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  338. return false;
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  340. // ^^^ Markup and event listeners
  342. // Ready to start!
  343. $('.eupopup-container').show();
  345. // In case it's alright to just display the message once
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  672. <p>Matilda is widely respected for our expertise in obstetrics and offers a complete range of maternity services including antenatal care, classes, hospital care for delivery, postnatal care and support at home with your new baby.&nbsp;Our quality research-based maternity care is provided in a friendly environment with experts sensitive to your healthcare needs.&nbsp;Both new and experienced parents alike appreciate our open, modern approach.</p>
  673. <p>Many of the costs are predetermined, providing you peace of mind for everything you and your baby might normally require during your stay.&nbsp;</p>
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  682. <p>Your maternity journey starts with antenatal care. &nbsp;You can choose your own obstetrician, or join the Matilda antenatal care in which we will arrange a designated obstetrician to care for you throughout your pregnancy and help you plan for your admission to hospital. &nbsp;</p>
  683. <p>If you have been using Matilda’s antenatal care and would like to extend the care to delivery with the same obstetrician, our team can help you with the booking for giving birth with us. If you have been looked after by your chosen obstetrician, the doctor’s clinic can help you with the booking for your maternity stay at Matilda.</p>
  684. <p>Upon returning home with your baby, you will need to visit your obstetrician or our designated obstetrician for wound assessment and postnatal check. Our community midwife can visit you at home to ensure the wellbeing of you and your baby, as well as to provide you support on breastfeeding. You can also sign up with <a href="/en/about/promotions-and-packages/1316-baby-vaccination-package">the childhood vaccination packages</a> that give you the flexibility to add specific vaccines. &nbsp;</p>
  685. <p><img src="/images/services/maternity/Your_Parenthood_Journey.png" alt="private hospital maternity package-prenatal care-antenatal care" /></p>
  686. <p>The Matilda team understands that everyone’s needs are unique and aim to guide you through the different stages of care, including antenatal care, hospital care for delivery and postnatal care.&nbsp;Should you have any questions related to maternity, please contact our dedicated patient service team by calling,&nbsp;<a href="">whatsapp</a>&nbsp;or telegram +<a href="tel:+85260161680">852&nbsp;6016 1680</a></p>
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  716. <p>Obstetrician appointments for antenatal checkup and scans are very important once you get pregnant. You can choose your obstetrician, or sign up for <span style="color: #f47f76;"><a class="btn btn-default" style="color: #f47f76;" href="/download/maternity/Antenatal_care_English_May_2023.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">our antenatal care</a> </span>to regularly monitor the well-being of you and your baby.<span lang="EN-US"><br /></span></p>
  717. <p>Starting from week 6 – 8 of your pregnancy, the Patient Service Team together with experienced healthcare professionals will look after you and guide you to the special journey into parenthood.</p>
  718. <p>Based on international guidelines and tailored for different stages of pregnancy, the schedule includes 14 designated specialist consultations. It is built with price transparency in mind and is based on a pay-as-you-go system. These designated obstetricians can extend care for your delivery and during the postnatal period.&nbsp; By joining our antenatal care and giving birth with us, you can enjoy our&nbsp;fixed-priced hospital and doctor packages.</p>
  719. <p>Learn about our <span style="color: #f47f76;"><a class="btn btn-default" style="color: #f47f76;" href="/download/maternity/Antenatal_care_English_May_2023.pdf" target="_blank">antenatal care schedule </a></span>and the <span style="color: #f47f76;"><a class="btn btn-default" style="color: #f47f76;" href="/en/fees-and-charges/hospital-packages">fixed-priced hospital and doctor packages</a></span>.</p>
  720. <p>If you have maternity insurance coverage for antenatal care you should be able to pay and claim, please find out your coverage details before admission. We have been recognised as a select provider for maternity care with some insurers and have specific programmes in place, our dedicated Patient Service Team can give you more information.</p>
  721. <p><strong>Booking and enquiries:</strong></p>
  722. <p>Patient Service Centre<br />
  723. <a href=""><img src="/images/M_images/iconfinder_social-whatsapp-circle_4017334_s.png" alt="iconfinder social whatsapp circle 4017334 s" width="25" height="25" /><a>&nbsp;
  724. <a href="tel:60161680">+852 6016 1680</a><br /> <a href=""></a></p>
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  732. <p>The Matilda’s antenatal course includes practical information and useful suggestions for pregnancy, the birthing process, and caring for newborns and is suitable for ladies who have reached at least 24-26 weeks of pregnancy. The ladies’ partners are welcome to join.&nbsp;<span lang="EN-US">These friendly sessions are conducted in English or in Japanese.&nbsp;</span>Click <span style="color: #f47f76;"><a style="color: #f47f76;" href="/en/for-patients/courses/online-antenatal-course?id=13">here</a></span> to learn more and enrol.</p>
  733. <p>Childcare courses taught by healthcare professionals are also available for providing your domestic helpers basic skills and knowledge on child care. Paediatric emergency first aid courses are useful to you and your helpers to equip with practical skills of CPR and first aid.&nbsp;Click <span style="color: #f47f76;"><a style="color: #f47f76;" href="/en/for-patients/courses/courses-for-domestic-helpers">here</a> </span>to learn more and enrol.</p>
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  738. <h3>Booking maternity services</h3>
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  741. <p>A booking is required for your maternity stay at Matilda. Your obstetrician will book with us and share important information about your pregnancy and history. If you are using  Matilda’s antenatal care, we can book for you for giving birth with us.</p>
  742. <p>Once we receive the booking we will send you a confirmation. It is best that the booking process is completed as early as possible as there are a limited number of rooms. This also ensures that there is plenty of time for you to complete classes, attend the information session and &nbsp;facilitate a smooth admission.&nbsp;<a class="btn btn-default" href="/en/for-patients/admission-discharge/on-line-check-in">Check-in online here</a>&nbsp;once you have received our confirmation.</p>
  743. <p>We encourage you to draw up a <a class="btn btn-default" href="/pdf/Birth_Plan.pdf" target="_blank">birth plan</a>,&nbsp;please send this to our maternity department by email (<a href=""></a>) or fax (2849 6246) before your admission so we are aware of your special requests. On admission, the maternity team will discuss your preferences on labour to make the experience as fulfilling as possible.</p>
  744. <p>We make every effort to provide you with your choice of room, but are not able to guarantee the type until the day you are admitted. There is no exact science in predicting due dates– babies set their own programme.</p>
  745. <p>If your booked room type is not available, you may choose a different available room. The published room category rate will apply.</p>
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  765. <h2 class="header">Delivery</h2>
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  777. <div class="formField rsform-block rsform-block-intro">
  778. <div class="row row-main-ctx row-health-library2 max-w-md container">
  779. <p>Maternity at Matilda is characterised by quality service, friendly people, luxurious rooms and a beautiful environment.</p>
  780. <p><strong>Parent-baby friendly</strong></p>
  781. <p>We believe in a parent-baby friendly approach to maternity and welcome the presence of partners during the big event. You are encouraged to express your preferences in delivery as you prepare for a new member to your family.</p>
  782. <p><strong>Early bonding</strong></p>
  783. <p>Whether in a delivery room or the clinical setting of an operating theatre we encourage early parent-baby bonding. By creating a peaceful and unique atmosphere where parents set the mood by choosing background music, both parents are able to be part of the birthing process and watch the birth of their baby.</p>
  784. <p>It is a special emotional moment when you hold your baby close for the first time, right after birth. Skin-to-skin contact helps regulate the baby's body temperature and heart rate, though above all it initiates bonding and promotes successful breastfeeding.</p>
  785. <p>At Matilda, we offer support to you in many different ways:</p>
  786. <ul>
  787. <li>Personalised care</li>
  788. <li>Partner, close relative or friend accompanying labour</li>
  789. <li>Choice of alternative methods of pain relief, such as mobilization, birth ball, warm pad, music and water bath</li>
  790. <li>Walking epidurals, Entonox</li>
  791. <li>Ratio of one midwife to one mother in active labour&nbsp;and during delivery</li>
  792. <li>Partner present at delivery and for caesarean section under epidural (Partners are not encouraged to stay with you should a general anaesthesia be required)</li>
  793. <li>Partner may cut the baby's cord</li>
  794. <li>A breastfeeding-friendly atmosphere with help from certified&nbsp;lactation consultants</li>
  795. <li>Early bonding for normal deliveries and caesarean sections</li>
  796. <li>Skin to skin contact with baby at birth in a delivery room or operating room</li>
  797. <li>Baby rooms-in with mother in shared and private rooms</li>
  798. <li>Postnatal midwifery home visits</li>
  799. </ul>
  800. <p>You may find our <a class="btn btn-default" style="color: #f47f76;" href="/about/news/1973-matilda-maternity-statistics-2022">maternity up-to-date statistics</a>about having a baby useful when you are looking into pregnancy and delivery care.</p>
  801. <p><strong>Maternity facilities</strong></p>
  802. <p>Maternity facilities include advanced scanning and diagnostics technology, and private labour suites. Our patient services team will be delighted to take you for a hospital visit to learn more about these facilities during your pregnancy.</p>
  803. <ul>
  804. <li><a href="/en/for-patients/take-a-tour">Private labour suites</a></li>
  805. <li><a href="/services-facilities/critical-care">Special care baby unit</a> and professional team dedicated to neonates</li>
