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  22. <title>Payday Loans and Credit Rating</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Jul 2023 05:29:35 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  27. <category><![CDATA[Online payday loan]]></category>
  29. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  30. <description><![CDATA[Credit ratings are often recorded in a letter grade fashion such as A, B or C. Each of these ratings indicates the borrower&#8217;s status and informs others through various criteria, whether or not the borrower is bankrupt. Credit ratings keep track of the borrower&#8217;s payment history. Sometimes if an individual&#8217;s credit rating is bad, they [...]]]></description>
  31. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Credit ratings are often recorded in a letter grade fashion such as A, B or C. Each of these ratings indicates the borrower&#8217;s status and informs others through various criteria, whether or not the borrower is bankrupt. Credit ratings keep track of the borrower&#8217;s payment history. Sometimes if an individual&#8217;s credit rating is bad, they will have problems when applying for loans and other money-related privileges. For this reason, and many others, money management is key when using credit cards, or taking out a loan.Sometimes, even if you have a bad credit rating, you can still apply for a short-term loan, such as the loan. This is because the loan lenders will not check your credit rating. A payday loan is meant to assist those who need fast money in between their paychecks. The payday loan ranges, on average, anywhere from $100-$1500. Once your application is accepted, you will receive the payday loan in your checking account usually within 24 hours. Repayment for the payday loan is expected on your following paycheck; generally up to 30 days after the loan has been received. It is important that you pay off this loan promptly, and not let it sit there. Like any loan, the longer it takes for you to pay it off, the higher the interest will continue to grow.If you do not have a credit rating, you may find that because you don&#8217;t need one to obtain a payday loan, that this is very convenient way for you to borrow money. However, by not having a credit rating, you are cut off from various other privileges. Without a credit rating, for example, you may have difficulty being accepted for bigger and more important loans from your bank, such as a mortgage loan. If you manage your money well, and you wish to gain good credit, apply for a credit card, instead of choosing a payday loan. You would be surprised to learn that the interest rates differ between the various credit cards that you can apply for, and that these rate are often much cheaper than a payday loan.There is no questing that cash advance loans are a convenient way to borrow money, especially because it can be done in as quickly as 2 minutes online, in the comfort of your own home. You will want to make sure that you do not excessively apply for one payday loan, just like a credit card, if you apply too many times the lenders will become suspicious and are more prone to objecting your request. You will also want to always be truthful in your application. Do not embellish on your answers, because if the lender discovers that you are lying, your application will be automatically rejected. With this in mind, before you choose to apply for a payday loan, you will want to make sure that the site you choose has high security and is professional. They should have an email address where you can reach those who run the site, and they should be able to answer all of your questions clearly and professionally. Find out their license agreements, as by law they are required to have one, and make sure that the state you live in allows the license of short-term payday loans.You have the power to create for yourself a good credit rating, and it all starts with your ability to properly manage your money. Re-think your decision to apply for a loan, and discover if there are other options that will better suit your future interests. There are many great opportunities available for you; you just have to find them. <br/><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a></p>
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  37. <title>Social Commerce &#8211; The Growing Trend of Social Media Shopping</title>
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  40. <pubDate>Mon, 10 Jul 2023 01:13:59 +0000</pubDate>
  41. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  42. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
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  45. <description><![CDATA[In social commerce, the target audience is already pinpointed and specific products and services can directly be marketed to said audience by means of various sites. For instance, a specific fan site would be interested in one product alone and that is anything that has to do with the fandom they are affiliated with. Through [...]]]></description>
  46. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> In social commerce, the target audience is already pinpointed and specific products and services can directly be marketed to said audience by means of various sites. For instance, a specific fan site would be interested in one product alone and that is anything that has to do with the fandom they are affiliated with. Through social e-commerce, brands and businesses are given an opportunity to create or perhaps sell already existing products to that specific fandom. The task of gathering a target audience and getting them all to land in one online seller webpage is thereby eliminated. The social media website becomes the main selling site. It is basically social shopping made easy.Among the more popular social commerce platforms today is Facebook commerce. Almost everyone on the planet has a Facebook account. Within Facebook, there are fan pages designed to represent public figures, brands, organizations, and basically everything else that exists which is not a &#8220;personal account&#8221;. Fans and supporters become members of these fan pages and within that simple page, they are presented with sub pages that relate to the fandom they support. These pages contain social shopping features. Whether it&#8217;s an artist that sells the next single or a production studio that is selling the latest film video, Facebook commerce delivers an avenue for the sellers to meet the buyers.A lot of sales and revenue have been generated by brands and businesses taking part in social media commerce. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other social networking sites on the Internet has made shopping quite easy for the registered members. They have built-in credit verification and payment systems that allow users to purchase whatever the website has to offer. It becomes very simple for the consumers. They simply log on to their Facebook accounts and if they find something they fancy, they can easily purchase it right then and there. This has definitely added much to a company&#8217;s income. Social commerce is truly one point of sale that is worthy of investment.There are many ways to enhance a brand&#8217;s presence in social media websites. However, there are resources out there which can help a business in pursuing the best road towards a successful social commerce. Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of today&#8217;s popular social media websites are not showing any signs of decline when it comes to mass patronage. Surely, more and more people with more and more buying power will become members of the websites. And these members will not hesitate in clicking away on Ads and other shopping features that are very accessible within their own social account pages. It has been alleged that by the year 2015, the business of social media shopping will have skyrocketed to an astounding USD 15 billion value. This is why businesses have taken steps towards participating in social commerce marketing. <br/><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a 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  52. <title>Auto Loans for a New Car &#8211; Prepare Yourself for a Buying New Car</title>
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  55. <pubDate>Tue, 28 Mar 2023 16:14:48 +0000</pubDate>
  56. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  57. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  58. <category><![CDATA[Online Auto Loans]]></category>
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  61. <description><![CDATA[Every American dreams of the amazing invention called car. The car dream is passed over from one generation to another. Everyone wants to get behind the wheels of a brand new car. Truly, buying a new car is the perfect dream.When you set out to own a new automobile, auto loans become a necessity. This [...]]]></description>
  62. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Every American dreams of the amazing invention called car. The car dream is passed over from one generation to another. Everyone wants to get behind the wheels of a brand new car. Truly, buying a new car is the perfect dream.When you set out to own a new automobile, auto loans become a necessity. This is because most new cars cost a pretty penny. Also, most of us don&#8217;t have ready cash to incur such an expense. If you are looking for a new auto loan, this comprehensive article can solve your problem.Best Time to buy a CarMost experts will suggest that it&#8217;s best to buy a car in the last quarter of the year. But, when you need a car, you need a car. You cannot wait till the year-end shopping season to buy what you need. The best time to buy a car is when you want it.Why Auto Loans for New Cars are LESS EXPENSIVE now?There are many lenders and auto financing companies who offer year-round great rates on new car loans. This is because of the constant cut-throat competition in the auto financing market. You can easily get approved for a low rate auto loan if you follow the following tips.How to prepare for buying a New Car with Auto Loans?Financial &#8211; WISEEvery great decision begins with planning. When you even decide the color of your new car in advance, why not plan your budget. A wise car buyer never discounts the importance of planning. Calculate your income and expenses. Once you know the amount that you can spend on monthly payments, you will see things in a better light. It will help you to decide on the loan amount and the car as well.Credit ScoreGetting a good score was important in school, it&#8217;s important even today. Understand that a better credit score will ensure better rates. If you have bad credit history, try to improve it before applying for a new car loan. Also, don&#8217;t forget to check your credit report because it may contain errors.Down Payment to avoid Dangerously High RatesDown payment is the wonderful life-saving drug in the world of auto financing. Paying 10% of total car loan cost as down payment can work wonders for you. Don&#8217;t worry if you don&#8217;t have money to make down payment. Use your old car as a trade-in. But, make sure that the car doesn&#8217;t have any lien because it will make matters worse.When you buy a new car, car manufacturers offer cash rebates. You can use that money as down payment so that you don&#8217;t have to lighten your wallet. E.g. If you buy a new 2013 Ford Fiesta in Seattle, the company offers $1500 in cash-back scheme. If you buy a Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 in the same city, you will get $1000 as cash rebate.Can you find a Co-signer?Finding someone with a good credit score can be ideal for any auto loan. As the new car loan amount is more than the amount of financing a used car, lenders want to ensure safety. They feel more secure when they have a co-signer in picture.Choosing the LenderUnderstand your situation before filling the new auto loan application form. It will help you in choosing the best auto loan program. If you are a first time buyer, many lenders as well as car manufacturers can offer you an auto loan under first time car buyer program. If you are college student, there are many college discount programs available.A bad credit borrower must ensure that he applies at a sub-prime lender only. Go for a lender that offers auto loans to low-income car buyers if income is a problem for you.When you apply for auto financing for a new car, you have many options for getting car financing:<br />
  63. 1. New Car Dealerships who offer financing<br />
  64. 2. Online Auto Financing Companies<br />
  65. 3. Auto Lenders<br />
  66. 4. Banks<br />
  67. 5. Car Manufacturers&#8217; Financing CompaniesConsider every option so that you choose the perfect auto loan program with lowest interest rates and flexible loan terms. Trust only those lenders who are reputed. Also, ensure the safety of the websites before filling the online auto loan application forms.Take your time in choosing an auto loan for your new car. If you choose an affordable car loan, it will help you in getting better rates in future.All the best for choosing the best! </p>
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  73. <title>Bad Credit Auto Loans &#8211; How to Get Guaranteed Approval Even With Poor Credit Score?</title>
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  76. <pubDate>Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:59:37 +0000</pubDate>
  77. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  78. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  79. <category><![CDATA[Auto Loans]]></category>
  81. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  82. <description><![CDATA[Everyone wants to fulfill the great American Dream. Buying a comfortable automobile is a part of it. You can make living in America even more pleasurable by buying your very own car.When it comes to cars, auto loans are important. But, do you think your bad credit will make it impossible to get guaranteed approval [...]]]></description>
  83. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Everyone wants to fulfill the great American Dream. Buying a comfortable automobile is a part of it. You can make living in America even more pleasurable by buying your very own car.When it comes to cars, auto loans are important. But, do you think your bad credit will make it impossible to get guaranteed approval on car loans? You are worrying for wrong reasons because you can get a car with bad credit. Here&#8217;s how you can convert your slim chances of getting a bad credit auto loan to instant approval.Wrong: Filling Applications Right AwayYou must never fill the auto loan application as soon as you feel the need of getting car finance. Actually, there are several things that you need to do before applying. We can divide every task related to getting guaranteed approval on bad credit auto loans into Pre-application tasks and Post application tasks.PRE-APPLICATION TASKSKnow Your Credit Score/Payment HistoryNo matter the type of loan, every lender will want to know how you pay your debts. He will judge the credit risk associated with you by understanding your credit report and payment history. So, it is important to know it and improve it beforehand.We know that credit bureaus mess up credit reports. So, get your free annual copy from Analyze the entries and look for erroneous transactions. Under the Federal Law, you can easily remove wrong entries from your report if the credit bureaus cannot prove its precision. Removing wrong entries can definitely improve your credit score and place you in a better place than before.Set Your BudgetCars are expensive and if you don&#8217;t calculate your budget, you may end up paying more. When it comes to making huge commitments like auto loans, you must know your affordability. It will help you avoid an unmanageable car financing program.Calculate your budget by considering the auto loan term. If you want to opt for a longer term, estimate expenses of certain future events like wedding, college expenses, home loans, etc.Save Money for Down PaymentDown payment is important for lenders. If you can put a huge sum as money down, it shows your financial strength. The lender will consider you as a low risk credit borrower. It will also reduce your auto loan amount.But, we all know that getting even 10% of the car cost can be very difficult. So, start saving money for down payment from now.Search for a Co-SignerYour bad credit score takes a back seat when your lenders see a co-signer. Someone with a good credit score and decent debt-to-income ratio can work magic for your car loan. Finding a co-signer may take time and that&#8217;s why it&#8217;s better to start the job now.Check Your DocumentsWhen you have had financial issues in the past, the lender will be more interested in your income proof. Keep your current pay stubs and/or tax return statements ready. You can even ask your employer to provide an Employment Certificate. Arrange all your utility bills receipts because they can be used by the lender to ascertain your debt repaying