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  390. <h2>Offshore Hosting for Every Website</h2>
  391. <p class="lead">PalexWeb concerned about security. Security choices and customizations with our every services, We providing 80Gbit DDoS protection on a redundant network</p>
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  393. <li class="py-1"><span class="ti-control-forward mr-2 color-primary"></span>Flexible, Easy to Use <strong>Control Panel</strong></li>
  394. <li class="py-1"><span class="ti-control-forward mr-2 color-primary"></span><strong>Unmetered</strong> Bandwidth</li>
  395. <li class="py-1"><span class="ti-control-forward mr-2 color-primary"></span><strong>100%</strong> DMCA Ignored (NL / RU)</li>
  396. <li class="py-1"><span class="ti-control-forward mr-2 color-primary"></span><strong>100%</strong> Uptime Guarantee</li>
  397. <li class="py-1"><span class="ti-control-forward mr-2 color-primary"></span><strong>Green Power Partnership</strong> of the U.S.A Environmental Protection Agency</li>
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  420. <h2 class="text-white">High Performance <a href="">Adult Web Hosting</a></h2>
  421. <p class="lead">Our VPS will be best choice for adult content, gambling, online casino and for that 10Gbps Unmetered dedicated server are more loyal than others EU countries. With that VPS you can get European quality of service, high uptime and full privacy. <br>If you want to do cheap and best with anonymous, our service will provide you extreme support. That is the best choice for projects that need 100% uptime.</p>
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  436. <h2>Cheap Offshore Hosting Best Features</h2>
  437. <p class="lead">All DMCA and controversial content may be hosted without worrying about privacy problems or risk of deleting content. Our servers located in protected data center so if you need high speed deliver to EU and US region then our Cheap Offshore VPS from Netherlands will help for providing best bandwidth support.</p>
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  448. <h5>DdoS Protection</h5>
  449. <p>A promise that DDoS assaults would not disrupt client services. You'll be converted to enterprise-grade in-line DDoS filters upon request.</p>
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  459. <h5>Real-Life Human Beings</h5>
  460. <p>We are 24/7 by tickets also Live Chat support for our customers to help them with any issues they may face any time. SLA 30 minutes, most of time we solve via LiveChat</p>
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  471. <p>Presently in DMCA Ignored services we are not giving any Money-Back Guarantee or refund, buy with confidence knowing that we fully guarantee your satisfaction</p>
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  481. <h5>Fast NVMe SSD</h5>
  482. <p>We guarantee that your money, you will get a stable and fast service, at a super low price, We also do moving from other provider, we will do whole migration process</p>
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  492. <h5>Cloud Technology</h5>
  493. <p>We always uses Enterprise level Hardware with best low price. We guarantee 100% uptime, If we ever fall below our target, you will be credited or extended free</p>
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  520. 🛑 <b>NOT Allowed:</b> IP Scanner, Spoofing, GameServer, Phishing & Fraud , Email Spamming or SMTP Spam or Bulk Emails Outgoing , Fascism & Terrorism , Botnet, Crypto Mining, malware & DDoSing, Child Pornography
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  529. <h5 class="mb-0">DMCA Ignored Hosting</h5>
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  531. <div class="card-header py-4 border-0 pricing-header">
  532. <div class="price mb-0">$0.49<span>/month</span></div>
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  535. <ul class="list-unstyled mb-4 pricing-feature-list">
  536. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>01</span> Hosted Domains</li>
  537. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>1 GB</span> Disk Allocated</li>
  538. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>Unlimited</span> Bandwidth</li>
  539. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>Free</span> Daily Backup</li>
  540. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>Free</span> SSL Certificate</li>
  541. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>No</span> Refund</li>
  542. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>DMCA Ignored</span> YES</li>
  543. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i>100% Uptime</li>
  544. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i>24/7 Live Support</li>
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  546. <a href="" class="btn outline-btn mb-3 btn-block" target="_blank">Purchase now</a>
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  553. <h5 class="mb-0">DMCA Ignored VPS <span class="badge color-1 color-1-bg">Popular</span></h5>
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  555. <div class="card-header py-4 border-0 pricing-header">
  556. <div class="price mb-0">$1.99<span>/month</span></div>
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  559. <ul class="list-unstyled mb-4 pricing-feature-list">
  560. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>1 GB</span> Dedicated RAM</li>
  561. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>1 </span> vCore</li>
  562. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>Unlimited</span> Bandwidth</li>
  563. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>15 GB</span> Disk</li>
  564. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>Free</span> SSL Certificate</li>
  565. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>No</span> Refund</li>
  566. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>DMCA Ignored</span> YES</li>
  567. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i>100% Uptime</li>
  568. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i>24/7 Live Support</li>
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  577. <h5 class="mb-0">Bare Metal Server</h5>
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  579. <div class="card-header py-4 border-0 pricing-header">
  580. <div class="price mb-0">$128.69<span>/month</span></div>
  581. </div>
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  583. <ul class="list-unstyled mb-4 pricing-feature-list">
  584. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>32 GB</span> Dedicated RAM</li>
  585. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>4C/8T </span> Intel <a href="">Xeon</a> E3 v4</li>
  586. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>Unlimited</span> Bandwidth</li>
  587. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>480 GB</span> NVMe SSD</li>
  588. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>Free</span> SSL Certificate</li>
  589. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>No</span> Refund</li>
