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  22. <title>Insurance for Small Companies: Read This Quick Guide Before You Get Started</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Mar 2023 03:23:28 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  28. <category><![CDATA[Insurance]]></category>
  29. <category><![CDATA[Small businesses]]></category>
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  32. <description><![CDATA[Every business &#8211; even the small ones &#8211; need some type of insurance. Usually, general liability insurance is a good place to start. If you&#8217;re involved in a business that requires you to speak with clients face to face, whether they visit you, or you visit them, or have access to someone else&#8217;s equipment, then [...]]]></description>
  33. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Every business &#8211; even the small ones &#8211; need some type of insurance. Usually, general liability insurance is a good place to start. If you&#8217;re involved in a business that requires you to speak with clients face to face, whether they visit you, or you visit them, or have access to someone else&#8217;s equipment, then you probably need insurance. Even if you just represent a client&#8217;s business and don&#8217;t actually meet with them in person, there is always the potential for a lawsuit of some type. There is insurance for small companies and professionals available.</p>
  34. <p>How much will it cost you? The cost depends on factors such as where you are located, where you do business, the type of industry you are involved in, size of the business, limits / deductibles you select, and so forth. As an individual who is responsible for a business, you should make sure that it is properly protected against any potential risks and unexpected legal issues.</p>
  35. <p>Some general liability insurance for small companies includes advertising protection. This is something you might need if you are concerned about copyright laws and potential slandering accusations.</p>
  36. <p>What about theft? General liability insurance typically covers just third party losses for which your organization may be partially responsible due to negligence. If you are concerned about your own property being stolen, look for a policy that includes that kind of protection.</p>
  37. <p>Required Insurance for Small Companies</p>
  38. <p>You&#8217;ll likely need some type of insurance in order to legally operate. Depending on your state, there are a few types of insurances that even small businesses must have. If your company operates vehicles, for instance, you&#8217;ll need auto insurance. In some states, workers compensation is also required (if you have employees).</p>
  39. <p>Even if your business is primarily going to be online, you still might need some cyber-security insurance. Small businesses fall victim to data breaches all the time. Just one security issue can cost you a lot of money. Imagine what would happen if all of your customers&#8217; personal data was stolen.</p>
  40. <p>Make sure you understand the true ramifications of all of the terms and limits of a policy before deciding whether or not it&#8217;s right for you. Insurance policies can be a bit tricky, especially if there are industry-specific terms that must be understood. Read every single endorsement and exclusion in the policy and make sure you absolutely understand all of the details.</p>
  41. <p>Find affordable insurance for small companies at Hiscox Business Insurance. It&#8217;s very affordable, yet comprehensive. No matter what kind of industry you are involved in, Hiscox will likely have a custom insurance plan for that industry.</p>
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  47. <title>Small Business Insurance Cost Guide: What You Need to Know About Insurance Coverage and Premiums</title>
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  50. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Mar 2023 03:21:59 +0000</pubDate>
  51. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  52. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  54. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  55. <description><![CDATA[One of the biggest concerns many small businesses have is the cost of insurance. It is something you absolutely need, but how much of it can you really afford? As with any type of insurance, there are a number of factors that go into the evaluation of small business insurance cost. Approximately half of small [...]]]></description>
  56. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>One of the biggest concerns many small businesses have is the cost of insurance. It is something you absolutely need, but how much of it can you really afford? As with any type of insurance, there are a number of factors that go into the evaluation of small business insurance cost. Approximately half of small businesses in the US pay around $400 &#8211; $600 annually for general liability insurance. However, you could still end up paying less or more a year, depending on the number of employees and the type of industry you&#8217;re involved in.</p>
  57. <p>High-risk industries like construction are going to be stuck with higher premiums, while low-risk industries get the lower rates. There are usually ways to save &#8211; especially if you choose a good commercial insurance provider. Just use search tools on the internet to obtain quotes. Also, companies with a physical, brick-and-mortar store or facility open to the public are more at risk than professionals who work from a home office.</p>
  58. <p>Businesses with physical locations open to the public are usually have to pay more money for insurance just in case someone is ever injured on the property. There are also things like theft, falling objects, vandalism, fire, and weather damage to worry about.</p>
  59. <p>What Does Small Business Insurance Cost Include?</p>
  60. <p>Even if you do operate from home, this doesn&#8217;t mean that you are completely invulnerable to lawsuits. There is always the possibility of being accused of things like plagiarism, copyright infringement, slander, and so forth. If you have any vehicle that is used for business, even if it&#8217;s your own, you&#8217;ll need insurance for that as well. Do you have employees that you send to perform errands? What if they become injured on the job? Or accidentally cause damage to a client&#8217;s equipment? Keep all of these factors in mind when evaluating small business insurance cost.</p>
  61. <p>Some insurance companies for businesses and professionals simplify things by offering custom insurance plans for each industry. You can choose a policy that is already tailored for a small business in your industry, with the exact kind of coverage you need.</p>
  62. <p>There are pro-active things you can do to help reduce the cost of small business insurance:</p>
  63. <p>• Invest in security products.</p>
  64. <p>• Develop a safety training program for employees</p>
  65. <p>• Compile a list of rules for posting on social media and make sure your employees understand the rules.</p>
  66. <p>• Reduce potential hazards on property</p>
  67. <p>• Create a checklist for procedures relevant to your industry and company.</p>
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  73. <title>Commercial Insurance Policy Guide: How to Choose the Ideal Policy and Provider</title>
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  76. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Mar 2023 03:21:33 +0000</pubDate>
  77. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  78. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  80. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  81. <description><![CDATA[Are you any kind of business owner? Even if your business is really, really small, you&#8217;ll need some sort of commercial insurance policy. Literally anything can go wrong, even if you conduct most of your business indoors. It&#8217;s important to look over the ideal amount and types of coverage for your industry in your state. [...]]]></description>
  82. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Are you any kind of business owner? Even if your business is really, really small, you&#8217;ll need some sort of commercial insurance policy. Literally anything can go wrong, even if you conduct most of your business indoors. It&#8217;s important to look over the ideal amount and types of coverage for your industry in your state. Every type of industry has its own specific risks. For instance, a home office that doesn&#8217;t do any deliveries probably won&#8217;t require commercial auto insurance. A construction type of business will probably need to protect its employees from physical injuries, but not have to worry about things like copyright infringement.</p>
  83. <p>Most companies typically need generally liability insurance, which will help protect you from lawsuits in the event that someone becomes injured on your business property, or something is damaged when you or one of your employees is performing a service for someone. Workers compensation insurance is also something you&#8217;ll want to consider, as it employees while they&#8217;re on the job. However, you yourself, as the owner, will not be covered by this kind of policy.</p>
  84. <p>Since there are so many companies that offer deals on commercial insurance policy, you need to be careful with your choice. Make sure the company you are considering offers the specific level of coverage that your type of business must have. Also, if you have any financial lenders, check and see if they require a certain type or level of insurance coverage for your company. If there are any current or potential clients that have insurance coverage requirements, which policy should you choose that will meet those requirements for those particular clients?</p>
  85. <p>Commercial Insurance Policy Types and Coverages</p>
  86. <p>Like any other kind of insurance, there is no &#8220;one size fits all&#8221; with commercial insurance. The best insurance companies are those that offer customize coverage for each industry and size of business. If you run an It / tech business, for instance, you should have the option to buy software copyright coverage.</p>
  87. <p>A few other things to look for include:</p>
  88. <p>• Customer service</p>
  89. <p>• Flexible payment options</p>
  90. <p>• money back guarantee after a decent amount of time</p>
  91. <p>• An easy claim filing process</p>
  92. <p>• A lot of positive reviews</p>
  93. <p>• A company that is financially stable</p>
  94. <p>One company that meets all of these is Hiscox Insurance Company. Go ahead and take a look at all of their custom commercial insurance policy solutions. Get a free quote and a 14-day money back guarantee. It&#8217;s also a very financially stable organization.</p>
