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  8. <title>RSS Surfing</title>
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  10. <description>Surfing</description>
  11. <lastBuildDate>Tue, 03 Sep 2024 05:49:28 -0400</lastBuildDate>
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  16. <title>Women&#039;s Surf Clothing</title>
  17. <description>Licre is a special, unique synthetic material that produces comfort in the nose, high-quality female clothing for surf and other water sports. The dignity of women &#039; s clothing for the surf from Kitemagasin: - High quality; - The ...</description>
  18. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/zhenskaya_odezhda_dlya_serfinga_kupalnik_laykra.jpg" alt="Женская одежда для серфинга: купальник, лайкра, легинсы... Что" align="left" /><p>Licre is a special, unique synthetic material that produces comfort in the nose, high-quality female clothing for surf and other water sports. The dignity of women ' s clothing for the surf from Kitemagasin: - High quality; - The beautiful elasticity of the material is precisely because of its absolute freedom of movement; - Lycra chills on the heat of the skin and allows for an extension of the time in the water; Safe skin protection against sun burns - effective UF filters; - Cycre clothing is compact, easy, uncomfortable. - Original designs, stale blossoms show individuality, which means you'll be visible, bright, inexorable! In our shop, to buy a female liquor for the surf, every buyer can, on the basis of personal preferences and a cash limit. The experienced consultants of Kite Magasin will introduce you to the inventory, provide full information on any product and, as a result, help select the best version of the female lira. is a specialized shop for the sale of kite equipment, hydrocosthems and kiteserfing clothing. +7 917 507 2900 Marketing Room: (Dinamo or Aeroport Metro): Moscow, Leningrad Prospect d37 K6, TC AutoCity, Pavilion 16 (second floor) Compilation, consultation, training of kaiting, kitesafari, World Citeurnament +7 905 777 45 46 Training +7 925 507 29 00 Any inconsistency of product information on the website with the fact is just an unfortunate misunderstanding, call, specify to managers. All information on the website is background and is not a public offer as defined in article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  19. <category><![CDATA[Serfing Field]]></category>
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  22. <pubDate>Tue, 03 Sep 2024 13:49:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  25. <title>Selfing Of The Sun</title>
  26. <description>Citizens and guests of the city of Sanja! On 30 July, the sixth floor pool from youNG BAR and Hello Sanya will be held. This time, we&#039;re moving an event to a beautiful little island in Haitang Bay Bay Bay Bay, with untouched ...</description>
  27. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/sanya_kitay_mesta_dlya_serfinga_kaytserfinga.jpg" alt="Санья (Китай) — места для серфинга, кайтсерфинга" align="left" /><p>Citizens and guests of the city of Sanja! On 30 July, the sixth floor pool from youNG BAR and Hello Sanya will be held. This time, we're moving an event to a beautiful little island in Haitang Bay Bay Bay Bay, with untouched nature, white beaches and crystal clear water. The party will take place on the main basin of Pirate Island (Wu Zhi Zhou Island). There's a lot of surprises waiting for you, the best dance music, the photo/video report with every guest that we can see in our group, open up the amazing nature of the island of Heinan and have fun at the biggest parties of our city! Photos and video reports from past patios - and general collection on 30 July at 10:30, near YOUNG BAR, 11:00 on buses to the port and on the ship to the island, 12:00 to 15:00, free time for guided tours, 15:00 to 19:30, patium pool, 20:00 tired and happy return to Sanja. The cost of a 150rmb ticket (includes a transfer on both sides from YOUNG BAR to a Pirse in Haitang Bay, a ship ticket from the pier to the island and back, a patium pool ticket and a voucher for free cocktail/pivo). The number of tickets is limited. Ask questions and buy tickets to the party, wechat/WhatsApp: +907</p>]]></content:encoded>
  28. <category><![CDATA[Serfing Field]]></category>
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  31. <pubDate>Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:35:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  34. <title>Sevastopol</title>
  35. <description>In such a weather, I&#039;d like to have some kind of MIGAROSHD and celebrate each other with the cool prizes! We decided to play almost everything, the chances of winning are very high! So our prizes are: 1. Windserphin for two ...</description>
  36. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/serfing_sezon_v_krimu_na_ozdonuzlav.jpg" alt="Серфинг сезон в Крыму на оз.Донузлав 2011 ч 2. - YouTube" align="left" /><p>In such a weather, I'd like to have some kind of MIGAROSHD and celebrate each other with the cool prizes! We decided to play almost everything, the chances of winning are very high! So our prizes are: 1. Windserphin for two. Windserphin for children per child. Day of rental of two-bed bay 4. Sapperf Day 5. Two-bed cable hour. 7. Aromatic and smoked calf on our voyage at Lubimov 8. 20 per cent for rental of equipment (windserfing, kayaki, sapperfing) 9. 20 per cent for rental of equipment (windserfing, kayaki, sapperfing) 10. 20 per cent for rental of equipment (windserfing, kayaki, sapserfing) Conditions: 1. To be a signatory to our group 2. Make the record straight and not remove it before the end of the competition 3. The use of the prize is necessary during the 2017 4 season. The use of the prize can be used or transferred to the loved ones (the front page is not involved). All good luck! We'll be happy to see you at our Windserfing school, NORDSIDE WINDSURFING in Lovemovka (Lubomore, Malibu Bar) and Tolstak Beach! May the sea be with you, the sun and the wind!</p>]]></content:encoded>
  37. <category><![CDATA[Serfing Field]]></category>
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  40. <pubDate>Sun, 18 Aug 2024 12:35:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  43. <title>Serfing With Rifle</title>
  44. <description>Characteristics of cargo capacity up to 120 kg Max. Pressure 1.72 bar 300 litres Colour of white/seath of PVC, Dimensions and Dimension 3180 mm Width 840 mm Thickness 150 mm Vec 12 kg Description of Trademark &quot; JS BOARD &quot; . SUP ...</description>
  45. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/na_zare_uvlecheniya_sjorfingom_vintazhnie_fotografii.jpg" alt="На заре увлечения сёрфингом: винтажные фотографии из 1963 года" align="left" /><p>Characteristics of cargo capacity up to 120 kg Max. Pressure 1.72 bar 300 litres Colour of white/seath of PVC, Dimensions and Dimension 3180 mm Width 840 mm Thickness 150 mm Vec 12 kg Description of Trademark " JS BOARD " . SUP medium-size boards, 84 cm width, with a thickness of 15 cm, allows the board to be very stable; the starting and even the child will be able to handle it easily. They can be used for family recreation, yoga classes, small waves, mountain sprays or just flat water walks. The drawings are developed by designers, which is beneficial to the others, and are produced by computer press. Each board shall be supplied with a labelled high-quality carpet, a handwritten, a boiler for the carriage of various things or tourist equipment. The supply kit also includes: a hand pump with a manometer; a combination of three parts of aluminium with a coating, weighing approximately 1,200 g; a polycarbonate melter (fin) not requiring a screwdriver (smelting box compatible with any SUP melters); a transport and storage bag; a safety plug (liche) and a remple. MATERIAL OF MODITORING - LOADS, with a velocity of the bottom and deck of 1,000D PVC tarpaulin. Maximum pressure - 25PSI ( 1.72 bar). Recommended pressure 18PSI (1.24 bar). Complexation? The aluminium velocity (sampling, three-segment) of the pen is reinforced by the blade; ? Manometer pump; ? Insurance cord (lisch) Remplete with a spare rifle for the smelter; ? Manufacturer ' s guarantee is 12 months. Information about the manufacturer JS Yacht Country of Production of China for SUP-Surfing of SAP is water-to-weather walks, wind drift, wave search and racing with friends. The variety is new, but it's quite popular, starting from classic surf. You will have new horizons and the opportunity to have a great time in a company of friends and loved ones, to enjoy unforgettable species and to get a sea of emotions that will last long in your memory. By doing this sport, you're training balance and strengthening muscles and joints.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  46. <category><![CDATA[Serfing Field]]></category>
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  49. <pubDate>Sat, 10 Aug 2024 12:22:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  52. <title>Serfing With Parachute On Water Called</title>
  53. <description>Translation from English kite means air snakes. Sporting kite is a towed air snake that is used to create tractions on water or on land, thanks to wind power. But it&#039;s a dry text from the vikipedia, but it&#039;s actually kiteserfing ...</description>
  54. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/otdih_na_more_banan_paraplan_vindserfing.jpg" alt="Отдых на море. Банан, Параплан, Виндсерфинг, Водные лыжи" align="left" /><p>Translation from English kite means air snakes. Sporting kite is a towed air snake that is used to create tractions on water or on land, thanks to wind power. But it's a dry text from the vikipedia, but it's actually kiteserfing that's a very young and very fascinating sport that's already changed the lives of many people, putting them in seas, oceans and places of eternal summer and wind! The casting is devastated by its freedom and contaminates every thought of a new life. Lightserfing is a fascinating type of sport based on kite management and water or snow movement following it: calm fryrad driving, high jumps, beautiful rotations and wave rolling. The people of this sport are cyteers, they use the sail in combination with the surf, the snoothboard, and even the mountain skis. Lighting is a unique sport that will give you an unforgettable sense of freedom. By controlling the kite, you can control direction and speed, and speed will depend on the size of the wing, wind power and your skills. The maximum speed of the air snake is approximately 60 to 70 km per hour. You can easily learn how to jump on the bay, so the water forgives all the falls and progress very easily! To learn how to manage the kite, there is no need for special training and physical force. Each candidate can try to do this interesting sport with a trainer. Kite's very light and weighs from one to a few kilos, he's free to fit into a small backpack and you can go looking for a better kitesruff. But if you'd like to learn kiteborg, you'd better go to the kite school, to the experienced kite instructor who owns the iko accreditation. It's a great opportunity to experience a sense of flight and freedom when it comes to kitebard. Professionals in the kiteserfing can jump at a height of more than 20 metres, but newcomers can jump a few metres in two to three weeks without risking harming themselves, whipping modern equipment and water are the best security assistants. This extreme sport can be carried out in winter and summer, because there are such types as kiteboarding, kiteserfing (cooking on water using kite), snoukating (snow-snow rolling), Lencaiting (ground rolling) and others.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  55. <category><![CDATA[Serfing Field]]></category>
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  58. <pubDate>Fri, 02 Aug 2024 12:02:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  61. <title>Sapp Surfing Handicraft</title>
  62. <description>Margarita&quot; in the sunset. Photo: PrimaMedia &#039; s weekend of RIA PrimaMedia proposes to devote a weekend and a water poem by choosing one of the sea recreations of Leto to Vladivostok is a great occasion to devote the day off to ...</description>
  63. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/otkroy_vladivostok_sup_serfing.jpg" alt="Открой Владивосток: SUP-серфинг" align="left" /><p>"Margarita" in the sunset. Photo: PrimaMedia ' s weekend of RIA PrimaMedia proposes to devote a weekend and a water poem by choosing one of the sea recreations of Leto to Vladivostok is a great occasion to devote the day off to lask waves and sea sunsets. Because, as we know, nature and sea are always concomitant with a good attitude and internal harmony, which means that sea-recreation will be a major charge of energy for the next week. The RIA PrimaMedia has selected three options for readers - along with the sea and a good company. Sea tours on the boat tours of the Excursion Sea Crunch. Photos: The OJ of the Tour is held daily in conjunction with professional tour guides, which will not only show places and landscapes, but also tell stories about the city and people who will even be interested in a tempted tourist. SUP-Serfing SUP-Serfing is a rock standing on a large (about 3 metres) board. On the sap, you can study the sea coast, catch waves like the grey, and cry on rivers. You can do sports ridges to speed, or just sail away from people and light.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  64. <category><![CDATA[Serfing Field]]></category>
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  67. <pubDate>Thu, 25 Jul 2024 11:43:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  70. <title>Selfing Beach Tour Camp</title>
  71. <description>Duration: 14 days / 13 nights Price: 640 $ [jcf-value field=_cost] PROGRAMME ACTIVITY: $539 per participant is paid at the rate C.B. per day of payment + 2 per cent for converting. How did you never try surfing? It&#039;s time! Every ...</description>
  72. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/serfing_lager_na_bali_pro_adventure.jpg" alt="Серфинг-лагерь на Бали-Pro Adventure" align="left" /><p>Duration: 14 days / 13 nights Price: 640 $ [jcf-value field=_cost] PROGRAMME ACTIVITY: $539 per participant is paid at the rate C.B. per day of payment + 2 per cent for converting. How did you never try surfing? It's time! Every day of surfing! Your life will change the meeting with Mr. Maveric God forever. And in conclusion, we're going to have an exciting competition and a mascara! The mission is to become real surfers. Let's learn how to ride the sorphe, find out what surfingists live and learn their slang. Day one, coming to Bali, hosting dinner. Signing camp, program, and each other. Day 2 Serfing - Yoga - Plage. Meet the city. English. Camp opening party. Day 3 Serfing - Yoga - Plage. English. Timbilding Day 4 Serfing - Yoga - Plage. English. Sherlock Holmes. Day 5: Visit to Nusa Dua Beach and visit to Magnificent Waterblow, tour of Sloman Sea Point. Communicability training. Creative evening. Day 6, Padang Beach. MEG Quest Arts Manufacturing. Day 7 Serfing - Yoga - Plage. English. Sports games with obstacles. Day 8, all day, to the cultural center of the island of Bali, Ubud. Visiting rice fields, ape forest, a bird park, a Goa Gaja temple (cave caves), a chocolate factory, an art fairet, shopping. Dinner in one of the most beautiful restaurants of Wood. Returning home. Checking the English-language surf. Day 9 Serfing - Yoga - Plage. English. It's a big game. Day 10 Serfing - Yoga - Plage. English. Surf Style Party. Day 11 Serfing - Yoga - Plage. Lesson of Indonesian. Temple of Pura Luruh (Uluwatu). A toast. Kechak dance. Day 12 of the Master Class on the photo shoot. Free day and photo session on the beach. Shoping, city walk, BBQ Ballian temple, day 13 Serftrip to the most famous Sbor islands, preparations for departure. It's a big dinner, a stocktaking, a reward, prizes and gifts. Day 14.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  73. <category><![CDATA[Serfing Field]]></category>
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  76. <pubDate>Wed, 17 Jul 2024 11:30:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  79. <title>Photographs Of The Surf</title>
  80. <description>The text of Tim McKENNA All photographs: rap Tim McKENNA (published with the author &#039; s personal permission/Courtesy of the author) The esthetic aspects of the surf attracted and inspired many modern photographers. Since the ...</description>
  81. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/sila_serfinga_novosti_v_fotografiyah.jpg" alt="Сила серфинга • НОВОСТИ В ФОТОГРАФИЯХ" align="left" /><p>The text of Tim McKENNA All photographs: rap Tim McKENNA (published with the author ' s personal permission/Courtesy of the author) The esthetic aspects of the surf attracted and inspired many modern photographers. Since the 1980s, some have been specializing in a photo shoot of the surf, meeting requests from sports publications, manufacturers of equipment and sponsors, photographic agents and other consumers. Despite the fact that the surf world has become a globally recognized and developed industry, the picture of this sport continues to be a low-cost activity. Substantial investments in equipment and the need to maintain it on a continuous basis due to interaction with the wet and salted environments create persistent problems. The cost of travel is also very high. The situation is also complicated by the fact that nature never provides ideal survey conditions. Patience is the key word for the photographer when the weather starts to scream. The uniqueness of surf photographs is the possibility of creating unusual personnel and the need for a variety of technologies. The quality of your equipment is very important here. It must be really professional, though you can get great results and amateur cameras. But working every day, you'll still be able to purchase a good line of tele-objectives, light-powered snakes and cameras with developed serial capability. Many photographers buy specially designed waterproof boxes under their equipment. And to take off surfing professionally, you'll need an object with a focus distance of 600 mm. It's absolutely necessary. I suggest that we start with a good, light-powered universal zuma with a focus distance of 70-200 and invest in more specialized objects. Modern surf photographer travels with a machine valued from $100,000 to $300,000. Add a new laptop in the country and a full set of stationary computer equipment for the home. All these equipment needs constant maintenance, cleaning of salt water and dust, insurance and pgreade. Technicians must always be in good working condition.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  82. <category><![CDATA[Serfing Field]]></category>
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  85. <pubDate>Tue, 09 Jul 2024 11:19:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  88. <title>Where We Can Do The Surf In The Roses</title>
  89. <description>Cause there are gorgeous beaches with different kinds of dungeon and bait that are glossed among the world&#039;s surfers and that&#039;s a great sport. Because there are many different waves and some of them are famous at the ...</description>
  90. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/kak_razvivaetsya_klassicheskiy_sjorfing_u_beregov.jpg" alt="Как развивается классический сёрфинг у берегов России — FURFUR" align="left" /><p>'Cause there are gorgeous beaches with different kinds of dungeon and bait that are glossed among the world's surfers and that's a great sport. Because there are many different waves and some of them are famous at the international level. Because there's a warm climate, a variety of winds and currents. Because there are many schools and companies in Spain offering surf lessons as well as thematic hotels and camping. Because there are festivals where surfing is at the centre of attention, and it is accompanied by various additions such as music, movies and yoga. Because it's Spain that's where some of the world's finest surfers go. In addition to surfing itself, other types of sport can be taken up in Spain. You want to know more about them? Bodibording. It's a small board, usually from the foam. Its size depends on the weight and growth of the surfer, but in general, such boards are lighter and transporter than classic surf boards. Lastes are added. Nibording: Serphine variety on a special short board with smelters on which the surfer is located in the knee counter. Skimbording. You're throwing a surfboard, but a shorter and wider board of small-seaters, and you're making a wave of it. Skimbording can be done without a wave. Spring serfing. You're gonna need a good equilibrium to be standing on the surf board. This variety has one huge advantage - it's easy to learn. Serfing on the Longbord... wavering on a longer and wide dose than classic surfboard. The best time for skating in Spain is a surf year round. If you're just starting to practice this sport, it's best to come in the summer when the waves aren't so high. But if you're an experienced surfer, you'll like the winter waves a lot more.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  91. <category><![CDATA[Serfing Field]]></category>
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  94. <pubDate>Mon, 24 Jun 2024 20:07:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  97. <title>Serfing Is Low</title>
  98. <description>Windserfing suits are perfect for SUP dogs. They&#039;re comfortable in surfing with the spring up to the icebox. It&#039;s really hard to pick a hydrocosteer than normal clothes. In addition to the size, the purchase of the Windserfing ...</description>
  99. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/film_serfing_kupit_film_serfing_nedorogo.jpg" alt="Фильм Серфинг – Купить Фильм Серфинг недорого из Китая на AliExpress" align="left" /><p>Windserfing suits are perfect for SUP dogs. They're comfortable in surfing with the spring up to the icebox. It's really hard to pick a hydrocosteer than normal clothes. In addition to the size, the purchase of the Windserfing hydrocosthem needs to be geared to the conditions of the rolling. We'll brief you on the basic principles of choice. The warmest option for cold weather is the dry hydrocotum. The water does not fall into it and it is safer than wet. He doesn't need to be picked up on the stick. Count on thermobel and free landing. The hydric is not isolated from waterfall. But all the hydro-coded vaginas don't come out, gradually heating from the body and creating a comfortable environment. Unlike the dry, the " wet " suit needs to be selected strictly in size. Give special attention to the nails on your neck, hands and legs. In these places, the hydro-costool must be tightly attached to the skin, but not to transfer blood vessels. For rolling at a temperature of -9... - 12°C, it is worth buying a hydrocosteum for the Windserfing of the maximum thickness - 5/4. For springs, when the air is warm and the water's not warmed up, the model will be 2/2 thick. The dry hydrocosthemes for the Windserfing can be purchased on several occasions. The most popular are neoprene and rubber (membrane materials). The neoprene blows the wind. It should therefore be used in the southern regions when the air is warm and the sea is still cold. The rubber suit won't blow. In it, you'll feel comfortable even with a cold wind. What's better, neopren or rubber? That's not the right answer. For the cold wind weather, there is no alternative to the rubber, even though such a suit may be a little stiff and hard to wear/take. The neoprene hydrobox is good for everyone: elastic, light, unstable, but the material ' s absorption requires a temperature of more than +15°C. If you're planning to surf only at positive temperatures, what is the question of buying a Windserfing hydrocogram, long or short? Get out of the conditions where and how you ride.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  100. <category><![CDATA[Serfing Field]]></category>
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  103. <pubDate>Sun, 16 Jun 2024 20:06:00 +0000</pubDate>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda