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  22. <title>Small Business Ideas: Why Women Are Happier in Business</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 12:36:49 +0000</pubDate>
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  51. <description><![CDATA[I woke up this morning, thinking about my early days of starting a small business and what was going on in my head at the time. This took me to wondering why some surveys are showing that women are happier in business, and why 90% of women considered their businesses a success, as opposed to [...]]]></description>
  52. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> I woke up this morning, thinking about my early days of starting a small business and what was going on in my head at the time. This took me to wondering why some surveys are showing that women are happier in business, and why 90% of women considered their businesses a success, as opposed to 80% of men.The way women view life is very different to men, and this carries over into the businesses they create and run.Entrepreneurship ties in closely with the way women run their families and manage relationships.Women survive personal struggles by talking, supporting, and leaning on others whenever the need arises. When entering the business world, they bring along these home-grown qualities, enabling them to approach business from a customer perspective.There is much both men and women can take away from these observations, including outlook on life and a basic approach to business.Modifying Expectations and Creating OptimismMost women do not go into business with the aim of building something huge or memorable. Perhaps they are happier with their businesses because their expectation are lower.Here is a technique to use when starting a business, that keeps you optimistic as well as realistic, while reducing stress. Decide on a minimum income you need to survive &#8211; then work backwards to figure out how many widgets or services you need to sell in order to achieve that goal. See this as your success point, and recognize every achievement above this mark as a roaring success. In most cases the goal is achievable, which gives you enough reality-based optimism to move forward and enjoy the ride.Any TaskA woman truly is the proverbial lioness when it comes to protecting and providing for her family. There is no task too menial if it benefits her children.Entrepreneurs fresh out of the corporate world, are used to having many things done for them. As a result, on entering a start-up, they need to learn quite a number of mundane skills.When it comes to business, women are more inclined to wear many hats, just as they do in their private lives. This is ability vital to a start-up environment.CommunicationNetworking and mentoring are a strength in most women. It is what makes our world go round.You too, can learn to open up about your concerns, hopes, and fears to close friends and loved ones, which helps keep fear at bay and the creative juices flowing.Listening to and communicating with customers is the heart of any successful business.Use these observations to reduce your stress and eliminate the fear of failure.Go for it! Look for something you love to do and turn it into a small business. </p>
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  58. <title>Correction of Some Misconceptions About Dental Health</title>
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  61. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Apr 2023 21:10:13 +0000</pubDate>
  62. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  63. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  64. <category><![CDATA[Child Health]]></category>
  66. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  67. <description><![CDATA[It is very important to maintain good oral health. There are a lot of erroneous beliefs and practices related to oral and dental health which has a negative impact on the dental health.Some of these erroneous beliefs:1) Many believe that it is better to clean their teeth with a hard brush rather than a soft [...]]]></description>
  68. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> It is very important to maintain good oral health. There are a lot of erroneous beliefs and practices related to oral and dental health which has a negative impact on the dental health.Some of these erroneous beliefs:1) Many believe that it is better to clean their teeth with a hard brush rather than a soft brush. That is wrong because the use of hard brush leads to erosion of teeth enamel from the necks of the teeth and resulting in roughness of the surface of the teeth and exposure of the sensitive layer of the teeth and receding gums form the roots. It is better to use a soft brush and toothpaste and follow a nice healthy way to clean your teeth.2) Many believe that when you note bleeding gums while brushing your teeth, the teeth must not be cleaned. That is wrong because the bleeding gums is the first sign of inflammation resulting from inadequate cleaning. And if you refrain from brushing your teeth that will leads to the accumulation of germ layer and, thus, more infections and odors. You should visit your dentist to avoid the deterioration of your gums situation.3) Many believe that the non-replacement of missing teeth does not affect the rest of the teeth or oral health. That is wrong because leaving the space created by the extraction leads to a failure of occlusion and the movement of the adjacent and the opposed teeth to fill the space which results in the periodontal pockets, spaces between teeth, the forward movement of the front teeth and sore jaw joint. You must replace your missing teeth as soon as you can in order to avoid those consequences.4) Many believe that the use of teeth to open cans of soft drinks or break the hard things is a testament to its strength and hardness. That is wrong because the use of teeth for these purposes, lead to cracks in the enamel and vulnerability, which increases the likelihood of your teeth to be broken or sensitive or even lose them, particularly if the teeth are covered with crowns or ceramic object, or has root canal treatment thereby increasing their vulnerability to break.5) Many believe that the use of teeth whitening products sold in the shops save money and time. These products May result in some teeth whitening but their effectiveness will not reach up to those used by dentists because the items sold in shops has low concentrations in order to prevent damage from misuse by the consumer. Therefore, teeth whitening when done by the doctor gives better results and it is much faster, especially using laser light or plasma. It is also safer and the color resulting from the bleaching is better and lasts longer.6) Many believe that leaving a bottle of breast-feeding in the child mouth during sleep has a calming effect on the child. That is wrong, the problem is that the majority of milk products contain sugars which lead to tooth decay, and to have the teeth immersed in milk for long periods of time that will expose it to bacteria and thus decay. The process of sucking for a long time may reflect effects on the growth of the upper jaw.7) Many believe that wooden sticks are useful to clean food from between the teeth. That is wrong; the bad use of wooden sticks leads to erosion of the teeth and injured gums. The wooden sticks should not be used in case of the teeth in contact and gums fill the space between them. In the case of spaces between the teeth or gums, you can then use the wooden sticks, but with caution, otherwise dental floss must be used to clean the spaces between the teeth.8) Many believe that it is normal for the pregnant woman to lose one of her teeth with the birth of each child. That is wrong, the change of hormones during pregnancy may make the teeth and gums more susceptible to infections and tooth decay. If the pregnant woman teeth and gum are healthy and do not suffer from infections, or decay, she will not experience problems during pregnancy. So, the woman who is planning to have children should take care of the health of her teeth, get them cleaned periodically at the doctor office prior to pregnancy. The different hormones in that period may worsen the gingival inflammation, raising the possibility of teeth loss. She must also eat healthy food during pregnancy and take the vitamins necessary to maintain the necessary calcium level for healthy teeth and bones.9) Many believe that the deciduous teeth (baby teeth) do not need to be cleaned or checked at the dentist because it will be replaced by permanent teeth. That is wrong; the deciduous teeth must be cleaned and checked periodically at the dentist between the age of two and five. You should urge children to clean their teeth from a young age, cleaning method at this stage does not matter, what is most important is for the child to get used to the use of a toothbrush. With the growth of child the family should try to correct the child cleaning method, but it should be done gradually, it is natural that the child swallows a small amount of toothpaste; therefore, specific toothpaste for children should be used because they contain less fluoride and does not pose a threat to child health.Neglect of these things will cause teeth decay and lead to abscesses and infections in the teeth nerves, causing the child pain and problems that could have been avoided easily. The early loss of deciduous teeth cause an imbalance in the chewing and affect the correct pronunciation, and lead to the loss of spaces for the growth of permanent teeth and result in overlapping and competing with the permanent teeth.To maintain healthy teeth you should visit the dentist every six months to examine teeth, gums, and get your teeth cleaned if necessary with fluoride application to increase your teeth resistance to decay because your teeth has been created to stay for life. </p>
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  74. <title>Chaos Theory: The Uncontrollable Factor in the Development of Management Systems</title>
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  77. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 18:04:24 +0000</pubDate>
  78. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  79. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  80. <category><![CDATA[Management]]></category>
  82. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  83. <description><![CDATA[Failures in project management systems can be superficially explained by anything from a lack of project detail to managerial conflicts. However, this failure often has deeper roots. Until we begin to recognize this uncontrollable factor it will be difficult to master the implementation of any management system. This factor is known as the &#8220;Chaos Theory&#8221; [...]]]></description>
  84. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Failures in project management systems can be superficially explained by anything from a lack of project detail to managerial conflicts.  However, this failure often has deeper roots. Until we begin to recognize this uncontrollable factor it will be difficult to master the implementation of any management system. This factor is known as the &#8220;Chaos Theory&#8221; or simply &#8220;chaos&#8221;. Chaos Theory could be considered a core management theory for the 21st century. According to Wheatley (1992) when management tries to control chaos by &#8220;shoehorning&#8221; it into a specific structure, an organization is bound to fail. Controlling chaos this rigidly is actually limiting information gathering (Stuart, 1995) and creating the illusion of management. According to McNamara (1999), Chaos Theory recognizes that events are rarely controlled.  As systems such as those in management grow in complexity, the more they become volatile or susceptible to cataclysmic events.One way to plan for such chaos is through &#8220;contingency management&#8221;. Contingency management is having an alternative plan to fall back on when chaos strikes, allowing for critical internal processes to continue and meet the desired outcome. Most managers do not see contingency management as a necessary step, because it takes time. In a world where efficiency and timeliness is key, this step is often the first to be overlooked. Until management recognizes the importance of contingency management and allows it to be fully implemented, chaos will continue to hinder the progress and efficiency of management systems.DEFINING AND ESTIMATING CHAOSThe more general name for the field is complexity theory, where chaos is a particular mode of behavior (Rosenhead, 1998). Chaos theory explains that the behavior in turbulent systems quickly becomes disordered (Wikipedia, 2005). Chaos theory acknowledges that management systems break down. It recognizes that decisions need to be made even in the absence of all intended information (Herz, 2001). Complete order, while the ideal, will always be the one unaccounted for variable&#8211;part of our human nature. Similar to accidents, chaos is like a release of energy in an uncontrolled way (Blockley, 1998).Project management systems are considered dynamic systems, similar to those in nature, which means they change over time and are hard to predict. Even though they are changing, there is usually an underlying predictability that can be identified. This is where chaotic behavior comes into play. Behavior in systems can be placed into two zones, one, the stable zone, where the system, if disturbed, returns to its initial state and two, the zone of instability where some small activity leads to further divergence (Rosenhead, 1998).CALCULATING CHAOSChaos is immeasurable because of its level of randomness and unpredictability. Gabriel (1996) states that looking for sufficient equations to enable one to &#8216;manage&#8217; such chaos is part of a futile and wish-fulfilling quest. However there are some researchers that believe calculating chaos is possible. While chaos in the business world mimics that in nature, unlike chaos in nature, there are measurable ways for project managers to try and calculate the degree to which chaos will affect their project. The following formula can help to calculate project constraints:Dynamics = D + a*P + b*R + c*D*P + d*P*R + e*R*D + f*D*P*RWhere D=directives, P=prerequisites, R=resources and a &#038; f are constraints.However Bertelsen and Koskela (2003) postulate that aside from estimating the size of the chaos (small to extra large), a system is too complicated to predict its function and response to a given problem.WHY IS BUSINESS SO CHAOTIC?The pace of today&#8217;s businesses and technological innovations have quickened to an impossible pace. Sometimes project timelines need to be written before all tasks and resources have been completely identified, which puts a project behind schedule before it has begun. This increasingly fast-paced system is &#8220;a breeding ground&#8221; for a chaotic management system (Yoke, 2003).This breeding ground is creating a complexity explosion, which is affecting the way project managers need to manage. Undertaking a management system project is more than a weeklong project&#8211;many last for years or longer. As conditions are constantly changing, goals and objectives need to also be flexible to change. Goals and objectives are necessary, however, flexibility is key in order to ensure positive long-term results of a project.HOW TO MANAGE CHAOSThe first line of defense in order to manage chaos is a good management team and an even better project manager. According to Bertelsen &#038; Koskela (2003) an organization can manage its chaos by seeking out the factors that are easiest to change. An organization should then handle a projects dynamics and stress in the face of uncertainties. Finally, a manager should both always have a contingency plan and be able to keep track of critical factors and issue warnings. By turning an organization into a &#8220;learning organization&#8221; successful management of chaos is more likely (Bertelsen &#038; Koskela, 2003).Systems are so dynamically complex and highly sensitive to conditions that any link between cause and effect can set off a ripple effect rendering its future deliverable unpredictable. Technologies, timelines, scope, costs, personnel, are constantly changing within an organization and management must be adaptable. The same holds true for project managers. If they are not given the flexibility to adapt to chaos then management systems will fail. Project managers need to be seen as venture capitalists: always searching for new ideas.Most management systems set forth a detailed plan and than proceed to follow it. According to McNamara the best way to do this is to work backwards through the system of an organization. This will help to show which processes will produce the right output and what inputs are required to conduct those processes (McNamara, 1999). A good project manager is one who realizes that plans often need to change in order to accommodate a changing situation. By following contingency plans, good managers can avoid such mishaps as scope creep and cost overruns.<br />
  85. There are different tools that project managers can use to help manage the chaos and successfully manage complicated systems. According to the Numbers Group some such tools are:1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) &#8211; breaks the product to be developed or produced by hardware, software, support, or service element and relates the scope to each.<br />
  86. Example of WBS2. Program Evaluation and Review (PERT) &#8211; a model, which helps the project manager define the critical path using, randomized tasks<br />
  87. Example of Pert Chart3. Implementation Schedule (GANTT) &#8211; graphical representation of the duration of tasks against the progression of time.Example of Gantt Chart4. Enneagram &#8211; originally a tool for personality mapping, can find order in chaos by identifying underlying patterns in an organization. The map allows project managers to predict certain outcomes, which results in more reliable management systems. The Enneagram provides a structured view with which to see the order in between chaos (Fowlke &#038; Fowlke, 1997).<br />
  88. Example of an EnneagramCONCLUSIONA good project manager is one who can adapt to a changing environment as well as allow individuals to manage their own areas of expertise. This business trend is seen in forward thinking companies in the 21st century, and is also known as &#8220;managing by objectives&#8221; or &#8220;empowering knowledge workers&#8221;.  Unfortunately, in most companies this value paradigm is missed because management is focused on the financials rather than on renewing and developing knowledge (Stuart, 1995).The project manager&#8217;s main function is to recognize employees&#8217; strengths and to empower his group to work individually, both in a team and as individuals. The new project manager needs to be forward thinking and to have the ability to be flexible, creative, and able to respond to events quickly (Yolk 2003).  Organizations need to embrace disorder and look to the edge of chaos (Stuart, 1995). Perhaps this empowerment of both individuals and teams as a whole, in conjunction with managements&#8217; ability to stay nimble in the face of a dramatically changing environment, will allow organizations to better manage the challenge of chaos in the 21st century.REFERENCESBertlesen, Sven; Koskela, Lauri. &#8220;Avoiding and Managing Chaos in Projects.&#8221;>.Blockley, David. &#8220;Managing Proneness to Failure.&#8221; Journal of Contingencies &#038; Crisis Management June 1998: 147-176.Freedman, David. &#8220;Chaos Theory.&#8221; Inc. October 1998: 50-60. </p>
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  94. <title>Medical Attorney &#8211; A Professional in Medical Malpractice Cases</title>
  95. <link>,html</link>
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  97. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 07:01:38 +0000</pubDate>
  98. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  99. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  100. <category><![CDATA[Medical Malpractice]]></category>
  102. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  103. <description><![CDATA[In the U.S. hundred of thousand injuries occur each year because of medical malpractice.  Medical malpractice is the leading cause of serious injuries and is also responsible for 100,000 fatalities.  This is alarming enough however, what is more alarming is that only 10-15 percent of victims of malpractice take legal action. Victims of malpractice can contact [...]]]></description>
  104. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> In the U.S. hundred of thousand injuries occur each year because of medical malpractice.  Medical malpractice is the leading cause of serious injuries and is also responsible for 100,000 fatalities.  This is alarming enough however, what is more alarming is that only 10-15 percent of victims of malpractice take legal action. Victims of malpractice can contact a medical attorney for help when dealing with a malpractice case.  Medical attorneys are trained for these kinds of cases.  They will evaluate your case and they can determine if you are able to recover any losses you or a loved one suffered.The Right to Be CompensatedThere are laws that give medical malpractice victims the right to seek compensation for their losses because of neglect by a medical professional.  These laws do have a statute of limitations for someone to file a lawsuit, meaning there is a legal deadline to file.  A medical attorney would know these deadlines.  If you are within the deadline, the attorney may be able to get compensations for things like:<br />
  105. Monetary losses &#8211; costs for medical treatment and rehabilitation in addition to lost wages and other expenses caused by the injury<br />
  106.  Non-monetary losses &#8211; this can be pain and suffering, mental distress, loss of a loved one, etc.<br />
  107. There are also instances where the jury will rule in favor for punitive damages.  The victim will be awarded further compensation.  This is done in hopes that the punishment will prevent defendants from further neglect.  On the other hand many medical malpractice cases do not even go to trial.  An attorney experienced in medical malpractice cases usually negotiates a settlement before a trial is set.When to Contact a Medical AttorneyIt is important to contact a medical attorney as soon as you suspect you have been a victim of malpractice.  Here are some examples of the most seen types of malpractice:<br />
  108. Errors during surgery<br />
  109.  Distributing wrong medication dosages<br />
  110.  Errors during labor and delivery<br />
  111.  Misdiagnosis<br />
  112.  Delay in treatments<br />
  113.  Infections from unsanitary items<br />
  114. Please be aware these are not the only types of malpractice so if you have questions you need to call a medical malpractice attorney right away.  Get Your Case Evaluated TodayA medical malpractice attorney will evaluate your case at no charge and they will then advise you of your rights and legal options.  Medical malpractice is not done only by doctors but however is done by nurses or other medical staff also.  You may have the right to some compensation and a medical attorney will know what is in your best interest.  Contact an attorney immediately. </p>
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  120. <title>Chaos Theory: The Uncontrollable Factor in the Development of Management Systems</title>
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  123. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:58:01 +0000</pubDate>
  124. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  125. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  126. <category><![CDATA[Management]]></category>
  128. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  129. <description><![CDATA[Failures in project management systems can be superficially explained by anything from a lack of project detail to managerial conflicts. However, this failure often has deeper roots. Until we begin to recognize this uncontrollable factor it will be difficult to master the implementation of any management system. This factor is known as the &#8220;Chaos Theory&#8221; [...]]]></description>
  130. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Failures in project management systems can be superficially explained by anything from a lack of project detail to managerial conflicts.  However, this failure often has deeper roots. Until we begin to recognize this uncontrollable factor it will be difficult to master the implementation of any management system. This factor is known as the &#8220;Chaos Theory&#8221; or simply &#8220;chaos&#8221;. Chaos Theory could be considered a core management theory for the 21st century. According to Wheatley (1992) when management tries to control chaos by &#8220;shoehorning&#8221; it into a specific structure, an organization is bound to fail. Controlling chaos this rigidly is actually limiting information gathering (Stuart, 1995) and creating the illusion of management. According to McNamara (1999), Chaos Theory recognizes that events are rarely controlled.  As systems such as those in management grow in complexity, the more they become volatile or susceptible to cataclysmic events.One way to plan for such chaos is through &#8220;contingency management&#8221;. Contingency management is having an alternative plan to fall back on when chaos strikes, allowing for critical internal processes to continue and meet the desired outcome. Most managers do not see contingency management as a necessary step, because it takes time. In a world where efficiency and timeliness is key, this step is often the first to be overlooked. Until management recognizes the importance of contingency management and allows it to be fully implemented, chaos will continue to hinder the progress and efficiency of management systems.DEFINING AND ESTIMATING CHAOSThe more general name for the field is complexity theory, where chaos is a particular mode of behavior (Rosenhead, 1998). Chaos theory explains that the behavior in turbulent systems quickly becomes disordered (Wikipedia, 2005). Chaos theory acknowledges that management systems break down. It recognizes that decisions need to be made even in the absence of all intended information (Herz, 2001). Complete order, while the ideal, will always be the one unaccounted for variable&#8211;part of our human nature. Similar to accidents, chaos is like a release of energy in an uncontrolled way (Blockley, 1998).Project management systems are considered dynamic systems, similar to those in nature, which means they change over time and are hard to predict. Even though they are changing, there is usually an underlying predictability that can be identified. This is where chaotic behavior comes into play. Behavior in systems can be placed into two zones, one, the stable zone, where the system, if disturbed, returns to its initial state and two, the zone of instability where some small activity leads to further divergence (Rosenhead, 1998).CALCULATING CHAOSChaos is immeasurable because of its level of randomness and unpredictability. Gabriel (1996) states that looking for sufficient equations to enable one to &#8216;manage&#8217; such chaos is part of a futile and wish-fulfilling quest. However there are some researchers that believe calculating chaos is possible. While chaos in the business world mimics that in nature, unlike chaos in nature, there are measurable ways for project managers to try and calculate the degree to which chaos will affect their project. The following formula can help to calculate project constraints:Dynamics = D + a*P + b*R + c*D*P + d*P*R + e*R*D + f*D*P*RWhere D=directives, P=prerequisites, R=resources and a &#038; f are constraints.However Bertelsen and Koskela (2003) postulate that aside from estimating the size of the chaos (small to extra large), a system is too complicated to predict its function and response to a given problem.WHY IS BUSINESS SO CHAOTIC?The pace of today&#8217;s businesses and technological innovations have quickened to an impossible pace. Sometimes project timelines need to be written before all tasks and resources have been completely identified, which puts a project behind schedule before it has begun. This increasingly fast-paced system is &#8220;a breeding ground&#8221; for a chaotic management system (Yoke, 2003).This breeding ground is creating a complexity explosion, which is affecting the way project managers need to manage. Undertaking a management system project is more than a weeklong project&#8211;many last for years or longer. As conditions are constantly changing, goals and objectives need to also be flexible to change. Goals and objectives are necessary, however, flexibility is key in order to ensure positive long-term results of a project.HOW TO MANAGE CHAOSThe first line of defense in order to manage chaos is a good management team and an even better project manager. According to Bertelsen &#038; Koskela (2003) an organization can manage its chaos by seeking out the factors that are easiest to change. An organization should then handle a projects dynamics and stress in the face of uncertainties. Finally, a manager should both always have a contingency plan and be able to keep track of critical factors and issue warnings. By turning an organization into a &#8220;learning organization&#8221; successful management of chaos is more likely (Bertelsen &#038; Koskela, 2003).Systems are so dynamically complex and highly sensitive to conditions that any link between cause and effect can set off a ripple effect rendering its future deliverable unpredictable. Technologies, timelines, scope, costs, personnel, are constantly changing within an organization and management must be adaptable. The same holds true for project managers. If they are not given the flexibility to adapt to chaos then management systems will fail. Project managers need to be seen as venture capitalists: always searching for new ideas.Most management systems set forth a detailed plan and than proceed to follow it. According to McNamara the best way to do this is to work backwards through the system of an organization. This will help to show which processes will produce the right output and what inputs are required to conduct those processes (McNamara, 1999). A good project manager is one who realizes that plans often need to change in order to accommodate a changing situation. By following contingency plans, good managers can avoid such mishaps as scope creep and cost overruns.<br />
  131. There are different tools that project managers can use to help manage the chaos and successfully manage complicated systems. According to the Numbers Group some such tools are:1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) &#8211; breaks the product to be developed or produced by hardware, software, support, or service element and relates the scope to each.<br />
  132. Example of WBS2. Program Evaluation and Review (PERT) &#8211; a model, which helps the project manager define the critical path using, randomized tasks<br />
  133. Example of Pert Chart3. Implementation Schedule (GANTT) &#8211; graphical representation of the duration of tasks against the progression of time.Example of Gantt Chart4. Enneagram &#8211; originally a tool for personality mapping, can find order in chaos by identifying underlying patterns in an organization. The map allows project managers to predict certain outcomes, which results in more reliable management systems. The Enneagram provides a structured view with which to see the order in between chaos (Fowlke &#038; Fowlke, 1997).<br />
  134. Example of an EnneagramCONCLUSIONA good project manager is one who can adapt to a changing environment as well as allow individuals to manage their own areas of expertise. This business trend is seen in forward thinking companies in the 21st century, and is also known as &#8220;managing by objectives&#8221; or &#8220;empowering knowledge workers&#8221;.  Unfortunately, in most companies this value paradigm is missed because management is focused on the financials rather than on renewing and developing knowledge (Stuart, 1995).The project manager&#8217;s main function is to recognize employees&#8217; strengths and to empower his group to work individually, both in a team and as individuals. The new project manager needs to be forward thinking and to have the ability to be flexible, creative, and able to respond to events quickly (Yolk 2003).  Organizations need to embrace disorder and look to the edge of chaos (Stuart, 1995). Perhaps this empowerment of both individuals and teams as a whole, in conjunction with managements&#8217; ability to stay nimble in the face of a dramatically changing environment, will allow organizations to better manage the challenge of chaos in the 21st century.REFERENCESBertlesen, Sven; Koskela, Lauri. &#8220;Avoiding and Managing Chaos in Projects.&#8221;>.Blockley, David. &#8220;Managing Proneness to Failure.&#8221; Journal of Contingencies &#038; Crisis Management June 1998: 147-176.Freedman, David. &#8220;Chaos Theory.&#8221; Inc. October 1998: 50-60. </p>
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  140. <title>Turks and Caicos Spas and Salons: 8 Indulgent Places You Don&#8217;t Want to Miss</title>
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  143. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:34:47 +0000</pubDate>
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  146. <category><![CDATA[Spa and Wellness]]></category>
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  149. <description><![CDATA[Forget burly men from Eastern block countries. Turks and Caicos Spas and Salons leave behind such stereotypes and instead find ways to delight all your senses while you relax: the warm, sweet vanilla and the brisk, mind-clearing smell of lavender; a glass of Pinot or Sauvignon Blanc and a view of the turquoise water; and [...]]]></description>
  150. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Forget burly men from Eastern block countries. Turks and Caicos Spas and Salons leave behind such stereotypes and instead find ways to delight all your senses while you relax: the warm, sweet vanilla and the brisk, mind-clearing smell of lavender; a glass of Pinot or Sauvignon Blanc and a view of the turquoise water; and a soothing cucumber eye mask and gentle exfoliating cream.Whether you want a massage, facial, or restoration for those atrocious cuticles, a visit to one of these world-class retreats is the perfect way to spend a morning or afternoon. Think luxury and pampering, like your husband&#8217;s 19th Hole after a round of golf without the smoke, jokes, or bravado.Spas and salons are scattered across the Turks and Caicos Islands, but most of them do business on Providenciales. The staff of Teona Spa, on the Grace Bay side of the island, has decades of experience in spa therapy and serves predominantly the guests of Villa Renaissance and Regent Grand Resorts. At Grace Bay Court, you can check out Spa Sanay, Ltd., for aromatherapy massage, a facials, manicures, and pedicures. Spa Sanay also offers a full-service hair salon and make-up artists for special events. Located at La Petite Place at Grace Bay, Mirabella Beauty Salon and Spa takes it a step further with thermal mud baths or facials, in addition to a private jacuzzi. Club Med Spa at the resort on Grace Bay offers a variety of massage for your therapeutic needs or simple indulgence.For traditional European spa treatments with a Caribbean twist, try Red Lane Spa. The spa focuses on holistic treatment for the soul, mind, and body, with the help of Pevonia botanical products and unique creams.Travel east to Parrot Cay and experience Como Shambhala Spa. Traditional spa treatments, as well as yoga and pilates, promise physical and metaphysical rejuvenation. April&#8217;s Place, also at Parrot Cay, stands out for its wide array of spa products, its nail and hair services for weddings, and the staff&#8217;s willingness to come to your Providenciales hotel. They also take clients on Pine Cay and North Caicos.Claiming the title of Grand Turk&#8217;s first spa, Spa Anani houses a team of talented therapists to pamper you with the best of spa activities. If you find yourself out on the westernmost island of Turks and Caicos, pay Spa Anani at visit.When you visit Providenciales or one of the larger inhabited islands, try one of these spas or salons for yourself. After all, what&#8217;s the beach without some very intentional relaxation? </p>
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  156. <title>Mind-Body-Spirit Strength Training When Facing a Chronic Or Life-Threatening Illness</title>
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  159. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 16:54:07 +0000</pubDate>
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  162. <category><![CDATA[Mind Body Spirit]]></category>
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  165. <description><![CDATA[How strong are you? If you go to the gym you can measure your strength by using some of the apparatus in the gym. Aside from muscular strength in your arms and legs you hear trainers talk about core strength; the strength in the torso of the body, abdomen and back. It&#8217;s easy to measure [...]]]></description>
  166. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> How strong are you? If you go to the gym you can measure your strength by using some of the apparatus in the gym. Aside from muscular strength in your arms and legs you hear trainers talk about core strength; the strength in the torso of the body, abdomen and back. It&#8217;s easy to measure your strength on the physical level but what about measuring your emotional or spiritual strength? Is it possible to develop a workout program for you mind and spirit? What would it look like? How would you know the workout is working?Developing emotional strength takes practice just as if you were working out your body&#8217;s muscles. You develop your emotional strength by experiencing your emotions and allowing them to unfold in their own time. When you give yourself the freedom to express yourself fully, you give your emotions room to expand and become stronger in how they manifest. Full emotional expression is freeing, stress reducing, and an authentic way to life your life. It comes down to willingness. If you didn&#8217;t grow up in an environment where emotions were expressed then this may be a challenge, but it can be learned. It requires that you place yourself in environments where emotional expression is not only modeled, but encouraged. This is why support groups are a great model for authentic emotional expression when facing a chronic or life-threatening illness. Being in an environment where emotions are present or right below the surface gives you a safe place to experiment. It&#8217;s like having your own emotional strength building gym.Have you ever tried to measure your spiritual stamina? It&#8217;s not like you can start running and see when you get tired, although the concept is similar. Spiritual stamina requires that you find inner guidance providing you with a sense of faith and hope. Developing your spiritual stamina is not about dogma; it&#8217;s about knowledge of your beliefs, values, and intuition. Having the capacity to find comfort and peace by going within is building spiritual stamina. Some may need a personal trainer just like when training the physical body and they turn to spiritual directors to help fortify their spiritual stamina in the face of a health challenge. Knowing that there are others willing to support you is empowering. It punctuates the knowledge that you have your own internal and external resources for health and healing.Remember that developing your emotional and spiritual strength is just as important as developing your physical health when facing a health challenge. Finding outlets that will support this development is the key. Learning to ask good questions of yourself and others serves as a catalyst for this type of development. It&#8217;s about coordinating your strength building efforts between the mind, body, and spirit. Don&#8217;t under develop one area and over develop others&#8230;you&#8217;ll live life lopsided and that doesn&#8217;t benefit your journey toward health and healing. </p>
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  172. <title>The Only Guide You Need for Travel and Hotels in Atlanta</title>
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  175. <pubDate>Thu, 02 Feb 2023 05:16:47 +0000</pubDate>
  176. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  180. <description><![CDATA[When you dream of taking a vacation, what do you picture in your mind? Vacations symbolize different things to different individuals. Some people like to see everything the city has to offer while others would enjoy nothing more than to spend the entire day getting some relaxation at the hotel. If you happen to be [...]]]></description>
  181. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> When you dream of taking a vacation, what do you picture in your mind? Vacations symbolize different things to different individuals. Some people like to see everything the city has to offer while others would enjoy nothing more than to spend the entire day getting some relaxation at the hotel. If you happen to be like me, you like a part of both. On the one hand, because I have traveled somewhere unique, I ought to see some of the local flavor. The danger is that, if I use up all my time darting around from one site to another, when I return back to my home I will need an additional vacation to heal. Keep the following tips in mind when travelling to Atlanta.The first thing you will want to do is handle as much at the start as possible. That means doing responsible things such as switching currency when it is necessary, viewing maps of the region, leasing a car, booking a flight, and choosing a hotel that satisfies your demands. As luck would have it, most of these tasks have become more convenient and cheaper through the world wide web, so before getting in the car and driving, you can save some money by looking for deals on the internet.When it comes to finding a hotel, remember to examine your choices with care. Things to consider would be how it ranks; is it a two star hotel or a four star one? Is it convenient? If you are going to Disneyland but the hotel you reserved is in San Diego, you are going to waste a good deal of your vacation driving. Are you planning on staying at the hotel quite a bit, and if you are going to be there, what variety of conveniences do they furnish? I will never forget the time I went out on vacation to lay back by the pool, only to find that the hotel I was at didn&#8217;t have one. I am sure that I must have appeared rather odd walking around the hotel with my inflatable ducky around my waist and no pool to be found.When it is time to pack, remember to keep it simple, traveler. Start by getting familiar with the weather conditions so that you know what you must pack, but avoid over-packing. Remember, if you forget something, odds are that you can purchase a replacement. As a matter of fact, take as few clothes as possible. I suggest packing older clothing which can be discarded along the way. Depending on where you go, you may locate charities that would be glad to take extra clothing off of your hands. Besides, this will make more space for keepsakes.During your travel time, be sure and bring something to occupy the kids. There are lots of travel games out there, and no, I am not talking about the Game Boy. As a matter of fact, I strongly encourage taking a step back from technology. Though it may be your last stand, discourage the kids from packing a walkman, video game systems, television or portable DVD player. Kids get enough of that already. This is a perfect time to get to know those strangers in the back seat while teaching them to survive without their standard forms of entertainment. Maybe they will even learn to appreciate the world. And if their grades were not up to par this year, make them listen to your music along the way. You should see a dramatic improvement in grades next time around.Two useful things to think about including in your suitcase are Pepto-Bismol, in case something (though occasionally you may come across a school which can provide an adequate education in 6 months) doesn&#8217;t agree with you, and hand sanitizer; the kind that works without water. Remember, no matter what situation you find yourself in, do not let the hand sanitizer replace taking a shower.When you are setting off to Atlanta, you will want to carry plenty of supplies for taking photographs. If you are behind the times and still use film, consider moving up to a digital camera. Nothing is more disappointing to me than when I get back from a trip and discover that some of the pictures didn&#8217;t turn out. With a digital camera, I can see what I am taking as I go along. The only things I need are batteries and memory space. Now that you can get a great digital camera for under $200, your excuses are dwindling away. Thousands of tourist locations have stores that will transfer your pictures from your memory card to a CD, allowing for you to snap even more pics to torture friends and family with when you get home.I can&#8217;t stress enough the value in keeping things simple. Prepare wisely by taking care of as much as you can in advance. When it comes to travel, remember, the internet is your ally. Pack, plan, and keep entertainment basic to help ensure that your vacation to Atlanta is a relaxing and memorable one. I hope that this humble authors advice will be beneficial to you as you prepare yourself to kickoff on your journey. </p>
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  187. <title>Payday Loans</title>
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  190. <pubDate>Wed, 01 Feb 2023 18:38:13 +0000</pubDate>
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  195. <description><![CDATA[Paysaver Payday Loans makes Internet Lending &#8220;Easy&#8221;Paysaver Payday Loans offers payday loan, cash advance loans and fast cash services for whatever you need.At PaySaver Payday Loans we promote honesty and integrity and we were proud to have been named as &#8220;The Australian Payday Loans Specialists&#8221; by our peers. We were given this title because we [...]]]></description>
  196. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Paysaver Payday Loans makes Internet Lending &#8220;Easy&#8221;Paysaver Payday Loans offers payday loan, cash advance loans and fast cash services for whatever you need.At PaySaver Payday Loans we promote honesty and integrity and we were proud to have been named as &#8220;The Australian Payday Loans Specialists&#8221; by our peers. We were given this title because we were one of the first to perfect the payday loans business in Australia.We recognised the need for people to have a safe, secure, simple &#038; fast way of obtaining payday loans of small amounts of money without the hassles, delays and costs associated with formal bank applications.<br />
  197. We then developed a unique system of lending exclusively via the Internet and Fax which has proven to be the most cost effective, efficient and fastest way of obtaining payday loans to date.Our slogan is &#8220;Your personal ATM on the net&#8221; because you now have the convenience of applying for payday loans from the safety, privacy and comfort of your computer.Simply send us your payday loans application and 30 minutes later, upon approval, your money is sent directly to your account!Can Paysaver Payday Loans it get any better than that? &#8211; Yes it can!After your first loan is successfully repaid your payday loans you are promoted to PaySaver Express where your approval time is reduced to only 15 minutes.PS. We have kept our payday loans prices the same since we started trading back in early 2004 and that is why we have the lowest payday loan fees in Australia!Paysaver Payday Loans gets you the funds you need ASAP. Why wait for your cash advance when you can get it overnight? Our loans are 100% safe, fast and completely online &#8211; so think of us for your payday loan fast cash needs.It keeps getting better! We&#8217;ve made it incredibly easy to qualify for payday loans by offering our industry-leading application process to you at no additional expense to you.There are no credit bureau reports on your payday loans, never an application fee, and of course, no credit checks. If you are at least 18 years of age, receive a regular source of income, and have direct deposit enabled on your bank account, you&#8217;re practically approved for Paysaver Payday Loans &#8211; don&#8217;t wait any longer apply for payday loans as you can apply for these unsecured payday loans today!We specialize in providing overnight payday loans for individuals who are in need. We strive to bring people of all types pay day loans that are reasonably priced, quickly deposited, and managed by a professional lending team &#8211; why settle for less when you get an advance on your payday loans today!<br />
  198. Need short term payday loans cash advance to take care of that emergency, that unforeseen bill or just to reward yourself? Paysaver Payday Loans is a fast and secure way to get payday loans from the privacy of your own home!Applying and qualifying for a payday loans advance loan is quick and easy, and confidential and requires minimal faxing.Once you&#8217;re approved for our payday loans cash advance, we will electronically deposit the money directly into your checking or savings account. We offer flexible payment options and a discrete service that gets you the cash you need right now.It&#8217;s that easy, why not apply and make Paysaver Payday Loans your loyal partner today.<br />
  199. Ever run a little short of cash before your next payday?It happens to most of us at some stage. A night out with friends, registering your car or maybe just paying a couple of bills? Nothing a few hundred dollar payday loans won&#8217;t fix.However, it can be frustrating if the cash is days away and you need it earlier….whatever the reason a Paysaver Payday loans is always there.It&#8217;s even harder if you&#8217;ve had a minor, bad credit mishap, are too busy to get away from work or don&#8217;t want to commit to paying off a large, long term loan or credit card then try a Paysaver Payday Loans.<br />
  200. Paysaver Payday Loans has helped thousands of Australians in your situation with a convenient, clear and secure alternative. Quick turnaround times mean that you can be paid in as little as 20 minutes.We know what it means to be short on cash. Sickness, Bills, past unemployment and unexpected emergencies can cause you to sell your assets, use savings or lose good credit, leaving banks and credit card companies in the future unwilling to help so don’t delay go to [] for payday loans now.Paysaver Payday Loans! Regardless of your past, if you are currently employed and have a bank account, we can help you when it matters most. </p>
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  206. <title>The Use and Symbolism of Buddhas in Gardens</title>
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  209. <pubDate>Wed, 01 Feb 2023 15:04:31 +0000</pubDate>
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  214. <description><![CDATA[Buddhas in GardensStatues and images of the Buddha have been placed in the grounds of temples and gardens since ancient times and gardening has strong associations with Buddhism:It is believed that;The Soil of the garden represents the fertile ground of Buddha&#8217;s Mind. A Sangha (Pali for Buddhist community) is the same as community of plants [...]]]></description>
  215. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Buddhas in GardensStatues and images of the Buddha have been placed in the grounds of temples and gardens since ancient times and gardening has strong associations with Buddhism:It is believed that;The Soil of the garden represents the fertile ground of Buddha&#8217;s Mind. A Sangha (Pali for Buddhist community) is the same as community of plants in the garden. Dhamma (teachings of the Buddha) is the expression of wisdom that is in the Temple &#8211; Garden.If a garden can be regarded as a mind then:Paths represent the ways to enlightenment. The soil represents the state of our own internal Karma. It&#8217;s planting represents fertile and blossoming ideas. The changing seasons represent of the changing moods of the mind. Eastern tradition also suggests that the Buddha should not face south, as this is associated with Yama, a Hindu god and judge of the dead. North is the preferred direction when placing Buddha statues in the garden.Buddhist gardens Pure Land Buddhism The making of Buddhist gardens in Japan was inspired by Pure Land Buddhism movement which originally came from China. It has as its centre piece the Mandala showing the Buddha with a temple and a garden &#8211; it has inspired the making of gardens with equivalent symbolism.Zen Buddhism Zen Buddhism believes that by making a fine garden can contribute to enlightenment and contentment. This requires skill, artistic judgement and a deep understanding of nature combined with constant attention. So gardening can be a deemed a religious activity.They should generally have:A beautiful place for sitting quietly or for meditation.</p>