  806. <li>Adult high-dependency unit</li>
  807. </ul>
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  810. <ul>
  811. <li class="health-item">
  812. <div class="health-item-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#list_package">
  813. <h3>Maternity delivery packages</h3>
  814. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></div>
  815. <div id="list_package" class="collapse">
  816. <p>Matilda maternity packages include the typical private hospital maternity package, covering the total hospital cost for you to have your baby. These packages start on the day your baby is born and include everything you’d normally need, giving you predetermined costs.</p>
  817. <ul>
  818. <li>2-night normal vaginal delivery (including forceps or vacuum delivery if required)</li>
  819. <li>3-night normal vaginal delivery (including forceps or vacuum delivery if required)</li>
  820. <li>4-night elective (pre-booked) caesarean section delivery</li>
  821. <li>5-night elective (pre-booked) caesarean section delivery</li>
  822. <li>5-night emergency caesarean section delivery</li>
  823. </ul>
  824. <p>Circumcision, phototherapy, physiotherapy and special care baby unit services are available outside the package costs.</p>
  825. <p>Please arrange for your obstetrician to book your hospital stay and for details of their fees.</p>
  826. <p><a class="btn btn-default" href="/en/fees-and-charges/hospital-packages">Full maternity price list and notes here</a></p>
  827. <p>To get a better estimate of your costing, please make use of the <span style="color: #f47f76;"><a style="color: #f47f76;" href="/en/fees-and-charges/hospital-packages/maternity-fee-calculator">maternity fee calculator</a></span>.</p>
  828. <p>If you are extending the Matilda’s antenatal care to deliver your baby with us, you can enjoy the <span style="color: #f47f76;"><a style="color: #f47f76;" href="/en/fees-and-charges/hospital-packages" target="_blank">fixed doctor and hospital packages (total care packages)</a></span>.</p>
  829. </div>
  830. </li>
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  832. <div class="health-item-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#list_doctors">
  833. <h3>Doctors and cover</h3>
  834. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></div>
  835. <div id="list_doctors" class="collapse">
  836. <p>During your pregnancy please take time to discuss with your obstetrician your choice of paediatrician and anaesthetist. This will enable your obstetrician to ensure their availability for routine and emergency care during your delivery and stay with us.</p>
  837. </div>
  838. </li>
  839. <li class="health-item">
  840. <div class="health-item-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#list_mteam">
  841. <h3>Maternity team</h3>
  842. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></div>
  843. <div id="list_mteam" class="collapse">
  844. <p>Matilda’s international team of midwives assists with the delivery of babies everyday. They appreciate every delivery is unique and every baby is special and are here for you with expert advice and care.</p>
  845. <p>The maternity department is accredited by Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and is part of the hospital-wide international accreditation. Our nursing team is trained regularly in emergency procedures by an international body, take up training in Advanced Life Support Obstetrics (ALSO) and with our level of expertise we have been accredited as a clinical training site for fellow membership training by the Hong Kong College of Midwives.</p>
  846. <p>Midwives will help you with your individual needs and offer a high level of support as you get to know one another as a family, with partners welcome to be present at the delivery. Our midwives and certified lactation consultants give you full support in breastfeeding as well as establishing early skin-to-skin contact. We have one of the highest percentages of new mothers that choose to breastfeed (over 90%) amongst all private hospitals in Hong Kong, and encourage your baby to stay with you in the room to foster bonding and facilitate breastfeeding.</p>
  847. </div>
  848. </li>
  849. <li class="health-item">
  850. <div class="health-item-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#list_safety">
  851. <h3>Baby’s safety</h3>
  852. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></div>
  853. <div id="list_safety" class="collapse">
  854. <p>For security reasons the nursery door is locked at all times and only parents are given the access right. A member of staff is stationed in the nursery and the area is covered by 24 hour CCTV. To prevent accidents please transport your baby in the cot between your room and the nursery.</p>
  855. <p>Should your baby need to be transferred to a public hospital, the government ambulance service may charge a transportation fee.</p>
  856. <p>All visitors must report to the maternity nursing station on arrival to confirm the room number and ensure the visit is convenient for you. Your own children and other children over the age of 12 are allowed to visit, though there may be times when visiting is limited.</p>
  857. </div>
  858. </li>
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  862. <p></p>
  863. </div>
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  875. <div class="row-ctx"><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  876. <h2 class="header">Post-natal care</h2>