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  100. <title>Commercial Liability Insurance: An Introduction to GL Insurance, Its Covers, and What to Look For</title>
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  103. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Mar 2023 03:20:49 +0000</pubDate>
  104. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  105. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  107. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  108. <description><![CDATA[Small business owners tend to be optimistic, and therefore often underestimate the amount of insurance they need. Accidents happen. There is always the possibility that someone could become injured due to negligence on your part or one of your employee&#8217;s part. Even if you do take measures to keep your physical property safe, you never [...]]]></description>
  109. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Small business owners tend to be optimistic, and therefore often underestimate the amount of insurance they need. Accidents happen. There is always the possibility that someone could become injured due to negligence on your part or one of your employee&#8217;s part. Even if you do take measures to keep your physical property safe, you never know when something unexpected might happen. This is why you always need some type of commercial liability insurance policy so that your business will be financially prepared.</p>
  110. <p>GL insurance (general liability) is coverage that will protect you and your organization from a variety of claims such as physical injury, property damage, medical payments, products completed operations, and just about any other reason someone might try and file a lawsuit against your company.</p>
  111. <p>This kind of insurance only covers damages and injuries for third parties only. It doesn&#8217;t really cover anything that could happen to you or one of your employees. GL insurance cover the basic risks that affect nearly all businesses, regardless of the industry. Even if your business is done primarily online, your house insurance provider will probably want to know if you are conducting business from your home and might want you to get some additional coverage because of it.</p>
  112. <p>Many businesses opt for additional coverage than what commercial liability insurance provides. Different industries have specific needs. Heavy outdoor work such as construction will require protection and worker&#8217;s compensation for employees who could easily become injured. Indoor advertising and marketing agencies will require protection against copyright infringement accusations. Web designers and programmers could be accused of stealing code. Freelance journalists could be accused of slander.</p>
  113. <p>Commercial Liability Insurance for Property Damage</p>
  114. <p>Property damage can come in many forms, and not just the physical premise on which your business is located. What about the facility where your electronic data is stored? What if one of your computers gets a virus? Electronic data protection is worth looking into.</p>
  115. <p>What you need to do is check with commercial insurance providers to see if they offer tailored packages for the type of industry you are involved in. There is no one-size-fits-all, so the best thing you can do is to apply for insurance that fits as many as your industry and business-specific needs as possible.</p>
  116. <p>The cost of general liability coverage itself varies based on the state, industry, size of business, and the amount of coverage you need. The insurance companies give out calculators and free estimates on their websites. Just enter your profession and state to receive an overview of the kinds of coverage available to you.</p>
  117. <p>Hiscox Business Insurance is a good place that is often recommended as a starting point for businesses seeking commercial liability insurance. Get a free estimate and look over all of the industry-specific insurance packages.</p>
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  123. <title>Beneficial Choices Commercial Insurance Clovis Gives an Individual</title>
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  126. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Mar 2023 03:20:23 +0000</pubDate>
  127. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  128. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  130. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  131. <description><![CDATA[Commercial insurance is important for business entrepreneurs irrespective of the size of their business. Apart from comprehensiveness, the Commercial Insurance Clovis gives must also have enough flexibility. You can have an overwhelming number of options when you consider insurance for your business. Before starting a business, the entrepreneur writes a business plan. The policy is [...]]]></description>
  132. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Commercial insurance is important for business entrepreneurs irrespective of the size of their business. Apart from comprehensiveness, the Commercial Insurance Clovis gives must also have enough flexibility. You can have an overwhelming number of options when you consider insurance for your business. Before starting a business, the entrepreneur writes a business plan. The policy is to help protect the business owner from unseen, unwanted events such as theft, fire, property damage, and employee injuries.</p>
  133. <p>Different Options of Commercial</p>
  134. <p>When one buys insurance, everyone expects the best protection with competitive pricing. The Commercial Insurance Clovis gives covers all these:</p>
  135. <p>â\x97\x8f Professional liability.</p>
  136. <p>â\x97\x8f Worker compensation.</p>
  137. <p>â\x97\x8f Commercial property.</p>
  138. <p>â\x97\x8f Business insurance.</p>
  139. <p>â\x97\x8f Commercial auto liability.</p>
  140. <p>â\x97\x8f Commercial umbrella.</p>
  141. <p>â\x97\x8f Product liability insurance.</p>
  142. <p>A company might not need all the insurances listed above. One can check the features of each and select the insurance that suits their need.</p>
  143. <p>Professional Liability</p>
  144. <p>The most important Commercial Insurance Clovis gives is liability insurance. This protects your company when it causes damage to another individual or company. This protection also includes defective products and the damage to a person on your business premises. You remain protected from property damages and personal injury. A lawsuit against your company can lead to bankruptcy but the liability insurance will protect you from that.</p>
  145. <p>Worker Compensation</p>
  146. <p>The employees in the company need protection under state law. This is to provide compensation if they get injured while working for the company. But, there is a stipulation that this is applicable only if you have a specific number of employees.</p>
  147. <p>Commercial Property</p>
  148. <p>Your bank will ask for this type of insurance when they hold your mortgage. Also, if you have rented commercial space from your landlord, then he might ask for this kind of insurance. The commercial property insurance protects the owner from damages to the property such as fire damage, weather damage, and theft.</p>
  149. <p>Business Insurance</p>
  150. <p>This covers various aspects of the business and depends on the size of the business. When you have a warehouse containing inflammable material, you must consider the insurance that covers fire damage. A Business Owners Policy (BOP) helps a business with more than 100 employees.</p>
  151. <p>If your company uses vehicles, you might consider including commercial vehicles also. When many customers visit your business premises, liability insurance is also a must.</p>
  152. <p>Commercial Auto Liability</p>
  153. <p>This Commercial Insurance Clovis covers the business that uses commercial vehicles. The insurance protects you from any kind of damage the vehicle suffers, accidents, fire, and theft. You can also have an extended cover for covering delays in transporting passengers and goods.</p>
  154. <p>Commercial Umbrella</p>
  155. <p>This is also called the Excess Liability. If you work for a vendor, they might need this insurance from you. You might have insurance policy cover for many things but at times this might not be enough. In this case, the Commercial Umbrella insurance will cover it for you.</p>
  156. <p>It is vital to keep your insurance up to date all the time. If you don&#8217;t, you will remain disadvantaged when you find out your policy has expired and you need the insurance cover.</p>
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  162. <title>Anti-Aging &#8211; Why Do the Chinese Look Young?</title>
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  165. <pubDate>Sun, 26 Feb 2023 11:02:47 +0000</pubDate>
  166. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  168. <category><![CDATA[Fashion Design]]></category>
  170. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  171. <description><![CDATA[Emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin Dynasty&#8217;s expedition in search for the elixir of youth sparked the long and colorful Chinese anti-aging history. There were numerous other attempts to find that deeply desired, and yet extremely elusive, fountain of youth. Indeed, the Chinese and their incessant pursuit to find the perfect age-defying product have [...]]]></description>
  172. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin Dynasty&#8217;s expedition in search for the elixir of youth sparked the long and colorful Chinese anti-aging history. There were numerous other attempts to find that deeply desired, and yet extremely elusive, fountain of youth. Indeed, the Chinese and their incessant pursuit to find the perfect age-defying product have been present since the earliest times, and remains an important thrust among today&#8217;s generation.As a result of a variety of anti-aging research projects, this area of medicine has since flourished. The current focus of anti-aging studies has moved from merely preventing or delaying the onset of aging but on to the greater objective of stopping the aging process itself.There was a time during the 1990s when efforts were mainly directed towards finding the moist effective skin-whitening products. The new century brought with it considerable changes in priorities and directions. Health care research extended its scope from simple whitening solutions to finding the ultimate technology that will enable the human race to fully revive the skin and further delay aging.In the health care industry, anti-aging medicine is quickly gaining ground as a new paradigm. Current anti-aging medicine focuses on early detection, prevention, and the possible reversal of aging-related problems.It started with the Chinese, and yet it is a global concern now. Anti-aging strategies have evolved and yet these efforts remain deeply rooted in ancient Chinese concepts, discoveries and inventions. Learn how Chinese anti-aging history has made, and continues to make, major contributions towards finding the perfect anti-aging product and technology. </p>
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  178. <title>Finding Top Fashion Designer Clothes For Cheap</title>
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  181. <pubDate>Fri, 10 Feb 2023 19:04:48 +0000</pubDate>
  182. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  184. <category><![CDATA[Fashion Design]]></category>
  186. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  187. <description><![CDATA[Do you love new fashion designer and top fashion designer clothing but simply can&#8217;t afford it? If this is your situation, as it is for so many others, it is going to be important that you are aware of where you can go to get top fashion designer clothing for cheap, and there are actually [...]]]></description>
  188. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Do you love new fashion designer and top fashion designer clothing but simply can&#8217;t afford it? If this is your situation, as it is for so many others, it is going to be important that you are aware of where you can go to get top fashion designer clothing for cheap, and there are actually quite a few terrific options available to you here.BlueflyOne company that you are going to want to check out if you want to get top fashion designer clothing for a discounted price is Bluefly. You will really be astounded with what you find here. You can find beautiful designer clothing at a fraction of the regular price, so you can look just like your favorite celebs, but without spending a fortune.They offer top fashion designer clothing at prices that you have never seen before, and so you are definitely going to want to check them out. There are actually few fashion designers that they do not offer, so it is definitely going to be worth your while to check them out either online or off and see what they have available.Also keep in mind that this discounted top fashion designer company is always updating their fabulous selection, and so you can keep checking back all the time to see what is new and exciting.Brown BagThis is another great option for shoppers who want their favorite designer clothing but at a price that they can afford. Offering both men and women&#8217;s designer name clothing, Brown Bag is one of the most popular online companies for top designer name clothing.They started their company with one aim, which was to get their consumers the latest high designer fashion at the best prices, and they have been doing it very well over their time in business. They use their years of experience to back them up and scour the fashion houses in Milan so that they can bring you each season&#8217;s look for a fraction of the retail cost.Keep in mind that these are just two of the many different companies out there that cater to you if you are looking for designer clothing for a sale price, so definitely take some time to check out what is out there. The Internet will definitely be a terrific resource to you here if you are looking for designer name clothing at a price that won&#8217;t break your bank. </p>
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  194. <title>Lucrative Home Business Ideas</title>
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  197. <pubDate>Fri, 10 Feb 2023 11:06:40 +0000</pubDate>
  198. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  200. <category><![CDATA[Home Business]]></category>
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  203. <description><![CDATA[If you have finally made up your mind to initiate a home based business, then you need home based business ideas that will give you easy money. This might sound a bit weird however if you want to know more read on. There are several strategies and the competition is he. In this article you [...]]]></description>
  204. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> If you have finally made up your mind to initiate a home based business, then you need home based business ideas that will give you easy money. This might sound a bit weird however if you want to know more read on. There are several strategies and the competition is he. In this article you can discover internet home business ideas that never fail. There are just too many home based business ideas that will help you earn good money.However, you must remember a single point, without a full planned strategy you can never make it a winning plan. There are several people all over the world entering the world of home based business and making it work. Several such entrepreneurs are from different backgrounds but then they might be in similar online business and making it work. And if you wish to join the list of successful online business owners here are two things you must keep in mind.In the very first place it is necessary to search among the most awarding work from home business ideas that the one that is apt for you. There are several internet home based business ideas and options you would like to avail however there are only a few that will suit you.Besides, bear it is mind that you will be working at the comfort of your home. It is all on you to maintain your time and get along with the home business and fix up the income level you wish to incur. Thus, to emerge successful you must establish a community either local or online that will help you to advertise your home based business. You can even take part in home based business ideas discussions and participate in forums.Find an expert to help you in your online home business. If you do not get any help locally you can try online, there are several already successful internet based home business opportunities tried and tested. There are experts already in the business for several years for e.g. six to seven years, or you can even consult with people already successful in home business. They are of great help.Internet offers you a myriad of home internet based business ideas which can bring you several dollars every month. You can try affiliate marketing, web designing, data entry, virtual assistant, remote help and web content writing. However, to emerge successful you need to collect enough data on online home based business ideas you are pursuing and make sure you are abreast of every update that emerges now and then related to it.Before you start working towards the home based business check every aspect. Right from the financial deals, to your home internet based ideas strategy, working hours, your strategy plan and other significant things. Earning online is now easy however it is not impossible as well. There are several people out there making great money with good internet based home business options. All you require is great patience and the will to make some good money. So, go on and start earning. </p>
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  210. <title>Good Home Business Opportunities and Its Big Benefits</title>
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  213. <pubDate>Thu, 09 Feb 2023 15:37:20 +0000</pubDate>
  214. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  216. <category><![CDATA[Home Business]]></category>
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  219. <description><![CDATA[Choosing the right home business opportunities can be a challenging task if you don&#8217;t know the real tips and strategies of the business. In this age of internet revolution, most internet users get flooded with different offers and this invites them to select some lucrative business ideas. Such online home based business opportunities serve appropriate [...]]]></description>
  220. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Choosing the right home business opportunities can be a challenging task if you don&#8217;t know the real tips and strategies of the business. In this age of internet revolution, most internet users get flooded with different offers and this invites them to select some lucrative business ideas. Such online home based business opportunities serve appropriate for people who are looking for financial freedom and trying to get rid of regular work pressure. However, you must remember that home based business opportunities are not applicable to people who want to just earn fast bucks.Frankly speaking, home based business opportunities give you the flexibility and security of working from the comfort of your own home. You get ample chance of spending quality time with your family members. Here are some good, big benefits of home business.Independence &#038; financial freedomhome business opportunity offers you great chance to make smart decisions and reap greater profits. It gives you financial freedom, provided you have to put in efforts and remain self-motivated.Good savingHome-business opportunities give greater options of saving good deal of money. As you work from home, so there is no question of traveling from one place to another. Even there is no such need of extra costs or capital investment. You can manage your own business enjoying homely comfort and thereby reap great benefits.Greater Satisfaction &#038; securityHome-business opportunities provide personal satisfaction. In fickle economic situation, the only secured job can be home-business work. Such business opportunities works wonder and comes as a great rescue. You can have the internal control. As the home business owner is the boss, so naturally the ultimate power remains with him/her only.Some easy home based business opportunitiesFor newbie, Affiliate marketing can be a good choice. In this home business, there is no need to create or stock products, nether you need to tackle complicated payment process. A person has to promote services or products on site and if any customer buys such services, he can earn good returns.In the list of authentic home business opportunities, selling of e-books can be a great choice. It is a business where you can start with little investment, and become successful. You can always find a hot subject to write about and people will always buy information.If you are confident about your writing skills, you can do freelancing. You can write down articles, blogs, features etc sitting in front of your computer. For creative people &#038; specially home-makers, writing is a cool alternative to opt for.Email marketing is one of the important home business opportunities where a person uses various techniques to build up a list of prospects and then send these with a mixture of information relating to sales.These are just a few of the business options that are of great interests. So, if you want to make your online home business, smooth easy and full of fun, it is important to get accustomed to its benefits first. </p>
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  226. <title>Valuing a Business for Sale &#8211; An Imperative Guide</title>
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  229. <pubDate>Sun, 05 Feb 2023 01:17:50 +0000</pubDate>
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  243. <description><![CDATA[I often get asked for a &#8220;rough idea&#8221; of what a business is worth.It&#8217;s an interesting question, but not one that can be answered in any meaningful way without drilling down into the specifics of the business because in the real world, the valuation of a business has many variables including industry types, differing market [...]]]></description>
  244. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> I often get asked for a &#8220;rough idea&#8221; of what a business is worth.It&#8217;s an interesting question, but not one that can be answered in any meaningful way without drilling down into the specifics of the business because in the real world, the valuation of a business has many variables including industry types, differing market sectors and individual levels of profit and risk that make any &#8216;prophecy&#8217; of business asset valuation as reliable in outcome as taking a trifecta bet at a race track.This is particularly true in relation to a privately owned small business valuation whether the business is incorporated as a private company or operates as a sole trader.Apart from their annual Tax Return, privately owned businesses in Australia, are not obliged, to lodge financial reports with any statutory body or publish any details of their activities in the public domain.With publicly listed entities (companies listed on a stock market) there is more data for a business valuation company to analyse in the form of share prices, price to earnings ratios, historical performance and annual reports. Comparisons can be made between these indicators to determine a range of valuation metrics.Private businesses, however, are as different as fingerprints &#8211; no two businesses are the same because they are generally &#8216;built&#8217; around the needs of the business Owner. Business analysis and valuation of private businesses must therefore, in addition to a study of the financials, include a detailed Risk Assessment and take into account the Return on Investment that the business makes for the Owner and the Cost of Capital to buy the business.What to Look at When You Want to Value a Business for Sale?Commonly, many SME (Small to Medium Enterprises) business asset valuations focus on the &#8216;Return on Investment&#8217; (ROI). This is usually expressed as a percentage (%) and is a measure of the Risk to an Owner versus the Return. For a privately held business in Australia this should be between 20% and 50%. The closer to 20% the more &#8216;secure&#8217; the business investment &#8211; the closer to 50% the more &#8216;riskier&#8217; the investment.A business valuation report that demonstrates a ROI under 20% indicates that it would be unlikely to generate an investment (or a Bank would not lend the funds to purchase) &#8211; quite simply the return would not be enough (because of the liquidity &#8211; or ease of conversion to cash) to warrant the investment and a return of over 50% would indicate that there are significant risks which would be outside of the comfort zone of most investors and financiers.As a general rule, private businesses and the valuation of companies in the private space tend to be based on historical financials with the valuation of intangible assets based on the adjusted net profit (before tax) &#8211; called EBIT (Earnings before Income Tax)Adjustments are made to the Accountant prepared financials to &#8216;add back&#8217; any expenses to the business profit which are discretionary to the owner(s) personally, plus &#8216;book&#8217; expenses like depreciation of P&#038;E and any abnormal &#8216;one off&#8217; expenses like a non recurring bad debt to arrive at the real Net Profit (before tax) of the business.It is multiples of this Net Profit, tempered by the Risk profile of the business and the ROI percentage which will determine the Value of the business.But whilst most people ask for a private or corporate business valuation, what they really want to know is the PRICE.Value and Price can be two very different numbers.What is the Difference between &#8216;Value&#8217; And &#8216;Price&#8217; when You Want to Value a Business for Sale?In the valuation of companies where the reason for the valuation is for the re distribution of shares for a Management Buy In, the price conclusion must relate to the market (is the sales market for this type of business up or down?) so that a base price can be determined at that point in time even though there will be no actual &#8220;sale&#8221; of the business.Similarly, in business valuation for divorce where there could ultimately be an external transaction to sell but in some cases one party wants to retain ownership of the business and buy the other party out. In this case both parties want to know the &#8216;Fair Market Value&#8217; of the business so they can settle even though the business is not actually being sold.In essence, &#8216;Value&#8217; can be entirely based on hypothetical theory whereas &#8216;Price&#8217; in the true sense can only be based on &#8220;what the market will pay&#8221;. </p>
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