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<h3 class="u-align-center u-custom-font u-font-oswald u-text u-text-1">REPUTATION RECOVERY</h3>
<p class="u-align-left u-text u-text-2">Is your online reputation in the dumps? Is a bad item in your past impacting your income? Let us FIX your online reputation starting today! We have helped numerous clients clear unwanted information from the search results.</p>
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<h3 class="u-align-center u-custom-font u-font-oswald u-text u-text-3">AGENCY SEO</h3>
<p class="u-align-left u-text u-text-4">98% of our client work comes from other SEO agency referrals. If you need work done, please contact your favorite SEO and ask them to contact us on your behalf.</p>
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<h3 class="u-custom-font u-font-oswald u-text u-text-5">NEGATIVE SEO</h3>
<p class="u-custom-font u-heading-font u-text u-text-white u-text-6">Listen, there are a lot of different kinds of methods and techniques that “just work” online. Negative SEO is simply one of those. Don’t let the term scare you away, used correctly these methods and techniques are just as legitimate as any other. The methods we use are 100% legal.</p>
<a href="Negative-SEO.html" data-page-id="120104891" class="u-border-2 u-border-grey-5 u-btn u-button-style u-hover-black u-none u-text-hover-white u-text-white u-btn-1">learn more</a>
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<h2 class="u-text u-text-1">About Us</h2>
<p class="u-text u-text-2">Skunk.Tech was born out of a need to push beyond the limits of constraints of “normal” SEO. Results in the SEO world moved way too slow for us and we needed to know that what we did for our customers was going to work, factually, not just in theory!<br>
<br>We dedicated a considerable budget to nothing but research and development. We ran experiments, created case studies, poked and prodded the SEO industry as a whole. And in the process, became better SEOs than we had ever imagined
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<h2 class="u-align-center-sm u-align-center-xs u-text u-text-1">Speciality SEO</h2>
<p class="u-custom-font u-font-playfair-display u-text u-text-2">Let the “other guys” handle the day-to-day SEO of the world. We focus on the stuff they are afraid to handle. </p>
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<h4 class="u-text u-text-1">Reputation Recovery<br>
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<p class="u-text u-text-2">If you have a property penalized by the search engines, call us. We have helped numerous websites recover from bad link profiles, bad work from other SEOs, etc. <br>
<br>If you have some dirt on you or your company showing in search results, give us a call or have your SEO call us. It's what we do, and NOBODY is better at it.
<a href="Reputation-SEO.html" data-page-id="78310780" class="u-border-2 u-border-black u-btn u-button-style u-hover-black u-none u-text-black u-text-hover-white u-btn-1">Learn About It</a>
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<h4 class="u-text u-text-3">Negative SEO<br>
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<p class="u-text u-text-4">Negative SEO has gotten a bad rap but it has its uses; rank recovery as an example. We have been using negative SEO and page displacement techniques and methods for years to help get our customer's information to the top of the search engines! Don't let the term scare you, it's legit. legal and works!</p>
<a href="Negative-SEO.html" data-page-id="120104891" class="u-border-2 u-border-black u-btn u-button-style u-hover-black u-none u-text-black u-text-hover-white u-btn-2">Learn About It</a>
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<h4 class="u-text u-text-5">Agency SEO</h4>
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<p class="u-text u-text-6">There are very few SEO agencies that are capable of doing the kind of work that we do, and NONE at the level we do. We are able to fill that need for them. That's why nearly all of our client work comes through other SEO agencies. We simply prefer to work with other SEO agencies, because they are able to understand the complexities of the work we do, and convey that to the customer.</p>
<a href="Agency-SEO.html" data-page-id="21646470" class="u-border-2 u-border-black u-btn u-button-style u-hover-black u-none u-text-black u-text-hover-white u-btn-3">Learn About It</a>
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<h2 class="u-align-center u-custom-font u-font-lato u-text u-text-1">Everything We Do is 100% Legal </h2>
<p class="u-align-left u-text u-text-2">We shine the light on the "ugly" parts of SEO. The parts that people don't want to talk about. The parts that people want to pretend don't exist but are no less real, and no less important than any other SEO. <br>
<br>Ignoring it does not make it go away.<br>
<br>We have made a conscious choice to embrace these controversial parts of SEO. To nurture them and to develop them into techniques and methods that have power beyond "normal" SEO. Our methods have the power to reshape the SERPS, to manipulate them, to bend them to our will.<br>
<br>If you're the kind of person who's always worried about "what the neighbors will say," then we probably aren't going to be your cup of tea. But if you are TRULY concerned with results, then we may just be your cup of tea.
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<h2 class="u-custom-font u-font-arial u-text u-text-default u-text-1">If You Are Looking For Our Many SEO Sotware Sollutions</h2>
<p class="u-text u-text-2">If you heard about any of the amazing software that we've developed, including the notorious "Killer Of Dreams", the only Negative SEO software in existence, simply click on the link below.</p>
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