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  888. <div class="row row-main-ctx row-health-library2 max-w-md container">
  889. <p><strong>Community postnatal midwifery</strong></p>
  890. <p>Upon your discharge from the hospital, our team of community midwives can bring the unique care and support you received during your stay into your home.</p>
  891. <p>Our midwives guide you as you adjust to becoming a new mum, assess and offer advice on the wellbeing of you and your baby, support breastfeeding, talk about home safety and provide an important link when needed to your paediatrician, obstetrician and other healthcare professionals.</p>
  892. <p>Please speak to our staff during your hospital stay for details of a home visit or you can call 2849 0321 / e-mail to<b>&nbsp;</b><a href=""></a> for <a href="/download/whatsnew/2020_community_midwife/141485_MIH_Community%20Midwife%20Leaflet_A4_no%20%20cropmark.pdf" target="_blank">further details</a>.</p>
  893. <p><strong>Obstetric check</strong></p>
  894. <p>After delivery, you will need to visit your obstetrician for postnatal check to see how you are getting on. Your obstetrician will be able to assess your psychological wellbeing, check if you have enough support as well as examine your wound (if required). You will also be able to receive breastfeeding guidance and feeding advice. If you have chosen to be taken care of by a Matilda designated obstetrician, we will help you arrange the appointment and confirm the associated special rates.</p>
  895. <p>Postnatal check by a designated obstetrician HK$1,450*<br /><em>*Consultation only, additional fee will be incurred if doctor orders ultrasound scan, laboratory test, medication or further investigations.</em></p>
  896. <p><strong>Baby vaccination package&nbsp;</strong></p>
  897. <p>You can opt for our vaccination packages for babies from 2-18 months that gives you the flexibility to add specific vaccines and meet your country recommendations.&nbsp;</p>
  898. <p>Click <a href="/en/about/promotions-and-packages/1316-baby-vaccination-package">here</a> for details.</p>
  899. <p></p>
  900. <div class="row row-ctx">
  901. <ul>
  902. <li class="health-item">
  903. <div class="health-item-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#list_bbmap">
  904. <h3>Matilda babies around the world</h3>
  905. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></div>
  906. <div id="list_bbmap" class="collapse">
  907. <p>Babies born at the hospital are warmly welcomed into the Matilda community. Their life’s journey started at the Peak in Hong Kong and it is fascinating to see where they are now.</p>
  908. <p>Matilda Hospital has been providing medical care for people of different nationalities since its inception in 1907. Generations of Matilda “babies” now reside around the globe, exploring the wonders the world has to offer.</p>
  909. <p>Visit the <span style="color: #f47f76;"><a style="color: #f47f76;" href="/MatildaBB/en/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Matilda Baby Map</a></span> to see their pictures, how far they have travelled and those who still call Hong Kong home.&nbsp;</p>
  910. <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">How to join us? </span></strong><br />If you or your children were born at Matilda, you are welcome to take a part in these unique projects. <br /> <br />Simply email your favourite picture (at any age) to <a href=""></a> with the subject line: Where are Matilda babies? Please provide the full name, the year of birth and the current location (city and country). Photos should be copyright-free, not trademarked material and in landscape format with a file size over 500K.</p>
  911. <p>The photos collected will be added to the digital map on a regular basis.</p>
  912. </div>
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  930. <h2 class="header">Mother stories</h2>
  931. </div>
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  933. <td class="col col-cover" style="background-image: url('/images/news/2020_patient_feedback/story.jpg');">&nbsp;</td>
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  947. <td style="text-align: center;">
  948. <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/images/news/2020_patient_feedback/tiffany2.png" alt="tiffany2" width="180" height="180" /></a></p>
  949. <p style="text-align: center;"><b>Tiffany<br /></b><b>MATERNITY<em>&nbsp;</em></b></p>
  950. </td>
  951. <td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/images/news/2020_patient_feedback/Amelia2.png" alt="Amelia2" width="185" height="185" /></a>
  952. <p style="text-align: center;"><b>Amelia<br />MATERNITY&nbsp;</b></p>
  953. </td>
  954. <td style="text-align: center;">
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  956. <p style="text-align: center;"><b>Mr &amp; Mrs Wakuta<br />MATERNITY</b></p>
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  963. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  965. <p><strong><b>Maternity booking and enquiries:</b><br /></strong></p>
  966. <p>Contact us or fill the form below to enquire how we help you embark on the journey into parenthood.
  967. </div>
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  992. <label class="uk-form-label control-label formControlLabel" data-uk-tooltip="{pos:'top-left'}" title="" for="ETD">Expected date of delivery</label>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda