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height="35" viewBox="0 0 35 35" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M29.1668 16.0402H32.0834C32.0834 8.55895 26.4353 2.91666 18.9438 2.91666V5.83332C24.8676 5.83332 29.1668 10.1252 29.1668 16.0402Z"/> <path d="M18.9583 11.6667C22.0251 11.6667 23.3333 12.9748 23.3333 16.0417H26.2499C26.2499 11.3385 23.6614 8.74999 18.9583 8.74999V11.6667ZM23.9487 19.6044C23.6684 19.3497 23.3002 19.2138 22.9217 19.2255C22.5432 19.2372 22.1841 19.3956 21.9201 19.6671L18.4303 23.256C17.5903 23.0956 15.9016 22.5692 14.1633 20.8352C12.4249 19.0954 11.8985 17.4023 11.7424 16.5681L15.3285 13.0769C15.6003 12.8131 15.7589 12.4539 15.7706 12.0753C15.7823 11.6967 15.6462 11.3284 15.3912 11.0483L10.0026 5.12312C9.74749 4.84218 9.39287 4.67177 9.0141 4.64808C8.63534 4.62439 8.26225 4.74929 7.97409 4.99624L4.80951 7.7102C4.55738 7.96324 4.40689 8.30002 4.38659 8.65666C4.36471 9.02124 3.94763 17.6575 10.6443 24.3571C16.4864 30.1977 23.8043 30.625 25.8197 30.625C26.1143 30.625 26.2951 30.6162 26.3433 30.6133C26.6998 30.5934 27.0364 30.4422 27.2883 30.189L30.0008 27.0229C30.2479 26.7349 30.373 26.362 30.3496 25.9832C30.3262 25.6044 30.1561 25.2497 29.8753 24.9944L23.9487 19.6044Z"/> </svg>(619) 231-3808</a> <a href="/services/" class="button white fadeIn active" style="animation-delay:.4s">Our Services</a> <p class="v-text">dedication. reliability. passion.</p> </section> <section class="two lazyload" data-script="/assets/js/slick-settings.js"> <h2>Experts in Ship Repair Consistently Setting the Industry Standard.</h2> <p>Standard Ship Repair is a full-service ship repair company with facilities in the four corners of the nation that are capable of accomplishing refit and repairs to any seagoing vessel. Services include non-destructive testing and consulting services for ship building, ship repair, construction, aerospace, bridge, pipeline, and manufacturing for commercial and government industries. Standard has highly certified personnel that can meet your requirements. As our name suggests, we symbolize the standard of ship repair.</p> <a href="/about/" class="button green">Learn More About Standard</a> <img class="vector lazyload" data-src="/assets/images/grey-vector.png" src="/assets/images/compressed/grey-vector.png" alt="vector"/> <div class="form"> <p class="title">Get In Touch With Us</p> <form action="" method="POST"> <input class="input-1" type="text" aria-label="Full Name" name="Full Name" placeholder="Full Name" required=""/> <input class="input-1" type="text" aria-label="Company" name="Company" placeholder="Company" required=""/> <input type="tel" class="input-1" aria-label="Phone Number" name="Phone Number" placeholder="Phone Number" required=""/> <input type="text" placeholder="Email Address" aria-label="Email Address" name="Email" required=""/> <input type="text" name="_gotcha" style="display:none"/> <textarea name="Message" placeholder="Write Your Message Here" aria-label="Message" required=""></textarea> <button class="button green" type="submit" aria-label="submit" value="button">Submit</button> <svg width="638" height="975" viewBox="0 0 638 875" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M40 64.9994C40 48.9835 50.5765 36 63.6234 36H574.377C587.423 36 598 48.9835 598 64.9994V801.987C598 820.807 583.622 834.642 568.735 830.147L57.9813 675.939C47.4224 672.751 40 661.127 40 647.778V64.9994Z" fill="white"/> <defs> <filter id="filter0_d_1_183" x="0" y="0" width="638" height="875" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB"> <feFlood flood-opacity="0" result="BackgroundImageFix"/> <feColorMatrix