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  22. <title>Anti Aging Foods Good for the Skin</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Sun, 26 Feb 2023 07:30:23 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  30. <description><![CDATA[Upon getting information about an upcoming school science fair and the need to consider a topic of interest, many students will typically have no idea where to get started. While the science fair is typically a common occurrence in any school at any grade level, there are different types of topics that should be taken [...]]]></description>
  31. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>    Upon getting information about an upcoming school science fair and the need to consider a topic of interest, many students will typically have no idea where to get started. While the science fair is typically a common occurrence in any school at any grade level, there are different types of topics that should be taken a look at depending on the age of the student. After first taking a look at the many different categories of science projects, you will be able to locate a suitable choice of topic to take to the next level.There is a wide variety of categories that fall under the types of science projects that can be chosen for a school science fair. These include biology, chemistry, physics, microbiology, biochemistry, medicine, environmental, mathematics, engineering, and earth science. While you may not have yet learned very much in any of these categories, don&#8217;t be afraid to see what each one entails. Taking a good look at your interests will allow you to focus on the right direction to take.Many resources are also available for those who are unsure as to the topic they are wanting to use to create their science projects. If you take a look at the topics that fall under the biology category, you will likely notice that there are topics that deal with plants, animals, and humans. For those who are in 2nd grade or 3rd grade, an interesting topic may be to determine if ants are picky over what type of food they eat. While this topic might not be of interest to an 8th grader, it is certainly something in the biology category that an elementary school student would enjoy.Along with the biology category, a high school student may want to take a look at diffusion and osmosis in animal cells as this would be a more appropriate topic for the grade level. A student in 6th grade would be more advanced than an elementary school student, but not as advanced as a high school student. At this middle school grade level, a topic of how pH levels effect the lifespan of a tadpole may be of interest.Whichever resource is used to locate a topic for science projects, it is always a good idea to consider the grade level of the student prior to making a selection. It is always assumed to be best to have a project at an appropriate level in order to keep the attention of the student and provide a fun and enjoyable learning experience. </p>
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  37. <title>The Solution to Anti-Aging Skin Care</title>
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  40. <pubDate>Sat, 25 Feb 2023 22:43:26 +0000</pubDate>
  41. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  45. <description><![CDATA[The anti-aging skin care field has boomed, with hundreds of new products being introduced to the market on what feels like almost on a daily basis. This has resulted in what we may call &#8220;skin care overload.&#8221; People have become overwhelmed and confused by the countless number of ingredients we are told are necessary for [...]]]></description>
  46. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> The anti-aging skin care field has boomed, with hundreds of new products being introduced to the market on what feels like almost on a daily basis. This has resulted in what we may call &#8220;skin care overload.&#8221; People have become overwhelmed and confused by the countless number of ingredients we are told are necessary for anti-aging. It has become impossible to access and apply even a fraction of these ingredients due to the cost and time involved. We feel compelled to buy multiple products every month and layer them on in order to do the most for our skin. But, as we fill our medicine cabinets with creams and serums, we are faced with the daily questions of which shall we use, which are safe and which actually work?It has been long overdue that the various categories of anti-aging and the anti-aging ingredients themselves be ordered and categorized so that a comprehensive approach to anti-aging may be put into place. Firstly, there are many features to skin aging and people will show one or more features over time, but may differ in the features of skin aging that plague them. For example, some people develop sagging or laxity to the skin due to genetic factors, but may have little or no sun damage. Others may be covered with sun spots but have no sagging or wrinkling. The following is a validated classification scheme which allows for each clinical feature of skin aging to be assessed separately on a 4-point grading scale (mild, moderate, advanced, severe):Classification of Skin Aging:<br />
  47. Laxity (Sagging)<br />
  48. Wrinkles<br />
  49. Redness<br />
  50. Brown discolorations<br />
  51. Solar elastosis (Yellowing)<br />
  52. Irregular texture<br />
  53. Abnormal growths (keratoses).1This classification scheme of skin aging includes a severity scale as mentioned above (0=None, 1=Mild, 2=Moderate, 3=Advanced, and 4=Severe) which allows researchers or users to rank each individual person&#8217;s skin aging according to feature and severity. This scale was shown to be very useful in testing anti-aging treatments and has been published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.1 Older scales tended to lump different features together into broad categories, which became less useful as treatments became more specific in targeting various facets of skin aging; for example as anti-pigment or anti-redness or anti-wrinkle. With this current anti-aging scale, our anti-aging products may be quantitatively tested to determine which individual categories of skin aging they treat and how effective they are in each category. This also allows us to hone our anti-aging regimen to our needs and to compile or group the ingredients in each category that are most effective so as to cover all categories of anti-aging in a logical manner.The next challenge was to classify the plethora of anti-aging ingredients on the market based on the features of skin aging that they targeted or treated. I then created a classification scheme of the categories of anti-aging targeted by the ingredients that have emerged over the past decade:<br />
  54. Anti-Wrinkle &#8211; DNA Defense - Barrier Fortification<br />
  55. Anti-Redness - Cellular Restore - Emollient/Moisturizer<br />
  56. Anti-Brown Discoloration &#8211; Damage Reversal &#8211; Pro-Skin Thickness<br />
  57. Anti-Oxidants - Aging Repair &#8211; Re-TexturizeWith this classification scheme, we can appreciate why people have become so overwhelmed and why they have accumulated shopping bags full of skin creams in order to meet their needs! Nevertheless, as anti-aging ingredients have emerged targeting each of these categories, ideally one would want to incorporate the best ingredients of each category in a single daily regimen to optimally treat skin aging.Each individual may differ in which category of anti-aging they need most, yet in order to prevent and reverse all the signs of skin aging, it is still optimal for all categories to be covered by an anti-aging regimen. It is important to familiarize yourself with which ingredients fall in each category, so that you can incorporate several of each group into your skin regimen, or look for a product that covers the various categories of anti-aging in a logical way. Examples of key active ingredients shown to yield resulst in each category of anti-aging include: peptides for anti-wrinkles, plant-derived polyphenols and bisabolol for anti-redness, amino acids for anti-brown discolorations, vitamins C, E and ferulic acid for anti-oxidant, DNA repair molecules such as acetyl tyrosine and proline for DNA defense, resveratrol for cellular restore, bark extract or phoretin for damage reversal, Helianthus annuus and Ilex paraguensis extracts for aging repair, dimethicone for barrier repair, glycerin and soy lecithin for emollients, hyaluronic acid for boosting skin thickness, and mushroom extracts and sodium lactate for smoothening abnormal texture.In sum, the field of anti-aging now has validated classification systems for the various categories of skin aging and for the plethora of anti-aging ingredients so that we can assess and determine which anti-aging actives we want in our medicine cabinet and to make certain that we cover the various categories of anti-aging in our daily regimen. With this scientific basis, we may now intelligently assess anti-aging products for their ability to comprehensively cover all the various categories of skin aging and include the various categories of anti-aging ingredients available. Finally, these comprehensive, validated classification and grading scales provide a framework for solving the anti-aging conundrum with a system for categorizing skin aging and classifying anti-aging actives to make sure you cover all your skin&#8217;s anti-aging needs.(C) NY Derm LLC, 2010.1) Alexiades-Armenakas, M, et al. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2008 May;58(5):719-37; quiz 738-40. </p>
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  63. <title>Benefits of Sports Nutrition on Your Health</title>
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  66. <pubDate>Sat, 25 Feb 2023 18:26:05 +0000</pubDate>
  67. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  71. <description><![CDATA[There are a lot of misconceptions out there about sports nutrition and whether or not it&#8217;s appropriate for people who aren&#8217;t athletes. This is a somewhat understandable fear, as the media at large often likes to sensationalize the diets or supplement regimens of famous athletes. Adding in the media&#8217;s fascination with aggrandizing sports figures and [...]]]></description>
  72. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> There are a lot of misconceptions out there about sports nutrition and whether or not it&#8217;s appropriate for people who aren&#8217;t athletes. This is a somewhat understandable fear, as the media at large often likes to sensationalize the diets or supplement regimens of famous athletes. Adding in the media&#8217;s fascination with aggrandizing sports figures and elevating them onto pedestal and it&#8217;s easy to feel like the rules that apply to them don&#8217;t apply to you whether dietary or otherwise. The fact of the matter is, there is a lot that most people can learn from sports nutrition health, and they can gain a lot of benefits from incorporating the dietary insights athletes have learn for their own food consumption.The ironic thing about this public fear is the fact that most dietary changes over the least hundred years have started out in what it now known as optimum sports nutrition. If you look at the general and fairly predictable pattern for dietary changes and trends, you&#8217;ll notice that they tend to start with elite athletes and then trickle their way down to the rest of us. In fact, this is true for certain medical treatments in addition to diet.If you look at the trends closely, you&#8217;ll even see that dietary changes tend to start with the most EXTREME athletes out there professional bodybuilders. This is due to two simple facts. First, bodybuilders regularly experiment with massive body modulation and re-composition in order to compete in their sport. Secondly, bodybuilders tend to be the ones most willing to try absolutely anything. It&#8217;s true that most people don&#8217;t want to look like a pro bodybuilder or to go nearly as far as they go in their experiments, but those experiments are precisely the reason why meal replacements, protein shakes, multivitamins, weight training, and lower carbohydrate diets and many more breakthroughs have all entered the mainstream fitness world.In many ways, we are all eating the way we are because of insights found in the world of sports nutrition even if we&#8217;re not conscious about it.So now that I&#8217;ve hopefully dispelled some of the fear and unnecessary distance that might keep you from embracing sports nutrition as a great way to lose weight and build muscle as an amateur, what benefits can you expect from consciously incorporating these dietary protocols into your life?For starters, you are likely to drastically reduce the number of times that you get sick. Professional athletes can&#8217;t afford to get sick, and as such they have devised nutritional programs that tend to promote vibrant good health. Professional athletes are also unable to take too much time lying around sore and beaten up from their training, so you can expect to recover faster from your workouts.If you follow a solid sports nutrition health plan than you are likely to reach your fitness and performance goals much quicker than if you followed a standard American diet or a slightly healthier variation on it. There&#8217;s no reason to spend two months trying to lose five pounds when you go do it in two weeks with the right nutritional program.Overall, optimum sports nutrition is designed to allow the human body to function at its best. That&#8217;s something that everyone can benefit from- whether you&#8217;re a computer programmer who likes to row on the side, a new mother looking to lose your baby fat quickly, or just an average Joe who wants to look and feel better than ever before. </p>
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  78. <title>A Guide to the Basics of Home Design</title>
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  81. <pubDate>Fri, 10 Feb 2023 08:06:48 +0000</pubDate>
  82. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  86. <description><![CDATA[Any person who is lucky enough to own a home nowadays can consider such home as his castle. The present state of the economy has made home ownership a rarity indeed especially if a person is a wage earner.People who have had their homes for a long time are definitely thankful that they have something [...]]]></description>
  87. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Any person who is lucky enough to own a home nowadays can consider such home as his castle.  The present state of the economy has made home ownership a rarity indeed especially if a person is a wage earner.People who have had their homes for a long time are definitely thankful that they have something they can call their own.  However, the wear and tear as well as the abuses of nature can take its toll on the inside and outside look of any home.  Thus, most homeowners have plans of redesigning their homes depending on the available resources.Redesigning a home that has been in existence for a long time can be difficult and expensive.  However, a person who is creative and industrious enough will find the time and the energy to redesign his home using the basic and affordable guide in home design.Redesigning a home need not be expensive because there are techniques that can be applied to make an old home as good as new.  A person can work on a minimum budget and introduce basic changes in his home which would result to a more aesthetic abode.The people living in a home will certainly have developed a new style or preference after so many years.  It is advisable that a person looks into his preferences, the way of life of the family and of course the available budget before making any change.It would help to browse architectural or interior magazines to have an idea of what is new is home redesigning.  More often, less is best so make sure that the design would be simple and would fit the personality of the people living in the house.There are several designs to choose from like country, modern, traditional or pop art.  It will depend on the taste of the designer and of course, the people who will be living in the home that will be redesigned.A person can make amazing changes in any home just by changing the color scheme of the home.  It can be a change in the paint of the rooms, or a change in the colors scheme of the draperies.  No matter what, the color should match the size and the location of the rooms to be redesigned.Also take a look at the appliances, furniture and trinkets that are available inside or outside the home.  These factors can affect the design and can even have a great impact in the choice of colors.To make the home more airy and relaxing, it would be a good idea to bring in some plants.  The plants should however be of little maintenance so that the homeowner would not have a hard time taking care of the plants.Also take note of the lighting scheme of the home.  Placing the right kind of light at the right place can make a difference in making the home spacious or narrow, cheerful or dreary.A nice chandelier with a classic can make a room sophisticated so it might be a good decision to buy one.  As a general rule, plan ahead of time before purchasing the items that needed to be added into the newly redesigned home so as to make sure that the items are essential to the design and they would not look misplaced in the new design of the home. </p>
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  93. <title>New Home Design</title>
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  96. <pubDate>Fri, 10 Feb 2023 06:07:57 +0000</pubDate>
  97. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  101. <description><![CDATA[What is the process for designing a new home? What are the steps in competing a new home design? The answers to these questions vary from job to job, but generally include some of the same elements. The first step in contemplating a new home design is to interview and select a design firm. There [...]]]></description>
  102. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> What is the process for designing a new home? What are the steps in competing a new home design? The answers to these questions vary from job to job, but generally include some of the same elements. The first step in contemplating a new home design is to interview and select a design firm. There are many choices and many different prices to choose from when selecting a design team to complete your new home design. Ask about their experience, ask for references, ask if they have designed homes similar to what you are looking for. Also, ask exactly what you will receive for the fees you pay.After you interview and select a design firm, the first step will be to lay out your site plan. This shows how your home or building will be situated on your lot/land. Then the designer will help you decide on your floor-plan. The floor plan includes the locations of all the rooms, garages, porches, patios and more along with notes and dimensions. Once your floor plans are complete, you will move to the elevations stage of the design. This is where an experienced design team will help you to decide exactly what you want your house or building to look like on the outside from all four sides. These elevations outline exterior material choices, such as brick, stone or stucco, architectural details, and generally showcase the exterior features of the home. These pages will show whether the style is French country, Mediterranean, traditional, Tuscan, Victorian, English or another architectural style.Once floor plans and elevations have been completed, then it is time to finish the plan. A finished plan will include electrical details, a roof plan, in some cases a framing plan, and also where required, sections. Sections are cut-aways that show different areas of the home from different angles as if you are looking at a slice through of that area of the home. Finally you will receive several pages of general construction notes. These notation pages are to help guide your builder in many different areas of construction. These notation pages are critical and careful attention needs to be paid to these pages as they will help tremendously during the construction process. Services such as space planning, land planning, interior elevations, artistic renderings and much more are usually offered by experienced design firms. Think carefully before you choose your design firm, make sure they are capable of delivering what you expect in a new architectural design, and happy building!by: Erich Wynn07-01-2011 </p>
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  108. <title>The Secrets of a Good Home Design: Moving Beyond the Obvious</title>
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  111. <pubDate>Fri, 10 Feb 2023 03:19:17 +0000</pubDate>
  112. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  114. <category><![CDATA[home design]]></category>
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  117. <description><![CDATA[This article is not your basic primer on selecting your &#8220;dream home&#8221;. Nor does it contain the list of &#8220;items to ask your designer&#8221; &#8211; these things can be found on any designer&#8217;s website or Google search. As important as those items are, what we are going to do here is drill-down into the design [...]]]></description>
  118. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> This article is not your basic primer on selecting your &#8220;dream home&#8221;. Nor does it contain the list of &#8220;items to ask your designer&#8221; &#8211; these things can be found on any designer&#8217;s website or Google search. As important as those items are, what we are going to do here is drill-down into the design a little, bypass the fan-fare and talk about some specific concepts that will really make a difference in your life.Matching your house to your lifestyle begins with an exploration of your needs and wants. Most home designers will have some type of &#8220;discovery process&#8221; that will help identify the basics for your home design. It will start with the configuration of your lot and proceed through items such as privacy requirements, work areas, outdoor spaces, etc. Although this process is critical to your project, it rarely drills down enough to transform your design into a home that will serve your needs for a lifetime.Here are two keys of good home design that must be addressed up-front: a) assessing the homeowner&#8217;s current needs; and, b) anticipating the future needs of people living in the home. Before you say &#8220;Yeah, yeah&#8230;I&#8217;ve heard this all before!&#8221; let&#8217;s take a closer look at what &#8220;current needs&#8221; entail.Almost all &#8220;discovery processes&#8221; used by home designers focus on the use and space requirements of the rooms in the house. This is good, but too little attention is given to the personal needs of the people actually living in the home. Without performing a comprehensive assessment of the client&#8217;s functional abilities, identifying areas of the home where modifications are necessary is often overlooked.For example, the needs of a child and his / her ability to live comfortably in the home are rarely addressed at the design stage. It&#8217;s necessary to evaluate the child&#8217;s current abilities and design an environment that works and grows with the child. Some easy adaptive design elements would include adjustable shelves and rods in the closet. As the child grows, the shelves and rods can be moved to better accommodate their reach. Appliances present a similar situation as it is necessary for the controls to be accessible. Front mounted controls on washing machines and dryers enable their use. Safety also comes into play. A child trying to use a microwave placed overhead is a recipe for disaster!Of course, the above example is very simple, but it illustrates the point that design needs to be done from the perspective of the individual and his / her ability to carry out daily routines in the home. This is why a good designer will perform an assessment of the client and specify the needed design modifications.There are a couple of tools that a designer can use to evaluate the needs of their clients. One of those tools is the Comprehensive Assessment and Solution Process for Aging Residents (CASPAR). CASPAR was designed for healthcare professionals to evaluate their client&#8217;s ability to carry out routine activities in the home. This is also useful in determining the requirements of people who have disabilities.Anticipating the future needs of individuals may prove a little trickier, but we can start by understanding the process of aging. Whether we like to think about growing old or not, it is inevitable, and people&#8217;s functional abilities diminish over time. A well designed home will easily adapt to these changing needs and allow people to stay in their homes longer.Fortunately, &#8220;universal design&#8221; is beginning to take root in modern home design. Ron Mace, Founder and Program Director of the Center for Universal Design (NCSU), give us the following definition of UD: &#8220;The intent of universal design is to simplify life for everyone by making products, communications, and the built environment more usable by as many people as possible at little or no extra cost. Universal design benefits people of all ages and abilities.&#8221; Because the principles of universal design are inclusive for people with disabilities, the application of UD in home design is appropriate and addresses many of the needs of people who wish to &#8220;age in place&#8221;.Adaptable design is different in concept from universal design. Where universal design benefits people of all ages and abilities, adaptable design allows the home to be modified for a specific need. An example of adaptable design would be designing a two-story home with &#8220;stacked closets&#8221; (a closet on the first floor directly below and aligned with a closet on the second floor) so that a residential elevator or lift could easily be installed in the future. In contrast, a universal design item might be the installation of lever door handles that are easier to use for people who have lost the ability to grip a standard round door knob. These lever handles also benefit anyone who may have their hands full with groceries and want to release the door latch by using their forearm or elbow, for example. Children also have an easier time using lever door handles.Distinguishing between universal and adaptable design may seem difficult at first, but when one realizes that these principles have less to do about the installation of specific items and are more about a designer&#8217;s perspective, it all begins to make better sense. And the designer&#8217;s perspective is heavily influenced by a thorough client assessment.Does this level of service cost more? Yes, probably. But a couple hundred dollars up front to hire a qualified designer who will accurately assess your lifestyle and evaluate your future needs, pales in comparison to leaving your design to chance. The number one secret to good home design is to avoid cutting costs at this stage of your project and find a home designer who is an expert in assessing your needs and applying the design criteria that will make your house a home for a lifetime. </p>
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  124. <title>Business Finance Brokers: Knowing How They Can Help You</title>
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  127. <pubDate>Thu, 09 Feb 2023 13:56:33 +0000</pubDate>
  128. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  130. <category><![CDATA[Finance]]></category>
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  133. <description><![CDATA[Planning to purchase a business unfortunately do not know where to start looking for finance? Are you currently a bit too busy to be undertaking some researching plus negotiating with business finance brokers? Have you been beginning to lose hope because you are always rejected by lending companies or banking institutions?When your reply is a [...]]]></description>
  134. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Planning to purchase a business unfortunately do not know where to start looking for finance? Are you currently a bit too busy to be undertaking some researching plus negotiating with business finance brokers? Have you been beginning to lose hope because you are always rejected by lending companies or banking institutions?When your reply is a definite &#8216;yes&#8217; to these questions then it could be the very best time and also a smart idea to obtain the aid of a business finance broker who is able to accomplish all the finance arrangements in your part.It truly is significant that you get a very good business finance broker as a good broker provides a dedicated one-to-one service and keeps you fully up to date of the available alternatives, what every single option entails along with its benefits and downside. A good broker is knowledgeable in finding a wide range of suitable finance options without delay. In addition, he offers the expertise to negotiate a better deal than you can do by yourself.A business finance broker is aware of which type of financing you need. The kind of financing that you will need will depend on your financial means, your expected profit margin, the sector you want to enter plus some other factors. A broker makes the whole process simple and easy; in most cases he gathers some basic information from you via phone and provides a decision in principle within 24 or 48 hours.When you have determined which financial providers to approach, the brokers can help you tailor and present your proposals in the right way. In order to help tailor your proposals and also to avoid rejections they keep up to date with any policy changes at banks.The method that you present your proposal can often be the cause of being rejected for finance.The moment you ponder on raising funds to obtain a business, what comes first to your mind is to get finance from banks. Yet you ought to be knowledgeable that there are a myriad of lenders these days and some of which specialize in particular products or industries. For instance if perhaps you wish to purchase a garage business, it would make sense to request finance from a lender which specializes in funding garages.A finance broker is knowledgeable with the diverse market for finance provision. Odds are that you&#8217;ll find the process complicated and time intensive and find yourself land up picking the wrong business finance provider. You need the aid of a broker to get the best deal.In regards to raising finance, a one-dimensional approach can be a bad idea. Quite often, banks lend on inflexible terms and more frequently they turn down individuals who are with greatest need.Business finance brokers aid you have a whole lot more options besides banks. He will likewise tailor a financial package that suits your needs as well as resources from a wide selection of finance companies and kinds of finance.Because brokers are up to par and extensively knowledgeable of the financial provision market they are fully aware precisely how much leverage they have in negotiations. Thus the moment you have selected a number of providers, the broker can use his expertise in negotiating to obtain a deal with the terms and rates that best accommodates your needs.Bear in mind that the choice is always yours. A broker is there to offer you options and also assist you have an understanding of them to produce a well-informed choice.A business finance broker can help beyond purchasing a business &#8211; he can assist you obtain working capital as your business grows and expands. Brokers also offer assistance on business planning, consulting, management buyouts, business restructuring, and also buy-ins and turnaround finance.By simply using the services of a reliable finance broker like Enable Finance you&#8217;ll save yourself money and time plus obtain a financial deal that accommodates you best. </p>
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  140. <title>Take Care of Physical Assets Before Putting Business for Sale</title>
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  143. <pubDate>Sat, 04 Feb 2023 22:40:22 +0000</pubDate>
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  157. <description><![CDATA[No body wants to sell a business that he has nurtured with his time, money and hard work. However, many times, business owners are forced to sell their business due to certain unavoidable circumstances of financial issues. The even worse part is that the process of selling a business can sometimes be very difficult. The [...]]]></description>
  158. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> No body wants to sell a business that he has nurtured with his time, money and hard work. However, many times, business owners are forced to sell their business due to certain unavoidable circumstances of financial issues. The even worse part is that the process of selling a business can sometimes be very difficult. The first difficulty you come across before putting your business for sale is evaluation of its fair value.There is so much preparation to do before putting a business for sale that it is often hard to decide the starting point. Preparing a list of tangible assets and classifying the ones that can be included in the sale can be a good place to start.Among the tangible assets, real estate being the most important physical property usually needs the maximum attention. In addition to real estate, other major tangible assets, include vehicles, office equipments, operating equipments, and inventories. All of these assets may or may not exist in every business, but making a clear list of assets for sale will make things transparent between you and the buyer. Buyer will also get a clear idea about the things he is getting in return of his investment.Real estate, office building, and land are usually the most important parts of any business. The location of business plays a major role in deciding the value of any business and therefore you can choose to treat real estate as a part of the business or can sell it as a completely independent entity. You may also choose to sell only the business while keeping the office premises under your control. In such cases, the buyer has the option to move the business to a new location.Having all the office equipments in a proper working condition means the business needs no immediate investments in terms of infrastructure. This brings in a positive response for your business. Equipments that need upgrades and maintenance should be taken care of before putting your business for sale. If everything looks nice at the first appearance, it will definitely add value to your business.Calculating the value of inventories is also an inseparable part of any business. It is advisable to divide the inventories on the basis of their current state &#8211; raw materials, half-made products, and finished products. It is better to keep away goods that are damaged or expired.Sorting out the tangible assets before you put your business for sale also helps you avoid any sort of discrepancies in the future. It will also help you identify what remains with you after the selling process is over. At the same time, it gives the buyer an idea about what he is getting in return of his hard-earned money. </p>
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  164. <title>Automotive Advertising Agencies Don&#8217;t Know What They Don&#8217;t Know But Social Media Has The Answers</title>
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  167. <pubDate>Sat, 04 Feb 2023 19:12:44 +0000</pubDate>
  168. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  184. <description><![CDATA[Automotive advertising agencies are being asked to deliver more for less by a consolidating auto industry in response to reduced sales volume, profit margins and automotive advertising budgets. The solution, as is often the case, lies in the leveraged use of technology applied to a constant in the auto industry &#8212; change. Another constant that [...]]]></description>
  185. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Automotive advertising agencies are being asked to deliver more for less by a consolidating auto industry in response to reduced sales volume, profit margins and automotive advertising budgets. The solution, as is often the case, lies in the leveraged use of technology applied to a constant in the auto industry &#8212; change. Another constant that can be found in the auto industry is human nature. These two constants, change and human nature, power the explosive growth of the use of social media by automotive advertising agencies. Unfortunately, the change is happening at warp speed on the Internet Super Highway and agencies don&#8217;t know what they don&#8217;t know when it comes to new technologies and applications being developed to monetize social media.Attempts to provide a presence for automobile dealers on social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter fall short for the same reasons that these online communities of friends are so successful with consumers. People hate car dealers and they often turn to advice from like minded consumers on social networking sites to get away from them. Automotive advertising agencies that impose on these personal conversations with self serving sales messages are often ostracized and even virally attacked as an intruder. The potential damage to the online reputation of their auto dealer clients represents a risk to reward formula that has forced many agencies to abandon social media as a viable channel to deliver a retail sales or service message.Fortunately, the same social media that teaches consumers how to buy a vehicle can provide automobile dealers with the information and the tools that they need to sell them one. Social networking portals developed by advertising professionals, automotive vendors and auto dealers allow their members to share best practices with the common philosophy that a rising tide floats all boats. Each online community boasts its own personality and rules of the road to keep members in their lane. The temptation to sell to each other is controlled by the same social pressures that exist on consumer facing social networks for those that forget why they are there &#8212; to listen and learn so they can presume to teach their auto dealers how they can sell cars and service to their online friends.In addition to sharing best practices, many automotive advertising agencies use social media to discover new technologies and vendor applications that have not yet been discovered by the mainstream auto industry. Recent discoveries that I can contribute to my searches on social media include an automated video production platform that produces scalable interactive videos from pictures using human voice to narrate them that are placed on the auto dealer&#8217;s website and pushed through a dedicated API with YouTube onto the world wide web. An equally revolutionary discovery was a consumer centric inventory marketing platforms that offers auto dealers free listings and free leads with the ability to purchase real time market analytics and social networking profiles that empower the salesperson to answer the customer&#8217;s questions even before they ask them. Each of these vendor applications were introduced to the market through automotive advertising social networking communities that enabled them to listen and learn from their members about how they can improve their products and services before they introduced them to the general market. My access to these automotive advertising solutions was only possible as a result of the time I invested on social media looking for them so that I could stay one step ahead of the competition.Online blog talk radio stations hosted on automotive advertising networking portals provide a another social media forum for finding and reviewing new automotive advertising solutions. Regularly scheduled blog talk radio shows with live interviews of the developers of bleeding edge automotive advertising applications allow their online audience to ask vendors questions in an open forum. These open exchanges of ideas in a problem solution format help the vendors as much as the automotive advertising decision makers that follow the shows. A new mobile sales presentation platform with an integrated training component was recently discussed on a blog talk radio show to solicit feedback from the audience. Their insights were used to modify the platform before the vendor began their beta test it in the real world saving thousands of wasted dollars and man hours that would normally be required to mature their application.The opportunity for automotive advertising agencies and auto dealers to listen, learn and contribute to social networking communities allows them to discover what they don&#8217;t know while allowing them the opportunity to share what they do know. Auto dealers are people too/ The same efficiencies and extended resources that attract consumers to social media to research their next vehicle purchase is sourced by automotive advertising agencies who need to stay one step ahead of the competition in a consolidating auto industry that demands more for less. Automotive advertising agencies don&#8217;t know what they don&#8217;t know but they can definitely find out on auto industry focused social media. After all, what are friends for! </p>
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  191. <title>Automotive Rapid Prototyping Fail First Paradox</title>
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  194. <pubDate>Sat, 04 Feb 2023 19:06:34 +0000</pubDate>
  195. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  199. <description><![CDATA[New product development and innovation is much more difficult and time consuming than most other business activities. Automotive rapid prototyping greatly enhances learning speed and reduces the risk of new automotive parts development.Historically, the automotive industry has been using rapid prototyping as an important tool in the automotive parts design process. The extremely fast-paced automotive [...]]]></description>
  200. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> New product development and innovation is much more difficult and time consuming than most other business activities. Automotive rapid prototyping greatly enhances learning speed and reduces the risk of new automotive parts development.Historically, the automotive industry has been using rapid prototyping as an important tool in the automotive parts design process. The extremely fast-paced automotive design cycles require an extremely fast prototyping system which can produce car parts fast and inexpensively.The main objective of automotive prototyping is to learn quickly: how a new automotive product behaves in its natural working environment, before transferring the prototype to the production line. Many times, mistakes are learned only after a new automotive part is launched. This is the main explanation for poor automotive parts design, from product mismatch, poor engineering and function or finish, and overpriced production. In order to accelerate the learning curve, before these costly automotive prototyping mistakes are made, one must accelerate and facilitate feedback loops from tests in the lab and market trials.Automotive Manufacturing TechnologiesWorking with an assortment of rapid prototyping equipment, automotive prototyping engineers utilize the most advanced 3D printers, in their quest for perfect form, function and utility. Working in advanced manufacturing centers, the automotive engineers use the technology to verify what they are doing, and, equally important, to save tremendous amounts of time, and money.Automotive Rapid Prototyping Compresses Development TimeThe advantages of 3D rapid prototyping model creation versus viewing a cad/cam model on a computer screen is palpable. Automotive parts engineers get together discuss the pros and cons of a rapidly produced automotive parts model and discuss the pros and cons of the design, as they pass it around, twisting and viewing the prototype, and decide if that is what they had in mind. This way, problems get solved up front, before going to the assembly line! Once determined that the automotive prototype design is a go, the model can then be sent to a die maker.Automotive Prototyping and the Die Maker ProcessThe die maker cannot use model to make the die, but because they have it in their hand and can look at it and feel it, they can determine where the parting lines will be and exactly how much steel they will need to produce it. The timing of the die process is greatly compressed.Examples of Automotive Rapid Prototyping Parts·  Engine castings and parts·  Car Engine parts·  Auto Mechanical parts·  Car Dashboards·  Car Handles and Knobs·  Auto Body Components·  Car Trim partsFail first Paradox in Automotive Rapid PrototypingThe automotive rapid prototyping paradox is to fail earlier rather than later. By failing earlier, the design engineers surprisingly succeed in accelerating the project; this greatly reduces development cost risk. By considering all automotive prototype failures as learning experiments, the engineer has much less stress, knowing that they are practicing the old adage, that success comes from ninety-nine percent failure and introspection. </p>
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