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  332.                        <h2>Content and keywords</h2>
  333.                        <p></p><h3>Important and popular websites</h3><p><p>Important pages are Memorigin, 查看手錶 and 會員中心. In the following table you'll find the 10 most important pages of </p><table class="table table-striped interlinkstable">
  334.    <thead>
  335.    <tr>
  336.        <th>#</th>
  337.        <th title="The description shows the text which is used for placing the link.">Description</th>
  338.        <th title="The URL of the internal link to the page.">URL of the website</th>
  339.    </tr>
  340.    </thead>
  341.    <tbody>
  342.        <tr>
  343.    <td class="firstcolumn">1.</td>
  344.    <td class="firstcolumn">Memori&shy;gin</td>
  345.    <td>/zh-HK/</td>
  346. </tr><tr>
  347.    <td class="firstcolumn">2.</td>
  348.    <td class="firstcolumn">查看手錶</td>
  349.    <td>/zh-HK/watches-hk</td>
  350. </tr><tr>
  351.    <td class="firstcolumn">3.</td>
  352.    <td class="firstcolumn">會員中心</td>
  353.    <td>/account-account</td>
  354. </tr><tr>
  355.    <td class="firstcolumn">4.</td>
  356.    <td class="firstcolumn">會員登入</td>
  357.    <td>/account-login</td>
  358. </tr><tr>
  359.    <td class="firstcolumn">5.</td>
  360.    <td class="firstcolumn">萬希泉的世界</td>
  361.    <td>/</td>
  362. </tr><tr>
  363.    <td class="firstcolumn">6.</td>
  364.    <td class="firstcolumn">關於我們</td>
  365.    <td>/brand-story</td>
  366. </tr><tr>
  367.    <td class="firstcolumn">7.</td>
  368.    <td class="firstcolumn">鐫刻服務</td>
  369.    <td>/move&shy;ment-engra&shy;ving-ser&shy;vi&shy;ce</td>
  370. </tr><tr>
  371.    <td class="firstcolumn">8.</td>
  372.    <td class="firstcolumn">陀飛輪的起源</td>
  373.    <td>/origin-of-tour&shy;bil&shy;lon</td>
  374. </tr><tr>
  375.    <td class="firstcolumn">9.</td>
  376.    <td class="firstcolumn">聯乘合作</td>
  377.    <td>/col&shy;labora&shy;tions</td>
  378. </tr><tr>
  379.    <td class="firstcolumn">10.</td>
  380.    <td class="firstcolumn">全球銷售點</td>
  381.    <td>/worldwi&shy;de-stores</td>
  382. </tr>    </tbody>
  383. </table>                        </div>
  384.                                                <div id="tab_social-links" role="tabpanel" class="show-read-more tab-pane">
  385.                        <h2>Links to this website and profiles in social networks </h2>
  386.                        <h3>Profiles and accounts in social networks</h3><p>four profiles were found for in social networks. Among other social networks the website is represented in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. </p><table class="table table-striped socialtable">
  387.    <thead>
  388.    <tr>
  389.        <th>Social network</th>
  390.        <th>Profile </th>
  391.    </tr>
  392.    </thead>
  393.    <tbody>
  394.        <tr>
  395.    <td class="firstcolumn">Facebook <img src="" alt="Favicon" /></td>
  396.    <td>Facebook Profile          - <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="smalllink" href="">visit</a>
  397.    </td>
  398. </tr><tr>
  399.    <td class="firstcolumn">Twitter <img src="" alt="Favicon" /></td>
  400.    <td>memorigin         - <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="smalllink" href="">visit</a>
  401.    </td>
  402. </tr><tr>
  403.    <td class="firstcolumn">Instagram <img src="" alt="Favicon" /></td>
  404.    <td>memorigin         - <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="smalllink" href="">visit</a>
  405.    </td>
  406. </tr><tr>
  407.    <td class="firstcolumn">YouTube <img src="" alt="Favicon" /></td>
  408.    <td>channel/UCWlKMs_6o-G4inCKMn7-xQw         - <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="smalllink" href="">visit</a>
  409.    </td>
  410. </tr>    </tbody>
  411. </table>                        </div>
  412.                                                <div id="tab_technical-server" role="tabpanel" class="show-read-more tab-pane">
  413.                        <h2>Technical information</h2>
  414.                        The web server used by is run by  ICDSoft Ltd. and located in Hong Kong. This web server runs 9 other websites, their language is mostly chinese. </p><p>A Apache server hosts the websites of The website uses the shop software system <b>OpenCart</b> The website uses the latest markup standard <b>HTML 5</b>. Indexing the data of the website and following hyperlinks on it is explicitly allowed by robot information. The visitors are redirected to the homepage of the website "/zh-HK/". </p><h3>Information about the server of the website</h3>
  415. <table class="table table-striped techtable">
  416.        <tr><td>IP address:</td><td></td></tr>
  417.                <tr><td>Server provider:</td><td> ICDSoft Ltd.</td></tr>
  418.            <tr><td>Number of websites:</td><td>10 -
  419.    <a class="smalllink" rel="nofollow" href="/">more websites using this IP address</a>
  420.    </td></tr>
  421.            <tr><td>Language distribution:</td><td>20% of the websites are chinese, 10% of the websites are english</td></tr>
  422.    </table>
  423. <h3>Technical information about the technology of the website</h3>
  424. <table class="table table-striped techtable">
  425.        <tr><td>Webserver software:</td><td>
  426.            Apache    </td></tr>
  427.                <tr><td>Shop-Software:</td><td>OpenCart</td></tr>        <tr><td>Load time:</td>
  428.        <td>
  429.            2.69 seconds                        (slower than 99 % of all websites)
  430.                    </td></tr>
  431.            <tr><td>HTML version:</td><td>HTML 5</td></tr>
  432.            <tr><td>Home:</td><td>/zh-HK/</td></tr>
  433.            <tr><td>Robot information:</td><td>index, follow</td></tr>
  434.                <tr><td>Filesize:</td><td>111.54 KB (220 recognized words in text)</td></tr>
  435.            </table>
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  437.                                        </div>
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  444.                            <p>The website doesn't contain questionable content. It can be used by kids and is safe for work. </p><table class="table table-striped safty">
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  458.            <td>            <span class="label label-success">Safe</span>
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  496.                >Server location</div></td>
  497.            <td><span>Hong Kong</span>          
  498.            </td>
  499.            <td>            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-question-mark warning" aria-hidden="true"></span>            
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