ability.Search for Sub-prime LendersWhen you have bad credit score, apply with lenders that have copious amount of experience in dealing with credit issues. Your approval chances will improve when you apply with a lender that offers bad credit car loans. Also, you will save time by avoiding stringent banks and other traditional financial institutions.Make use of the internet to search for online auto financing that offer affordable car financing options. Most companies have a history of working with bad credit borrowers. So, don&#8217;t forget to consider them.POST APPLICATION TASKSAnalyze and Compare Car Loan QuotesWhen you apply with several lenders, you will receive many bad credit auto loan quotes. Analyze and compare each of them on factors like interest rates, monthly payments, APR, down payment, etc. Also, consider other aspects of the car loan programs like loan term, conditions, fees and penalty.Negotiate with the LenderAs you choose few auto loan quotes, make sure you negotiate with the lenders. Sign the bad credit auto loan contract with only that lender who negotiates and offers you a better deal.Choose a Reliable Car among the AlternativesIt&#8217;s always better to choose a car after securing the car loan because lenders may ask you to choose the car from a pre-decided dealer/s. They may even give you a pre-approved budget. So, select the car later and avoid any wastage of time and energy.Don&#8217;t forget to get the car inspected from your trusted mechanic. It&#8217;s important to check the car title and Vehicle History Report because once you sign the papers; you cannot do much.So, that&#8217;s how you can buy a car. Once you buy the car, keep making regular payments so that it improves your credit score.If you follow these tips, getting a car loan and making payments won&#8217;t be difficult for you.Wishing you instant approval on your bad credit auto loan! </p>
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  89. <title>Three Types of Credit You May Not Know You Have</title>
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  92. <pubDate>Tue, 21 Mar 2023 10:17:58 +0000</pubDate>
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  97. <description><![CDATA[Every business has three types of credit: the Consumer Credit of the business owner, Bank Credit, and Business Credit.Most business owners are familiar with their consumer credit. This is credit that reports to the consumer credit reporting agencies TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. Scores range from 350-850, and credit is linked to the owner&#8217;s Social Security [...]]]></description>
  98. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Every business has three types of credit: the Consumer Credit of the business owner, Bank Credit, and Business Credit.Most business owners are familiar with their consumer credit. This is credit that reports to the consumer credit reporting agencies TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. Scores range from 350-850, and credit is linked to the owner&#8217;s Social Security Number.Most business owners don&#8217;t know that banks have their own internal scoring system for businesses. This scoring system is known as bank credit, or a bank rating.<br />
  99. This score is based on how you manage your business bank account. Having $10,000 or more in your bank account will give you a good bank credit score.A business also has its own credit profile, known as business credit. Business credit reports to the business credit reporting agencies, Dun &#038; Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian. Scores usually range from 0-100, and credit is linked to the business EIN number, not the owner&#8217;s SSN number.Business credit provides a lot of benefits. For one, it has no link to consumer credit, so no personal credit check is required, and accounts don&#8217;t report to the consumer agencies.No personal guarantee is needed in most cases, so you won&#8217;t be personally liable for your business debts. Also, credit limits are 10-100 times higher than with consumer credit.With consumer credit, just because you have an SSN doesn&#8217;t mean you have an established credit profile.To get a consumer credit score and profile, you first must: get approved for accounts that report to the consumer reporting agencies, use those accounts, and pay your bills for those accounts, then and only then will you have an established credit profile and score for your SSN.Just like with consumer credit, just because you have an EIN doesn&#8217;t mean you have an established business credit profile and score.To get a business credit score and profile, you first must: get approved for accounts that report to the business reporting agencies, use those accounts, and pay your bills for those accounts, then and only then will you have an established credit profile and score for your reports that 90% of business owners know nothing about business credit. Business credit is usually reserved for established businesses, or those that meet a certain criteria for approval, and often is used by companies big enough that they have a CFO.You can build business credit and get a good score QUICKLY! Having business credit increases the value of your company, and you won&#8217;t need financials or collateral for approval.Any business can actually establish business credit, but the key to success is knowing the formula for success, knowing what steps to take and in what order.<br />
  100. Business credit isn&#8217;t highly promoted in stores, or with cash credit sources, so usually only larger businesses take advantage of it.Credit issuers and lenders like it this way, because usually those larger companies are more established and have less of a risk of default, although it&#8217;s not actually the size of your company they look at for approval.To get approved your business must pass a test that shows the credit issuers and lenders that you are credible, no matter your size.If you pass this test and are credible in their eyes, you&#8217;ll be approved for business credit. Many times you get approved automatically by their computers without someone manually reviewing your application.Business size and how long you&#8217;ve been open aren&#8217;t really the driving factors for your approval, but passing this test is.This means even if you just opened your doors yesterday and have little or no revenue, you can still be approved with most business credit sources&#8230; as long as you pass their test.You must have a physical business address, or use a virtual address. You&#8217;ll need to have a business phone number, preferably a toll free number, and it&#8217;ll need to be listed in 411.You&#8217;ll need a business fax number and you should have a professional email address, and website. You must have the proper licenses for your business, industry, city, county, and state and you need an EIN, entity setup, and bank account.There are actually 20 items on this test that will be reviewed, but you now know some of the most important factors that credit issuers and lenders review.When establishing business credit, there are actually three types of credit you can get: vendor credit (starter accounts that offer Net 30 terms), store credit (revolving credit cards available in retail stores), and cash credit (revolving credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard that card issuers or banks approve you for).The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make when building credit for their business is that they try to apply for store or cash credit first, and skip vendor credit.But stores and banks will NOT approve a business owner for credit until their EIN credit profile and score are established. If you try to apply for store or cash credit without an established business credit profile and score, you&#8217;ll be denied&#8230; 100% of the time.You must get approved with vendors first who offer Net 30 terms. After you use those accounts and pay your bills, the accounts will get reported to the business credit reporting agencies.Then and only then will you have an established business credit profile and score. Once it has been established, you can begin to be approved for store revolving credit.You should seek out vendors who will approve a business for credit, even if none is established yet. There are actually many vendor sources who are well known for this: Uline, Quill, Reliable, and Laughlin and Associates, just to name a few.To start business credit, you first should get approved for accounts with these vendors.Some will require you purchase their products first and some will have you make three orders and pay before they&#8217;ll issue you a line-of-credit. But all of the sources I listed will approve a brand new business, even if you have no credit now.You&#8217;ll want to insure you have a total of five payment experiences reported before you even think of applying for store credit. A payment experience is the reporting of an account to a business reporting agency.So Quill, for example, reports to both D&#038;B and Experian. That means that one account will count as two payment experiences. Laughlin only reports to Experian, counting as one payment experience.Once you have five payment experiences reporting, you can begin to secure revolving store credit cards for your EIN.KEEP IN MIND, all applications will ask for your SSN but you do NOT need to provide your SSN on the application. If you do supply your SSN, they WILL pull your personal credit&#8230; and if it&#8217;s bad your application will be denied.When you leave the SSN field blank, they&#8217;ll pull your business credit. Once they see that you have business credit established and at least five payment experiences reporting, then you&#8217;ll start to get approved for store credit.Most major retailers do offer business credit as well as consumer credit. Staples, Office Depot, Home Depot, Lowes, Target, Walmart, Costco, Sam&#8217;s Club, Radio Shack, Best Buy, BP, Chevron, Amazon, Shell, and most other stores, offer business credit.Some sources like Home Depot might have more stringent approval requirements and want to see big revenue and three years in business for approval of no personal-guarantee credit. However, sources don&#8217;t have these requirements, if you have credit established for the business.WARNING!!! Do NOT put your SSN on the application. Do NOT apply for revolving store credit without having at least five payment experiences reporting to the business credit reporting agencies. If you do either of these, you&#8217;ll be denied or you&#8217;ll have to give them your personal guarantee.Once you have a total of 10 payment experiences reported to the business bureaus, then you can start to get cash credit cards. Cash cards are those issued by Visa, MasterCard, even AMEX, and are cards you can use anywhere, not just cards you can only use in one store.It&#8217;s recommended that at least one of your 10 payment experiences has a high limit of $10,000 or more before applying for cash credit. Dell is a revolving store source who regularly approves business owners with established business credit for an account with a limit of $10,000 or more.Key Bank and Home Depot are two sources that offer revolving cash credit cards you can use most anywhere; many banks offer these also.When you follow these steps, your business can have an established credit profile and score.This profile and score can then be used to get you credit in your business name, regardless of your personal credit, and without a personal guarantee.You&#8217;ll want to continue building business credit, applying and getting more credit, using that credit, and getting approved for higher and higher credit limits. </p>
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  106. <title>Personal Finance Online Or Personal Finance In Excel?</title>
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  109. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Mar 2023 15:03:17 +0000</pubDate>
  110. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  114. <description><![CDATA[Wherever you are in the World, be it New York City, New York or Mumbai, India, before technology made things easy and before the explosive use of online services, personal budgets if they were done at all, were largely done on computer spreadsheets, and by far the most popular choice was doing personal finance in [...]]]></description>
  115. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Wherever you are in the World, be it New York City, New York or Mumbai, India,  before technology made things easy and before the explosive use of online services, personal budgets if they were done at all, were largely done on computer spreadsheets, and by far the most popular choice was doing personal finance in excel.Now that apps and technology have made so many things easier, accessible and convenient online, including managing budgets online, it&#8217;s time to reconsider if personal finance in excel has had its day, including all the variations of family budget worksheets, financial planning spreadsheets, or any other offerings of managing money in excel.The Benefits Of Managing Personal Finance In ExcelThe most obvious benefit is that calculations are done by a formula processor so that the mechanics of adding up and making calculations can be automated and easily repeated, pasted, and copied.That much is obvious, and all sorts of elaborate versions of family budget worksheets in excel can be created by anyone who can write a basic formula. So ease of creation is a major benefit, even though cost of time is high in order to create the formulas, and format the financial spreadsheet as you build it.Another benefit to managing a budget worksheet in excel is that it could be free, certainly it will be free if you invest the heavy hours to do it yourself. Given that creating family budgets is not exactly a fun day out in the first place, however, many people look for free family budget worksheets or spreadsheets.These products are invariably created by someone else online and sold or given away free &#8211; fully formatted and formulaic.The Problem with Managing Personal Finance In ExcelThe problem with personal finance in excel though is exactly that &#8211; personal finance in excel!It sits on a personal computer or laptop, and is not much use on a smartphone &#8211; no-one wants to sit squinting at a finance worksheet or spreadsheet on a phone. Also, the time it takes to personalise these standard financial worksheets in excel can be wasted with one little slip, an accidental delete, formula mismatch and everything clogs up and numbers and columns don&#8217;t match up.It is incredibly hard to recover a corrupted formula unless you are professionally trained in excel.Also, personal finance in excel is limited to basic calculations and can&#8217;t really be integrated easily to a wider range of financial budget decisions. Each personal finance worksheet created in excel is for single purpose, not multipurpose use. One obvious danger is localised loss of the PC, laptop, or attack from virus or malware &#8211; spyware and identity theft from an unsecure system.One very real danger in downloading free financial excel spreadheets is that these are so often given away in promotions, as ways to harvest personal details, or include hidden shipping costs, or suck you into buying something much more expensive later.You can never be sure if you have bought or loaded illegal pirate copies or OEM software. These localised personal finance spreadsheets might even contain malware, spyware or tracking cookies to steal your data &#8211; you just can&#8217;t tell.The Explosive Benefits Of Personal Finance Online. Managing money online has a lot of the benefits of finance in excel without any of the drawbacks.In fact the only problem with it isn&#8217;t really a problem at all. It costs more than free &#8211; but comes with dedicated service, it never crashes, you can&#8217;t lose it, someone else has to maintain the connections, and a bunch of employed people are concentrating 100% on making it work and work well.There are no install problems, hidden costs, or personalised mistakes. The best ones have encryption software to protect security, they make it really easy to use, access it and maintain it.Financial budgeting online can even be fun, and money saving. Chose one which pays back a user dividend or uses your details anonymously with your permission to find you really cheap deals and money saving opportunities without spamming you to death.Personally, I think personal finance online software is the only way to go, way better than personal finance in excel, which frankly is decades out of date and not at all convenient.Think about it &#8211; If I&#8217;m going to invest time to create a family budget, a critical component of mastering money  &#8211; why would I not want to gain some benefit through a finance online service which sourced cheaper prices on my behalf &#8211; why go and do all that searching myself, all over again?Surely, conducting personal finance online is a no brainer? </p>
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  121. <title>Make Money Online Promotion Web Site &#8211; 2 Easy Ways of Earning Money Through Web Site Promotion</title>
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  124. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Mar 2023 13:17:08 +0000</pubDate>
  125. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  129. <description><![CDATA[The internet&#8217;s wide scale of influence is already known to almost everybody. The World Wide Web is now considered as a perfect marketing ground for business because of its unlimited potential to generate money. To make money online promotion web site is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money that can be [...]]]></description>
  130. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> The internet&#8217;s wide scale of influence is already known to almost everybody. The World Wide Web is now considered as a perfect marketing ground for business because of its unlimited potential to generate money. To make money online promotion web site is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money that can be done on the internet. This type of business only requires an ample amount of time to handle and does not cost a high amount to operate. Earning money through site promotion is known as Affiliate Marketing. Usually, earning money by promoting a web site is on percentage basis. The more products are sold through promotion, the higher the commission a person gets. Web site promotion offers an easy way in earning money. What&#8217;s even greater is it&#8217;s free to apply. The next to worry about is how to promote a site effectively. Here are some helpful techniques in web site promotion can be tried.o Article Marketing &#8211; creating an article about the product is one of the most effective ways of introducing an item to the people. An article should contain quality information and should be informative. Avoid exaggerated claims as this will only result to long term damage. To quickly gain the trust of the people. Try to create an informative article by providing tips and natural remedies for their problem. These tips should be related to the goals of the web site. Do not forget to provide the lead site at the end of the article. By providing some tips, the people will feel that the writer may have a sincere intention to help and would eventually lead them to check more information by visiting the lead site.o Blog Commenting &#8211; instead of creating blogs for other people to read, why not try an interactive approach and join instead existing blogs. Although creating your own blog is also a great way to promote a web site, leaving comments are also effective in web site promotion. To make money online promotion web site it is important to socialize with as many people as possible to help gain their trust. Join topics that are related to the lead site&#8217;s objective. Leave enlightening comments and always remember that the main focus of every comment should be to provide help. After this, inform them about the existence of the site and provide a link that would lead them to the lead site.Make money online promotion web site is a numbers game. The success in generating money depends on the number of people visiting the web page, and of course the promotion strategy. Making use of PPC or Pay-Per-Click to promote a web site is also a nice strategy but it is costly. Starters are heavily discouraged to try PPC because of its fee that needs to be paid. So basically in this type of business, the more effective a person&#8217;s traffic strategy is the higher the chance of generating income. </p>
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  136. <title>How to Promote Yourself As a Party Entertainer</title>
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  139. <pubDate>Sun, 26 Feb 2023 16:06:32 +0000</pubDate>
  140. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  142. <category><![CDATA[Fashion Design]]></category>
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  145. <description><![CDATA[If you are looking for work as a professional entertainer you are probably wondering what you can do to get noticed.Some entertainers have &#8216;it&#8217; some just don&#8217;t&#8230; but why are a few of the really bad ones get work regularly and other genuinely talented artists are scraping together a living?I run an entertainment agency called [...]]]></description>
  146. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> If you are looking for work as a professional entertainer you are probably wondering what you can do to get noticed.Some entertainers have &#8216;it&#8217; some just don&#8217;t&#8230; but why are a few of the really bad ones get work regularly and other genuinely talented artists are scraping together a living?I run an entertainment agency called Totally Talented, from my experiences the answer is very simple. Some people advertise (for free) in the right places and some are getting it all wrong!Here is a list of popular methods of self promotion<br />
  147. Word if mouth or circles<br />
  148. Advertising<br />
  149. Entertainment agencies like Totally talented<br />
  150. Charity work<br />
  151. The web and your own website<br />
  152. If you don&#8217;t have a large promotion budget here are some free or very cheap methodsWord if mouth or circlesThe number one way to get regular streams of work is word of mouth, every time you have a gig think of the potential of getting all their friends, associates etc. If you are a children&#8217;s entertainer ask the parents to recommend you to their friends.. before you know it you could be the number one entertainer in that school. Make sure you give out business cards or flyers at the end of the event.AdvertisingTargeted advertising can give you the start you need to break into the lucrative world of entertainment. Word of mouth is the number one form of free advertising but there are other ways, they just need you to invest some time and effort. Send out some flyers, put a card up in your local news agency or advertise in the local press. Newspaper advertising starts from as little as £25 and can cost up to several thousands. Whatever you choose to spend make sure it is targeted, that&#8217;s why the local press is the most effective. If your a musician consider advertising in press related to music not just random places. Think about your add too make sure it is worded well and gives all the right information.Entertainment agenciesThere are numerous entertainment agencies that will find work for you. Some of them charge money for their services and some of them are free. Search the net for the free ones. Totally Talented is free to signup.Charity workIf you have some free time, why not do some voluntary work? Not only will you get the opportunity to show off your talents and get potential future work but also that satisfaction of helping a needy cause. Just don&#8217;t forget to give out your business cards at the end!The web and your own websiteThe web is a very powerful tool for self promotion &#8211; use it! There are countless sites where you can advertise your services for free. For example YouTube, Gumtree, blogs and Totally Talented. Totally Talented gives you a personal space where you can upload videos, sound clips and pictures &#8211; the next best thing to a personal recommendation! If you were looking for an entertainer, you would want a recommendation or to see them for yourself first, that&#8217;s why uploading videos to the web is one of the most effective things you can do.There are lots of free ways to get yourself noticed just remember to try. See what works for you and don&#8217;t be afraid to self promote. </p>
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  158. <title>There is an excessive amount of traffic coming from your Region.</title>
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  161. <pubDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2023 00:33:28 +0000</pubDate>
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  179. <title>Franchising Can Continue to Be the Greatest Business Format in History If Regulators Lay Off</title>
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  182. <pubDate>Sun, 05 Feb 2023 04:01:33 +0000</pubDate>
  183. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  196. <description><![CDATA[As a former franchisor I can tell you this; I love franchising, and I love everything about it. I do believe with all my heart that it is the greatest business model ever created in the history of mankind. And I can show you examples of this near and far, as proof. Not to mention [...]]]></description>
  197. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> As a former franchisor I can tell you this; I love franchising, and I love everything about it. I do believe with all my heart that it is the greatest business model ever created in the history of mankind. And I can show you examples of this near and far, as proof. Not to mention the fact that I enjoyed my time franchising my company around the country and into international markets. Now then, can franchising continue to be the greatest business format in human history? I believe so, with a caveat, and if you have a few moments I&#8217;d like to explain this to you.You see, one thing that had always bothered me was the burdensome regulations in the franchising sector. They were completely unwarranted, and from an entrepreneur&#8217;s standpoint outrageously unacceptable. It seems absolutely insane to have such onerous regulations and the requirement of over 300 pages of disclosure documents before you sold a franchise to a new franchisee when in fact there is very little fraud in franchising. After all, why would a franchisor wish to induce a buyer to buy their franchise just to make money in the near term, when they&#8217;d have to do business with that individual for that duration in term of that franchise?It seems to me that regulators don&#8217;t understand this principle, that is to say that franchising is a win-win situation. Those franchisors who use fraudulent sales tactics don&#8217;t last for a long, and they are generally sued into oblivion, we hardly need the hard-core overregulation that exists in the industry today. Now then, it would be different with business opportunities where a business model and format is sold to an individual, and once the business opportunity company has sold the business, they walk away never to talk to the individual again.In that case they would have an incentive to overhype their business model, and perhaps that&#8217;s why there is more fraud in the business opportunity sector than in the franchise opportunity sector. One thing that equally bothers me now in 2011, nearly a decade after I had franchised my company is that on one hand we claim we want jobs for Americans, but we make it almost impossible for companies to grow big and strong and franchise their operations. A new franchised outlet could hire as many as 10 to 20 people.Therefore, the more franchises which are established, sold, and started the more people will have jobs in our workforce. And yet, we go right along over regulating the sector and losing out on all those future jobs. It just makes absolutely no sense to me, and I have study this industry for about 35 years now. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. </p>
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