in="SourceAlpha" type="matrix" values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0" result="hardAlpha"/> <feOffset dy="4"/> <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="20"/> <feComposite in2="hardAlpha" operator="out"/> <feColorMatrix type="matrix" values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0"/> <feBlend mode="normal" in2="BackgroundImageFix" result="effect1_dropShadow_1_183"/> <feBlend mode="normal" in="SourceGraphic" in2="effect1_dropShadow_1_183" result="shape"/> </filter> </defs> </svg> </form> </div> </section> <div class="accolades"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><img class="lazyload" src="/assets/images/compressed/api.png" data-src="/assets/images/api.png" alt="American Petroleum Institute" loading="lazy"/></a> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><img class="lazyload" src="/assets/images/compressed/abs.png" data-src="/assets/images/abs.png" alt="ABS" loading="lazy"/></a> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><img class="lazyload" src="/assets/images/compressed/navsea.png" data-src="/assets/images/navsea.png" alt="NAVSEA" loading="lazy"/></a> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><img class="lazyload" src="/assets/images/compressed/aws.png" data-src="/assets/images/aws.png" alt="American Welding Society" loading="lazy"/></a> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><img class="lazyload" src="/assets/images/compressed/asme.png" data-src="/assets/images/asme.png" alt="ASME" loading="lazy"/></a> </div> <div class="accolades mobile" style="display:none;"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><img src="/assets/images/api.png" alt="American Petroleum Institute"/></a> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><img src="/assets/images/abs.png" alt="ABS"/></a> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><img src="/assets/images/navsea.png" alt="NAVSEA"/></a> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><img src="/assets/images/aws.png" alt="American Welding Society"/></a> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""><img src="/assets/images/asme.png" alt="ASME"/></a> </div> <section class="three"> <img class="vector lazyload" data-src="/assets/images/grey-vector-2.png" src="/assets/images/compressed/grey-vector-2.png" alt="vector"/> <div class="top"> <h2>Our Services</h2> <p>Since its inception in 2017,  Standard Inspection Services has been a leading San Diego Ship Maintenance, Fabrication &amp; Modernization service company primarily serving the US Navy. Today, Standard also provides welding and fabrication services as well as hands-on services for jobs in California, Washington, Florida, Virginia, and internationally. These populated Navy markets provide significant Standard expansion while dramatically enhancing their existing relationship with the Navy.</p> </div> <div class="boxes"> <a href="/non-destructive-testing/" class="box"> <p class="title"> Non-Destructive Testing</p> <svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M15 2.5C8.125 2.5 2.5 8.125 2.5 15C2.5 21.875 8.125 27.5 15 27.5C21.875 27.5 27.5 21.875 27.5 15C27.5 8.125 21.875 2.5 15 2.5ZM19.625 15.875L15.875 19.625C15.375 20.125 14.625 20.125 14.125 19.625C13.625 19.125 13.625 18.375 14.125 17.875L15.75 16.25H11.25C10.5 16.25 10 15.75 10 15C10 14.25 10.5 13.75 11.25 13.75H15.75L14.125 12.125C13.625 11.625 13.625 10.875 14.125 10.375C14.625 9.875 15.375 9.875 15.875 10.375L19.625 14.125C20.125 14.625 20.125 15.375 19.625 15.875Z"/> </svg> </a> <a href="/welding/" class="box"> <p class="title"> Welding</p> <svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M15 2.5C8.125 2.5 2.5 8.125 2.5 15C2.5 21.875 8.125 27.5 15 27.5C21.875 27.5 27.5 21.875 27.5 15C27.5 8.125 21.875 2.5 15 2.5ZM19.625 15.875L15.875 19.625C15.375 20.125 14.625 20.125 14.125 19.625C13.625 19.125 13.625 18.375 14.125 17.875L15.75 16.25H11.25C10.5 16.25 10 15.75 10 15C10 14.25 10.5 13.75 11.25 13.75H15.75L14.125 12.125C13.625 11.625 13.625 10.875 14.125 10.375C14.625 9.875 15.375 9.875 15.875 10.375L19.625 14.125C20.125 14.625 20.125 15.375 19.625 15.875Z"/> </svg> </a> <a href="/mechanical/" class="box"> <p class="title"> Mechanical</p> <svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M15 2.5C8.125 2.5 2.5 8.125 2.5 15C2.5 21.875 8.125 27.5 15 27.5C21.875 27.5 27.5 21.875 27.5 15C27.5 8.125 21.875 2.5 15 2.5ZM19.625 15.875L15.875 19.625C15.375 20.125 14.625 20.125 14.125 19.625C13.625 19.125 13.625 18.375 14.125 17.875L15.75 16.25H11.25C10.5 16.25 10 15.75 10 15C10 14.25 10.5 13.75 11.25 13.75H15.75L14.125 12.125C13.625 11.625 13.625 10.875 14.125 10.375C14.625 9.875 15.375 9.875 15.875 10.375L19.625 14.125C20.125 14.625 20.125 15.375 19.625 15.875Z"/> </svg> </a> <a href="/electrical/" class="box"> <p class="title"> Electrical</p> <svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M15 2.5C8.125 2.5 2.5 8.125 2.5 15C2.5 21.875 8.125 27.5 15 27.5C21.875 27.5 27.5 21.875 27.5 15C27.5 8.125 21.875 2.5 15 2.5ZM19.625 15.875L15.875 19.625C15.375 20.125 14.625 20.125 14.125 19.625C13.625 19.125 13.625 18.375 14.125 17.875L15.75 16.25H11.25C10.5 16.25 10 15.75 10 15C10 14.25 10.5 13.75 11.25 13.75H15.75L14.125 12.125C13.625 11.625 13.625 10.875 14.125 10.375C14.625 9.875 15.375 9.875 15.875 10.375L19.625 14.125C20.125 14.625 20.125 15.375 19.625 15.875Z"/> </svg> </a> <a href="/equipment-flushes/" class="box"> <p class="title">Equipment Flushes</p> <svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M15 2.5C8.125 2.5 2.5 8.125 2.5 15C2.5 21.875 8.125 27.5 15 27.5C21.875 27.5 27.5 21.875 27.5 15C27.5 8.125 21.875 2.5 15 2.5ZM19.625 15.875L15.875 19.625C15.375 20.125 14.625 20.125 14.125 19.625C13.625 19.125 13.625 18.375 14.125 17.875L15.75 16.25H11.25C10.5 16.25 10 15.75 10 15C10 14.25 10.5 13.75 11.25 13.75H15.75L14.125 12.125C13.625 11.625 13.625 10.875 14.125 10.375C14.625 9.875 15.375 9.875 15.875 10.375L19.625 14.125C20.125 14.625 20.125 15.375 19.625 15.875Z"/> </svg> </a> <a href="/coatings-insulation-lagging/" class="box"> <p class="title"> Coatings, Insulation, and Lagging</p> <svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M15 2.5C8.125 2.5 2.5 8.125 2.5 15C2.5 21.875 8.125 27.5 15 27.5C21.875 27.5 27.5 21.875 27.5 15C27.5 8.125 21.875 2.5 15 2.5ZM19.625 15.875L15.875 19.625C15.375 20.125 14.625 20.125 14.125 19.625C13.625 19.125 13.625 18.375 14.125 17.875L15.75 16.25H11.25C10.5 16.25 10 15.75 10 15C10 14.25 10.5 13.75 11.25 13.75H15.75L14.125 12.125C13.625 11.625 13.625 10.875 14.125 10.375C14.625 9.875 15.375 9.875 15.875 10.375L19.625 14.125C20.125 14.625 20.125 15.375 19.625 15.875Z"/> </svg> </a> <a href="/marine-chemist/" class="box"> <p class="title"> Marine Chemist Services</p> <svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M15 2.5C8.125 2.5 2.5 8.125 2.5 15C2.5 21.875 8.125 27.5 15 27.5C21.875 27.5 27.5 21.875 27.5 15C27.5 8.125 21.875 2.5 15 2.5ZM19.625 15.875L15.875 19.625C15.375 20.125 14.625 20.125 14.125 19.625C13.625 19.125 13.625 18.375 14.125 17.875L15.75 16.25H11.25C10.5 16.25 10 15.75 10 15C10 14.25 10.5 13.75 11.25 13.75H15.75L14.125 12.125C13.625 11.625 13.625 10.875 14.125 10.375C14.625 9.875 15.375 9.875 15.875 10.375L19.625 14.125C20.125 14.625 20.125 15.375 19.625 15.875Z"/> </svg> </a> <a href="/assets/pdf/SSR_Staffing_Capabilities_2023.