  590. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i><span>DMCA Ignored</span> YES</li>
  591. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i>100% Uptime</li>
  592. <li><i class="ti-check-box color-5 pr-3"></i>24/7 Live Support</li>
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  614. <h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
  615. <p class="lead">Get the answers to frequently asked questions about our hosting service</p>
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  621. <div class="single-faq pt-4">
  622. <h5>What is the Best Reason for Using DMCA Ignored Hosting?</h5>
  623. <p>The <a href="">DMCA Ignored Hosting</a> is like shared hosting in which the clients are given or rented a very small portion of the server. This server is being shared by many users who are working on the websites. The number of the users can go a notch higher and the websites are there in the physical server. In some websites, the packages are available which can provide you with what you are looking for.</p>
  624. <p>Before going for one, do check out the services offered by these websites. As offshore vps may or may not have the high-end services so do check out the services available with every website providing the facility of virtual server, The servers are available in several packages such as the starter, bargain, business, and commerce. Each of which has a different price and features to go for, the domain name is there ranging across several countries and the data storage capacity also varies accordingly. Sign up your web services with us today.</p>
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  628. <div class="single-faq pt-4">
  629. <h5>Who Should Choose 10Gbps Dedicated Servers?</h5>
  630. <p>Our servers are located in a high-tech facts middle with a server connecting to a network of a 100Mbps and the ability to increase accelerate to 10gbit/s. Maximum proceedings in this area can be neglected. When you have a mission that violates the laws of the usa, eu nations or different countries, our servers in russia are true solution for website hosting such web sites.</p>
  631. <p><a href="">Bulletproof Servers</a> in russia also dedicated server with unmetered 10Gbps bandwidth channel in netherlands offer you with high performance and balance, we also guarantee entire anonymity, your logs will not be transferred to 0. 33 parties or law enforcement authorities, Even if you are a blogger, then shared hosting or VPS works out to be a savior for you. If you check out the websites, you will find that several options are available for the services that you are looking for.</p>
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  635. <div class="single-faq pt-4">
  636. <h5>Why Choose Offshore Reseller with Advanced Security?</h5>
  637. <p><a href="">Reseller Hosting</a> is a powerful hosting solution. A Reseller is ideal for people who manage multiple websites or run a business that sells or wants to sell web host. When used in combination with Cloudlinux for account separation, a Reseller may establish individual limits for each of their users. A Reseller will benefit from Litespeed's LSCache webserver, Jetbackup's adjustable backups, imunify360, free SSL certificates, and a dedicated IPv6 address for each site.</p>
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  641. <div class="single-faq pt-4">
  642. <h5>Do you Provide Kvm VPS with Unlimited Bandwidth?</h5>
  643. <p>KVM called (Kernel-based Virtual Machine).  This enables true virtualization (not containerization) based on Cluster distributed storage and enterprise-grade hardware. When compared to a traditional VPS, KVM allows you to run your own operating system with extra benefits such as the flexibility to utilize your own kernel version. Not only does PalexWeb provide managed cloud servers, but you can now try <a href="">Kvm VPS</a> with Unlimited Bandwidth on our excellent network.<</p>
  644. </div>
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  647. <div class="single-faq pt-4">
  648. <h5>How does a Streaming Server Work?</h5>
  649. <p>PalexWeb Dedicated Streaming Server are constructed on a next-generation architecture with purpose-made hardware, resulting in much quicker performance for our servers. The servers are linked with recently upgraded multiple 100G edge network infrastructure and Cisco core network switching components, allowing each <a href="">Streaming Servers</a> to use 10 Gigabit dedicated network, which are up to 1,000x faster than typical cable broadband services. The information is served using a CDN, which is a worldwide network that compresses data and delivers it in smaller pieces to decrease latency and overload at peak times.</p>
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  654. <h5>Do you Sell Bulletproof VPS?</h5>
  655. <p>Yes, want to host illegal content we are here 24/7. Our Bulletproof VPS Hosting has recently gained popularity among ordinary high-load applications. If you already have a lot of traffic, rivals may start making complaints to the hosting and registrar, which may result in the site being blocked. As a result, we strongly advise you to acquire our <a href="">Bulletproof VPS</a>. We have numerous server configurations, and the hardware DDOS protection implemented in the DC allows us to deliver high uptime and protection for your sites. There are no logs or contracts. We don't need to know your name, only email is enough.</p>
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  659. <div class="single-faq pt-4">
  660. <h5>Why Should you Buy Offshore Domain?</h5>
  661. <p>PalexWeb provides domain registration services and those are fully DMCA Ignored for a number of popular top-level domains (TLDs). Many benefits arise with purchasing your <a href="">domains</a> with us, including central management control and the possibility for our support team to configure and/or register nameservers for you, decreasing the amount of work you have to do. On domains registered with us, we also provide FREE domain privacy for lifetime! All of your personal information related with the domain will be concealed on the Internet with our ID protection addon. If you want to remain anonymous, this is the way to go.</p>
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  666. <h5>Why you Need Bitcoin Hosting?</h5>
  667. <p>With our Bitcoin Hosting services, you can protect your identity and financial information from hackers also <a href="">buy vps with bitcoin</a> or any other cryptocurrency. All of our Bitcoin hosting plans provide superior security upgrades, allowing you to take advantage of premium web services at the most cheap costs. All <a href="">bitcoin</a> transactions are safeguarded by military-grade cryptography, ensuring the highest level of security. All Bitcoin VPS plans include powerful Anti-DDoS security services. All our bitcoin servers located in Netherlands because Power is less expensive in the Netherlands than in any other European or American.</p>
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