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  457. <option value="00:00" >00:00</option>
  458. <option value="00:30" >00:30</option>
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  476. <option value="09:30" >09:30</option>
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  504. <option value="23:30" >23:30</option>
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  512. <option style="display:none;" selected="" disabled="" value="">Returning to Different location</option>
  513. <option value="1" >Medan</option>
  514. <option value="5" >Aceh - Banda Aceh</option>
  515. <option value="2" >Kuala Namu Airport</option>
  516. <option value="3" >Jakarta</option>
  517. <option value="4" >Denpasar - Bali</option>
  518. <option value="16" >Batam</option>
  519. <option value="6" >Padang</option>
  520. <option value="7" >Palembang</option>
  521. <option value="8" >Jambi</option>
  522. <option value="9" >Pekanbaru - Riau</option>
  523. <option value="13" >Surabaya</option>
  524. <option value="12" >Yogyakarta</option>
  525. <option value="11" >Bandung</option>
  526. <option value="10" >Bengkulu</option>
  527. <option value="14" >Lombok</option>
  528. <option value="15" >Semarang</option>
  529. <option value="17" >Solo</option>
  530. <option value="18" >Manado</option>
  531. <option value="19" >Palu</option>
  532. <option value="20" >Makassar</option>
  533. <option value="21" >Kendari</option>
  534. <option value="22" >Tangerang</option>
  535. <option value="23" >Bogor</option>
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  546. <option value="00:00" >00:00</option>
  547. <option value="00:30" >00:30</option>
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  609. var default_branch = 0;
  610. var default_enter_time = '08:00';
  611. var default_return_time = '22:00';
  612. var ajaxurl = '';
  613. var time_pricing_type = 'standard';
  614. var allowed_days = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1];
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  887. }
  888. });
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  938. is_available = true;
  939. } else {
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  941. }
  942. }
  943. });
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  945. jQuery('#carrental_book_errors_popup').html('<li>Car not available on these dates, please try again or try to search all cars for those dates.</li>');
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  947. }
  948. });
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  992. if (carrental_fixed_dates_call(element_id, date_from, date_to) >= 0) {
  993. var errors = [];
  994. errors.push('There is fixed price on this dates.');
  995. jQuery('#carrental_book_errors' + element_id).html('<li>' + errors.join('</li><li>') + '</li>');
  996. } else {
  997. jQuery('#carrental_book_errors' + element_id + ' li' ).remove();
  998. }
  999. }
  1000. }
  1002. function carrental_booking_init(element_id) {
  1003. if (time_pricing_type == 'half_day') {
  1004. jQuery('#carrental_period' + element_id).change(function(){
  1005. if (jQuery(this).val() != 'day') {
  1006. jQuery('#carrental_to_date'+element_id).parent().hide();
  1007. } else {
  1008. jQuery('#carrental_to_date'+element_id).parent().show();
  1009. }
  1010. });
  1011. }
  1012. jQuery('#carrental_from_date' + element_id + ', #carrental_to_date' + element_id).datepicker({
  1013. //showOn: "both",
  1014. beforeShow: carrental_customRange,
  1015. dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",
  1016. firstDay: "0",
  1017. dayNamesMin: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "Wu", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"],
  1018. monthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
  1019. dayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
  1020. nextText: "Next",
  1021. prevText: "Prev",
  1022. onSelect: function() {
  1023. carrental_update_business_hours(element_id);
  1024. if (typeof carrental_fixed_dates !== "undefined" && carrental_fixed_dates.length) {
  1025. init_fixed_dates(element_id);
  1026. carrental_update_business_hours(element_id);
  1027. }
  1028. },
  1029. beforeShowDay: function(date) {
  1030. // test allowed days
  1031. if (allowed_days[date.getDay()] === 0) {
  1032. return [false, ''];
  1033. }
  1034. // test if is not holiday
  1035. month = date.getMonth()+1;
  1036. month = month < 10 ? '0'+month : month;
  1037. day = date.getDate();
  1038. day = day < 10 ? '0'+day : day;
  1039. if (typeof holidays[month+'-'+day] !== "undefined") {
  1040. return [false, ''];
  1041. }
  1042. return [true, ''];
  1043. }
  1044. });
  1046. jQuery('#carrental_enter_location' + element_id).on('change', function() {
  1047. carrental_update_business_hours(element_id);
  1048. });
  1050. jQuery('#carrental_return_location' + element_id).on('change', function() {
  1051. carrental_update_business_hours(element_id);
  1052. });
  1054. jQuery('#carrental_booking_form' + element_id).on('submit', function() {
  1055. var errors = [];
  1057. // Check enter location
  1058. if (jQuery('#carrental_enter_location' + element_id).val() > 0) {
  1059. } else {
  1060. errors.push('Please, select enter location.');
  1061. }
  1063. // Check dates (from and to)
  1064. var from_date = jQuery.datepicker.parseDate('mm/dd/yy', jQuery('#carrental_from_date' + element_id).val());
  1065. var date_compare = new Date();
  1066. date_compare.setHours(0,0,0,0);
  1067. if (from_date != null && from_date != 'Invalid Date' && from_date >= date_compare) {
  1068. } else {
  1069. errors.push('Please, select pick-up date properly.');
  1070. }
  1072. var to_date = jQuery.datepicker.parseDate('mm/dd/yy', jQuery('#carrental_to_date' + element_id).val());
  1073. if (to_date != null && to_date != 'Invalid Date' && to_date >= date_compare) {
  1074. } else {
  1075. if (time_pricing_type == 'half_day' && jQuery('#carrental_period' + element_id).val() != 'day') {
  1076. } else {
  1077. errors.push('Please, select return date properly.');
  1078. }
  1079. }
  1081. // Check times (from and to)
  1082. if (time_pricing_type == 'standard') {
  1083. if (jQuery('#carrental_from_hour' + element_id).val() != '') {
  1084. time = jQuery('#carrental_from_hour' + element_id).val().split(':');
  1085. from_date.setHours(time[0]);
  1086. from_date.setMinutes(time[1]);
  1087. } else {
  1088. errors.push('Please, select pick-up time properly.');
  1089. }
  1091. if (jQuery('#carrental_to_hour' + element_id).val() != '') {
  1092. time = jQuery('#carrental_to_hour' + element_id).val().split(':');
  1093. to_date.setHours(time[0]);
  1094. to_date.setMinutes(time[1]);
  1095. } else {
  1096. errors.push('Please, select return time properly.');
  1097. }
  1098. }
  1099. // check minimum rental times
  1100. if (from_date != null && from_date != 'Invalid Date') {
  1101. var diff_hours = Math.abs(to_date - from_date) / 36e5;
  1102. key = parseInt(from_date.getMonth())+1;
  1103. if (carrental_minimum_booking_time[key] !== undefined && carrental_minimum_booking_time[key] > 0) {
  1104. if (diff_hours < (carrental_minimum_booking_time[key] * 24)) {
  1105. errors.push('Minimum days of booking for this month is '+carrental_minimum_booking_time[key]);
  1106. }
  1107. }
  1108. }
  1109. if (to_date < from_date) {
  1110. if (!(time_pricing_type == 'half_day' && jQuery('#carrental_period' + element_id).val() != 'day')) {
  1111. errors.push('Please select dates and times properly. Return date must be greater than pickup.');
  1112. }
  1113. }
  1114. // Filters
  1115. var flt = [];
  1117. // Price range
  1118. if (jQuery('#carrental_filter_price_range' + element_id).is(':hidden') == false) {
  1119. flt.push('spr:' + parseInt(jQuery('#carrental_filter_price_range' + element_id + ' .inputSliderMin').val()));
  1120. flt.push('epr:' + parseInt(jQuery('#carrental_filter_price_range' + element_id + ' .inputSliderMax').val()));
  1121. }
  1123. // Extras
  1124. if (jQuery('#carrental_filter_extras' + element_id).is(':hidden') == false) {
  1125. if (jQuery('[name=ac]').is(':checked') == true) {
  1126. flt.push('ac:' + parseInt(jQuery('[name=ac]').val()));
  1127. }
  1128. if (jQuery('[name=nonac]').is(':checked') == true) {
  1129. flt.push('nac:' + parseInt(jQuery('[name=nonac]').val()));
  1130. }
  1131. }
  1133. // Fuel
  1134. if (jQuery('#carrental_filter_fuel' + element_id).is(':hidden') == false) {
  1135. if (jQuery('[name=petrol]').is(':checked') == true) {
  1136. flt.push('pl:' + parseInt(jQuery('[name=petrol]').val()));
  1137. }
  1138. if (jQuery('[name=diesel]').is(':checked') == true) {
  1139. flt.push('dl:' + parseInt(jQuery('[name=diesel]').val()));
  1140. }
  1141. }
  1143. // Passengers
  1144. if (jQuery('#carrental_filter_passangers' + element_id).is(':hidden') == false) {
  1145. flt.push('sp:' + parseInt(jQuery('#carrental_filter_passangers' + element_id + ' .slider-input-start').val()));
  1146. flt.push('ep:' + parseInt(jQuery('#carrental_filter_passangers' + element_id + ' .slider-input-end').val()));
  1147. }
  1149. // Categories
  1150. if (jQuery('#carrental_filter_categories' + element_id).is(':hidden') == false) {
  1151. var cats = [];
  1152. jQuery('.categories_checkall:checked').each(function() {
  1153. cats.push(jQuery(this).val());
  1154. });
  1155. if (cats.length > 0) {
  1156. flt.push('cats:' + cats.join(','));
  1157. }
  1158. }
  1160. // Vehicles
  1161. if (jQuery('#carrental_filter_vehicles' + element_id).is(':hidden') == false) {
  1162. var cats = [];
  1163. jQuery('.vehicles_checkall:checked').each(function() {
  1164. cats.push(jQuery(this).val());
  1165. });
  1166. if (cats.length > 0) {
  1167. flt.push('vh:' + cats.join(','));
  1168. }
  1169. }
  1170. //seri = jQuery('.custom_parameter_checkbox:checked, .custom_parameter_input.slider-input-start, .custom_parameter_input.slider-input-end').serializeArray();
  1171. // custom parameters
  1172. if (jQuery('.custom-parameter-values').length) {
  1173. jQuery.each(jQuery('.custom-parameter-values'), function (k, v){
  1174. if (jQuery(v).is(':hidden')) {
  1175. return;
  1176. }
  1177. checkbox = jQuery(v).find('.custom_parameter_checkbox:checked');
  1178. var cats = [];
  1179. parameter_id = 0;
  1180. checkbox.each(function(kk, vv){
  1181. cats.push(parseInt(jQuery(vv).val()));
  1182. parameter_id = parseInt(jQuery(vv).attr('data-parameter'));
  1183. });
  1184. flt.push('cp-'+parameter_id+':' + cats.join(','));
  1185. });
  1186. }
  1187. if (jQuery('.custom-parameter-range').length) {
  1188. jQuery.each(jQuery('.custom-parameter-range'), function (k, v){
  1189. if (jQuery(v).is(':hidden')) {
  1190. return;
  1191. }
  1192. flt.push('cp-'+jQuery(v).find('.slider-input-start').attr('data-parameter')+'-range:' + parseInt(jQuery(v).find('.slider-input-start').val()) + '-' +parseInt(jQuery(v).find('.slider-input-end').val()));
  1193. //flt.push('cp-'+jQuery(v).find('.slider-input-end').attr('data-parameter')+'-t:' + parseInt(jQuery(v).find('.slider-input-end').val()));
  1194. });
  1195. }
  1196. if (flt.length > 0) {
  1197. jQuery('[name=flt]').val(flt.join('|'));
  1198. } else {
  1199. jQuery('[name=flt]').val('');
  1200. }
  1202. if (errors.length == 0) {
  1203. return true;
  1204. } else {
  1205. jQuery('#carrental_book_errors' + element_id).html('<li>' + errors.join('</li><li>') + '</li>');
  1206. return false;
  1207. }
  1208. });
  1209. }
  1211. function carrental_customRange(input) {
  1212. var min_time = new Date(1714809426000);
  1213. var max_time = new Date(1801123026000);
  1214. if (, 17) == 'carrental_to_date') {
  1215. var postfix = '';
  1216. if ( > 17) {
  1217. postfix =;
  1218. }
  1219. if (jQuery('#carrental_from_date' + postfix).val() == '') {
  1220. jQuery('#carrental_from_date' + postfix).focus();
  1221. alert('Set pick-up date first.a');
  1222. }
  1223. var minDate = jQuery.datepicker.parseDate('mm/dd/yy', jQuery('#carrental_from_date' + postfix).val()); //new Date(jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', );jQuery('#carrental_from_date').val());
  1224. minDate.setDate(minDate.getDate());
  1225. enterDate = jQuery( "#carrental_from_date"+postfix ).datepicker( "getDate" );
  1226. key = parseInt(enterDate.getMonth())+1;
  1227. if (carrental_minimum_booking_time[key] !== undefined && carrental_minimum_booking_time[key] > 0) {
  1228. minTime = enterDate;
  1229. minTime.setDate(minTime.getDate() + carrental_minimum_booking_time[key]);
  1230. if (minTime > minDate) {
  1231. minDate = minTime;
  1232. }
  1233. }
  1234. return {minDate: minDate};
  1235. }
  1236. return {minDate: min_time, maxDate: max_time}
  1237. }
  1239. function carrental_update_business_hours(element_id) {
  1240. try {
  1241. if (time_pricing_type !== 'standard') {
  1242. return;
  1243. }
  1245. var id_branch = jQuery('#carrental_enter_location' + element_id).val();
  1246. var id_branch_return = jQuery('#carrental_return_location' + element_id).val();
  1248. if (typeof id_branch_return === "undefined" || id_branch_return == '' || id_branch_return === null) {
  1249. id_branch_return = id_branch;
  1250. }
  1251. var date_from = jQuery('#carrental_from_date' + element_id).val();
  1252. if (typeof date_from === "undefined" || date_from == '') {
  1253. date_from = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('mm/dd/yy', new Date());
  1254. }
  1256. var date_to = jQuery('#carrental_to_date' + element_id).val();
  1257. if (typeof date_to === "undefined" || date_to == '') {
  1258. date_to = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('mm/dd/yy', new Date());
  1259. }
  1261. // reformat to YYYY-MM-DD
  1262. date_from = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', jQuery.datepicker.parseDate('mm/dd/yy', date_from));
  1263. date_to = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', jQuery.datepicker.parseDate('mm/dd/yy', date_to));
  1265. var full_date_from = new Date(date_from);
  1266. var day_week_from = full_date_from.getUTCDay();
  1267. if (day_week_from == 0) {
  1268. day_week_from = 7;
  1269. } // sunday
  1271. var full_date_to = new Date(date_to);
  1272. var day_week_to = full_date_to.getUTCDay();
  1273. if (day_week_to == 0) {
  1274. day_week_to = 7;
  1275. } // sunday
  1276. if (id_branch != '' && id_branch != null && typeof branches[id_branch]['specific_times'] !== 'undefined' && branches[id_branch]['specific_times']) {
  1277. // DATE FROM
  1278. if (typeof branches[id_branch]['enter_hours'][day_week_from] !== "undefined" && branches[id_branch]['enter_hours'][day_week_from]) {
  1280. var from = carrental_time_format(branches[id_branch]['enter_hours'][day_week_from]['from'], 24);//.substring(0, 5); // get off seconds
  1281. var to = carrental_time_format(branches[id_branch]['enter_hours'][day_week_from]['to'], 24);//.substring(0, 5);
  1282. var prev_val = jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).val();
  1284. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).attr('disabled', false);
  1285. jQuery('#carrental_from_hour' + element_id).find('option').remove().end().append('<option value="">Time</option>'); // delete all previous options
  1287. for (x = parseInt(from); x <= parseInt(to); x++) {
  1288. var hour = String(x);
  1289. if (hour.length == 1) {
  1290. hour = '0' + hour;
  1291. }
  1293. if (x == parseInt(from) && parseInt(from.substr(-2)) >= 30) {
  1294. // Do not show
  1295. } else {
  1296. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':00', carrental_timeformat);
  1297. is_selected = hour + ':00' == default_enter_time ? true : false;
  1298. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':00', is_selected, is_selected));
  1299. }
  1301. if (x == parseInt(to) && parseInt(to.substr(-2)) < 30) {
  1302. // Do not show
  1303. } else {
  1304. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':30', carrental_timeformat);
  1305. is_selected = hour + ':30' == default_enter_time ? true : false;
  1306. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':30', is_selected, is_selected));
  1307. }
  1308. }
  1309. // FROM_2
  1310. if (branches[id_branch]['enter_hours'][day_week_from]['from_2'] && branches[id_branch]['enter_hours'][day_week_from]['to_2']) {
  1311. var from = carrental_time_format(branches[id_branch]['enter_hours'][day_week_from]['from_2'], 24);//.substring(0, 5); // get off seconds
  1312. var to = carrental_time_format(branches[id_branch]['enter_hours'][day_week_from]['to_2'], 24);//.substring(0, 5);
  1313. for (x = parseInt(from); x <= parseInt(to); x++) {
  1314. var hour = String(x);
  1315. if (hour.length == 1) {
  1316. hour = '0' + hour;
  1317. }
  1319. if (x == parseInt(from) && parseInt(from.substr(-2)) >= 30) {
  1320. // Do not show
  1321. } else {
  1322. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':00', carrental_timeformat);
  1323. is_selected = hour + ':00' == default_enter_time ? true : false;
  1324. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':00', is_selected, is_selected));
  1325. }
  1327. if (x == parseInt(to) && parseInt(to.substr(-2)) < 30) {
  1328. // Do not show
  1329. } else {
  1330. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':30', carrental_timeformat);
  1331. is_selected = hour + ':30' == default_enter_time ? true : false;
  1332. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':30', is_selected, is_selected));
  1333. }
  1334. }
  1335. }
  1337. if (prev_val != '' && jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id + " option[value='" + prev_val + "']").val() !== undefined) {
  1338. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).val(prev_val);
  1339. }
  1341. } else {
  1342. jQuery('#carrental_from_hour' + element_id).find('option').remove().end().append('<option value="">Closed</option>'); // delete all previous options
  1343. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).attr('disabled', true);
  1344. }
  1345. } else {
  1346. // DATE FROM
  1347. if (id_branch != '' && id_branch != null && typeof branch_hours[id_branch][day_week_from] !== "undefined" && branch_hours[id_branch][day_week_from]) {
  1349. var from = carrental_time_format(branch_hours[id_branch][day_week_from]['from'], 24);//.substring(0, 5); // get off seconds
  1350. var to = carrental_time_format(branch_hours[id_branch][day_week_from]['to'], 24);//.substring(0, 5);
  1351. var prev_val = jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).val();
  1353. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).attr('disabled', false);
  1354. jQuery('#carrental_from_hour' + element_id).find('option').remove().end().append('<option value="">Time</option>'); // delete all previous options
  1356. for (x = parseInt(from); x <= parseInt(to); x++) {
  1357. var hour = String(x);
  1358. if (hour.length == 1) {
  1359. hour = '0' + hour;
  1360. }
  1362. if (x == parseInt(from) && parseInt(from.substr(-2)) >= 30) {
  1363. // Do not show
  1364. } else {
  1365. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':00', carrental_timeformat);
  1366. is_selected = hour + ':00' == default_enter_time ? true : false;
  1367. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':00', is_selected, is_selected));
  1368. }
  1370. if (x == parseInt(to) && parseInt(to.substr(-2)) < 30) {
  1371. // Do not show
  1372. } else {
  1373. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':30', carrental_timeformat);
  1374. is_selected = hour + ':30' == default_enter_time ? true : false;
  1375. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':30', is_selected, is_selected));
  1376. }
  1377. }
  1378. if (branch_hours[id_branch][day_week_from]['from_2'] && branch_hours[id_branch][day_week_from]['to_2']) {
  1379. var from = carrental_time_format(branch_hours[id_branch][day_week_from]['from_2'], 24);//.substring(0, 5); // get off seconds
  1380. var to = carrental_time_format(branch_hours[id_branch][day_week_from]['to_2'], 24);//.substring(0, 5);
  1382. for (x = parseInt(from); x <= parseInt(to); x++) {
  1383. var hour = String(x);
  1384. if (hour.length == 1) {
  1385. hour = '0' + hour;
  1386. }
  1388. if (x == parseInt(from) && parseInt(from.substr(-2)) >= 30) {
  1389. // Do not show
  1390. } else {
  1391. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':00', carrental_timeformat);
  1392. is_selected = hour + ':00' == default_enter_time ? true : false;
  1393. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':00', is_selected, is_selected));
  1394. }
  1396. if (x == parseInt(to) && parseInt(to.substr(-2)) < 30) {
  1397. // Do not show
  1398. } else {
  1399. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':30', carrental_timeformat);
  1400. is_selected = hour + ':30' == default_enter_time ? true : false;
  1401. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':30', is_selected, is_selected));
  1402. }
  1403. }
  1404. }
  1406. if (prev_val != '' && jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id + " option[value='" + prev_val + "']").val() !== undefined) {
  1407. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).val(prev_val);
  1408. }
  1410. } else {
  1411. jQuery('#carrental_from_hour' + element_id).find('option').remove().end().append('<option value="">Closed</option>'); // delete all previous options
  1412. jQuery("#carrental_from_hour" + element_id).attr('disabled', true);
  1413. }
  1414. }
  1415. if (id_branch_return != '' && id_branch_return != null && typeof branches[id_branch_return]['specific_times'] !== 'undefined' && branches[id_branch_return]['specific_times']) {
  1416. // DATE TO
  1417. if (typeof branches[id_branch_return]['return_hours'][day_week_to] !== "undefined" && branches[id_branch_return]['return_hours'][day_week_to]) {
  1419. var from = carrental_time_format(branches[id_branch_return]['return_hours'][day_week_to]['from'], 24);//.substring(0, 5); // get off seconds
  1420. var to = carrental_time_format(branches[id_branch_return]['return_hours'][day_week_to]['to'], 24);//.substring(0, 5);
  1421. var prev_val = jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).val();
  1423. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).attr('disabled', false);
  1424. jQuery('#carrental_to_hour' + element_id).find('option').remove().end().append('<option value="">Time</option>'); // delete all previous options
  1426. for (x = parseInt(from); x <= parseInt(to); x++) {
  1427. var hour = String(x);
  1428. if (hour.length == 1) {
  1429. hour = '0' + hour;
  1430. }
  1432. if (x == parseInt(from) && parseInt(from.substr(-2)) >= 30) {
  1433. // Do not show
  1434. } else {
  1435. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':00', carrental_timeformat);
  1436. is_selected = hour + ':00' == default_return_time ? true : false;
  1437. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':00', is_selected, is_selected));
  1438. }
  1440. if (x == parseInt(to) && parseInt(to.substr(-2)) < 30) {
  1441. // Do not show
  1442. } else {
  1443. //if (prev_val == hour + ':30') { var selected = true; } else { var selected = false; }
  1444. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':30', carrental_timeformat);
  1445. is_selected = hour + ':30' == default_return_time ? true : false;
  1446. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':30', is_selected, is_selected));
  1447. }
  1449. }
  1450. // FROM_2
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  1456. var hour = String(x);
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  1462. // Do not show
  1463. } else {
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  1466. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':00', is_selected, is_selected));
  1467. }
  1469. if (x == parseInt(to) && parseInt(to.substr(-2)) < 30) {
  1470. // Do not show
  1471. } else {
  1472. //if (prev_val == hour + ':30') { var selected = true; } else { var selected = false; }
  1473. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':30', carrental_timeformat);
  1474. is_selected = hour + ':30' == default_return_time ? true : false;
  1475. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':30', is_selected, is_selected));
  1476. }
  1478. }
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  1482. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).val(prev_val);
  1483. }
  1485. } else {
  1486. jQuery('#carrental_to_hour' + element_id).find('option').remove().end().append('<option value="">Closed</option>');
  1487. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).attr('disabled', true);
  1488. }
  1489. } else {
  1490. // DATE TO
  1491. if (id_branch_return != '' && id_branch_return != null && typeof branch_hours[id_branch_return][day_week_to] !== "undefined" && branch_hours[id_branch_return][day_week_to]) {
  1493. var from = carrental_time_format(branch_hours[id_branch_return][day_week_to]['from'], 24);//.substring(0, 5); // get off seconds
  1494. var to = carrental_time_format(branch_hours[id_branch_return][day_week_to]['to'], 24);//.substring(0, 5);
  1495. var prev_val = jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).val();
  1497. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).attr('disabled', false);
  1498. jQuery('#carrental_to_hour' + element_id).find('option').remove().end().append('<option value="">Time</option>'); // delete all previous options
  1500. for (x = parseInt(from); x <= parseInt(to); x++) {
  1501. var hour = String(x);
  1502. if (hour.length == 1) {
  1503. hour = '0' + hour;
  1504. }
  1506. if (x == parseInt(from) && parseInt(from.substr(-2)) >= 30) {
  1507. // Do not show
  1508. } else {
  1509. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':00', carrental_timeformat);
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  1512. }
  1514. if (x == parseInt(to) && parseInt(to.substr(-2)) < 30) {
  1515. // Do not show
  1516. } else {
  1517. //if (prev_val == hour + ':30') { var selected = true; } else { var selected = false; }
  1518. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':30', carrental_timeformat);
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  1520. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':30', is_selected, is_selected));
  1521. }
  1523. }
  1524. if (branch_hours[id_branch_return][day_week_to]['from_2'] && branch_hours[id_branch_return][day_week_to]['to_2']) {
  1525. var from = carrental_time_format(branch_hours[id_branch_return][day_week_to]['from_2'], 24);//.substring(0, 5); // get off seconds
  1526. var to = carrental_time_format(branch_hours[id_branch_return][day_week_to]['to_2'], 24);//.substring(0, 5);
  1528. for (x = parseInt(from); x <= parseInt(to); x++) {
  1529. var hour = String(x);
  1530. if (hour.length == 1) {
  1531. hour = '0' + hour;
  1532. }
  1534. if (x == parseInt(from) && parseInt(from.substr(-2)) >= 30) {
  1535. // Do not show
  1536. } else {
  1537. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':00', carrental_timeformat);
  1538. is_selected = hour + ':00' == default_return_time ? true : false;
  1539. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':00', is_selected, is_selected));
  1540. }
  1542. if (x == parseInt(to) && parseInt(to.substr(-2)) < 30) {
  1543. // Do not show
  1544. } else {
  1545. //if (prev_val == hour + ':30') { var selected = true; } else { var selected = false; }
  1546. newTime = carrental_time_format(hour + ':30', carrental_timeformat);
  1547. is_selected = hour + ':30' == default_return_time ? true : false;
  1548. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).append(new Option(newTime, hour + ':30', is_selected, is_selected));
  1549. }
  1551. }
  1552. }
  1554. if (prev_val != '' && jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id + " option[value='" + prev_val + "']").val() !== undefined) {
  1555. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).val(prev_val);
  1556. }
  1558. } else {
  1559. jQuery('#carrental_to_hour' + element_id).find('option').remove().end().append('<option value="">Closed</option>');
  1560. jQuery("#carrental_to_hour" + element_id).attr('disabled', true);
  1561. }
  1563. }
  1564. } catch (e) {
  1565. alert(e);
  1566. }
  1567. }
  1569. });
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  1605. <h2>CITY CAR</h2>
  1606. <h3>Toyota Agya price start from $20 a day!</h3>
  1607. <p><p><em>The most economical and most agile small car in Indonesia, </em><a href="">Toyota Agya</a><em> is ready to bring joy to you on every trip.</em></p>
  1608. </p>
  1609. <a href="" type="button">BOOK NOW</a>
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  1619. <h2>M.P.V</h2>
  1620. <h3>Toyota Zenix</h3>
  1621. <p><p>Toyota Zenix is an MPV car that has the most complete variants and the latest modern design.<br />
  1622. Innova Zenix will definitely make your trip safe and comfortable in exploring cities in Indonesia</p>
  1623. </p>
  1624. <a href="" type="button">SHOW DETAILS</a>
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  1634. <h2>MINIVAN</h2>
  1636. <p><p><em>Do you want to travel with your family using a comfortable vehicle? Here goes the answer! <a href="">Toyota Alphard</a> is supported by complete entertainment features that can make passengers feel comfortable during the trip.</em></p>
  1637. </p>
  1638. <a href="" type="button">CALL US FOR THE PRICE</a>
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  1662. <h2>ABOUT US</h2> <p><span style="color: #000000;">ICAN stands for<a href=""> Indonesia Car Area Network</a>, providing cars for Business and Tourism. Founded in 2008 managed by people who are trusted, experienced and honest.</span><br />
  1663. <span style="color: #000000;"><a href="">ICANRENTACAR.COM</a> is an independent company dedicated to making it easy for you to rent a car without problems and without hidden costs. Punctuality, comfort, and guaranteed cleanliness are the foundation of our services</span></p>
  1664. <p><span style="color: #000000;"><a href="">ICANRENTACAR.COM</a> is supported by hundreds of car rental owners in several cities in Indonesia with the advantage of cheap car rental but has a professional service standard.</span></p>
  1665. <p><span style="color: #000000;">Through<a href=""> ICANRENTACAR.COM</a>, you can choose self-drive, with our driver, tour package or other services available for various car rentals in various cities in Indonesia.</span><br />
  1666. <span style="color: #000000;">ICANRENTACAR.COM guarantees the availability of rental cars that have been booked. The quality of car rental services is supported by professional and English-speaking drivers who understand the route to where you want to go, drive politely and even the driver can provide recommendations on tourist attractions you need to visit.</span></p>
  1667. <p><span style="color: #000000;">The age of the vehicle is not more than 4 years, so a rental car is safe to use.</span><br />
  1668. <span style="color: #000000;">You can also use the available <a style="color: #000000;" href="">insurance (full protection)</a> which provides peace of mind in driving</span><br />
  1669. <span style="color: #000000;">And the car that will be used for your trip is guaranteed to be clean, comfortable and maintained.</span><br />
  1670. <span style="color: #000000;">Your comfort is our top priority</span></p>
  1671. <p>Reservation is easier through the website. located in 34 cities in Indonesia, <a href="">Medan</a>, <a href="">Jakarta</a>,<a href=""> Aceh</a>,<a href=""> Denpasar</a>,<a href=""> Bali</a>,<a href=""> Padang</a>,<a href=""> Batam</a>,<a href=""> Palembang</a>, <a href="">Jambi</a>,<a href=""> Pekanbaru</a>, <a href="">Riau,</a> <a href="">Surabaya</a>,<a href=""> Yogyakarta</a>,<a href=""> Bandung</a>, <a href="">Bengkulu</a>, <a href="">Lombok</a> and<a href=""> Semarang, etc</a><br />
  1672. We are ready to serve your transportation needs.</p>
  1673. <p><span style="color: #000000;">Thank you for your business and pleasant trip.</span></p> </div>
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  1718. <h2>Vision & Mission</h2> <p>For 15 years as your tourism partner, Has facilitated more than 10,000 travelers to visit their dream destinations. ICAN has 34 branches in various cities in Indonesia. With this, we hope to facilitate everyone's holiday.</p>
  1719. <p>Company Vision</p>
  1720. <p>Being a car rental service that facilitates everyone going anywhere and from anywhere, with the most complete accommodations, the best service, and affordable prices.</p>
  1721. <p>Company Mission</p>
  1722. <p>    Providing one-stop-service, from car rental, holiday packages, tour guides, to transportation rentals.<br />
  1723.    Providing comprehensive vacation packages for many tourist cities, with various destinations and facilities.<br />
  1724.    Provide transportation rental with various types and brands of vehicles according to consumer needs.<br />
  1725.    Set the best and affordable price range.<br />
  1726.    Your comfort is our happiness</p> </div>
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  1736. <img src="" alt="Toyota Avanza Manual">
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  1740. <h3>Toyota Avanza Manual</h3>
  1741. <hr>
  1742. <ul>
  1743. <li><span>$27.00</span></li>
  1744. <li><span>A/C</span></li> <li><span>3x Luggage</span></li> <li><span>6x Persons</span></li> <li><span>Petrol</span></li> </ul>
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  1753. <img src="" alt="Toyota Avanza AT">
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  1757. <h3>Toyota Avanza AT</h3>
  1758. <hr>
  1759. <ul>
  1760. <li><span>$30.00</span></li>
  1761. <li><span>A/C</span></li> <li><span>3x Luggage</span></li> <li><span>6x Persons</span></li> <li><span>Petrol</span></li> </ul>
  1762. <a href="" class="button">CAR DETAILS</a>
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  1770. <img src="" alt="Suzuki Ertiga AT">
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  1774. <h3>Suzuki Ertiga AT</h3>
  1775. <hr>
  1776. <ul>
  1777. <li><span>$35.00</span></li>
  1778. <li><span>A/C</span></li> <li><span>2x Luggage</span></li> <li><span>6x Persons</span></li> <li><span>Petrol</span></li> </ul>
  1779. <a href="" class="button">CAR DETAILS</a>
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  1787. <img src="" alt="Toyota Agya AT">
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  1790. <div class="card-info">
  1791. <h3>Toyota Agya AT</h3>
  1792. <hr>
  1793. <ul>
  1794. <li><span>$25.00</span></li>
  1795. <li><span>A/C</span></li> <li><span>2x Luggage</span></li> <li><span>4x Persons</span></li> <li><span>Petrol</span></li> </ul>
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  1808. <h2>WHY CHOOSE US</h2> <p><ul>
  1809. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Trusted Website</strong></span></a></li>
  1810. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Cars with Excellent condition</strong></span></a></li>
  1811. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Best Price Guarantee</strong></span></a></li>
  1812. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Courteous Driver</strong></span></a></li>
  1813. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>On Time Services</strong></span></a></li>
  1814. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Customer Satisfaction</strong></span></a></li>
  1815. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Free Delivery at Airport</strong></span></a></li>
  1816. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Unlimited Miliage</strong></span></a></li>
  1817. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>No Hidden Charges</strong></span></a></li>
  1818. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Car Rental Insurance</strong><span</a></li>
  1819. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Full Insurance Protection Option</strong></span></a></li>
  1820. <li><a href=""><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>Cancel or Amend Your Reservation Easily</strong></span></a></li>
  1821. </ul></p> </div>
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  1823. <h2>Easy Way To Rent A Car in Indonesian Cities</h2> <p><strong>Renting a car in Indonesia is very easy with<a href=""> ICANRENTACAR.COM,</a> just by determining the date of use, then choosing the car you want to use and by filling out your data form on this website <a href=""></a></strong></p>
  1824. <p><strong>You can also our contact. You can chat via whatsapp or email with the number and address listed on our website.</strong></p>
  1825. <p><strong>We also provide free airport pick-up and nearby hotels.</strong></p>
  1826. <p><strong>A good idea to book a car in advance, especially during the busy holiday season with many visitors. As much as any car rental service, but all cars can run out.</strong></p>
  1827. <p><strong>Come on, immediately order your favourite car at ICANRENTACAR.COM, choose and experienced rental company for your comfort, security and safety</strong></p> </div>
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