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="box"> <p class="title"> Staffing Agency</p> <svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M15 2.5C8.125 2.5 2.5 8.125 2.5 15C2.5 21.875 8.125 27.5 15 27.5C21.875 27.5 27.5 21.875 27.5 15C27.5 8.125 21.875 2.5 15 2.5ZM19.625 15.875L15.875 19.625C15.375 20.125 14.625 20.125 14.125 19.625C13.625 19.125 13.625 18.375 14.125 17.875L15.75 16.25H11.25C10.5 16.25 10 15.75 10 15C10 14.25 10.5 13.75 11.25 13.75H15.75L14.125 12.125C13.625 11.625 13.625 10.875 14.125 10.375C14.625 9.875 15.375 9.875 15.875 10.375L19.625 14.125C20.125 14.625 20.125 15.375 19.625 15.875Z"/> </svg> </a> </div> <a href="/services/" class="button black">View All Services</a> </section> <section class="four"> <h2>Why Choose Standard Ship Repair</h2> <p>Standard Ship Repair, formerly Standard Inspection Services, was founded in August of 2017 and has grown into a thriving company providing full-service structural and piping installation, upgrades, and repairs to existing ships that will exceed your expectations. We wanted to provide a better service while giving our employees a professional and growth-oriented workplace. Our team of experts provides an amazing customer experience with great communication throughout the entire process. Currently, we extend our services to the Pacific South and North West regions of the United States, along with operations in Florida and Virginia. </p> <p>Our full-service ship repair facilities can accomplish refit and repairs globally to any seagoing vessel. We specialize in turnkey solutions for customers needing boat or ship repair. With our highly qualified project management, quality assurance, and production team, our customers can trust that their projects will be completed safely, on time, and within budget.</p> <p>At Standard Ship Repair, we prioritize the safety and quality of our products and services. We understand that our customers rely on us to ensure the well-being of individuals and protect valuable components once our work is completed. Our mission is to enhance the customer experience while delivering safe and top-notch services to end users. Building trust with our customers is of utmost importance to us. Allow us the opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to you today. </p> <a href="/about/" class="button green">Learn More Now</a> <img class="vector lazyload" data-src="/assets/images/grey-vector.png" src="/assets/images/compressed/grey-vector.png" alt="vector"/> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/assets/images/why-choose-standard-ship-repair.jpg" src="/assets/images/compressed/why-choose-standard-ship-repair.jpg" alt="woman industrial worker"/> </section> <div class="five lazyload" data-offsety="30" data-speed="2" data-script="/assets/js/slick-settings.js"> <p class="v-text">client testimonials</p> <div class="glider"> <div class="review"> <p>“The final results were outstanding and I am extremely satisfied with the work that you have done for me. I would highly recommend your services to any ship in need of welding services. Your dedication to quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction is truly commendable.”</p> <p class="title">— K.G. Leibrock of the USS Michael Monsoor</p> </div> <div class="review"> <p>“I got my training certificate through Standard Inspection Services and got the training that really fit the standards. Thumbs up.”</p> <p class="title">— Lukas Bengtsson</p> </div> <div class="review"> <p>“Keith and the company provide excellent service.”