  216. <p>Numerous Paths for the practice of walking meditation.</p>
  217. <p>A lotus pool containing a Buddha statue.</p>
  218. <p>A place for the feeding of fish, birds or animals.Ten of the World&#8217;s Most Beautiful Buddhist Gardens1. Totekiko Temple Gardens, Kyoto JapanTotekiko is one of the five gardens at the Ryogen,Temple Kyoto, Japan. It was laid in 1958, and is said to be the smallest Japanese rock garden. It is a small enclosed garden, composed of attractive simple boulders placed on raked sand. These rocks are surrounded by concentric gravel circles and are connected by parallel ridges and furrows. The garden briefly receives the sun at around noon each day, and it is sometimes covered by snow in the winter. The garden represents a Zen saying, that the harder a stone is thrown in, the bigger the ripples will be.The temple also includes three other gardens, Isshi-dan, Koda-tei, and Ryogin-tei &#8211; which is a moss covered garden which is claimed to be the oldest in Daitoku-ji.2. Imperial War Museum Peace Garden, London UKThis beautiful and peaceful area is located in the park in front of the Imperial War Museum in Lambeth. The garden aims to encourage world peace and promote non violence. Its Tibetan name translates as &#8220;The Garden of Contemplation&#8221;. The design and decoration uses many Buddhist symbols. A tall pillar has in four languages the Dalai Lama&#8217;s message about the importance of choosing non-violence.The garden&#8217;s layout is based on the eight spoke Buddhist Wheel representing the Noble Eightfold Path. There are eight stone seats in a circle representing the eight principles in the Noble Eightfold Path. When you sit here you can focus on the centre of the garden. Around the outside of the area is a trellis and plants from the Himalayas. This garden consciously represents the elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water and the space is often visited by Tibetan Buddhist teachers when visiting London.3. The Mahabodhi Temple Gardens, IndiaThis temple is built at the actual place where the Buddha reached Enlightenment while sitting under the Bodhi Tree. Almost all activity at the Temple takes place in the large garden surrounding this huge stone spire. This is full of tall, shady trees and little lawns, monuments and marigolds. The holiest place at the Mahabodhi Temple is outdoors under a Bodhi Tree. This Bodhi Tree has been grown from cuttings from a series of earlier Bodhi Trees, which came from the original Bodhi Tree under which Buddha sat and meditated 2,500 years ago. Buddhists from all over the world come to visit this sacred spotSome people come and sit near the Bodhi Tree on their own and some come in groups of Buddhist pilgrims from the same country. Throughout the Mahabodhi Temple garden you see people worshipping. The Bodhi Tree itself is where all Buddhist meditation began. All around the Mahabodhi Temple you see people practicing Walking Meditation &#8211; walking slowly along the paths which lead round the Temple garden always doing so in a clockwise direction.On the east side of the Temple is a beautiful Meditation Park having many winding paths for walking meditation and little marble platforms, where people can sit and meditate. This garden is filled with the sounds from thousands of brown mynah birds. On the south side of the Mahabodhi Temple is a large, rectangular Lotus Pool. In the centre of the pool is a statue of Buddha. The Lotus Pool is full of large catfish.4. Ryoan-ji Temple Gardens &#8211; The Temple of the Peaceful Dragon, Kyoto JapanThis is a Zen temple located in northwest Kyoto, Japan. The temple is one of the Historic Monuments of Kyoto and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site featuring a dry landscape rock garden. The dry landscape rock garden was built in the late 13th Century. It consists of raked gravel and fifteen moss covered boulders placed so that, when looking at the garden from any angle only fourteen of the boulders are visible at one time.5. Sigiriya Temple, Sri LankaThis is a World Heritage Site and is sometimes said to have the oldest surviving garden in Asia. It was originally the garden of a residential palace later becoming the garden of a Mahayana Buddhist monastery. The present layout of Sigiriya is believed to date from in the 5th century AD.6. Lumbini, IndiaThis was the site of the Buddha&#8217;s birth. The site was re-discovered in 1896.The sacred pool had earth banks at the time of its re-discovery. It now has a paved margin and steps &#8211; but it remains a place of exceptional calm. The garden also includes a bathing tank of the Sakyas where the water is bright and clear as a mirror and its surface covered with a mixture of flowers. This is where the Bodhisattva was born. In 1997 it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.7. Kagyu Samyé Ling Monastery, ScotlandKagyu Samyé Ling Monastery and Tibetan Centre is a Tibetan Buddhist complex located at Eskdalemuir, near Dumfries,Scotland. The Tara Healing Garden preserves and propagates medicinal herbs native to Tibet. The grounds feature a Garden of World Peace, an organic kitchen garden, with greenhouses a vinery, peach-house and a traditional herb garden (TaraHealingGarden) which preserves and propagates medicinal herbs native to Tibet. The garden is surrounded by woodland and arable land grazed by a herd of Yak.8. Secret Buddha Garden, Ko Samui, ThailandThis beautiful spot on Ko Samui is one of the most important tourist attractions of Ko Samui. It was designed and built by a fruit farmer in 1976 called Nim Thongsuk, who was 77 when he started building the garden. This has also resulted in another name for the area &#8211; &#8220;Uncle Nimm&#8217;s Garden&#8221;. It is surrounded by jungles and rocky hills and is slightly difficult to find as it lies high on the mountain overlooking the island. The entire garden is filled with sculptures and statues depicting humans as well as various gods and Buddhas.9. The Peace Pagoda and Peace Temple Gardens, Milton Keynes, UKFounded by Nichidatsu Fujii, a Buddhist monk from Japan who worked with Gandhi on finding peaceful ways of opposing government&#8217;s wrongdoing. After the Second World War, he campaigned strongly against with nuclear weapons. He lived to be 100 and his movement built 80 Peace Pagodas and Peace Gardens all round the world. In the beautiful gardens surrounding the pagoda are a thousand cherry trees and cedars planted to remind us of the victims of all wars.To left of the pagoda is a small Japanese garden of rocks, moss and bushes and a water lily pond full of carp and to the right of the Temple is a little moss garden. Behind the Temple is a typical Zen garden of rocks and gravel. Finally at the rear of the Zen garden is a stupa.10. Wenshu Monastery Gardens, Chengdu, ChinaThis Zen Buddhist monastery was built between 605 &#8211; 617 during the period of the Tang Dynasty and is the best-preserved temple in Chengdu. This Buddhist Temple is set within splendid landscaped gardens containing examples of religious Chinese architecture as well as a superb vegetarian restaurant.The landscaped park within the Wenshu Monastery are very beautiful and serene and are beautifully maintained and clean and has many trees and shrubs as well as spectacular water features. The courtyards and gardens seem to melt into each other, making for a very quiet and contemplative environment. </p>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda