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  228. <h1>Villas in Halkidiki for rent</h1>
  229. <p><a class="text-primary" href=""><strong>Villas in Halkidiki for rent </strong></a>- a fantastic idea to make your vacation a dream vacation. Located on the beautiful Halkidiki Peninsula this collection of fantastic holiday properties offers a great opportunity to get away from the daily routine, embark on an unforgettable summer adventure.</p><div class="divider my-4"></div>
  230. <p>All properties that are carefully selected by our agents offer high level services. The <strong> Halkidiki Villas </strong>collection is ideally located - in the most desirable tourist areas of Halkidiki. We focus on 2 types of 2 type of holiday properties: the luxury relaxing holidays and traditional active family vacations. And all this immersed in the typical Greek authentic atmosphere.</p><div class="divider my-4"></div>
  231. <h2 class="text-5xl font-bold mb-6">Beachfront villas for rent in Halkidiki...</h2>
  232. <p>Without a doubt the location is very important for us. Accordingly this every  luxury villa should meet our standards. In fact mostly of <a class="text-primary" href="">our properties are beachfront</a> (90%)  are with direct access of the beach. The rest of the villas are in the best area of the hill near the Sani Resort.  unquestionably every villa we have chosen must offer a high level of concierge services and facilities.  You can rest assured that you will be staying in one of the best luxury villa in Halkidiki in one of its most magical setting.</p><div class="divider my-4"></div>
  233. <h2 class="text-5xl font-bold mb-6">Handmade vacation in Greece</h2>
  234. <p>Also your personal villa agent would be glad to arrange everything from the airport transfers and rental cars to private chefs or the most desirable tables at the best restaurants in the area. You can order wines and fresh local fruits to await you in the fridge upon your arrival. Thats why  for the best prepare for your arrival, please let us know your wishes in advance. Free your imagination and make your dreams a reality. Discover the beautiness of the Aegean Sea by sailing a yacht, or spark your adventurous spirit by flying a private jet over beautiful Greece. Choose your luxury villa in Greece and rent your summer dream villa.</p><div class="divider my-4"></div>
  235. <h2 class="text-5xl font-bold mb-6">Vacation villas Halkidiki and investments in Greece</h2>
  236. <p>In addition, we do not only providing vacation villas for your unforgettable summer holidays, we are here to mix the business with the pleasure. Invest in the best villas, with proven annual returns and use it for a personal Mediterranean summer residence and get a passive income when you are away. We have over 15 years of experience with luxury villas management. We assure you that your property will be in caring hands. Let us, the best luxury vacation rental asset managers in Halkidiki Greece help an investor's portfolio to grow outsized returns. Furthermore you can Develop theoretical and practical Real Estate Investment Skills with us.</p><div class="divider my-4"></div>
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  244. <p class="mb-5" style="text-shadow:1px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.8)"> is the first specialized luxury real estate by the creators of providing our clients high tailor made personal real estate services in Halkidiki Greece.</p>
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