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  31. <title>Is Creatine Hair Loss a Real Concern for Athletes</title>
  32. <link></link>
  33. <dc:creator><![CDATA[In Human Being]]></dc:creator>
  34. <pubDate>Sat, 23 Nov 2024 05:34:14 +0000</pubDate>
  35. <category><![CDATA[Men's Health]]></category>
  36. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  38. <description><![CDATA[<p>Creatine Hair Loss — Almost everyone knows the possible relationship between Creatine and Hair Loss. It is likely that if you do sports, you have never heard of this substance since it is a supplement used to improve sports activity and increase muscle mass. It became famous after the &#8217;92 Olympic Games in Barcelona ​​​​when Linford Christian admitted taking it and said it helped him perform better. Several years have passed since then, but it is still one of the most popular and sought-after training&#8230;</p>
  39. <p>The post <a href="">Is Creatine Hair Loss a Real Concern for Athletes</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  40. ]]></description>
  41. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><strong>Creatine Hair Loss — </strong>Almost everyone knows the possible relationship between Creatine and <a href="">Hair</a> Loss. It is likely that if you do sports, you have never heard of this substance since it is a supplement used to improve sports activity and increase muscle mass. It became famous after the &#8217;92 Olympic Games in Barcelona ​​​​when Linford Christian admitted taking it and said it helped him perform better.</p>
  42. <p>Several years have passed since then, but it is still one of the most popular and sought-after training supplements and one of the most studied on the market. Along with the arrival of this supplement, a rumor began to spread that Creatine causes alopecia, which is why it is a very common question that athletes ask.</p>
  43. <p>The questions we will answer below will inevitably arise: What is the Truth About Creatine Hair Loss? Is there any scientific evidence that Creatine causes hair loss?</p>
  44. <h2>What exactly is Creatine?</h2>
  45. <p><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-1363 size-full" src="" alt="What exactly is Creatine?" width="700" height="450" srcset=" 700w, 300w, 390w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" /></p>
  46. <p>Let&#8217;s take a moment to clarify what exactly Creatine is. Creatine combines three different amino acids: glycine, arginine, and methionine. It is important to emphasize this because there is a lot of confusion about it. Many people think that Creatine is a steroid. It is not and works entirely differently than steroids.</p>
  47. <p>The body produces Creatine, which is also found in certain protein-rich foods such as red meat and fish. Therefore, creatine is not a compound synthesized in the laboratory; it is natural. It is also not a stimulant, although it can sometimes be combined with stimulant substances (such as caffeine) in some pre-workout formulas.</p>
  48. <h2>How does Creatine work?</h2>
  49. <p>Creatine, that popular organic compound, is best known for easing the recycling of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the brain and muscles. We could say that ATP is the energy currency of cells. Therefore, Creatine helps replenish energy in the brain and muscle cells. It makes Creatine a very well-known and sought-after nutritional supplement, especially, as we have said, for athletes since they use it as extra energy support.</p>
  50. <p>Many athletes (runners, basketball players, rugby players, soccer players, etc.) take Creatine and recognize it. In addition to serving with energy, Creatine also helps increase muscle mass, improving overall performance and strength. Additionally, many studies have found that taking Creatine can help prevent neurological disorders.</p>
  51. <p>The human body produces Creatine, but at deficient levels, so taking creatine supplements increases its amount, which can cause positive and negative effects. One of these adverse effects could be that Creatine causes hair loss. But before we get to this point, let&#8217;s look at some benefits of using Creatine.</p>
  52. <h3>Benefits of Using Creatine</h3>
  53. <ul>
  54. <li>Increases Energy Levels of Muscle Cells</li>
  55. <li>Improves Muscle Mass</li>
  56. <li>Excellent for High-Intensity Exercise</li>
  57. <li>May Improve Parkinson&#8217;s Disease</li>
  58. <li>Relieves Neurological Diseases</li>
  59. <li>Improves Brain Function</li>
  60. <li>Beneficial for Fatigue and Overall Body Performance</li>
  61. <li>Enhances Recovery Post-Workout</li>
  62. <li>Supports Muscle Hydration</li>
  63. <li>Increases Strength and Power</li>
  64. <li>Improves Sprint Performance</li>
  65. <li>Reduces Muscle Damage and Inflammation</li>
  66. <li>Supports Muscle Fiber Growth</li>
  67. <li>Boosts Anaerobic Capacity</li>
  68. <li>Enhances Cognitive Performance</li>
  69. </ul>
  70. <h2>Can Creatine cause hair loss?</h2>
  71. <p>The connection between hair loss and Creatine was first noted in 2009 in a study published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine by Johan van der Merwe. The study looked at the side effects of creatine use in rugby players and found that regular use of creatine supplements increased dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels by over 50%.</p>
  72. <p>DHT is a powerful hormone made from testosterone, the primary sex hormone in men. Testosterone helps build muscle mass and body hair, so many men are hairier than women. For testosterone to work properly, it needs to be converted to DHT, and Creatine speeds up this process. Higher DHT levels are linked to androgenetic alopecia, a common form of hair loss in men.</p>
  73. <p>Although the study didn&#8217;t specifically focus on hair loss, the increase in DHT levels suggested a possible connection. DHT can affect hair growth by speeding up the hair cycle, leading to hair loss. So, taking Creatine might raise DHT levels and potentially cause hair loss.</p>
  74. <h2>Why can Creatine Hair Loss?</h2>
  75. <p>Taking Creatine increases the levels of the hormone DHT, and DHT alters hair growth by accelerating the cycle of each hair follicle, which can cause hair loss.</p>
  76. <p>Hence, after the discovery of the increase in these levels of DHT, the possibility was raised that taking Creatine could cause hair loss.</p>
  77. <h2>How Creatine Affects Hair</h2>
  78. <ul>
  79. <li>Increases Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Levels</li>
  80. <li>Potential Link to Androgenetic Alopecia</li>
  81. <li>May Accelerate Male Pattern Baldness</li>
  82. <li>Hormonal Changes</li>
  83. <li>Conversion of Testosterone to DHT</li>
  84. <li>Potential for Increased Hair Loss</li>
  85. <li>Impact on Hair Follicle Health</li>
  86. <li>Possible Thinning of Hair</li>
  87. <li>Influence on Hair Growth Cycle</li>
  88. <li>Higher Risk for Individuals Predisposed to Hair Loss</li>
  89. <li>Alteration in Scalp Oil Production</li>
  90. <li>Potential for Increased Shedding</li>
  91. <li>Change in Hair Texture</li>
  92. <li>Possible Effects on Hair Strength</li>
  93. <li>Influence on Overall Hair Density</li>
  94. </ul>
  95. <h2>Creatine Hair Loss S<strong>ide Effects</strong></h2>
  96. <p>Although it is natural, having high amounts of Creatine in the body can cause some side effects. Creatine can be taken orally in prescribed doses without any danger. However, the long-term effects can be harmful.</p>
  97. <p>Some side effects usually appear after five years, so it is recommended not to consume Creatine for more than five years in a row.</p>
  98. <p><strong>Among these side effects, we find the following :  </strong></p>
  99. <ul>
  100. <li>Possible hair loss.</li>
  101. <li>Water retention.</li>
  102. <li>Muscle cramps.</li>
  103. <li>Fatigue.</li>
  104. <li>Nausea.</li>
  105. <li>Weight gain.</li>
  106. <li>Gastrointestinal pain.</li>
  107. <li>Dehydration.</li>
  108. <li>Fever.</li>
  109. <li>Heat intolerance.</li>
  110. <li><a href="">Dizziness</a></li>
  111. </ul>
  112. <p>These side effects depend on each organism&#8217;s overall functioning and underlying medical conditions. Some of the worst side effects can damage essential organs such as the kidneys, liver, or <a href="">heart</a>.</p>
  113. <p>The post <a href="">Is Creatine Hair Loss a Real Concern for Athletes</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  114. ]]></content:encoded>
  115. </item>
  116. <item>
  117. <title>The Alpine Ice Hack Diet Secret To Weight Loss</title>
  118. <link></link>
  119. <dc:creator><![CDATA[In Human Being]]></dc:creator>
  120. <pubDate>Sat, 23 Nov 2024 04:54:31 +0000</pubDate>
  121. <category><![CDATA[Health]]></category>
  122. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  124. <description><![CDATA[<p>Among the many diets that exist and whose existence reaches our ears, some catch our attention because of what they propose. This is the case of the alpine ice hack, which bases its success on the intake of a certain amount of ice per day until reaching the desired weight. This is a more than simple premise that promises to obtain results in a comfortable way and without too much effort. What is alpine ice? Alpine ice refers to the glaciers and icy formations&#8230;</p>
  125. <p>The post <a href="">The Alpine Ice Hack Diet Secret To Weight Loss</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  126. ]]></description>
  127. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Among the many diets that exist and whose existence reaches our ears, some catch our attention because of what they propose. This is the case of the alpine ice hack, which bases its success on the intake of a certain amount of ice per day until reaching the desired weight. This is a more than simple premise that promises to obtain results in a comfortable way and without too much effort.</p>
  128. <h2>What is alpine ice?</h2>
  129. <p>Alpine ice refers to the glaciers and icy formations that developed during the Quaternary Glaciation, also known as the Alpine Glaciation or the Ice Age. This period, starting about 2.58 million years ago until today, saw repeated cycles of glaciers expanding and retreating, interspersed with warmer interglacial periods.</p>
  130. <h2>What is Alpine Ice Hack for weight loss?</h2>
  131. <p>The &#8220;Alpine Ice Hack&#8221; is a weight loss method that involves two main components: consuming ice water and taking a supplement called Alpilean. This approach is based on the idea that drinking ice water can increase metabolism by forcing the body to expend energy to warm up the water to body temperature. The Alpilean supplement contains ingredients such as golden algae, African mango seed, bitter orange, moringa leaf, ginger, and turmeric, which are claimed to help with weight loss by growing metabolism and reducing appetite​.</p>
  132. <h2>How to do an ice trick to lose weight?</h2>
  133. <p><img decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-1369 size-full" src="" alt="How to do an ice trick to lose weight?" width="700" height="450" srcset=" 700w, 300w, 390w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" /></p>
  134. <p>If you want to try ice therapy at <a href="">home</a>, just try putting some ice cubes in a bag. Then wrap it in a thin fabric and apply it a few minutes to the area you want to iron or iron.</p>
  135. <p>The Ice Hack cold water drink diet, analyzed by experts.</p>
  136. <p>Ice Hack is a technology that can boost metabolism and help those who burn more calories, based on the idea that people with a lower internal body temperature can metabolize fat better.</p>
  137. <h2>10 Recipes for the Ice Hack diet</h2>
  138. <table>
  139. <thead>
  140. <tr>
  141. <td><strong>Recipe</strong></td>
  142. <td><strong>Ingredients</strong></td>
  143. <td><strong>Instructions</strong></td>
  144. </tr>
  145. </thead>
  146. <tbody>
  147. <tr>
  148. <td>Ice-Cucumber Cooler</td>
  149. <td>1 cucumber, 1 lemon, 1 tsp honey, ice cubes</td>
  150. <td>Blend cucumber and lemon juice, add honey, mix well, serve over ice.</td>
  151. </tr>
  152. <tr>
  153. <td>Berry Ice Smoothie</td>
  154. <td>1 cup mixed berries, 1 banana, 1 cup almond milk, ice cubes</td>
  155. <td>Blend all ingredients until smooth, pour into a glass, and enjoy.</td>
  156. </tr>
  157. <tr>
  158. <td>Mint Ice Tea</td>
  159. <td>2 green tea bags, 1 bunch fresh mint, 1 tbsp honey, ice cubes</td>
  160. <td>Brew tea with mint, add honey, let cool, serve over ice.</td>
  161. </tr>
  162. <tr>
  163. <td>Citrus Ice Drink</td>
  164. <td>1 orange, 1 lemon, 1 lime, 1 tbsp honey, ice cubes</td>
  165. <td>Squeeze citrus fruits, mix juice with honey, serve over ice.</td>
  166. </tr>
  167. <tr>
  168. <td>Herbal Ice Infusion</td>
  169. <td>1 bunch fresh basil, 1 tbsp honey, 1 liter water, ice cubes</td>
  170. <td>Infuse basil in water, add honey, chill, and serve over ice.</td>
  171. </tr>
  172. <tr>
  173. <td>Frozen Grapes Snack</td>
  174. <td>1 cup seedless grapes, 1 tbsp lemon juice</td>
  175. <td>Toss grapes in lemon juice, freeze, and enjoy as a snack.</td>
  176. </tr>
  177. <tr>
  178. <td>Apple Ice Slush</td>
  179. <td>2 apples, 1 cup apple juice, ice cubes</td>
  180. <td>Blend apples and juice with ice until slushy, serve immediately.</td>
  181. </tr>
  182. <tr>
  183. <td>Lemon-Lime Ice Pop</td>
  184. <td>1 lemon, 1 lime, 1 tbsp honey, water, ice pop molds</td>
  185. <td>Mix lemon and lime juice with honey, pour into molds, freeze.</td>
  186. </tr>
  187. <tr>
  188. <td>Chilled Watermelon Salad</td>
  189. <td>2 cups diced watermelon, 1 tbsp lime juice, fresh mint leaves</td>
  190. <td>Toss watermelon with lime juice and mint, chill before serving.</td>
  191. </tr>
  192. <tr>
  193. <td>Iced Ginger Lemonade</td>
  194. <td>1-inch ginger, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp honey, ice cubes</td>
  195. <td>Grate ginger, mix with lemon juice and honey, serve over ice.</td>
  196. </tr>
  197. </tbody>
  198. </table>
  199. <h2>Pros and Cons of alpine ice hack</h2>
  200. <h3>Pros:</h3>
  201. <ul>
  202. <li>Speeds up metabolism (claimed by proponents).</li>
  203. <li>It helps increase water intake.</li>
  204. <li>Curbs, hunger, and oral cravings.</li>
  205. <li>Supports habits like quitting smoking or reducing snacking.</li>
  206. </ul>
  207. <h3>Cons:</h3>
  208. <ul>
  209. <li>Lacks scientific backing for long-term effects.</li>
  210. <li>Doesn&#8217;t replace exercise for weight loss.</li>
  211. <li>It may trigger colds due to temperature changes.</li>
  212. <li>Damaging to teeth and gums.</li>
  213. <li>Not a balanced approach to weight loss.</li>
  214. </ul>
  215. <h2>What foods can be eaten with the alpine ice hack diet?</h2>
  216. <p><strong>Foods to Avoid on the Ice Hack Diet:</strong></p>
  217. <ul>
  218. <li>Excessive and processed red meat</li>
  219. <li>Trans fats and refined vegetable oils</li>
  220. <li>Sugar and sweeteners</li>
  221. <li>Refined flours and products made with them</li>
  222. <li>Alcohol</li>
  223. </ul>
  224. <h2>Why the Alpine Ice Hack Diet Doesn&#8217;t Work:</h2>
  225. <ul>
  226. <li>No scientific basis or <a href="">health</a> benefits</li>
  227. <li>Drinking ice water and taking Alpilean do not affect internal body temperature or metabolism significantly</li>
  228. <li>Alpilean supplement lacks evidence for effectiveness and may cause side effects like gastrointestinal irritation, insomnia, and nervousness</li>
  229. </ul>
  230. <h2>Expert Opinion on Alpine Ice Hack:</h2>
  231. <ul>
  232. <li>Nutrition and <a href="">health</a> experts advise against it due to a lack of scientific evidence and potential health risks.</li>
  233. <li>Ingredients in Alpilean supplement (golden algae, dika nut, moringa tree leaf) lack reliable data on effectiveness.</li>
  234. <li>Chewing ice can damage teeth.</li>
  235. </ul>
  236. <h2>Recommended Approach</h2>
  237. <ul>
  238. <li>Focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits for sustainable weight management.</li>
  239. <li>Avoid unproven supplements and opt for evidence-based strategies.</li>
  240. <li>Consider diets like the Mediterranean diet for overall health and well-being.</li>
  241. </ul>
  242. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  243. <p>The post <a href="">The Alpine Ice Hack Diet Secret To Weight Loss</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  244. ]]></content:encoded>
  245. </item>
  246. <item>
  247. <title>How to know if toenail fungus is dying</title>
  248. <link></link>
  249. <dc:creator><![CDATA[In Human Being]]></dc:creator>
  250. <pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2024 18:59:32 +0000</pubDate>
  251. <category><![CDATA[Diseases & Cure]]></category>
  252. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  254. <description><![CDATA[<p>Are you wondering, &#8220;How do you know if toenail fungus is dying?&#8221; and are you curious about the signs of healing? This article explores the indicators that your toenail fungus is improving. Why does toenail fungus appear? Is it just an aesthetic problem, or can it affect your health? What treatments exist to eliminate it? We are dedicating this entire article to answering these questions. How do you know if toenail fungus is dying? It affects more than 12 percent of the population. Signs&#8230;</p>
  255. <p>The post <a href="">How to know if toenail fungus is dying</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  256. ]]></description>
  257. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Are you wondering, &#8220;How do you know if toenail fungus is dying?&#8221; and are you curious about the signs of healing? This article explores the indicators that your toenail fungus is improving.</p>
  258. <p>Why does toenail fungus appear? Is it just an aesthetic problem, or can it affect your <a href="">health</a>? What treatments exist to eliminate it?</p>
  259. <p>We are dedicating this entire article to answering these questions. How do you know if toenail fungus is dying? It affects more than 12 percent of the population.</p>
  260. <h2>Signs that your toenail fungus is getting better include</h2>
  261. <p><strong>Reduced discoloration:</strong> The nail starts to look less yellow or brown.</p>
  262. <p><strong>Normal nail texture:</strong> The nail feels and looks smoother, not thick or brittle.</p>
  263. <p><strong>Healthy nail growth:</strong> New, clear nails grow from the base.</p>
  264. <p><strong>If you have toenail fungus, do not hesitate to contact podiatrist.</strong></p>
  265. <h2>Why do toenail fungus appear?</h2>
  266. <ul>
  267. <li>First of all. If you detect a fungus, remedy it immediately. Don&#8217;t let it go.<br />
  268. The fungus starts with a small white mark on the tip of the nail but spreads.</li>
  269. <li>Fungus on the nail of the big toe is much more common. That said, the most common causes of fungus appearance are:</li>
  270. <li>Do not dry your feet well after bathing or showering. That is, the fungi appear because you have not dried yourself well and you have excess moisture.</li>
  271. <li>Infections from going barefoot, especially when you don&#8217;t wear flip-flops in changing rooms at gyms or swimming pools.</li>
  272. <li>Because your feet sweat too much.</li>
  273. <li>Due to a blow, for example, when you are barefoot in your house and hit the leg of the bed.</li>
  274. <li>Inadequate footwear is also the cause of nail fungus.</li>
  275. <li>Age. They appear due to a lack of blood circulation due to chronic diseases such as diabetes. Older people are more likely to have nail fungus.</li>
  276. </ul>
  277. <h2>Symptoms of Nail Fungus</h2>
  278. <ul>
  279. <li>Whitish or yellowish nails</li>
  280. <li>Increased thickness of the nail</li>
  281. <li>More dull, brittle, and brittle nails</li>
  282. <li>Nail that comes off easily from the skin</li>
  283. <li>Nail deformities</li>
  284. <li>Alteration in the texture of the nail</li>
  285. <li>The presence of a kind of mass under the nail</li>
  286. <li>Bad smell</li>
  287. </ul>
  288. <h2>Types of Nail Fungus</h2>
  289. <ol>
  290. <li>Distal Subungual Nail Mycosis</li>
  291. <li>Proximal Subungual Nail Mycosis</li>
  292. <li>White Superficial Nail Mycosis</li>
  293. <li>Candidiasis on the Nail</li>
  294. <li>Endonyx Nail Mycosis</li>
  295. <li>Total Dystrophic Nail Mycosis</li>
  296. </ol>
  297. <h2>Phases of nail fungus</h2>
  298. <ul>
  299. <li>As we have pointed out, it begins with a white spot. Sometimes, this stain is yellow with brown tones.</li>
  300. <li>It is located at the tip of the toenail. They can also appear on the fingernails.</li>
  301. <li>If you do not remedy it immediately, the infection will progress.</li>
  302. <li>First, this stain becomes discolored, then thicker, and the edge of the nail deteriorates.</li>
  303. <li>The fungus can affect many nails. Sometimes, the fungus goes unnoticed and doesn&#8217;t bother you.</li>
  304. <li>But in many other cases, it is a painful process. In any case, it is much better to seek the opinion of professionals.</li>
  305. <li>A severe case of nail fungus can be painful and cause permanent damage to the nails. The infection could also spread to other areas of the body, especially in people with a weakened immune system due to diabetes or other causes.</li>
  306. </ul>
  307. <h2>How to get rid of toenail fungus</h2>
  308. <ul>
  309. <li>In this section, we do not have excellent news because fungal infections usually take a while to disappear.</li>
  310. <li>You can indeed read hundreds of home remedies, but there is no medical evidence that they are effective.</li>
  311. <li>It is <a href="">best</a> to see a specialist because fungus can have multiple causes and must be treated differently depending on whether the patient has other diseases or is taking certain medications. Age also plays a role.</li>
  312. </ul>
  313. <h2>Treatment and tips to prevent toenail fungus</h2>
  314. <p><strong>The best way to treat toenail fungus is prevention. </strong><strong>Here are some tips:</strong></p>
  315. <ul>
  316. <li>It would help if you always kept your toenails &#8211; and your fingernails, too &#8211; clean and dry. It is very important to wash after touching an infected nail. Then, dry your nails thoroughly and moisturize them. Talcum powder is a good solution.</li>
  317. <li>Nails should always be well cut. When you do this, make sure that the nails are straight. Fungus proliferates on long nails. Disinfecting the nail clippers before using them is also a good idea.</li>
  318. <li>If you are prone to fungus, change your socks regularly.</li>
  319. <li>Always wear quality shoes. Don&#8217;t wear old shoes. It&#8217;s not good for children to wear inherited shoes, even if they belong to their siblings.</li>
  320. <li>Wear flip-flops in locker rooms, gyms, and other public spaces.</li>
  321. <li>In short, toenail fungus is a common problem affecting aesthetics and health. It can arise due to poor hygiene, humidity, injuries, or inappropriate footwear, so it is important to treat it promptly to avoid complications.</li>
  322. <li>Treating nail fungus can take time, and it is <a href="">best</a> to seek help from a podiatrist, as home remedies have no solid medical backing. Prevention is crucial, including keeping nails clean and dry, cutting them properly, changing socks regularly, and taking precautions in public spaces.</li>
  323. </ul>
  324. <h2>Care During Treatment</h2>
  325. <ul>
  326. <li>Avoid Wearing Tight Shoes</li>
  327. <li>Use of Cotton Socks</li>
  328. <li>Proper Foot Hygiene</li>
  329. <li>Wearing Sandals in Public Areas</li>
  330. <li>Using Personal Manicure/Pedicure Tools</li>
  331. </ul>
  332. <h2>Conclusion</h2>
  333. <p>How to know if toenail fungus is dying involves observing key signs such as reduced discoloration, the nail texture returning to normal, and fresh, healthy nail growth. If you notice these improvements, it indicates that the treatment is working.</p>
  334. <p>With proper treatment and preventative measures, it is possible to eliminate nail fungus and ultimately maintain foot health. If you suffer from this condition, do not hesitate to make an appointment for an initial evaluation.</p>
  335. <p>The post <a href="">How to know if toenail fungus is dying</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  336. ]]></content:encoded>
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  339. <title>What is fractionated coconut oil?</title>
  340. <link></link>
  341. <dc:creator><![CDATA[In Human Being]]></dc:creator>
  342. <pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2024 18:48:19 +0000</pubDate>
  343. <category><![CDATA[Beauty]]></category>
  344. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  346. <description><![CDATA[<p>Today, we will discuss an ingredient from coconut oil: fractionated coconut oil. Because of its nourishing properties, fractionated coconut oil is ideal for the body and hair. We will tell you all you want to know about it. What is fractionated coconut oil? Fractionated coconut oil (INCI: Caprylic/Capryc fatty oil) is acquired through an extraction process parallel to virgin coconut. That is, it is a piece of the coconut oil that we generally know. This colorless and exceptionally light oil has a low consistency and&#8230;</p>
  347. <p>The post <a href="">What is fractionated coconut oil?</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  348. ]]></description>
  349. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><strong>Today, we will discuss an ingredient from coconut oil:<span style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"><em> fractionated coconut oil. B</em>ecause of its nourishing properties, fractionated coconut oil is ideal for the body and <a href="">hair</a>. We will tell you all you want to know about it</span>.</strong></p>
  350. <h2>What is fractionated coconut oil?</h2>
  351. <p>Fractionated coconut oil (INCI: Caprylic/Capryc fatty oil) is acquired through an extraction process parallel to virgin coconut. That is, it is a piece of the coconut oil that we generally know.</p>
  352. <p>This colorless and exceptionally light oil has a low consistency and is soluble with other oils. It is used as a transporter oil for medicinal balms, which works with their ingestion, as well as different oils or extracts. This is why it is a highly used ingredient in formulations of cosmetic products such as creams, soaps, or lotions.</p>
  353. <h2>How to obtain fractionated coconut oil</h2>
  354. <p>As we mentioned, this is a fraction of regular coconut oil, so fractionation—a technique for separating the different fats in vegetable oils—is used to obtain it.</p>
  355. <h2> What does this process consist of?</h2>
  356. <ul>
  357. <li>Cooling ordinary coconut oil to solidification temperature thickens the long-chain oils so they sink to the base, leaving those with a lower melting point at the top.</li>
  358. <li>Along these lines, long-chain unsaturated fats and lauric and myristic acid are wiped out, leaving only the medium-chain fatty acids. This results in an oil with a melting point of -4ºC, with a longer useful life.</li>
  359. </ul>
  360. <h2>Phytochemical composition of fractionated coconut oil</h2>
  361. <ul>
  362. <li>Fractionated coconut oil has a phytochemical composition of primarily saturated fatty acids. Thus, capric acid represents 41.5%, while caprylic fatty acid is 58.5%.</li>
  363. <li>This composition makes it an oil that does not oxidize quickly.</li>
  364. </ul>
  365. <h2>Differences and similarities between coconut oil and fractionated coconut oil</h2>
  366. <p>Although they may seem similar, regular coconut oil and fractionated coconut oil are not the same.</p>
  367. <p><strong>Therefore, some of their main differences are the following:</strong></p>
  368. <ul>
  369. <li>Natural coconut oil is solid at low ambient temperatures, making some formulations, such as facial oils, more challenging.</li>
  370. <li>Fractionated coconut oil stays fluid even in low temperatures. It is likewise more effectively absorbed by the skin.</li>
  371. <li>Natural coconut oil maintains long-chain fatty acids.</li>
  372. <li>However, because they are naturally processed, they share similar features, such as nutritional and moisturizing properties and many antioxidants.</li>
  373. </ul>
  374. <h2>Main cosmetic properties of fractionated coconut oil</h2>
  375. <p><strong>Fractionated coconut oil has multiple properties for both skin and <a href="">hair</a>:</strong></p>
  376. <ul>
  377. <li>It is an ingredient that makes cosmetic products more easily absorbed.</li>
  378. <li>It penetrates deeply into the skin, intensely hydrating both the skin of the body and the face.</li>
  379. <li>It is a very light ingredient.</li>
  380. <li>It helps soothe <a href="">skin</a> without clogging pores.</li>
  381. <li>It is a disinfectant.</li>
  382. <li>It is non-greasy and can also be used in hair products like conditioner without leaving it heavy.</li>
  383. <li>It helps nourish and repair hair.</li>
  384. </ul>
  385. <h2>Innovative cosmetic products with fractionated coconut oil</h2>
  386. <ul>
  387. <li>This natural ingredient is widely used in lotions, oils, creams, hair products, and cosmetics.</li>
  388. <li>These are a few cosmetic products that contain fractionated coconut oil and that serve as inspiration for your following  natural cosmetic formulations :</li>
  389. <li>Biodegradable Raspberry Body Scrub  – Lush – a body scrub containing natural biodegradable particles that assist with taking out toxins and mitigating the skin.</li>
  390. <li>Healthy Protection Body Sunscreen  &#8211; Sunscreen is a cream with actual channels of mineral beginning that safeguard the skin from the sun, with cell reinforcement fixings that forestall photoaging.</li>
  391. <li>Epic Smoke Liner  – Eyeliner – Nyx – An <a href="">eye</a> makeup product.</li>
  392. <li>Baume Calmant Inspiration  – Calming balm – The Body Shop – A calming balm to repair the skin.</li>
  393. <li>Aqua bomb super drops serum  – Facial serum – Belif – A facial serum indicated to awaken dullness and lackluster skin.</li>
  394. <li>Cannabis Hair  – Revitalizing Shampoo with Hemp Oil – Dr. Santé – Hair shampoo that helps to deeply cleanse, repair, and nourish hair.</li>
  395. </ul>
  396. <p>The post <a href="">What is fractionated coconut oil?</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  397. ]]></content:encoded>
  398. </item>
  399. <item>
  400. <title>How to Get Mounjaro: A Step-by-Step Guide</title>
  401. <link></link>
  402. <dc:creator><![CDATA[In Human Being]]></dc:creator>
  403. <pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2024 18:46:00 +0000</pubDate>
  404. <category><![CDATA[Nutrition]]></category>
  405. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  407. <description><![CDATA[<p>Are you looking to lose weight with Mounjaro? Here&#8217;s how to get Mounjaro: Speak with your doctor about its benefits and suitability, then get a prescription if it&#8217;s right. This article guides you through the most proficient method of getting Mounjaro, including the cost and how to determine whether you qualify. A quick guide on how to get Mounjaro Consult Your Doctor: Discuss with your Doctor whether Mounjaro is right for you. Obtain a Prescription: If suitable, your primary care physician will recommend Mounjaro.&#8230;</p>
  408. <p>The post <a href="">How to Get Mounjaro: A Step-by-Step Guide</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  409. ]]></description>
  410. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><strong>Are you looking to lose weight with Mounjaro? Here&#8217;s how to get Mounjaro: Speak with your doctor about its benefits and suitability, then get a prescription if it&#8217;s right.</strong></p>
  411. <p>This article guides you through the most proficient method of getting Mounjaro, including the <a href="">cost</a> and how to determine whether you qualify.</p>
  412. <h2>A quick guide on how to get Mounjaro</h2>
  413. <p><strong>Consult Your Doctor:</strong> Discuss with your Doctor whether Mounjaro is right for you.</p>
  414. <p><strong>Obtain a Prescription:</strong> If suitable, your primary care <a href="">physician</a> will recommend Mounjaro.</p>
  415. <p><strong>Fill Your Prescription:</strong> Take your prescription to a drug store or online service.</p>
  416. <p><strong>Check Insurance Coverage:</strong> Ensure your insurance plan covers Mounjaro to manage expenses.</p>
  417. <p><strong>Explore Assistance Programs:</strong> Look into programs that offer financial aid or discounts.</p>
  418. <h2>What is Mounjaro, and what is it used for?</h2>
  419. <p>Injection pen for weight reduction—Mounjaro is a professional prescription drug for the treatment of obesity and severe overweight. The active ingredient tripeptide stimulates the arrival of insulin and manages the sensation of hunger. The medication is infused under the skin by the patient once a week.</p>
  420. <p>Specific prescription requirements must be met: The medicine can be used only by patients with a BMI of over 30 kg/m2 or a BMI of more than 27 kg/m2 with weight-related comorbidities (hypertension, prediabetes). It is used in combination with <a href="">exercise</a> and nutrition programs.</p>
  421. <h2>How does Mounjaro work?</h2>
  422. <p>Active ingredients ensure better blood sugar levels and a greater feeling of satiety. Mounjaro® contains the active ingredient tirzepatide. This is one of the so-called incretin mimetics: they imitate the effect of the body&#8217;s hormones GLP-1 or GIP, released in the intestine after eating. These hormones, as well as the mimicking drugs, have various effects on the body.</p>
  423. <h2>Mounjaro Product Description</h2>
  424. <table>
  425. <thead>
  426. <tr>
  427. <td><strong>Detail</strong></td>
  428. <td><strong>Description</strong></td>
  429. </tr>
  430. </thead>
  431. <tbody>
  432. <tr>
  433. <td>Product Name</td>
  434. <td>Mounjaro</td>
  435. </tr>
  436. <tr>
  437. <td>Active Ingredient</td>
  438. <td>Tirzepatide</td>
  439. </tr>
  440. <tr>
  441. <td>Brand Name</td>
  442. <td>Mounjaro</td>
  443. </tr>
  444. <tr>
  445. <td>Manufacturer</td>
  446. <td>Eli Lilly and Company</td>
  447. </tr>
  448. <tr>
  449. <td>Type</td>
  450. <td>Prescription medication for weight <a href="">management</a> and type 2 diabetes</td>
  451. </tr>
  452. <tr>
  453. <td>Dosage Forms</td>
  454. <td>Injection (pre-filled pens)</td>
  455. </tr>
  456. <tr>
  457. <td>Common Dosages</td>
  458. <td>5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg (weekly injections)</td>
  459. </tr>
  460. </tbody>
  461. </table>
  462. <h2>Mounjaro Price</h2>
  463. <table>
  464. <thead>
  465. <tr>
  466. <td>Country</td>
  467. <td><a href="">Price</a> (approximate)</td>
  468. </tr>
  469. </thead>
  470. <tbody>
  471. <tr>
  472. <td>United States</td>
  473. <td>$900 &#8211; $1,200 per month (price may vary based on dosage and pharmacy)</td>
  474. </tr>
  475. <tr>
  476. <td>India</td>
  477. <td>Not currently available in India</td>
  478. </tr>
  479. </tbody>
  480. </table>
  481. <h2><strong>Losing weight with Mounjaro: How effective is the drug?</strong></h2>
  482. <p>The effectiveness of Mounjaro® has been tested in several clinical studies. An international study with around 2500 participants found that at the highest dosage (15 mg tripeptide), patients lost an average of 22.5% of their initial <a href="">weight</a> during use, i.e., more than a fifth.</p>
  483. <p><strong>The study results after 72 weeks of use in detail:</strong></p>
  484. <table>
  485. <thead>
  486. <tr>
  487. <td><strong>Dosage/Condition</strong></td>
  488. <td><strong>Average Weight Loss</strong></td>
  489. </tr>
  490. </thead>
  491. <tbody>
  492. <tr>
  493. <td><strong>5 mg Tirzepatide</strong></td>
  494. <td>16% of baseline weight</td>
  495. </tr>
  496. <tr>
  497. <td><strong>10 mg Tirzepatide</strong></td>
  498. <td>21.4% of baseline weight</td>
  499. </tr>
  500. <tr>
  501. <td><strong>15 mg Tirzepatide</strong></td>
  502. <td>22.4% of baseline weight</td>
  503. </tr>
  504. <tr>
  505. <td><strong>Placebo (no active ingredient)</strong></td>
  506. <td>2.4% of initial weight</td>
  507. </tr>
  508. </tbody>
  509. </table>
  510. <table>
  511. <thead>
  512. <tr>
  513. <td><strong>Mounjaro® Dosage</strong></td>
  514. <td><strong>Form</strong></td>
  515. <td><strong>Estimated Price (USD)</strong></td>
  516. </tr>
  517. </thead>
  518. <tbody>
  519. <tr>
  520. <td>2.5 mg</td>
  521. <td>Solution for injection</td>
  522. <td>$900 &#8211; $1,200</td>
  523. </tr>
  524. <tr>
  525. <td>5 mg</td>
  526. <td>Solution for injection</td>
  527. <td>$1,200 &#8211; $1,500</td>
  528. </tr>
  529. <tr>
  530. <td>7.5 mg</td>
  531. <td>Solution for injection</td>
  532. <td>$1,500 &#8211; $1,800</td>
  533. </tr>
  534. <tr>
  535. <td>10 mg</td>
  536. <td>Solution for injection</td>
  537. <td>$1,800 &#8211; $2,100</td>
  538. </tr>
  539. <tr>
  540. <td>12.5 mg</td>
  541. <td>Solution for injection</td>
  542. <td>$2,100 &#8211; $2,400</td>
  543. </tr>
  544. <tr>
  545. <td>15 mg</td>
  546. <td>Solution for injection</td>
  547. <td>$2,400 &#8211; $2,700</td>
  548. </tr>
  549. </tbody>
  550. </table>
  551. <table>
  552. <thead>
  553. <tr>
  554. <td><strong>Dosage Adjustment</strong></td>
  555. <td><strong>Details</strong></td>
  556. </tr>
  557. </thead>
  558. <tbody>
  559. <tr>
  560. <td><strong>Initial Dose</strong></td>
  561. <td>2.5 mg once a week</td>
  562. </tr>
  563. <tr>
  564. <td><strong>After 4 Weeks</strong></td>
  565. <td>Increase to 5 mg per week.</td>
  566. </tr>
  567. <tr>
  568. <td><strong>Further Increases</strong></td>
  569. <td>Incremental increases of 2.5 mg</td>
  570. </tr>
  571. <tr>
  572. <td><strong>Maximum Dose</strong></td>
  573. <td>15 mg weekly</td>
  574. </tr>
  575. </tbody>
  576. </table>
  577. <h2>The steps for each method to get Mounjaro</h2>
  578. <h3>Consult Your Doctor</h3>
  579. <ul>
  580. <li><strong>Schedule an Appointment:</strong> Contact your healthcare provider to set up a visit or a telehealth consultation.</li>
  581. <li><strong>Discuss Your Goals:</strong> Share your weight loss goals and medical history during the appointment.</li>
  582. <li><strong>Evaluate Suitability:</strong> Your doctor will assess if Mounjaro suits you and provide guidance.</li>
  583. </ul>
  584. <h3>Obtain a Prescription</h3>
  585. <ul>
  586. <li><strong>Doctor&#8217;s Approval:</strong> If Mounjaro is deemed appropriate, your doctor will write a prescription.</li>
  587. <li><strong>Prescription Details:</strong> Ensure you understand the dosage and usage instructions. Request a digital copy if you plan to use an online pharmacy.</li>
  588. </ul>
  589. <h3>Fill Your Prescription</h3>
  590. <ul>
  591. <li><strong>Choose a Pharmacy:</strong> Decide between a local pharmacy or an online pharmacy.</li>
  592. <li><strong>Local Pharmacy:</strong> Visit the pharmacy with your prescription.</li>
  593. <li><strong>Online Pharmacy:</strong> Select a reputable online pharmacy that requires a prescription. Ensure it&#8217;s licensed and verified.</li>
  594. <li><strong>Submit Prescription:</strong> Provide your prescription to the pharmacist.</li>
  595. <li><strong>Local Pharmacy:</strong> Hand over the physical or digital prescription.</li>
  596. <li><strong>Online Pharmacy:</strong> Upload a scanned copy or enter details as instructed on the website.</li>
  597. </ul>
  598. <h3>Receive Medication</h3>
  599. <ul>
  600. <li><strong>Local Pharmacy:</strong> Pick up your medication in person.</li>
  601. <li><strong>Online Pharmacy:</strong> Arrange for delivery or pick up from a designated location.</li>
  602. </ul>
  603. <h3>Check Insurance Coverage</h3>
  604. <ul>
  605. <li><strong>Contact Your Insurance Provider:</strong> Verify if Mounjaro is covered under your plan.</li>
  606. <li><strong>Understand Costs:</strong> Learn about co-pays, deductibles, and any out-of-pocket expenses.</li>
  607. <li><strong>Obtain Authorization:</strong> Some plans may require prior authorization from your doctor. Your pharmacy may assist with this process.</li>
  608. </ul>
  609. <h3> Explore Assistance Programs</h3>
  610. <ul>
  611. <li><strong>Research Programs:</strong> Look for patient assistance programs or discounts offered by Mounjaro&#8217;s manufacturer or other organizations.</li>
  612. <li><strong>Manufacturer&#8217;s Website:</strong> Visit the official Mounjaro website for information on savings cards or assistance programs.</li>
  613. <li><strong>Non-Profit Organizations:</strong> Check non-profits that help with medication costs.</li>
  614. <li><strong>Apply for Aid:</strong> Follow the application process for financial assistance or savings programs, which may be done online.</li>
  615. <li><strong>Check Eligibility:</strong> Ensure you meet the criteria for any available support and submit the necessary documentation.</li>
  616. </ul>
  617. <h3>Utilize Online Resources</h3>
  618. <ul>
  619. <li><strong>Find Online Pharmacies:</strong> Use search engines to find licensed online pharmacies.</li>
  620. <li><strong>Compare Prices:</strong> Look for pricing options and check reviews for reliability.</li>
  621. <li><strong>Track Delivery:</strong> Monitor the status of your medication if ordered online and ensure it arrives safely.</li>
  622. </ul>
  623. <p>The post <a href="">How to Get Mounjaro: A Step-by-Step Guide</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  624. ]]></content:encoded>
  625. </item>
  626. <item>
  627. <title>Explore Phlogam Tablet Uses And More</title>
  628. <link></link>
  629. <dc:creator><![CDATA[In Human Being]]></dc:creator>
  630. <pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2024 11:16:30 +0000</pubDate>
  631. <category><![CDATA[Diseases & Cure]]></category>
  632. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  634. <description><![CDATA[<p>Phlogam Tablet Uses — The Phlogam Tablet is primarily used to treat pain and inflammation. It blends Trypsin, Rutoside, and Bromelain. It relieves pain and swelling related to back pain, joint inflammation, sprain, strain, menstrual cramps, and headaches. Phlogam Tablet is also used to ease pain following minor surgeries like tooth removal. Phlogam Tablet helps recover wounds caused by a physical issue and after a medical procedure. This medication separates the proteins engaged with enlarging and pain and shields the body from harm by&#8230;</p>
  635. <p>The post <a href="">Explore Phlogam Tablet Uses And More</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  636. ]]></description>
  637. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><strong>Phlogam Tablet Uses — </strong>The Phlogam Tablet is primarily used to treat pain and inflammation. It blends Trypsin, Rutoside, and Bromelain. It relieves pain and swelling related to back pain, joint inflammation, sprain, strain, menstrual cramps, and headaches. Phlogam Tablet is also used to ease pain following minor surgeries like tooth removal. Phlogam Tablet helps recover wounds caused by a physical issue and after a medical procedure. This medication separates the proteins engaged with enlarging and pain and shields the body from harm by synthetics that cause swelling.</p>
  638. <p>Phlogam Tablet use shows normal aftereffects like sickness, spewing, looseness of the bowels, and mouth ulcers. Most of these side effects don&#8217;t need clinical consideration and get settled after some time. Moreover, if any of these side effects worsen, consult a doctor immediately. It might cause dizziness or blurred vision in certain individuals. Try not to take this Phlogam Tablet if you have a known sensitivity to it.</p>
  639. <h2>Key Uses of Phlogam Tablet</h2>
  640. <ul>
  641. <li>Anti-inflammatory</li>
  642. <li>Pain Relief</li>
  643. <li>Edema Reduction</li>
  644. <li>Post-surgical Recovery</li>
  645. <li>Dental Pain</li>
  646. </ul>
  647. <h2>Phlogam Tablet &#8211; Product Details:</h2>
  648. <p><img decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-1089 size-full" src="" alt="Phlogam Tablet - Product Details:" width="700" height="450" srcset=" 700w, 300w, 390w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" /></p>
  649. <p><strong>Pack Size:</strong> 10 Tablets per strip</p>
  650. <p><strong>Pack Type:</strong> Strips</p>
  651. <p><strong>Drug Composition:</strong> Bromelain, Rutoside, and Trypsin</p>
  652. <p><strong>Manufacturer:</strong> Meyer Organics Pvt. Ltd.</p>
  653. <p><strong>Country of Origin:</strong> Made in India</p>
  654. <p><strong>Minimum Order Quantity:</strong> 1 Box</p>
  655. <p><strong>Sold By:</strong> Various online pharmacies including Practo and Lybrate</p>
  656. <p><strong>Order Link:</strong> Available through online pharmacies like Practo and Lybrate</p>
  657. <h2>Phlogam Tablet Uses</h2>
  658. <ul>
  659. <li>Post-surgical inflammation</li>
  660. <li>Injury-related pain and swelling</li>
  661. <li>Osteoarthritis</li>
  662. <li>Rheumatoid arthritis</li>
  663. <li>Chronic respiratory conditions</li>
  664. </ul>
  665. <h2>How to Use</h2>
  666. <ul>
  667. <li>Wash your hands</li>
  668. <li>Swallow the tablets</li>
  669. <li>Don’t crush or chew the tablets</li>
  670. </ul>
  671. <h2>Contraindications of Phlogam Tablet</h2>
  672. <ul>
  673. <li>Allergic reactions to any components of the tablet</li>
  674. <li>Severe liver or kidney impairment</li>
  675. <li>Patients with active peptic ulcer disease</li>
  676. <li>Not recommended for children without medical advice</li>
  677. </ul>
  678. <h2>Side Effects of Phlogam Tablet</h2>
  679. <ul>
  680. <li>Nausea</li>
  681. <li>Vomiting</li>
  682. <li>Stomach pain</li>
  683. <li>Diarrhea</li>
  684. <li>Allergic skin reactions (rash, itching)</li>
  685. </ul>
  686. <h2>Precautions</h2>
  687. <p>Discuss your health conditions mentioned below with the Doctor before taking the medicine.</p>
  688. <ul>
  689. <li>Allergies</li>
  690. <li>Breastfeeding</li>
  691. <li>Kidney Problems</li>
  692. <li>Liver Problems</li>
  693. <li><a href="">Pregnancy</a></li>
  694. </ul>
  695. <p>No medicine is advised to take when you consume alcohol.</p>
  696. <h2>Tips and Tricks Before Taking Tablets</h2>
  697. <ul>
  698. <li>Consult Your <a href="">Doctor</a></li>
  699. <li>Read the Label Carefully</li>
  700. <li>Know the Timing</li>
  701. <li>Stay Hydrated</li>
  702. <li>Avoid Alcohol</li>
  703. <li>Maintain a Schedule</li>
  704. <li>Check for Allergies</li>
  705. <li>Store Properly</li>
  706. <li>Avoid Mixing with Certain Foods</li>
  707. <li>Monitor Side Effects</li>
  708. <li>Do Not Crush or Chew Unless Instructed</li>
  709. <li>Double-Check Interactions</li>
  710. <li>Pregnancy and Breastfeeding</li>
  711. <li>Driving and Operating Machinery</li>
  712. <li>Report Unused Medications</li>
  713. </ul>
  714. <h2>Conclusion</h2>
  715. <div class="flex-shrink-0 flex flex-col relative items-end">
  716. <div>
  717. <div class="pt-0.5 juice:pt-0">
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  720. </div>
  721. </div>
  722. </div>
  723. </div>
  724. <div class="group/conversation-turn relative flex w-full min-w-0 flex-col agent-turn">
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  729. <div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light">
  730. <p>Phlogam Tablet effectively reduces pain and inflammation, aiding in the recovery from various conditions like arthritis and injuries. Always follow <a href="">medical</a> advice and report any unusual symptoms to your <a href="">healthcare</a> provider. According to Practo and Lybrate, we have just been informed of the details of the medicine. Take the medicine according to the Doctor’s advice only.</p>
  731. </div>
  732. </div>
  733. </div>
  734. </div>
  735. </div>
  736. </div>
  737. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  738. <p>The post <a href="">Explore Phlogam Tablet Uses And More</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  739. ]]></content:encoded>
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  742. <title>Is Vitamin Water Good For You Or Not?</title>
  743. <link></link>
  744. <dc:creator><![CDATA[In Human Being]]></dc:creator>
  745. <pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2024 09:57:05 +0000</pubDate>
  746. <category><![CDATA[Nutrition]]></category>
  747. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  749. <description><![CDATA[<p>Are you looking for an answer: Is vitamin water good for you? You have landed at the right post.  Water and vitamins are vital for health and life, so combining them in the same bottle seems perfect. But is it? The answer is on the package label. Find out here whether or not you should drink that vitamin water so you can make an informed decision. Perhaps you have seen the commercials offering water with vitamins in your supermarket or in the advertising media.&#8230;</p>
  750. <p>The post <a href="">Is Vitamin Water Good For You Or Not?</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  751. ]]></description>
  752. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><strong>Are you looking for an answer: Is vitamin water good for you? You have landed at the right post. </strong></p>
  753. <p>Water and vitamins are vital for <a href="">health</a> and life, so combining them in the same bottle seems perfect.</p>
  754. <p>But is it? The answer is on the package label. Find out here whether or not you should drink that vitamin water so you can make an informed decision.</p>
  755. <p>Perhaps you have seen the commercials offering water with vitamins in your supermarket or in the advertising media. It is possible that these products have piqued your curiosity or that you have already consumed them with some regularity.</p>
  756. <p>After all, it seems like a great combination. The body needs water and vitamins for chemical reactions and essential life-sustaining functions, so that bottle that combines them looks like the perfect drink to keep you healthy.</p>
  757. <h2>Checking the Label to Know <strong>Is vitamin water good for you</strong></h2>
  758. <p>But…Can you believe that promise? Part of the answer is found on the label, which you should carefully check when purchasing a product like this and any other, especially if it promises health benefits.</p>
  759. <h2>About vitamin water</h2>
  760. <p>Most varieties of Vitamin Water include vitamins C, B3, D6, D12, and B5. For example, varieties such as Power C, Formula 50, and Defense contain more than 100 percent of the suggested daily vitamin C intake.</p>
  761. <h2>What is Vitamin Water?</h2>
  762. <p>Vitamin water consists of water enriched with certain substances, such as vitamins and electrolytes. So far, very good. But consider that if you eat a balanced diet, you can get all those same nutrients from fresh, non-bottled foods.</p>
  763. <h2>Reasons why vitamin water should not be preferred</h2>
  764. <ul>
  765. <li>High Sugar Content</li>
  766. <li>Empty Calories</li>
  767. <li>Misleading Health Claims</li>
  768. <li>Potential for Overconsumption of Vitamins</li>
  769. <li>Degradation of Vitamins</li>
  770. <li>Absorption Issues</li>
  771. <li>Added Artificial Ingredients</li>
  772. <li>Better Alternatives Available</li>
  773. <li>Economic Considerations</li>
  774. <li>Contribution to Obesity and Diabetes</li>
  775. </ul>
  776. <h2>Added Substances: Colorants, Caffeine, and Sweeteners</h2>
  777. <p>If you continue checking, you will find that vitamin water is often also enriched with colorants, caffeine, and sweeteners, substances that you do not need if you intend to protect your health and that even less should be included in products that are labeled as &#8220;healthy.&#8221;</p>
  778. <h2>Nutrient Comparison</h2>
  779. <h3>Balanced Diet vs. Bottled Nutrients</h3>
  780. <p>Certain brands can contain up to 33 grams of sugar, a very high level if you consider that a can of Coca-Cola contains 39 grams. So, what you drink is water with vitamins, or is it closer to a sugary soft drink or soda?</p>
  781. <h3>Hidden Sugars in Vitamin Water</h3>
  782. <p>If you are not overweight and <a href="">exercise</a> vigorously daily, perhaps consuming all this extra sugar will not affect you as much (although it is still unhealthy). But how many people consume this type of product believing they are not adding extra calories to their daily caloric intake? Or how many diabetics, without knowing it, are consuming more sugar than they should?</p>
  783. <h2>Health Considerations</h2>
  784. <h3>Impact on Weight and Diabetes</h3>
  785. <p>Obesity, as we have previously mentioned at, has become an epidemic and affects children and adults alike. Its increase, more noticeable every day in many developed countries, is directly related to excess sugar in processed foods and sweetened drinks such as soda.</p>
  786. <h3>Obesity and Sugar Consumption</h3>
  787. <p>A study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published in 2009 in the American Diary of Clinical Sustenance reasoned that lessening calories from fluids is the quickest and most solid method for shedding pounds. Anyway, what is one of the best ways of accomplishing this? Decreasing and keeping away from, however much as possible, drinks that contain added sugar, whether a bottle of regular soda or soda or a bottle of nutrient water with sugars. A bottle of nutrient water can contain 100 to 125 calories (a bottle of Coca-Cola has 140, so crunch the numbers). Could you at any point bear to consume that multitude of additional calories? The answer is no.</p>
  788. <h2>Scientific Findings of <strong>Is vitamin water good for you</strong></h2>
  789. <h3>Johns Hopkins Study on Liquid Calories</h3>
  790. <p>A study at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published in 2009 in the American Diary of Clinical Sustenance presumed that diminishing calories from fluids is the quickest and most dependable method for getting thinner. All in all, what is one of the best ways of accomplishing this? Lessening and keeping away from, however much as could be expected, drinks that contain added sugar, whether a bottle of standard soda or a bottle of nutrient water with sugars.</p>
  791. <h3>Caloric Substance Examination with Soft Drink</h3>
  792. <p>A bottle of nutrient water can contain 100 to 125 calories (a bottle of Coca-Cola has 140, so figure it out). Could you ever stand to consume that many additional calories? The answer is no.</p>
