canada; SAS; British Midland; Varig; ANA; Singapore Airlines; Austrian Airlines; Thai Airways; Air New Zealand; and Mexicana.VARIG&#8217;s Smiles Program is the most popular frequent flyer loyalty program in Latin America. With Smiles, passengers can earn miles on every VARIG flight, as well as regional, domestic and international flights on Rio Sul, Nordeste, Pluna, South African Airways, Spanair, Alitalia and participating airlines of the Star Alliance. Miles earned can be exchanged for free tickets, upgrades and other benefits.US Airways offers its members greater privileges through additional offers by its Dividend Miles program on travel on US Airways and its partners. The features differ for its three membership types &#8211; Silver Preferred, Gold Preferred and Chairman&#8217;s Preferred.SECTION TWO: HOSPITALITY LOYALTY<br />
  160. INTRODUCTIONIn the days of inception, the hospitality industry offered loyalty programs together with the travel industry. With time, as the airlines stated their own Frequent Flier Programs, the hospitality industry launched independent frequent guest programs as well. Holiday Inn was amongst the first to launch its own loyalty program, in January 1983 followed by Marriott with its Honored Guest Awards program in the same year.SOME THE INDUSTRY&#8217;S BEST CONTEMPORARY LOYALTY PROGRAMSThe recent launch of &#8220;Any hotel, Any where&#8221; card by the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), the world&#8217;s largest and most global hotel company, is one of the best initiatives in the context of new age loyalty programs in the hospitality industry. IHG has recently added a new feature to its customer loyalty program: Priority Club Rewards.Starwood Preferred Guest is another of the best loyalty programs in the Industry. The program made headlines when it launched in 1999 with a breakthrough policy of no blackout dates and no capacity controls, meaning members can redeem free nights anytime, anywhere.Park Hospitality, part of Minneapolis-based Carlson Hospitality Worldwide, consists of Park Plaza and Park Inn hotels in North America. The hospitality group primarily offers services to a range of guests in suburban and leisure destinations. Park Rewards, part of the Gold Points Rewards guest loyalty program, is based on a point system awarding 10 points for each U.S. dollar spent on accommodations at Park Plaza and Park Inn hotels in North America.Radisson Hotels and Resorts&#8217; channel-based Relationship Building Loyalty Program, called &#8216;Look To Book&#8217;, has been very successful as well. Radisson is the only hotel company to offer a patented on-line loyalty program for travel agents, which allows them to automatically earn points towards valuable merchandise and incentive awards in return for booking Radisson hotels.Hyatt offers a global loyalty program &#8211; Hyatt Gold Passport. Hyatt Gold passport offers features like earning points towards free nights with no blackout dates, selecting in-hotel services and special offers, beginning with the very first stay. The benefits offered are based on the type of membership the guest holds. The three memberships offered by Hyatt Gold Passport are Gold, Platinum and Silver, based on the frequency/ number of visits.Hospitality industry in developing economies such as in India are not left behind either The Welcom Award program recognises the needs of a business traveller and through its strategic alliances with travel partners, endeavors to build rewarding relationships.SECTION THREE: COMMON PROBLEMS WITH LOYALTY PROGRAMS, AND THEIR MITIGATION BEST-PRACTICESWhile the consumer awareness of loyalty programs as well as the business priority accorded to them are both growing in tandem, the effectiveness of such programs, and the consequent ROI that a business generates out of them continue to be significant challenges. Here below are a few key areas that deserve focused attention of enterprises that are implementing or running such programs:&#8221;7 out of 10 loyalty card owners own more than one loyalty card,&#8221; avers a recent Frost &#038; Sullivan research. The problem out of this rampant loyalty card and loyalty program proliferation, researchers say, is that surprisingly few consumers know which hotels are covered by their frequent-stay cards, thereby missing out on earning hundreds, even thousands, of points. Blame it on poor communication by the companies or the sheer numbers of brands, say the experts.Traditionally, customer relationship management focus in hospitality has always began and ended in one phrase: &#8220;customer satisfaction.&#8221; The presumption is very simple: Customers will appreciate good service so much that they would not go to your competitor. In other words: Customer satisfaction plus quality of services equals customer loyalty.The truth is that customer satisfaction does not always equal customer loyalty.Research shows:<br />
  161. • 40% of satisfied customers switch hotels without hesitation (Forum Corp.)<br />
  162. • 65% to 85% of customers who choose a new hotel claim to be satisfied and very satisfied with the<br />
  163. former one (Harvard Business Review)<br />
  164. • 85% of customers claim to be satisfied, yet willing to switch to other hotels (University of Texas).These are compelling numbers, clearly indicating that even for the best-of-class service provider hotels there is a crying need for focused and ongoing relationship building and relationship deepening exercises with their key clientele.Electronic customer relationship management (e-CRM), in the context of the exploding Internet distribution and marketing in hospitality, is a business strategy supported by Web technologies allowing hoteliers to engage customers in strong, personalized and mutually beneficial interactive relationships, increase conversions and sell more efficiently.This means that almost every time an Internet user lands on a hotel Web site a branding interaction occurs, thereby creating either an opportunity, or a threat, for the hotel. This branding interaction can be positive (brandbuilding) or negative (brand-eroding).A. Customer KnowledgeKnowing your Web site visitors is an extremely important consideration when conceptualizing and designing your hotel Web site and your e-CRM strategy.The 2004 RUSH Report shows:• 56% of all visitors on hotel branded Web sites are leisure travelers and 32% are business travelers. Approximately 3% of hotel Web site visitors are involved in meeting or event planning.<br />
  165. • 34% of all visitors on hotel branded Web sites seek information about the hotel, while 30% of the visitors come to make or change a reservation.<br />
  166. • Business travelers look for directions and high speed Internet.<br />
  167. • Meeting planners look for function room floor plans and capacity charts.The benefits:<br />
  168. • Identifies your most valuable customers with best lifetime value perspective (20:80 principle)<br />
  169. • Allows guest-centric data mining: Guest history, guest profiles, past bookings, preferences, etc.<br />
  170. • Enables informed decisions in real time<br />
  171. • Allows fast response times<br />
  172. • Offers real-time guest lifetime value<br />
  173. • Delivers business insight to executives, marketers, salesB. Personalization<br />
  174. Personalizing the customer experience on the hotel Web site is a powerful conversion and retention tool. Customizing your interaction with your most valuable customers (those 20% who generate 80% of your business) will provide significant long-term rewards.<br />
  175. Personalization at the property level should start by:<br />
  176. • Identifying all &#8220;electronic touch points&#8221; with your customers (hotel guests, meeting planners, travel professionals, etc.) and creating an action plan.<br />
  177. • Personalize all electronic communications with your customers. Adopt a policy on how to address your guests via e-mail (first name only, Mr./Mrs. plus last name, etc.).C. Customer SupportIt is important to understand that customer service is only one aspect of e-CRM and is primarily a reactive function aiming to improve performance and efficiency, while e-CRM as a whole is a proactive long-term strategy.Customer support in the Internet age relies on a wide range of tools and techniques. Here are some to consider:<br />
  178. • Web Self-Service Tools: Intelligent service channel management and natural language search engines; directing customer requests to most appropriate support information and services; FAQs; &#8220;Ask the experts&#8221; self-service chat rooms; interactive maps, directions and business locators.<br />
  179. • Live Service Tools: Push-to-talk functionality and real-time interaction with live agent; instant messaging and chat-room type assistance; Voice-over-Internet Protocols applications; and automation to pre-screen live support (selective approach).<br />
  180. • E-Mail Service Tools: Inbound e-mail management; and automated e-mail response systems capable of automating 80%-90% of e-mail volume with 98% accuracy, dramatically improving service and reducing support staff by up to 40%. </p>
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  186. <title>Who Can&#8217;t Get a Payday Loan?</title>
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  189. <pubDate>Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:43:12 +0000</pubDate>
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  194. <description><![CDATA[Though payday loans are generally considered the easiest way to get a loan and the fastest for that matter, not all people who apply for a payday loan gets approved. The following are some of the basic reasons that people get denied when applying for these types of loans:Most of the people who get disapproved [...]]]></description>
  195. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Though payday loans are generally considered the easiest way to get a loan and the fastest for that matter, not all people who apply for a payday loan gets approved. The following are some of the basic reasons that people get denied when applying for these types of loans:Most of the people who get disapproved when applying are those that don&#8217;t meet or earn the minimum income required, or ones that don&#8217;t have a regular job. Even the most considerate and flexible payday lenders can&#8217;t afford to loan money to someone who grosses less than the minimum wage.Getting a payday loan is more difficult to get for someone who&#8217;s self employed. Most lenders don&#8217;t usually accept self employed applicants for security purposes. Lenders who do usually require bank statements of previous months to verify stability of income.Most payday lenders universally require applicants to have a bank account. Payday loans typically are due to be repaid on or the next payday. And usually, money will be deducted from your bank account as agreed. Having no bank account makes it harder for lenders to accept payment though.As suggested with the term &#8220;payday loan&#8221;, you must have an income or payday to qualify. Even a healthy savings account will not get you approved if you have no income. But come to think of it, why would you get a loan if you have a good amount of savings right?What&#8217;s always a red flag for payday lenders is having an outstanding loan with other lenders. Someone with several outstanding loans is viewed as a serious risk for returned checks and defaults. Most lenders use verification services to identify applicants having multiple outstanding cash advances, and to confirm the banking information provided. If you ever have a bad record with previous payday lenders, this information will decrease your chances of getting your loans approved.Bankruptcy (especially in the last year or two) will also make it more difficult for an applicant to get a payday loan. Though the provided information given to the lender is not a credit report, a recent bankruptcy will be revealed. Until you fix your name along with the bankruptcy reflected on your record, you will be considered financially unstable and thus ineligible to get a payday loan from lenders.In order to qualify for a payday loan, you must be employed for a certain period of time with your current employer, usually for at least three months. Though this requirement is not universal, many lenders will not approve loan applications for newly hired employees. You &#8211; as an applicant &#8211; must provide information to showing that your employment status is somewhat stable, and new employees are often are still under a probationary period where termination would still be a great possibility.If you happen to fall into one of the above categories with payday lenders, don&#8217;t be dismayed. Not all lenders look closely into these factors when it comes to their approval process. Most full-time employees will qualify for a loan; however, If you find yourself always needing a payday loan, then it might be best to check on your situation. If you have a debt that&#8217;s going out of control. Having such loans may push you to a financial disaster, and consequently, they should only be used rarely and carefully. </p>
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