</p> <p class="title">— Mike Ebey</p> </div> <div class="review"> <p>“It was important to find an experienced ship welding service locally in the San Diego area, and were fortunate to find Standard Inspection Services. It was a smart decision to hire Standard Inspection Services as this team of professionals went above and beyond to ensure the job was done accurately and according to specs.”</p> <p class="title">— Sidney Baylee</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="six"> <h2>Our Main Advantages</h2> <p>We uniquely support Navy Welding Contractors by comprehensively understanding welding tasks from start to finish. Our NDT Level II inspectors guide you through the entire process, ensuring your work aligns with standards. Our adept staff interprets Work Items and NAVSEA Standard Items, suggesting removal or addition of requirements as needed. With profound knowledge of fabrication documents, we ensure compliance and quality.</p> <p>A standout feature of SSR is our aid to emerging welding firms. We offer Procedure Writing, Training, and Certification to develop your NDT personnel, driven by a commitment to efficiency and superior quality. We're not just a service; we're a partnership focused on your success.</p> <p>Standard Ship Repair embodies professionalism, expertise, efficiency, and exceptional customer service. These values underpin why we are your optimal choice.</p> <a href="/contact/" class="button black">Get A Quote From Us Today</a> </div> <div class="seven"> <h2>Locations</h2> <p>Standard is not only becoming San Diego’s go-to ship repair company, but a national option and preference. Our locations include specialized services that support our navy and commercial industries across all coasts of the US and internationally.</p> <div class="locations"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="location"> <svg width="35" height="35" viewBox="0 0 35 35" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M17.5001 24.7917L18.9584 21.875V14.3762C21.4682 13.7244 23.3334 11.4596 23.3334 8.74999C23.3334 5.53291 20.7172 2.91666 17.5001 2.91666C14.283 2.91666 11.6667 5.53291 11.6667 8.74999C11.6667 11.4596 13.532 13.7244 16.0417 14.3762V21.875L17.5001 24.7917Z"/><path d="M23.7228 15.4044L22.9455 18.216C26.724 19.2602 29.1667 21.2683 29.1667 23.3333C29.1667 26.0925 24.3761 29.1667 17.5001 29.1667C10.624 29.1667 5.83341 26.0925 5.83341 23.3333C5.83341 21.2683 8.27612 19.2602 12.0561 18.2146L11.2788 15.4029C6.12071 16.8292 2.91675 19.8669 2.91675 23.3333C2.91675 28.2392 9.32321 32.0833 17.5001 32.0833C25.677 32.0833 32.0834 28.2392 32.0834 23.3333C32.0834 19.8669 28.8795 16.8292 23.7228 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21.875V14.3762C21.4682 13.7244 23.3334 11.4596 23.3334 8.74999C23.3334 5.53291 20.7172 2.91666 17.5001 2.91666C14.283 2.91666 11.6667 5.53291 11.6667 8.74999C11.6667 11.4596 13.532 13.7244 16.0417 14.3762V21.875L17.5001 24.7917Z"/> <path d="M23.7228 15.4044L22.9455 18.216C26.724 19.2602 29.1667 21.2683 29.1667 23.3333C29.1667 26.0925 24.3761 29.1667 17.5001 29.1667C10.624 29.1667 5.83341 26.0925 5.83341 23.3333C5.83341 21.2683 8.27612 19.2602 12.0561 18.2146L11.2788 15.4029C6.12071 16.8292 2.91675 19.8669 2.91675 23.3333C2.91675 28.2392 9.32321 32.0833 17.5001 32.0833C25.677 32.0833 32.0834 28.2392 32.0834 23.3333C32.0834 19.8669 28.8795 16.8292 23.7228 15.4044Z"/></svg> Norfolk, VA </p> <p class="location"> <svg width="35" height="35" viewBox="0 0 35 35" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.5001 24.7917L18.9584 21.875V14.3762C21.4682 13.7244 23.3334 11.4596 23.3334 8.74999C23.3334 5.53291 20.7172 2.91666 17.5001 2.91666C14.283 2.91666 11.6667 5.53291 11.6667 8.74999C11.6667 11.4596 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