  793. <h2>Vitamin Stability and Absorption</h2>
  794. <h3>Water-Soluble Vitamins</h3>
  795. <p>The levels indicated on the mark are almost certainly not what you will get once you drink the nutrient water. Water-soluble vitamins, like C and every one of those in bunch B, debase in contact with water, and the more they spend in the jug, the more they debilitate, an interaction that declines if the fluid is presented to intensity and light.</p>
  796. <h3>Fat-Solvent Nutrients and Ingestion</h3>
  797. <p>Difficulties Concerning fat-dissolvable nutrients, such as A, E, D, and K, the body must consume them when you polish them off with food that contains fat of some sort or another (except vitamin D, which is typified and added to nonfat milk or squeezed orange to reinforce it). As such, if you drink from the bottle without food going with it, you are not profiting from the fat-dissolvable nutrients it might contain.</p>
  798. <h2>Potential Risks</h2>
  799. <h3>Vitamin Toxicity</h3>
  800. <p>Since many of the foods we eat every day are fortified with vitamins (such as milk, cereals, juices, whole-grain breads, and pasta, for example), it may even be the case that some degree of toxicity from excessive vitamin consumption, which in some people could be a cause for concern (more is not always better).</p>
  801. <h3>Adverse Effects of Excessive Vitamin Intake</h3>
  802. <p>Vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), and B12 do not have adverse effects even if consumed in high quantities. However, when consumed in excess, all of the soluble groups, folic acid, vitamin C, niacin, and B6, can have adverse effects ranging from diarrhea to possible damage to the liver or nerve endings. Why risk when you can get the vitamins from a balanced diet?</p>
  803. <h2>Healthy Alternatives</h2>
  804. <h3>Pure Water</h3>
  805. <p>Pure water is the best hydration to keep your body hydrated; it provides 0 calories!</p>
  806. <h3>Flavoring Water Naturally</h3>
  807. <p>If you get bored with plain water and want to vary the flavor, you can add slices of lemon, orange, or cucumber to a jug. Additionally, you can try other fruits: experiment with pieces of watermelon or melon, pineapple or pineapple, strawberries, or spices such as cinnamon or basil leaves.</p>
  808. <h2>Conclusion on <strong>Is vitamin water good for you</strong></h2>
  809. <h3>Making an Informed Decision</h3>
  810. <p>Now that you are educated, the choice is yours. If you think a bottle of vitamin water is the most helpful method for managing your well-being, concentrate on the label&#8217;s ingredients cautiously so you know precisely what you are drinking.</p>
  811. <h3>Final Advice</h3>
  812. <p>Choose Pure Water and a Balanced Diet. But if you want good advice, save that expense and choose pure water and a balanced diet. With that, you never fail.</p>
  813. <p>The post <a href="">Is Vitamin Water Good For You Or Not?</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  814. ]]></content:encoded>
  815. </item>
  816. <item>
  817. <title>Experienced Best Pulmonologist Near Me In Hyderabad</title>
  818. <link></link>
  819. <dc:creator><![CDATA[In Human Being]]></dc:creator>
  820. <pubDate>Fri, 22 Nov 2024 08:34:29 +0000</pubDate>
  821. <category><![CDATA[Health]]></category>
  822. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  824. <description><![CDATA[<p>What Is a Pulmonologist? A pulmonologist is a specialist who treats respiratory illnesses, including the lungs and other organs that help you relax. Your general physician can give you all the consideration you want for some temporary diseases affecting your lungs, like seasonal flu or pneumonia. However, you could see a pulmonologist if your cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms don&#8217;t improve or if other side effects worsen. What is pulmonology? Pulmonology is a field of internal medicine focusing on the respiratory system and&#8230;</p>
  825. <p>The post <a href="">Experienced Best Pulmonologist Near Me In Hyderabad</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  826. ]]></description>
  827. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h2>What Is a Pulmonologist?</h2>
  828. <p>A pulmonologist is a specialist who treats respiratory illnesses, including the lungs and other organs that help you relax.</p>
  829. <p>Your <a href="">general physician</a> can give you all the consideration you want for some temporary diseases affecting your lungs, like seasonal flu or pneumonia. However, you could see a pulmonologist if your cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms don&#8217;t improve or if other side effects worsen.</p>
  830. <h2>What is pulmonology?</h2>
  831. <p>Pulmonology is a field of internal medicine focusing on the respiratory system and its illnesses. Pulmonologists treat conditions affecting the lungs and respiratory muscles.</p>
  832. <h3>What did the respiratory system include?</h3>
  833. <ul>
  834. <li>Lungs</li>
  835. <li>Trachea (windpipe)</li>
  836. <li>Bronchi</li>
  837. <li>Bronchioles</li>
  838. <li>Alveoli</li>
  839. <li>Diaphragm</li>
  840. <li>Nasal cavity</li>
  841. <li>Oral cavity</li>
  842. <li>Pharynx</li>
  843. <li>Larynx</li>
  844. <li>Respiratory muscles</li>
  845. </ul>
  846. <h2>What Conditions Do Pulmonologists Treat?</h2>
  847. <p>Pulmonologists specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the respiratory system.</p>
  848. <p><strong>Here is a list of common conditions they treat:</strong></p>
  849. <ul>
  850. <li>Asthma</li>
  851. <li>Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)</li>
  852. <li>Emphysema</li>
  853. <li>Chronic bronchitis</li>
  854. <li>Interstitial lung disease</li>
  855. <li>Pulmonary fibrosis</li>
  856. <li>Lung cancer</li>
  857. <li>Pulmonary hypertension</li>
  858. <li>Pneumonia</li>
  859. <li>Tuberculosis</li>
  860. <li>Bronchiectasis</li>
  861. <li>Cystic fibrosis</li>
  862. <li>Sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing disorders</li>
  863. <li>Pulmonary embolism</li>
  864. <li>Pleural effusion</li>
  865. <li>Sarcoidosis</li>
  866. <li>Occupational lung diseases</li>
  867. <li>Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)</li>
  868. <li>Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)</li>
  869. <li>Respiratory infections</li>
  870. <li>Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency</li>
  871. <li>Asbestosis</li>
  872. <li>Silicosis</li>
  873. <li>Pulmonary edema</li>
  874. <li>Pneumothorax</li>
  875. </ul>
  876. <h1>Top Pulmonologists available in Hyderabad</h1>
  877. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-1207 size-full" src="" alt="Top Pulmonologists available in Hyderabad" width="700" height="450" srcset=" 700w, 300w, 390w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" /></p>
  878. <h2>1. Dr. Pradeep Simha K</h2>
  879. <p><strong>Qualifications:</strong> MBBS, CCT &#8211; Respiratory Medicine, MRCP (UK)</p>
  880. <p><strong>Specialization:</strong> Pulmonologist</p>
  881. <p><strong>Experience:</strong> 19 years overall (13 years as a specialist)</p>
  882. <p><strong>Patient Rating:</strong> 94% (67 patients)</p>
  883. <h3>Clinics and Availability</h3>
  884. <p><strong>Continental Hospitals, Gachibowli, Hyderabad</strong></p>
  885. <p><strong>Address:</strong> Plot Number 3, Road Number 2, IT and Financial District, Nanakramguda, Landmark: Near Hyatt Hyderabad Hotel, Hyderabad</p>
  886. <p><strong>Timings:</strong></p>
  887. <p>Monday to Saturday: 09:00 AM &#8211; 04:30 PM</p>
  888. <p><strong>Fees:</strong> ₹900</p>
  889. <p><strong>Wait Time:</strong> Max. 30 mins</p>
  890. <p><strong>Phone:</strong> 040 6700 0000</p>
  891. <h3>Dr. Pradeep&#8217;s Chest Clinic, Kondapur, Hyderabad</h3>
  892. <p><strong>Address:</strong> 1-57/4,5(p),26(p),27, Sriram Nagar Colony, Landmark: Above State Bank Of <a href="">India</a>., Hyderabad</p>
  893. <p><strong>Timings:</strong></p>
  894. <p>Monday to Saturday: 06:00 PM &#8211; 08:00 PM</p>
  895. <p><strong>Fees:</strong> ₹700</p>
  896. <p><strong>Online Payment:</strong> Available</p>
  897. <p><strong>Phone:</strong> 040 2311 4466</p>
  898. <h2>2. Dr. Murali Yelchuri</h2>
  899. <p><strong>Qualifications:</strong> MBBS, Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases (DTCD)</p>
  900. <p><strong>Specialization:</strong> General Physician, Tuberculous and Chest Diseases Specialist</p>
  901. <p><strong>Experience:</strong> 18 years overall (8 years as a specialist)</p>
  902. <p><strong>Patient Rating:</strong> 88% (66 patients)</p>
  903. <h3>Clinics and Availability</h3>
  904. <p><strong>Srikara Hospitals, Miyapur, Hyderabad</strong></p>
  905. <p><strong>Address:</strong> 222, Mythri Nagar, Phase II, Madinaguda, Landmark: Near Reliance Fresh, Hyderabad</p>
  906. <p><strong>Timings:</strong></p>
  907. <p><strong>Monday to Saturday:</strong> 10:00 AM &#8211; 02:00 PM, 05:30 PM &#8211; 08:00 PM</p>
  908. <p><strong>Fees:</strong> ₹700</p>
  909. <p><strong>Wait Time:</strong> Max. 30 mins</p>
  910. <p><strong>Phone:</strong> 040 4850 5555</p>
  911. <h2>3. Dr. Tapaswi Krishna</h2>
  912. <p><strong>Qualifications:</strong> MBBS, MD &#8211; Pulmonary Medicine</p>
  913. <p><strong>Specialization:</strong> Pulmonologist</p>
  914. <p><strong>Experience:</strong> 14 years overall (13 years as a specialist)</p>
  915. <p><strong>Patient Rating:</strong> 100% (19 patients)</p>
  916. <h3>Clinics and Availability</h3>
  917. <p><strong>Gleneagles Hospital, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad</strong></p>
  918. <p><strong>Address:</strong> 6-1-1070/1 to 4, Landmark: Beside Ranga Reddy District &amp; Opposite Dwaraka Hotel, Hyderabad</p>
  919. <p><strong>Timings:</strong></p>
  920. <p>Monday to Saturday: 10:00 AM &#8211; 04:00 PM</p>
  921. <p><strong>Fees:</strong> ₹800</p>
  922. <p><strong>Wait Time:</strong> Max. 30 mins</p>
  923. <p><strong>Phone:</strong> 040 4455 0000</p>
  924. <h3>Shenoy Hospitals, East Marredpally, Hyderabad</h3>
  925. <p><strong>Address:</strong> 10-3-4, Entrenchment Road, Secundrabad, Landmark: Opposite Vidya Residency Playground, Hyderabad</p>
  926. <p><strong>Timings:</strong></p>
  927. <p>Monday to Wednesday, Friday: 04:30 PM &#8211; 05:00 PM</p>
  928. <p>Thursday: 09:00 AM &#8211; 09:30 AM</p>
  929. <p>Saturday: 09:00 AM &#8211; 09:30 AM, 04:30 PM &#8211; 05:00 PM</p>
  930. <p><strong>Phone:</strong> 040 2780 6666</p>
  931. <h2>4. Dr. Nalini Nagalla</h2>
  932. <p><strong>Qualifications:</strong> MBBS, MD &#8211; Tuberculosis &amp; Respiratory Diseases/Medicine</p>
  933. <p><strong>Specialization:</strong> Pulmonologist</p>
  934. <p><strong>Experience:</strong> 29 years overall (23 years as a specialist)</p>
  935. <p><strong>Patient Rating:</strong> 71% (28 patients)</p>
  936. <h3>Clinics and Availability</h3>
  937. <p><strong>Continental Hospitals, Gachibowli, Hyderabad</strong></p>
  938. <p><strong>Address:</strong> Plot Number 3, Road Number 2, IT and Financial District, Nanakramguda, Landmark: Near Hyatt Hyderabad Hotel, Hyderabad</p>
  939. <p><strong>Timings:</strong></p>
  940. <p>Monday to Saturday: 10:30 AM &#8211; 04:00 PM</p>
  941. <p><strong>Fees:</strong> ₹900</p>
  942. <p><strong>Wait</strong> Time: Max. 30 mins</p>
  943. <p><strong>Phone:</strong> 040 6700 0000</p>
  944. <h2>5. Dr. K Prashanth Kumar</h2>
  945. <p><strong>Qualifications:</strong> MD &#8211; Respiratory Medicine, MBBS</p>
  946. <p><strong>Specialization:</strong> Pulmonologist</p>
  947. <p><strong>Experience:</strong> 13 years overall (4 years as a specialist)</p>
  948. <p><strong>Patient Rating:</strong> 99% (340 patients)</p>
  949. <h3>Clinics and Availability</h3>
  950. <p><strong>Prashanth Clinic, Bowenpally, Hyderabad</strong></p>
  951. <p><strong>Address:</strong> H.No 1-31-933/1/3/NR Ground floor Sai Nagar Indira Nagar Kanajiguda Military Dairy Farm Road Secunderabad 500015, Landmark: Lane Beside Shobha Gardens, Hyderabad</p>
  952. <p><strong>Timings:</strong></p>
  953. <p><strong>Monday to Friday:</strong> 09:30 AM &#8211; 12:00 PM, 05:00 PM &#8211; 08:00 PM</p>
  954. <p><strong>Saturday:</strong> 09:30 AM &#8211; 12:00 PM, 05:30 PM &#8211; 08:30 PM</p>
  955. <p><strong>Sunday:</strong> 10:00 AM &#8211; 11:00 AM</p>
  956. <p><strong>Fees:</strong> ₹500</p>
  957. <p><strong>Online Payment:</strong> Available</p>
  958. <p><strong>Wait Time:</strong> Max. 30 mins</p>
  959. <p><strong>Phone:</strong> Contact the clinic directly</p>
  960. <h2>6. Dr. Raju C H</h2>
  961. <p><strong>Qualifications:</strong> MBBS, MD &#8211; Pulmonary Medicine</p>
  962. <p><strong>Specialization:</strong> Pulmonologist</p>
  963. <p><strong>Experience:</strong> 16 years overall (11 years as a specialist)</p>
  964. <p><strong>Patient Rating:</strong> 98% (800 patients)</p>
  965. <h3>Clinics and Availability</h3>
  966. <p><strong>Dr. Raju&#8217;s Speciality Clinics, Chanda Nagar, Hyderabad</strong></p>
  967. <p><strong>Address:</strong> House Number 4-98, Chanda Nagar Main Road, Landmark: Behind Anu Furniture, Lane in-between two Anu Furniture Building, Hyderabad</p>
  968. <p><strong>Timings:</strong></p>
  969. <p><strong>Monday to Saturday:</strong> 11:00 AM &#8211; 02:30 PM, 06:30 PM &#8211; 09:45 PM</p>
  970. <p><strong>Fees:</strong> ₹700</p>
  971. <p><strong>Online Payment:</strong> Available</p>
  972. <p><strong>Wait Time:</strong> Max. 60 mins</p>
  973. <h2>7. Dr. Nishant Sinha</h2>
  974. <p><strong>Qualifications:</strong> MBBS, DNB &#8211; Respiratory Diseases</p>
  975. <p><strong>Specialization:</strong> Pulmonologist</p>
  976. <p><strong>Experience:</strong> 14 years overall (13 years as a specialist)</p>
  977. <h3>Clinics and Availability</h3>
  978. <p><strong>Continental Hospitals, Gachibowli, Hyderabad</strong></p>
  979. <p><strong>Address:</strong> Plot Number 3, Road Number 2, IT and Financial District, Nanakramguda, Landmark: Near Hyatt Hyderabad Hotel, Hyderabad</p>
  980. <p><strong>Timings:</strong></p>
  981. <p>Monday to Saturday: 10:00 AM &#8211; 05:00 PM</p>
  982. <p><strong>Fees:</strong> ₹900</p>
  983. <p>The post <a href="">Experienced Best Pulmonologist Near Me In Hyderabad</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  984. ]]></content:encoded>
  985. </item>
  986. <item>
  987. <title>What Does AG1 Taste Like? A Comprehensive Flavor Guide</title>
  988. <link></link>
  989. <dc:creator><![CDATA[In Human Being]]></dc:creator>
  990. <pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2024 20:35:00 +0000</pubDate>
  991. <category><![CDATA[Nutrition]]></category>
  992. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  994. <description><![CDATA[<p>If you are in search of a good source of supplement and want to know what Does AG1 taste like, here is an answer. What Does AG1 Taste Like? AG1, also known as Athletic Greens, is described by users as having a taste like matcha. It is gently sweet with a particular &#8220;green&#8221; flavor but doesn&#8217;t possess a flavor like kale or other firmly seasoned greens. The flavor is generally lovely and welcomed by users who look forward to drinking it daily. Is AG1&#8230;</p>
  995. <p>The post <a href="">What Does AG1 Taste Like? A Comprehensive Flavor Guide</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  996. ]]></description>
  997. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><strong>If you are in search of a good source of supplement and want to know what Does AG1 taste like, here is an answer.</strong></p>
  998. <h2><strong>What Does AG1 Taste Like?</strong></h2>
  999. <p>AG1, also known as Athletic Greens, is described by users as having a taste like matcha. It is gently sweet with a particular &#8220;green&#8221; flavor but doesn&#8217;t possess a flavor like kale or other firmly seasoned greens. The flavor is generally lovely and welcomed by users who look forward to drinking it daily.</p>
  1000. <h2>Is AG1 Suitable for a Variety of Diets</h2>
  1001. <p><strong>AG1 is suitable for several dietary patterns, including:</strong></p>
  1002. <ul>
  1003. <li>vegetarian</li>
  1004. <li>vegan</li>
  1005. <li>paleo</li>
  1006. <li>keto</li>
  1007. <li>low carb</li>
  1008. </ul>
  1009. <p>The supplement is also free of <a href="">gluten</a>, dairy, corn, egg, peanuts, lactose, sucrose, dextrose, artificial colors, preservatives, and sweeteners.</p>
  1010. <h2>The product description for AG1 Athletic Greens</h2>
  1011. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-1549 size-full" src="" alt="The product description for AG1 Athletic Greens" width="700" height="450" srcset=" 700w, 300w, 390w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" /></p>
  1012. <table>
  1013. <thead>
  1014. <tr>
  1015. <td>Attribute</td>
  1016. <td>Details</td>
  1017. </tr>
  1018. </thead>
  1019. <tbody>
  1020. <tr>
  1021. <td>Product Name</td>
  1022. <td>AG1 Athletic Greens &#8211; Convenient Daily Nutrition Powder Supplement &#8211; 30 Day Supply (12.70z)</td>
  1023. </tr>
  1024. <tr>
  1025. <td>Brand</td>
  1026. <td>AG1</td>
  1027. </tr>
  1028. <tr>
  1029. <td>Rating</td>
  1030. <td>3.2 out of 5 stars</td>
  1031. </tr>
  1032. <tr>
  1033. <td>Number of Ratings</td>
  1034. <td>85 ratings</td>
  1035. </tr>
  1036. <tr>
  1037. <td>Recent Purchases</td>
  1038. <td>3K+ purchased last month</td>
  1039. </tr>
  1040. <tr>
  1041. <td>Typical Price</td>
  1042. <td>$98.99</td>
  1043. </tr>
  1044. <tr>
  1045. <td>Discounted Price</td>
  1046. <td>$65.00 ($5.12 per Ounce)</td>
  1047. </tr>
  1048. <tr>
  1049. <td>You Save</td>
  1050. <td>$33.99 (34%)</td>
  1051. </tr>
  1052. <tr>
  1053. <td>Product Shape</td>
  1054. <td>Dust</td>
  1055. </tr>
  1056. <tr>
  1057. <td>Packaging Information</td>
  1058. <td>Can</td>
  1059. </tr>
  1060. <tr>
  1061. <td>Item Volume</td>
  1062. <td>12.7 Fluid Ounces</td>
  1063. </tr>
  1064. <tr>
  1065. <td>Unit Count</td>
  1066. <td>12.7 Ounce</td>
  1067. </tr>
  1068. <tr>
  1069. <td>Package Type Name</td>
  1070. <td>Can</td>
  1071. </tr>
  1072. <tr>
  1073. <td>Item Package Dimensions</td>
  1074. <td>8.43 inches</td>
  1075. </tr>
  1076. <tr>
  1077. <td>Item Package Weight</td>
  1078. <td>0.86 lbs</td>
  1079. </tr>
  1080. <tr>
  1081. <td>Flavored Drink Type</td>
  1082. <td>Fruit flavored drink</td>
  1083. </tr>
  1084. <tr>
  1085. <td>Packaging Type</td>
  1086. <td>Customized</td>
  1087. </tr>
  1088. <tr>
  1089. <td>Product Description</td>
  1090. <td>AG1 provides nutrients that support the body&#8217;s fundamental needs as it ages, including stress, digestion, immune function, cognitive health, and more. We all have aging in common, and there is no quick fix for healthy aging, but AG1&#8217;s ingredients increase your essential health every day. Just a few seconds of drinking AG1 each morning can be worth it for decades.</td>
  1091. </tr>
  1092. <tr>
  1093. <td>Product Dimensions</td>
  1094. <td>8.27 x 6.69 x 1.85 inches</td>
  1095. </tr>
  1096. <tr>
  1097. <td>Product Weight</td>
  1098. <td>13.12 Ounces</td>
  1099. </tr>
  1100. <tr>
  1101. <td>UPC</td>
  1102. <td>850041703251</td>
  1103. </tr>
  1104. <tr>
  1105. <td>ASIN</td>
  1106. <td>B0CW85FZPY</td>
  1107. </tr>
  1108. <tr>
  1109. <td>Amazon Best Sellers Rank</td>
  1110. <td>#6,129 in Health and Home</td>
  1111. </tr>
  1112. <tr>
  1113. <td>Category Rank</td>
  1114. <td>#127 in Multivitamin and Mineral Products</td>
  1115. </tr>
  1116. </tbody>
  1117. </table>
  1118. <h2>How to Use AG1</h2>
  1119. <ul>
  1120. <li>AG1 is  easy to incorporate into your everyday daily schedule:</li>
  1121. <li><strong>Blending:</strong> Mix one scoop of AG1 with 8-12 ounces of cold water. Users frequently find that 12 ounces of water gives the best taste.</li>
  1122. <li><strong>Timing:</strong> For ideal assimilation, AG1 should be taken first thing in the morning. However, it can be consumed at any time of the day.</li>
  1123. <li><strong>Consistency:</strong> For best outcomes, take AG1 daily. The bottle is great for blending and guarantees the powder is broken down evenly.</li>
  1124. </ul>
  1125. <h1>Why Use AG1?</h1>
  1126. <p>AG1 offers a helpful method for enhancing your eating routine with essential nutrient supplements, mainly if you must consume enough fruits and vegetables. It helps bridge nutrient gaps, supports gut health, boosts energy levels, and lessens the requirement for multiple supplements. Its high-quality ingredients and third-party testing ensure safety and efficacy.</p>
  1127. <h2>Reviews and User Experiences</h2>
  1128. <p>AG1 product user Christy Snyder tried AG1 for a month and shared her feedback:</p>
  1129. <h3>Taste and Surface</h3>
  1130. <p>She found the taste excellent. It was similar to matcha, with a softly sweet and &#8220;green&#8221; flavor. The beverage was better when shaken well.</p>
  1131. <h3>Impacts</h3>
  1132. <p>Christy saw her nails develop quicker and valued the flexibility of combining multiple supplements into one drink. She felt better but noticed the absence of quantifiable health data.</p>
  1133. <h3>Final Thoughts</h3>
  1134. <p>While she took the taste and comfort, Christy was uncertain, assuming AG1 merited the cost. It might be great for those hoping to decrease supplement admission and lift nutrient consumption from a single source.</p>
  1135. <h2><strong>Benefits and Effects of AG1</strong></h2>
  1136. <p>AG1 is a comprehensive greens supplement designed to support overall health. Here are some key benefits and effects:</p>
  1137. <h3>Nutrient-Dense</h3>
  1138. <p>AG1 contains 75 nutrients, minerals, probiotics, and food-obtained fixings. It is plentiful in nutrients C, E, and a few B nutrients, giving over 100 percent of the day-to-day incentive for these supplements.</p>
  1139. <h3>Probiotics and Prebiotics</h3>
  1140. <p>The enhancement incorporates probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum, which assist with keeping a sound stomach microbiome. It likewise contains inulin, a prebiotic fiber that advances the development of helpful stomach microbes.</p>
  1141. <h3>Adaptogens and Antioxidants</h3>
  1142. <p>AG1 highlights adaptogens, such as ashwagandha and Rhodiola, which might assist the body with adjusting to pressure. It also incorporates different cell reinforcements and plant extracts that help resist well-being and diminish irritation.</p>
  1143. <p>Energy and Imperativeness: Numerous clients report expanded energy levels after taking AG1, which is reasonable because it contains large amounts of B nutrients fundamental for energy creation.</p>
  1144. <h3>Digestive Health</h3>
  1145. <p>The mix incorporates stomach-related proteins and super mushrooms like reishi and shiitake, which help process and supplement assimilation.</p>
  1146. <h3>Suitable for Various Diets</h3>
  1147. <p>AG1 is vegetarian, non-GMO, and gluten-free, endlessly liberated from counterfeit tones, additives, and sugars, making it appropriate for many dietary inclinations.</p>
  1148. <h2><strong>Who Should Avoid Taking AG1?</strong></h2>
  1149. <ul>
  1150. <li>People who are pregnant or breastfeeding</li>
  1151. <li>Children</li>
  1152. <li>People with certain autoimmune conditions, such as lupus</li>
  1153. <li>People with end-stage kidney disease</li>
  1154. </ul>
  1155. <h2><strong>Conclusion</strong></h2>
  1156. <p>AG1 is a very well-figured-out green supplement with various <a href="">health</a> advantages. Its excellent taste and extensive supplement profile make it a famous decision among wellness lovers. While it is a venture, many find it worth the value for its benefit and well-being support. Continuously talk with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement, particularly if you have an existing health issue or are taking drugs.</p>
  1157. <p>The post <a href="">What Does AG1 Taste Like? A Comprehensive Flavor Guide</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  1158. ]]></content:encoded>
  1159. </item>
  1160. <item>
  1161. <title>Best Pain Management Near Me In Reedsburg, WI</title>
  1162. <link></link>
  1163. <dc:creator><![CDATA[In Human Being]]></dc:creator>
  1164. <pubDate>Thu, 21 Nov 2024 19:14:48 +0000</pubDate>
  1165. <category><![CDATA[Health]]></category>
  1166. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1168. <description><![CDATA[<p>Pain Management Near Me A pain management doctor specializes in diagnosing and treating acute or chronic pain. Pain management treatment aims to improve the quality of life of patients with chronic pain. What is pain management? Pain management is an interdisciplinary part of medication that expects to work on the personal satisfaction of patients with chronic pain by reducing their suffering. It means to give long-term relief from discomfort. It can be performed by a physician or a pain management team of different specialists.&#8230;</p>
  1169. <p>The post <a href="">Best Pain Management Near Me In Reedsburg, WI</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  1170. ]]></description>
  1171. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><strong>Pain Management Near Me</strong></p>
  1172. <p>A pain management <a href="">doctor</a> specializes in diagnosing and treating acute or chronic pain. Pain management treatment aims to improve the quality of life of patients with chronic pain.</p>
  1173. <h2>What is pain management?</h2>
  1174. <p>Pain management is an interdisciplinary part of medication that expects to work on the personal satisfaction of patients with chronic pain by reducing their suffering.</p>
  1175. <p>It means to give long-term relief from discomfort. It can be performed by a <a href="">physician</a> or a pain management team of different specialists. Pain Management Near Me might include pharmacological or psychological treatments or a combination of both.</p>
  1176. <h2>Why is it done?</h2>
  1177. <p>Pain management addresses persistent pain after injuries or diseases have healed. It aims to relieve chronic pain in conditions like back pain and headaches where the cause may not be apparent initially.</p>
  1178. <h2>What does it consist of?</h2>
  1179. <p>There are many types of treatments for pain management, which can be divided into three categories:</p>
  1180. <h3>Physical Treatments:</h3>
  1181. <ul>
  1182. <li>Physical therapy</li>
  1183. <li>Therapeutic exercise</li>
  1184. <li>Heat and ice application</li>
  1185. <li>Acupuncture</li>
  1186. <li>Electrotherapy (e.g., TENS &#8211; Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)</li>
  1187. <li>Interventional procedures (e.g., facet joint injections, spinal cord stimulation)</li>
  1188. <li>Therapeutic massage</li>
  1189. </ul>
  1190. <h3>Psychological Treatments:</h3>
  1191. <ul>
  1192. <li>Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)</li>
  1193. <li>Hypnosis</li>
  1194. <li>Mindfulness-based techniques</li>
  1195. <li>Relaxation techniques</li>
  1196. </ul>
  1197. <h3>Pharmacological Treatments:</h3>
  1198. <ul>
  1199. <li>Analgesics (pain relievers) such as acetaminophen and opioids for severe pain</li>
  1200. <li>Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for inflammation-related pain</li>
  1201. <li>Antidepressants (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants) for chronic pain conditions like neuropathic pain or fibromyalgia</li>
  1202. <li>Anticonvulsants (e.g., gabapentin) for nerve-related pain</li>
  1203. </ul>
  1204. <h2>Multidisciplinary Approaches</h2>
  1205. <ul>
  1206. <li>Comprehensive pain management teams involving doctors, nurses, physical therapists, psychologists, and other mental health therapists</li>
  1207. <li>Coordinated care plans tailored to individual patient needs</li>
  1208. </ul>
  1209. <h2>Best Pain Management Doctors near Reedsburg, WI</h2>
  1210. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-1280 size-full" src="" alt="Best Pain Management Doctors near Reedsburg, WI" width="700" height="450" srcset=" 700w, 300w, 390w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" /></p>
  1211. <h2>#1. Dr. Alaa A. Abd-Elsayed</h2>
  1212. <p>Dr. Alaa Abd-Elsayed is a highly-rated Pain Medicine Specialist and Anesthesiologist in Prairie Du Sac, WI, affiliated with UW Health. He is accepting new patients.</p>
  1213. <ul>
  1214. <li>Specialties: Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology</li>
  1215. <li>Contact Information:</li>
  1216. <li>Phone: 608-643-2471</li>
  1217. <li>Locations<strong>: </strong>University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation Inc</li>
  1218. <li> 250 26th St, Suite 150, Prairie Du Sac, WI 53578</li>
  1219. <li>Insurance Accepted: Medicare, Quartz, Security Health</li>
  1220. </ul>
  1221. <h2>#2. Dr. Keth M. Pride</h2>
  1222. <p>Dr. Keth Pride is a highly rated Pain Medicine specialist at Gundersen Health System in Friendship, WI, with 15 years of experience. His top areas of expertise include Neuralgia, Wallerian Degeneration, Giant Axonal Neuropathy, and Pudendal Neuralgia.</p>
  1223. <ul>
  1224. <li>Specialties: Pain Medicine</li>
  1225. <li>Contact Information: 608-339-3331</li>
  1226. <li>Locations: Moundview Memorial Hospital and Clinics Inc</li>
  1227. <li>402 W Lake St, Friendship, WI 53934</li>
  1228. <li>University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation Inc</li>
  1229. <li>250 26th St, Suite 120, Prairie Du Sac, WI 53578</li>
  1230. <li>Insurance Accepted: Medicare, Quartz, Security Health, Aspirus Arise Health</li>
  1231. </ul>
  1232. <h2>#3. Dr. Thomas J. Faull</h2>
  1233. <p>Dr. Thomas Faull is a Pain Medicine specialist at SSM Health in Madison, WI, with 16 years of experience. His top areas of expertise include Facet Joint Syndrome, Sciatica, Chronic Pain, and Neuralgia.</p>
  1234. <ul>
  1235. <li>Specialties: Pain Medicine</li>
  1236. <li>Contact Information:</li>
  1237. <li>Phone: 608-251-6100</li>
  1238. <li>Locations: Dean Health Systems Inc, 700 S Park St, Madison, WI 53715</li>
  1239. <li>Insurance Accepted: Medicare, Quartz</li>
  1240. </ul>
  1241. <h2>#4. Dr. Mandira N. Mehra</h2>
  1242. <p>Dr. Mandira Mehra is a Pain Medicine specialist in Madison, Wisconsin, with expertise in Facet Joint Syndrome and Neuralgia.</p>
  1243. <ul>
  1244. <li>Specialties: Pain Medicine</li>
  1245. <li>Contact Information: 608-260-2900</li>
  1246. <li>Locations: 700 S Park St, Madison, WI 53715</li>
  1247. </ul>
  1248. <h2>#5. Dr. Kwadwo Achampong</h2>
  1249. <p>Dr. Kwadwo Achampong is a Pain Medicine specialist in Madison, Wisconsin, affiliated with SSM Health. His expertise includes Facet Joint Syndrome, Neuralgia, and Cervical Spondylosis.</p>
  1250. <ul>
  1251. <li>Specialties: Pain Medicine</li>
  1252. <li>Contact Information: 608-260-2900</li>
  1253. <li>Locations: DEAN HEALTH SYSTEMS INC, 700 S Park St, Suite A, Madison, WI 53715</li>
  1254. <li>Insurance Accepted: Medicare</li>
  1255. <li>Hospital Affiliations: SSM Health St Mary&#8217;s Hospital &#8211; Janesville</li>
  1256. <li>SSM Health St Mary&#8217;s Hospital &#8211; Madison</li>
  1257. <li>Languages Spoken: English</li>
  1258. </ul>
  1259. <h2>#6. Dr. Shwetha Simhan</h2>
  1260. <p>Dr. Shwetha Simhan is a Pain Medicine specialist and Anesthesiologist in Madison, Wisconsin.</p>
  1261. <ul>
  1262. <li>Specialties: Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology</li>
  1263. <li>Contact Information: 608-263-8106</li>
  1264. <li>Locations: 600 Highland Ave, B6/319 Csc, Department Of Anesthesiology, Madison, WI 53792</li>
  1265. <li>Languages Spoken: English</li>
  1266. </ul>
  1267. <h2>#7. Dr. Mark K. Aasen</h2>
  1268. <p>Dr. Mark K. Aasen is a Pain Medicine specialist and Anesthesiologist in Madison, Wisconsin.</p>
  1269. <ul>
  1270. <li>Specialties: Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology</li>
  1271. <li>Contact Information: 262-297-7246</li>
  1272. <li>Locations: PAIN PHYSICIANS OF WISCONSIN SC</li>
  1273. <li>34 Schroeder Ct, Madison, WI 53711</li>
  1274. <li>Insurance Accepted: Medicare, Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative, <a href="">Network</a> Health</li>
  1275. <li>Languages Spoken: English</li>
  1276. </ul>
  1277. <h2>Conclusion</h2>
  1278. <p>For comprehensive and effective pain management in Reedsburg, WI, seek out local specialists who offer personalized treatment plans and compassionate care. They will help you manage and alleviate chronic pain through expert techniques and support.</p>
  1279. <p>The post <a href="">Best Pain Management Near Me In Reedsburg, WI</a> appeared first on <a href="">In Human Being</a>.</p>
  1280. ]]></content:encoded>
  1281. </item>
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  1283. </rss>

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