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  11. <title>Government Grants News</title>
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  14. <description>Providing information related to the government’s programs to help the citizens</description>
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  22. <title>Purple Heart Car Donation Review</title>
  23. <link></link>
  24. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Munir Ardi]]></dc:creator>
  25. <pubDate>Tue, 19 Nov 2024 01:06:59 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <category><![CDATA[Law, Justice & Legal Services]]></category>
  27. <category><![CDATA[cars for purple heart recipients]]></category>
  28. <category><![CDATA[donate car to purple heart]]></category>
  29. <category><![CDATA[donate your car purple heart]]></category>
  30. <category><![CDATA[government grants]]></category>
  31. <category><![CDATA[is purple heart car donation legit]]></category>
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  35. <category><![CDATA[purple heart car donation reviews]]></category>
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  37. <category><![CDATA[purple heart car donations]]></category>
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  45. <category><![CDATA[purple heart unacceptable items]]></category>
  46. <category><![CDATA[purple heart vehicle donation]]></category>
  47. <category><![CDATA[purple hearts car donation]]></category>
  48. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  50. <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Purple Heart Car Donation Review</a></p>
  51. <p>Donating your car for charity gives you many benefits, and many organizations are willing to accept your car. There’s a lot to choose from, but this time we would like to talk about our personal favorite, the Purple Heart car donation program. As you may have suspected, this is a program designed to help war veterans and those who receive the Purple Heart Medal of Honor. Administered by a nonprofit, government-related organization called the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the money obtained from donations will be used to support several benefit programs for eligible recipients. In this post, you </p>
  52. <p>The post <a href="">Purple Heart Car Donation Review</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  53. ]]></description>
  54. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Purple Heart Car Donation Review</a></p>
  55. <p>Donating your car for charity gives you many benefits, and many organizations are willing to accept your car. There’s a lot to choose from, but this time we would like to talk about our personal favorite, the Purple Heart car donation program.</p>
  56. <p>As you may have suspected, this is a program designed to help war veterans and those who receive the Purple Heart Medal of Honor. Administered by a nonprofit, government-related organization called the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the money obtained from donations will be used to support several benefit programs for eligible recipients. In this post, you will learn everything about this program.</p>
  57. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-3692 size-full" src="" alt="purple-heart-car-donation-review" width="615" height="493" /></a></p>
  58. <h2>Purple Heart Car Donation Benefits</h2>
  59. <p>By choosing to donate your car to the Purple Heart program, you are also helping many U.S. war veterans who have worked hard to ensure that we can live peacefully in our homeland. According to some, these veterans often find themselves in a tough situation where there’s little help. Therefore, the government has provided several programs to assist these people. That said, the fact is that there are more people need help, so nonprofit organizations such as the Purple Heart are committed to working together to help our heroes. The money obtained after selling your car through the charity auction will be used</p>
  60. <p>Besides the great feeling of helping fellow human beings, another great benefit of donating your car is that it is tax deductible! The amount of tax deductible depends on the price of the car after selling in the auction. Since the auction is made for charity purposes, typically the car price is higher than common auction, which is another reason why it is better to donate than auctioning your car by yourself. What’s more, you don’t have to spend a dime on repairing the broken car! Just leave it to the Purple Heart and they will take care of it.</p>
  61. <p>Therefore, if you have an old car that you don’t use anymore or you need to free up some space in your driveway or garage, or you simply own a new car and don’t know what to do with the old one, we highly recommend you to donate it!</p>
  62. <p><strong>Claiming the Tax Deductible</strong></p>
  63. <p>One of the most important parts of donating is claiming the benefit of tax deductible. To do so, you need to prepare the vehicle title and keys. After receiving your car the organization will issue a receipt that contains the vehicle value, along with the Vehicle Identification Number. After 10 to 15 business days, the organization will mail the <em>IRS tax-deductible donation</em> receipt.</p>
  64. <p><strong>How to Donate Car to Purple Heart</strong></p>
  65. <p>There are three easy steps to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">donate your car or other vehicles</a> to this organization. The first one is to contact the organization by phone call at 888-414-4483 or by filling online donation form at their official website. After that, the organization will contact their towing companies partner and they will contact you back and make an appointment so that they can pick up the car for free.</p>
  66. <p>Make sure you inform the towing company if you have an unexpected plan on the scheduled date. They will either reschedule or you can leave the title and keys to your neighbor or in the car and inform the towing company about this plan. You will receive a towing receipt after that.</p>
  67. <p>Last but not least, you just have to wait for between 10 and 15 business days for your IRS tax-deductible donation receipt.</p>
  68. <p>There’s one little thing I would like to address here. Although there’s the free tow service for the Purple Heart program, the organization recommends the donors to drop off the car. Furthermore, not all cities are covered by their pick up services, so it may be a bit inconvenient for some.</p>
  69. <p>However, there’s one thing for sure. This is a reputable organization with a good track record, observed by the government and has a very professional system. You will be safe from scammers and the money is used 100% for the good cause. What’s more, you’re helping the heroes of the United States and their families to have a proper life through nationwide programs including education and scholarship, legal representation, and financial support.</p>
  70. <p>Share your experience with Purple Heart car donation program below!</p>
  71. <p><u>Related Articles</u>:</p>
  72. <ul>
  73. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Free Cars for Low-Income Families</a></li>
  74. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">How to Get a Free Car from the Government</a></li>
  75. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Goodwill Car Donation</a></li>
  76. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Charities that Help with Car Repairs and Donates Cars</a></li>
  77. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Used Cars for Low-Income Families</a></li>
  78. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Car Grants for Students</a></li>
  79. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Make a Wish Car Donation</a></li>
  80. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">A Guide To Get Free Car Seats For Low-Income Families</a></li>
  81. </ul>
  82. <p><u>References</u>:</p>
  83. <ul>
  84. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Purple Heart Foundation</a></li>
  85. <li>Image:</li>
  86. </ul>
  87. <p>The post <a href="">Purple Heart Car Donation Review</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  88. ]]></content:encoded>
  89. </item>
  90. <item>
  91. <title>Free Beds for Low Income Families And The Valuable List To Get It</title>
  92. <link></link>
  93. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Munir Ardi]]></dc:creator>
  94. <pubDate>Mon, 18 Nov 2024 12:46:52 +0000</pubDate>
  95. <category><![CDATA[Law, Justice & Legal Services]]></category>
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  107. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  109. <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Free Beds for Low Income Families And The Valuable List To Get It</a></p>
  110. <p>Free Beds for Low Income Families &#8211; A good place to rest is essential for a healthy lifestyle. However, for some people getting a bed seems impossible, especially when they have more important things to purchase, such as food and electricity. Some people may think that they can purchase beds easily, but low-income families have to struggle. Fortunately, there are several options for low-income families so they can have a free bed that they need. Some of these options may even allow them to have a bed free with some requirements such as being a volunteer.  Today we are going </p>
  111. <p>The post <a href="">Free Beds for Low Income Families And The Valuable List To Get It</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  112. ]]></description>
  113. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Free Beds for Low Income Families And The Valuable List To Get It</a></p>
  114. <p>Free Beds for Low Income Families &#8211; A good place to rest is essential for a healthy lifestyle. However, for some people getting a bed seems impossible, especially when they have more important things to purchase, such as food and electricity. Some people may think that they can purchase beds easily, but low-income families have to struggle.</p>
  115. <p>Fortunately, there are several options for low-income families so they can have a free bed that they need. Some of these options may even allow them to have a bed free with some requirements such as being a volunteer.  Today we are going to discuss how to get a free or cheap bed!</p>
  116. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-5622 size-full" src="" alt="free-beds-for-low-income-families" width="728" height="455" /></a></p>
  117. <h2>Where To Get Low Income Furniture Grants Online</h2>
  118. <p>For those who need free beds for low-income families, there are many places to get ones for your needs. Even though you have, a job and you have to deal with your condition that you are a low-income family. It is still possible for you to get some free items for your home. Others are also available with discounted offer to save your money. Here are some options that you can contact online.</p>
  119. <ol start="1">
  120. <li><strong>St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Store (Free)</strong></li>
  121. </ol>
  122. <p>Get free furniture for you and your children. At this store, you can make your dream comes true to have a comfortable place to eat and sleep. For the eligibility, the applicant must e an individual, senior or a family with the crisis or urgent situation with the high demand for the furniture. In addition, you must fill the furniture vouchers that you have a low-income family. You can get some furniture such as a free mattress, free couches, sofa, free beds, and table.</p>
  123. <ul>
  124. <li>2275 Watt Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95825</li>
  125. <li>Phone: (916) 972-1212</li>
  126. </ul>
  127. <ol start="2">
  128. <li><strong>Love Inc. (Free)</strong></li>
  129. </ol>
  130. <p>They are working with the local congregations. They are delivering free beds for low-income families who do not have it. In addition, they deliver food to families who have no transportation. Other than that, for families who do not have a table and chairs, they can get it free if they would like to help their one-time household repairs. To determine the eligibility, they are working with the clearinghouse phone center.</p>
  131. <ul>
  132. <li>8251 Valdez Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95828</li>
  133. <li>Helpline: (916) 383-3232</li>
  134. <li>Phone: (916) 383-3999 (for intake)</li>
  135. <li>Operation hour: Monday-Friday 10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.</li>
  136. </ul>
  137. <ol start="3">
  138. <li><strong>Furniture For Families (Free)</strong></li>
  139. </ol>
  140. <p>To be the applicant in this option, individuals and families must accept the screening process done by Human or Social service agency by using the FFF Referral Form. After that, you can give the FFF number to the caseworker.</p>
  141. <ul>
  142. <li>P.O. Box 34, Folsom, CA 95673</li>
  143. <li>Phone: (916) 635-2846</li>
  144. <li>Operation hour: Tuesday-Wednesday 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.</li>
  145. </ul>
  146. <ol start="4">
  147. <li><strong>Beds4Kids (Free)</strong></li>
  148. </ol>
  149. <p>A private-owned charity provides Mattress Sets free. They are helping both children and adults. What you must complete is the photo ID. It is important to note that the program is first to come first serve, and it is a self-serve program. It means that you must lift, carry, load and then transport the mattress by yourself because they do not provide such the service.</p>
  150. <p>The limitation is three mattresses per household. It is okay if you only need one twin mattress. The program runs from Monday to Friday from 10 AM to 5 PM. What you can do is to connect yourself to their Facebook if you do not want other people to go faster. Free beds go fast and you should connect to their Facebook to follow all their updates.</p>
  151. <ul>
  152. <li>Phone: 607-687-2709</li>
  153. </ul>
  154. <ol start="5">
  155. <li><strong>Cribs for Kids</strong></li>
  156. </ol>
  157. <p>The organization has some programs that can help you to get a Graco Pack ‘n Play portable crib if you qualify.</p>
  158. <p>They have Mothers &amp; Babies Perinatal Network office in 457 State Street Binghamton, New York. You can call to get more information at (607) 772-0517</p>
  159. <p>The goal of the Cribs for Kids program is to give free beds for low-income families and to prevent the sleep death. Parents must attend to their training to educate them about the importance of safe sleep. After that, they will provide the cribs to families who cannot afford cribs for their baby. If you need a crib, you can contact 1-800-231-0744, or you can send your request by email at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>. They will reply to your email for the qualification.</p>
  160. <ol start="6">
  161. <li><strong>Samaritan House (Free)</strong></li>
  162. </ol>
  163. <p>Samaritan House is located in the Binghamton, New York. What they do is to provide free household furnishings as well as other items for children. They even provide supportive help for those who are in need of their ID and residence proof.</p>
  164. <p>However, this program does not provide large appliances such as washers, dryers, refrigerators or stoves. It is possible for you to ask for furniture as well as other household items once per six months. Therefore, it is possible for you to get free beds for low-income families<strong>.</strong></p>
  165. <ul>
  166. <li>11 Fayette St. Binghamton, New York 13901-4097</li>
  167. <li>Telephone: 607-724-3969</li>
  168. <li>Operation hour: 9 AM-Noon, 1 PM – 4 PM (Monday – Thursday), Closed to the public Fridays.</li>
  169. </ul>
  170. <ol start="7">
  171. <li><strong>Binghamton Free Stuff Classifieds on Craigslist</strong></li>
  172. </ol>
  173. <p>There are some free things that you may need. What you get is the endless list for free. Here, you can check <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">the free stuff classified</a>.</p>
  174. <ol start="8">
  175. <li><strong>Good old ways</strong></li>
  176. </ol>
  177. <p>Middle to high-class societies in the United States is used to redecoration, and during the process, they often throw away good furniture (including the bed) to make room for the new decoration. During this time, there are two possibilities: first, they would simply put the furniture or the bed on the roadside, which will be taken by the city services. The second possibility is that they donate it to a non-profit agency to get a tax return. Either way, it is a good idea to drive around in areas in which middle to high-class societies are living on a bright day (usually Friday to Sunday).</p>
  178. <ol start="9">
  179. <li><strong>Sabathani Community Center</strong></li>
  180. </ol>
  181. <p>The community center is what you need to provide food shelf, furniture, free clothing, holiday support and school supplies.</p>
  182. <ul>
  183. <li>310 East 38th Street, Room 211</li>
  184. <li>Minneapolis, MN 55409</li>
  185. <li>Phone: 612-821-2396</li>
  186. </ul>
  187. <ol start="10">
  188. <li><strong>PRISM</strong></li>
  189. </ol>
  190. <p>A community provides food shelf, household items, clothing, job club and financial assistance. If you are living in Golden Valley, Crystal, Robbinsdale, Plymouth, and New Hope, you can join <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">the Prism</a> community to get their assistance.</p>
  191. <ul>
  192. <li>730 Florida Ave S.</li>
  193. <li>Golden Valley, MN 55426</li>
  194. <li>Phone: 763-529-1350</li>
  195. </ul>
  196. <ol start="11">
  197. <li><strong>Reach &amp; Store</strong></li>
  198. </ol>
  199. <p>Another option that can help you to get free beds for low-income families. Their goal is to connect the community members so they can share resources, household items, and furniture.</p>
  200. <ul>
  201. <li>1415 5th St. S.</li>
  202. <li>Hopkins, MN 55343</li>
  203. <li>Phone: 952-933-1393</li>
  204. </ul>
  205. <ol start="12">
  206. <li><strong>Other Non-Profits Organizations</strong></li>
  207. </ol>
  208. <p>Non-profits organization is also a good source for finding this kind of furniture. Some operate offline, and some have specific websites such as Freecycle or Freeshare. You can find various items there, which hopefully can be used for your family. Non-profit organizations that are widely known are Big Brothers Big Sisters, United Way, Goodwill, and Salvation Army. There are also organizations that focus on furniture such as the National Furniture Bank Association. Each of these organizations has branches and chapters in many cities in the United States.</p>
  209. <p>Usually, they have regular programs that can help people in need. Many philanthropists and middle-class families gave their unused furniture to them, and they might be able to provide free beds for low-income families. It’s a good idea to drive around or check your city for these organizations. Even though you don’t get the bed, there’s a big chance that you can get items that you need.</p>
  210. <p>Your chance to get a free bed is slightly better when you contact local non-profit organizations. Many of these organizations are funded by the state government, as well as donators. Ask around and when you find one, ask them about the available program and the requirements needed so that you can enter the list of people to be helped.</p>
  211. <p>It is also worth noting that there is other local help available from smaller organizations in your area such as churches or other religion-based organization. Although they may not have the fund to provide new bedroom furniture, they may be able to provide a small grant or connect you to people that are willing to donate their mildly used bed for needy families.</p>
  212. <ol start="13">
  213. <li><strong>Other Online Websites</strong></li>
  214. </ol>
  215. <p>Alternatively, you can also search online for free beds. You should get online and head to websites like Craigslist, Gumtree, and Kijiji. These websites typically facilitate sellers and buyers, employers and employees, etc; but they also have a free section, filled with various giveaways items. When you&#8217;re in luck you can find someone giving away beds too!</p>
  216. <p>For all of these options of free beds for low-income families, it is important to carry a copy of your social security number, as well as your proof of income. The donator might ask these documents.</p>
  217. <h2>How to Get Free Used Mattresses In Your Local Area</h2>
  218. <p>We agree that mattresses are expensive. On the contrary, we have to deal with a limited budget. If we can do careful searching, it is possible to find some smart ways to get used mattress free. You can use your friends and family members as a valuable source to get the information. Other than that, there are some ways to do so. Who knows that these options can help you find free beds for low-income families.</p>
  219. <ol start="1">
  220. <li><strong>Hotels and Apartment</strong></li>
  221. </ol>
  222. <p>If you do not mind to stop at a nice hotel, this option can be a good way to start. Visit the hotels and ask whether they have any mattress that they do not use anymore. You should explain your situation, why you need a free mattress. It does not a big deal if they have not it at this time. The manager may contact you in the future when they have remodeling plans or buy a new mattress.</p>
  223. <ol start="2">
  224. <li><strong>Furniture Stores and Thrift Shops</strong></li>
  225. </ol>
  226. <p>Some furniture stores provide removal services in the case that they deliver new mattresses for customers. Therefore, you can stop at the furniture store. After that, explain your condition to seek used mattress free. They may have a willingness to give free beds for low-income families for you.</p>
  227. <ol start="3">
  228. <li><strong>Charitable Groups and Food Pantries</strong></li>
  229. </ol>
  230. <p>We also recommend you to check the local city and the county government for the presence of charitable groups. Tell them that you need charitable groups that can provide the mattress for the low family. They may connect you to the spokesperson of the group. To start with, you can contact the local American Red Cross unit.</p>
  231. <p>Even if you do not need food, food pantries have their potential source to help you with their giving efforts. Perhaps, they do not offer free mattress but they can help you to find someone who has an unused mattress for you.</p>
  232. <p>Well, you can use your connection to your social media, real friends and friends on your Facebook surely can help you. Just tell them about your condition, and tell why you urgently need the mattress to complete your life. Tell them that the mattress is very important and how it can make your life better. There are still lots of good people in worldwide that have their heart to help you to get free beds for low-income families.</p>
  233. <h2>Free Beds For Low-Income Families &#8211; Conclusion</h2>
  234. <p>Perhaps, it is a tough decision for some low-income families to buy a bed, sofa, and dining room set. It is because they have to cover their more important needs such as food and electricity. When struggling with the daily and monthly basis are prior, it does not mean that it sounds impossible to get everything that you need. These are the great options to take when you think that your home immediately needs some furniture like a sofa, beds, and others without spending a lot of money. We hope that you can use these options above to get free beds for low-income families.</p>
  235. <p>We personally think that every family should have a warm and nice bed to sleep on. Therefore, do not give up keep going and searching the best options that can complete your needs. You can use the media, your family assistance and your friends around you. We sincerely hope that you can find free beds for needy families!</p>
  236. <h3>See Also: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Find Quick Ways to Get Free Beds for Low-Income Families</a></h3>
  237. <p><u>References</u>:</p>
  238. <ul>
  239. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Organizations That Assist Low-Income Families Get Free Furniture</a></li>
  240. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Free Stuff for Single Parent Families</a></li>
  241. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Free Furniture When You Need It</a></li>
  242. <li>Image:</li>
  243. </ul>
  244. <p>The post <a href="">Free Beds for Low Income Families And The Valuable List To Get It</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  245. ]]></content:encoded>
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  247. <item>
  248. <title>How Much is the Government Grant for Self Employed</title>
  249. <link></link>
  250. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Zee]]></dc:creator>
  251. <pubDate>Mon, 18 Nov 2024 00:23:02 +0000</pubDate>
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  269. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  271. <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">How Much is the Government Grant for Self Employed</a></p>
  272. <p>How much is the government grant for self employed? The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) was available. The goal is to help self-employed individuals and those in partnerships who have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The main goals of the scheme were to provide quick assistance to those who rely heavily on their self-employment income. Also, would have suffered financial losses due to the pandemic. It aimed to help self-employed individuals continue their business operations and reduce the risk of errors and fraudulent activities. Throughout the duration of the scheme, a total of five grants were available. Those </p>
  273. <p>The post <a href="">How Much is the Government Grant for Self Employed</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  274. ]]></description>
  275. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">How Much is the Government Grant for Self Employed</a></p>
  276. <p>How much is the government grant for self employed? The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) was available. The goal is to help self-employed individuals and those in partnerships who have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.</p>
  277. <p>The main goals of the scheme were to provide quick assistance to those who rely heavily on their self-employment income. Also, would have suffered financial losses due to the pandemic. It aimed to help self-employed individuals continue their business operations and reduce the risk of errors and fraudulent activities.</p>
  278. <p>Throughout the duration of the scheme, a total of five grants were available. Those were between 13th May 2020 and 30th September 2021. As the situation evolved, the government adjusted the scheme&#8217;s rules to include new groups of individuals. Also, this ensure that the grants were available to those who needed them most as the pandemic continued.</p>
  279. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-13768 size-full" title="Photo by Andrew Neel:" src="" alt="how-much-is-the-government-grant-for-self-employed" width="728" height="485" /></a></p>
  280. <h2>Qualification of Self-Employed Grant</h2>
  281. <p>The SEISS was to provide support to self-employed individuals and members of partnerships. The UK government introduced it on 26th March 2020. It was a part of their efforts. The goal was to assist businesses and self-employed individuals during the COVID-19 outbreak. To be eligible for the scheme, self-employed individuals and partners had to meet certain criteria:</p>
  282. <ul>
  283. <li>They must have been actively trading in the tax year 2018-2019. Also, submit their Self Assessment tax return by 23rd April 2020 for that year.</li>
  284. <li>They must have continued trading in the tax year 2019-2020.</li>
  285. <li>They must have intended to keep trading in the tax year 2020-2021.</li>
  286. <li>Their business must have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. For example: The individual was unable to work due to reasons such as shielding, self-isolation, being on sick leave because of COVID-19. Other than that, individual who was caring responsibilities related to COVID-19. The business had to scale down or temporarily cease operations due to issues. For example, interrupted supply chains, a decrease in customers or clients, or staff being unable to work.</li>
  287. </ul>
  288. <p>The grant provided by the SEISS was not available to limited companies or those operating through a trust. To determine eligibility, HMRC initially examined the individual&#8217;s 2018 to 2019 Self Assessment tax return. The trading profits needed to fall between £0 and £50,000 and be at least equal to non-trading income. If the individual did not meet the eligibility criteria based on the 2018 to 2019 tax return, HMRC then assessed an average of the tax years 2016 to 2017, 2017 to 2018, and 2018 to 2019.</p>
  289. <h2>How Much is the Government Grant for Self-Employed</h2>
  290. <p>How much is the government grant for self employed? Under the scheme, eligible individuals could claim a taxable grant that amounted to 80% of their average trading profits over a three-month period.</p>
  291. <h3>The First Grant</h3>
  292. <p>The grant was out as a single payment and for a maximum cap of £7,500. The first grant was available for applications from 13th May 2020 and closed on 13th July 2020.</p>
  293. <h3>The Second Grant</h3>
  294. <p>The second grant opened for applications on 17th August 2020. It was a taxable grant worth 70% of the individual&#8217;s average trading profits over three months, with a cap of £6,570. To be eligible for the second grant, the individual&#8217;s business had to be adversely affected by COVID-19 on or after 14th July 2020. The application period for the second grant closed on 19th October 2020.</p>
  295. <h3>The Third Grant</h3>
  296. <p>Applications for the third grant opened on 30th November 2020. This grant was worth 80% of the individual&#8217;s average trading profits over three months, with a maximum cap of £7,500. The application period for the third grant closed on 29th January 2021.</p>
  297. <p>To qualify for the third grant, an individual&#8217;s business needed to be affected by COVID-19 on or after 1st November 2020. They had to declare their intention to continue trading and meet one of the following conditions:</p>
  298. <ul>
  299. <li>Currently trading, but experiencing reduced activity, capacity, or demand due to COVID-19.</li>
  300. <li>Trading but temporarily unable to operate due to COVID-19.</li>
  301. <li>Reasonably believing that the reduced activity, capacity, or demand caused by COVID-19 during the period from 1st November 2020 to 29th January 2021 would significantly reduce their trading profits compared to normal circumstances.</li>
  302. </ul>
  303. <h3>The Fourth and Fifth Grants</h3>
  304. <p>The government announced during the Spring Budget 2021 that the SEISS would be available until September 2021. This policy was the fourth and final fifth grant. For both the fourth and fifth grants, the income criteria remained the same, and the individual had to:</p>
  305. <ul>
  306. <li>Involved in a trade that was adversely affected by COVID-19 during the qualifying period (1st February to 30th April 2021 for the fourth grant).</li>
  307. <li>Have been trading during the tax years 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021.</li>
  308. <li>Have the intention to continue trading in the tax year 2021 to 2022.</li>
  309. </ul>
  310. <p>Submit their Self Assessment tax return for the 2019 to 2020 tax year on or before 2nd March 2021.</p>
  311. <p>On 22nd April 2021, applications for the fourth grant opened under the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme. The window to submit claims closed on 1st June 2021. Similar to previous grants, eligibility for the fourth grant was on an individual&#8217;s tax returns for either the 2019 to 2020 tax year. Or, an average of the consecutive tax years 2016 to 2017, 2017 to 2018, 2018 to 2019, and 2019 to 2020. This rule was for the individual didn&#8217;t meet the criteria based on the 2019 to 2020 alone.</p>
  312. <p>With the inclusion of the 2019 to 2020 tax year for the first time, some individuals who were previously unable to claim a grant became eligible. These individuals included those who started trading as self-employed in 2019 to 2020. But they have no trading activity in the preceding tax years (2016 to 2017, 2017 to 2018, or 2018 to 2019). Also, for those who were previously ineligible based on their tax returns. It is because their trading profit was lower than their non-trading income.</p>
  313. <h4>How much is the government grant for self employed for the fourth scheme?</h4>
  314. <p>How much is the government grant for self employed for the fourth scheme? The fourth grant allowed recipients to receive a taxable sum equal to 80% of their average trading profits over a period of three months. This payment was available as a single installment with a maximum cap of £7,500.</p>
  315. <p>On 29th July 2021, applications for the fifth grant of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme opened. For the eligibility, an individual&#8217;s business had to be impacted by COVID-19 during the qualifying period from 1st May 2021 to 30th September 2021. The claims window for the fifth grant closed on 30th September 2021.</p>
  316. <p>The fifth grant introduced two levels of support based on the reduction in an individual&#8217;s turnover between their reference year (either 2018 to 2019 or 2019 to 2020) and their pandemic year (a 12-month period starting between 1st April and 6th April 2021). The two levels of grant were as follows:</p>
  317. <ul>
  318. <li>For those whose turnover decreased by 30% or more, the grant was 80% of their average trading profits over a three-month period, capped at £7,500.</li>
  319. <li>For those whose turnover decreased by less than 30%, the grant was 30% of their average trading profits over a three-month period, capped at £2,850.</li>
  320. </ul>
  321. <p>To qualify for the higher grant, the individual&#8217;s turnover had to have fallen by 30% or more between their reference year and the pandemic year. Newly self-employed individuals were not necessary to undergo the turnover test and could claim the higher grant.</p>
  322. <h2>Specific Arrangements</h2>
  323. <p>Here are the specific arrangements from SEISS 1 to SEISS 5:</p>
  324. <h3>SEISS 1 to 3</h3>
  325. <p>Throughout the progression of the SEISS scheme, there were adjustments to include two previously ineligible groups: new parents and reservists.</p>
  326. <p>Self-employed parents who were taking care of a new child and either did not submit a tax return for the 2018 to 2019 period or had trading profits in 2018 to 2019 lower than their other income. This made them ineligible for the SEISS initially. However, they were available in the scheme for the second grant if they met all other eligibility criteria. They also could to make retroactive claims for the first grant. Subsequently, they remained eligible for later grants as long as they met the specific criteria for each respective grant.</p>
  327. <p>In a notable extension, the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) existed and broadened. This program was available for self-employed army, navy, and air force reservists who were ineligible for assistance in the past due to their military service. This expansion aimed to provide support to a previously overlooked group of self-employed individuals within the armed forces reserves. Reservists who did not file a return for 2018 to 2019 or filed a return but had trading profits lower than their other income due to salary and compensation received for their service as a reservist were included.</p>
  328. <p>Military reservists may calculate their eligibility and grant based on up to two years of Self Assessment tax returns covering 2016 to 2017 and 2017 to 2018. As long as they had at least 90 days of Ministry of Defence service in the tax year 2018 to 2019. Similar to new parents, this group became eligible for the second grant and could also make retroactive claims for the first grant and subsequent claims for later grants if they fulfilled all the criteria.</p>
  329. <h3>SEISS 4 to 5</h3>
  330. <p>Customers who were eligible as the new parents under the first three grants, included in the general population of eligible individuals. They were invited to submit claims for the subsequent grants of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) if they met all the other eligibility criteria. This approach ensured that new parents were not excluded from accessing support, and they had the same opportunity as other eligible self-employed individuals to apply for financial assistance under the SEISS.</p>
  331. <p>Reservists who met all the other requirements were in the group of people who could be eligible. The information about them was from the Ministry of Defence. This data allowed their inclusion, and they got extended invitations to submit claims for the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) along with the general population. By leveraging the existing information, the process aimed to ensure that eligible reservists could access the financial assistance provided by the SEISS on an equal basis with other eligible self-employed individuals.</p>
  332. <h4>Fourth and Fifth Grants</h4>
  333. <p>For the fourth and fifth grants of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS), similar arrangements implemented, but the calculations based on the tax year 2019 to 2020. This update allowed eligible self-employed individuals to receive financial assistance based on their trading profits during the specified period. This ensures consistency and fairness in the scheme&#8217;s application. It was necessary for customers to have filed their Self Assessment tax return for the 2019 to 2020 year by 2nd March 2021 to potentially be eligible for these grants.</p>
  334. <p>For the fourth and fifth grants, guidance directed potentially eligible new parents to the Parental Verification Route, which could be accessed through the helpline, following the same process as for the first three grants. This involved a manual assessment process for this smaller group of self-identified individuals, allowing for a tailored eligibility assessment. If deemed eligible, they received a notification to proceed with the claim. This screening equality impact assessment pertains to the operational aspects of delivering the SEISS.</p>
  335. <h3>What Customers Must Do</h3>
  336. <p>As a result of the changes, eligible self-employed customers were able to make their claims for all five SEISS grants through the online portal or telephone service. HMRC directly communicated with potentially eligible customers through emails, SMS messages, or letters. Besides, there were additional efforts through social media, agent engagement, and stakeholder engagement to increase awareness of the scheme.</p>
  337. <p>HMRC identified the potentially eligible population based on the information from their tax returns that indicated they met the eligibility criteria derived from tax return data. Claimants must confirm their eligibility at the time of making the claim. To do this, they must complete relevant screens in the online service or provide necessary details to HMRC helpline staff. Both methods included a declaration where the customer affirmed their eligibility for the grant.</p>
  338. <h4>Fifth Grant</h4>
  339. <p>For the fifth grant, customers needed to fulfill the criteria for the previous grants and complete a Financial Impact Declaration, as explained earlier. To get these grants, applicants must submit their turnover for the pandemic year, which covered the period from April 2020 to April 2021. Additionally, they had to provide their turnover for the reference year, which could be either the tax year 2019 to 2020 or 2018 to 2019.</p>
  340. <p>These financial details were essential for the evaluation and determination of their eligibility under the scheme. (if more representative of their usual business performance) in the claims service. HMRC provided guidance to help claimants accurately enter this information, and agents were available to assist with the calculations if needed.</p>
  341. <p>New parents who were not eligible for the SEISS had the option to contact HMRC. They could request a verification of their details and reassessment of their eligibility for the scheme. If there were any changes to their eligibility status, applicants had the option to apply through the digital service or by telephone. This flexibility allowed them to update their information and submit their applications accordingly to ensure they could receive the appropriate support from the scheme.</p>
  342. <h2>How to Access SEISS Service</h2>
  343. <p>Customers had two options to access the SEISS service. They could use the stand-alone digital service, accessed through their Government Gateway Credentials. Alternatively, they could contact an HMRC contact centre to confirm their eligibility. Or, they could go through the application process for the SEISS grants. It&#8217;s important to note that agents or third parties cannot make any claims. Furthermore, the claimant had to provide their bank details to facilitate the payment of the grant.</p>
  344. <h3>When to Claims</h3>
  345. <p>Self-employed individuals must submit their grant claims within specific claims windows. HMRC notified customers who were potentially eligible for a SEISS grant, providing them with a designated personal claim date. The claims windows for each grant were as follows:</p>
  346. <ul>
  347. <li>SEISS1: Claims open on 13th May 2020 and closed on 13th July 2020.</li>
  348. <li>SEISS2: Claims open on 17th August 2020 and closed on 19th October 2020.</li>
  349. <li>SEISS3: Claims open on 30th November 2020 and closed on 29th January 2021.</li>
  350. <li>SEISS4: Claims open on 22nd April 2021 and closed on 1st June 2021.</li>
  351. <li>SEISS5: Claims open on 29th July 2021 and closed on 30th September 2021.</li>
  352. </ul>
  353. <h2>Summary</h2>
  354. <p>In conclusion, the government grant for self-employed individuals through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) provided financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant amounts varied depending on the specific grant and eligibility criteria. The grants were calculated as a percentage of the recipient&#8217;s average trading profits and were capped at different maximum amounts.</p>
  355. <p>The initial grants ranged from 80% to 70% of three months&#8217; average trading profits, while the later grants offered 80% or 30% of three months&#8217; average trading profits. The maximum total grant for each individual may different. Generally, capped at £7,500. It is important to note that these grants were subject to taxation and recipients must report them as income on their tax returns.</p>
  356. <p>Recipients should carefully review the eligibility criteria and claim deadlines for each grant. The SEISS grants helped alleviate some of the financial burden faced by self-employed individuals. This allows them to sustain their businesses and livelihoods during challenging times.</p>
  357. <h2>FAQ About SEISS Grants</h2>
  358. <h4>Q: Are the grants taxable?</h4>
  359. <p>Yes, the SEISS grants are taxable. This means that they are subject to both Income Tax and Class 4 National Insurance Contributions. Recipients of the grants must report them as income on their Self Assessment tax returns and pay any applicable taxes on them.</p>
  360. <h4>Q: When do I need to report the SEISS grants as taxable income?</h4>
  361. <p>The grants from the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) are subject to taxation in the same tax year received. For the first three grants of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS), recipients must report the full amount received on their 2020/21 self-assessment tax return. There are specific boxes on the form for reporting the grants. Therefore, it is important to use those designated boxes. Do not report the grants in any other boxes on your tax return for the tax year 2019/20.</p>
  362. <p>As for the fourth and fifth grants, they are taxable in the tax year 2021/22. You should report these grants on your 2021/22 self-assessment tax return when the time comes. Be sure to follow the appropriate reporting procedures as outlined by HMRC.</p>
  363. <h4>Q: If I have not correctly reported the grant(s) I received or have not reported them at all on my2020/2021 self-assessment tax return, then what happen?</h4>
  364. <p>HMRC will make an adjustment based on their records. This adjustment will ensure that the grant amounts is correct in your tax return.</p>
  365. <p>The specific actions you need to take will depend on your individual circumstances. It is ideal to contact HMRC directly to discuss your situation and seek guidance. So, you know how to rectify any reporting errors or omissions related to the SEISS grants. They will be able to provide you with the necessary instructions and assistance. This ensures your tax return accurately reflects the grants you received.</p>
  366. <h4>Q: What must I do if I claimed the grant but I wasn’t eligible for it, or if I’ve got more from HMRC than I was entitled to?</h4>
  367. <p>If you claimed the grant but later realized that you were not actually eligible for it, or if you received more from HMRC, it is important to inform HMRC promptly. The timing for notifying HMRC depends on when you received the grant. If you received the grant before 22 July 2020, you must inform HMRC on or before 20 October 2020. If you received the grant on or after 22 July 2020, you must inform HMRC. Do this within 90 days of receiving the grant.</p>
  368. <p>Failure to notify HMRC within the specified timeframes may result in penalties. To notify and repay some or all of the grant, HMRC has provided an online form. Once you have completed the form, you will be provided with bank details to make the repayment. It is advisable to print or save the page with the payment details for reference. If you are unable to use the online facility, you should contact HMRC for assistance.</p>
  369. <p>Additionally, HMRC is contacting individuals who they believe may have been ineligible. So, they can claim the SEISS grant based on their tax return. This indicates that they ceased trading in either the tax year 2018/19 or 2019/20. If you receive an email or letter from HMRC requesting a review of your grant application, it is important to carefully follow the instructions provided. After that, respond to HMRC by the given deadline.</p>
  370. <h4>Q: What happens if I claimed the grant but I wasn&#8217;t actually eligible for it and I submitted my 2020/21 tax return by 28 February 2022 instead of 31 January 2022?</h4>
  371. <p>If you received SEISS grants that you were not entitled to between 6 April 2020 and 5 April 2021. Also, it is important to declare those overpayments on your 2020/21 tax return. If you submit your tax return by 28 February 2022, instead of the original deadline of 31 January 2022, you will not get any penalty. Unless there is evidence of deliberate failure to inform HMRC about the overpayment of a SEISS grant. It is crucial to refer to HMRC&#8217;s factsheet CC/FS11a. So, you have further details regarding penalties for failure to notify SEISS grant overpayments.</p>
  372. <h4>Q: I would like to voluntarily repay some or all of the grants I received, even though I was eligible to receive them when I made my claim. How can I do this?</h4>
  373. <p>If you wish to voluntarily repay some or all of the grant you received, you have the option to do so at any time. You can use HMRC&#8217;s online form, to initiate the repayment process. Once you have completed the form, you will be provided with the necessary bank details to make the repayment. It is advisable to print or save the page containing the payment information for your reference.</p>
  374. <p>If you encounter any difficulties using the online facility, you should reach out to HMRC for assistance. They will be able to provide the necessary support to help you with the voluntary repayment process.</p>
  375. <h4>Q: How much is the government grant for self employed individuals?</h4>
  376. <p>The amount of the government grant for self employed individuals varies depending on the specific grant and eligibility criteria.  How much is the government grant for self-imployed individuals, especially the first three grants? the taxable grant was worth up to 80% of three months&#8217; average trading profits, capped at £7,500 in total. The fourth and fifth grants also provided a taxable grant. The amount based on the reduction in turnover between reference years and the pandemic year.</p>
  377. <p>The fourth grant provided financial support based on two different tiers. For individuals who experienced a reduction in turnover of 30% or more, they were eligible to receive 80% of their average trading profits. It is only for over a period of three months, with a maximum cap of £7,500.</p>
  378. <p>On the other hand, those with a turnover reduction of less than 30% received 30% of their average trading profits. This if for the same three-month period, capped at £2,850. The amount awarded depended on the extent of the turnover reduction, with higher reductions receiving more substantial assistance.</p>
  379. <h4>Q: Can I claim the government grant if I am a self-employed individual operating as a limited company or through a trust?</h4>
  380. <p>No, the government grant for self-employed individuals is not available to those operating as a limited company or through a trust. The scheme is to support self-employed individuals and members of partnerships. Different support options may be available for limited companies or those operating through a trust. For instance, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme or other business support programs. It is great to explore the available support options suitable for your business structure.</p>
  381. <h4>Q: Can I claim the government grant if I have other sources of income besides self-employment?</h4>
  382. <p>Yes, you may still be eligible to claim the government grant. Even if you have other sources of income besides self-employment. The grant is to support self-employed individuals whose self-employment activities have been adversely affected by COVID-19. As long as you meet the eligibility criteria, which include being impacted by the pandemic and deriving a significant portion of your income from self-employment, you can apply for the grant regardless of other sources of income.</p>
  383. <p><strong>Sources:</strong></p>
  384. <ul>
  385. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS)</a></li>
  386. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Self-Employment Income Support Scheme</a></li>
  387. </ul>
  388. <p>The post <a href="">How Much is the Government Grant for Self Employed</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
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  392. <title>How To Get Government Grants For Disabled Children</title>
  393. <link></link>
  394. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Munir Ardi]]></dc:creator>
  395. <pubDate>Sun, 17 Nov 2024 12:21:58 +0000</pubDate>
  396. <category><![CDATA[Health]]></category>
  397. <category><![CDATA[charity grants for disabled children]]></category>
  398. <category><![CDATA[federal grants for disabled children]]></category>
  399. <category><![CDATA[government grants]]></category>
  400. <category><![CDATA[government grants for a family]]></category>
  401. <category><![CDATA[holiday grants for disabled children]]></category>
  402. <category><![CDATA[housing grants for disabled children]]></category>
  403. <category><![CDATA[personal grants for disabled children]]></category>
  404. <category><![CDATA[scholarships disabled children]]></category>
  405. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  407. <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">How To Get Government Grants For Disabled Children</a></p>
  408. <p>Children who have special needs will be helped by the federal government. This help is distributed through government grants for disabled children. It will be quite easy for you to find the grant opportunity for the children. Some grants are provided for educational purpose and some can be used for personal and family development. If you are planning to get government grants for disabled children, you are recommended to follow some simple tips below. In finding grants for disabled children, you are recommended to be the part of association. You can find Children with Special Needs charity associations. You should </p>
  409. <p>The post <a href="">How To Get Government Grants For Disabled Children</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  410. ]]></description>
  411. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">How To Get Government Grants For Disabled Children</a></p>
  412. <p>Children who have special needs will be helped by the federal government. This help is distributed through government grants for disabled children. It will be quite easy for you to find the grant opportunity for the children. Some grants are provided for educational purpose and some can be used for personal and family development. If you are planning to get government grants for disabled children, you are recommended to follow some simple tips below.</p>
  413. <p>In finding <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">grants for disabled</a> children, you are recommended to be the part of association. You can find Children with Special Needs charity associations. You should at least join at the national or local levels. Generally, joining those memberships is free. Those organizations are working to provide educational and advocacy services for children with disability and parents. These groups might know some public and private resources which are available for children. You can also find the groups online or use the telephone directory.</p>
  414. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-5662 size-full" src="" alt="government-grants-for-disabled-children" width="728" height="484" /></a></p>
  415. <h2>Government Grants for Disabled Children Options</h2>
  416. <p>It is also possible for you to find government grants for disabled children from federal grants. You are recommended to check at federal government level for grants for children with special needs. You just need to go to the official website of the federal government. Make sure you identify the grants opportunities and read the purpose and requirement of the grant. Read and understand all the conditions before applying the grant. The agency provides pre-school grants and other grants for children with disabilities. You need to click on the link of grant opportunities. The link offers a list of grants which are created under the federal Stimulus Recovery Act.</p>
  417. <p>Government grants for disabled children are also offered by State Education’s department and for the Children Administration department. They provide grant opportunities for children who have special needs. You need to check the requirements and complete the process in applying the grant. It is a good step to make a call and ask question related to the process. The staff will help you to give the explanation on the procedures. They will provide the tips for completing the application.</p>
  418. <p>You can also find government grants for disabled children in many special specific needs organization. The organization provides the help for the children with disabilities. An example of the organization is The National Autism Association. They offer charity and government grant opportunities for children with autism and families. The organization provides the grants for financial needs. You are recommended to check the association internet site to complete the application and find out the deadline.</p>
  419. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  420. <p>Other sources for government grants children disabilities are social workers and school counselors. You are recommended to speak to social worker or counselors in school or hospital to learn about grant opportunities for children with special needs. They know more about the sources of the grants. They might have access to state and local resources which offer the grants. It is better for you to discuss your financial situation and your needs for the children grants. Before applying any government grants for disabled children, you need to make sure that you already meet the requirements so your grants can be awarded.</p>
  421. <ul>
  422. <li>Images:</li>
  423. </ul>
  424. <p>The post <a href="">How To Get Government Grants For Disabled Children</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
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  428. <title>Who Accepts Furniture Donations and How to Donate In 2022</title>
  429. <link></link>
  430. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Zee]]></dc:creator>
  431. <pubDate>Sun, 17 Nov 2024 00:16:33 +0000</pubDate>
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  455. <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Who Accepts Furniture Donations and How to Donate In 2022</a></p>
  456. <p>Who accepts furniture donations? The right time to tidy up and say goodbye to the things in your home is when you are about to move house. Or if you want to remove some furniture from your home for a refresh, that&#8217;s also a good thing. If you have some furniture that you want to get rid of in the house, donating it is a good idea. Not only can you get more space, but you can also share it with other people who may be the soul mate of your old furniture. Donating is a great way to get </p>
  457. <p>The post <a href="">Who Accepts Furniture Donations and How to Donate In 2022</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  458. ]]></description>
  459. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Who Accepts Furniture Donations and How to Donate In 2022</a></p>
  460. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Who accepts furniture donations? The right time to tidy up and say goodbye to the things in your home is when you are about to move house. Or if you want to remove some furniture from your home for a refresh, that&#8217;s also a good thing. If you have some furniture that you want to get rid of in the house, donating it is a good idea. Not only can you get more space, but you can also share it with other people who may be the soul mate of your old furniture.</span></p>
  461. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Donating is a great way to get rid of things you don&#8217;t need when you move. Even if you want to donate your furniture, you don&#8217;t have to leave your house to take it out. So, it&#8217;s time for you to do an inventory of the items you have. Get rid of things that don&#8217;t spark joy, just like what Marie Kondo said. Instead of carrying or keeping items that don&#8217;t spark your joy, donate them.</span></p>
  462. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-12259 size-full" title="Photo by OTAVIO FONSECA:" src="" alt="who-accepts-furniture-donations" width="728" height="485" /></a></p>
  463. <h2><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The List of Who Accepts Furniture Donations</span></h2>
  464. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Who accepts furniture donations and wants to take it for free? Of course, there are several choices of charities that accept furniture donations. Here’s the list.</span></p>
  465. <h3><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Salvation Army</span></h3>
  466. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">One of those organizations that accept furniture donations is The Salvation Army. They will accept your donation of furniture, clothes, appliances, kitchenware, cars, and more. Check what items are acceptable or unacceptable for furniture pick-up, contact them and ask before scheduling a donation pick-up.</span></p>
  467. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The Salvation Army helps by providing relief for disasters, hunger, poverty, addiction, human trafficking, and more. They provide donation pick-up and drop-off locations.</span></p>
  468. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Online services for scheduling free pick-ups are not available for all zip codes. But their website provides phone numbers to arrange collection. There is also an online form to schedule a pick-up for a future date.</span></p>
  469. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The Salvation Army sells your items in the shop. Then they donate the fund to the Rehabilitation Center to help those struggling with drugs and alcohol, they also help improve job skills, and help their families. The Salvation Army helps about 25 million people every year.</span></p>
  470. <h3><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Goodwill</span></h3>
  471. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Another recipient of furniture donations that you can choose as a reference is Goodwill. They accept donations of furniture, glassware, collectibles, and also electronic equipment. Plus, they accept cars, trucks, SUVs, boats, RVs, lawnmowers, and more. Another great thing about donating to Goodwill is that the items you donate like cars or other machines don&#8217;t have to be in good condition. This is a good time to arrange a free pick-up of the junk car you don&#8217;t want to bring with you when you move. When you ask who accepts furniture donations around my neighborhood, Goodwill could be the answer.</span></p>
  472. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Goodwill sells your donated furniture in Goodwill stores and on online auction sites to raise funds for job training and job placement services for people in various communities. </span></p>
  473. <h3><span data-preserver-spaces="true">AMVETS</span></h3>
  474. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">AMVETS, or Veterans of America, supports veterans and their families by providing assistance, employment, and other service programs. They accept donations of clothing (for men, women, and children), electronics, small appliances, kitchen utensils, lamps, curtains and drapes, books, bicycles, bedding, and more. They also accept flat-screen TVs, computers and sports equipment if the items are less than 5 years old. AMVETS will sell your items at thrift stores to generate income for its Veterans Program.</span></p>
  475. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">You can visit their website to fill out a donation pick-up form to see where to donate in your area. They offer a pickup service. If you want to donate pack everything in a box, mark the box for AMVETS, and leave it outside your door at 7:30 am on the day of collection. For larger items such as sofas, contact your local AMVETS to see how they handle this service.</span></p>
  476. <h3><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Habitat for Humanity</span></h3>
  477. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Moving to a new house is a joy and this could be your dream. If you want to share the joy of moving from your house and want others to feel it with your donation, Habitat for Humanity can be the answer.</span></p>
  478. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">They sell donated furniture from donors to build houses and also repair houses. This organization helps build safe and affordable housing for families in need. Not only in 50 states in the United States, Habitat for Humanity is also operating in 70 countries.</span></p>
  479. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">If you have furniture, equipment, or building materials, you can contact Habitat for Humanity to donate. They also offer large furniture pick-up. Free furniture pick-up is also available once a week.</span></p>
  480. <h3><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Arc</span></h3>
  481. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Arc is a charity that helps those with intellectual or developmental disabilities. There are more than 600 local branches and more than 1,000 national and community programs.</span></p>
  482. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">You can visit The Arc&#8217;s website to see if they can take your furniture donation. By checking the web beforehand, you can get quick answers about who accepts furniture donations and where I can donate them near my house.</span></p>
  483. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The Arc has the main initiative of collecting free donations. From your donations, Arc sells your donated items at thrift stores to support the program. They accept donations of furniture, clothes, shoes, toys, books, kitchen utensils, electronics, decorations, cars, and more.</span></p>
  484. <h3><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Pickup Please</span></h3>
  485. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Pick Up Please is a program from Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) to handle furniture donations. VVA sells items you donate to fund their local, state, and national programs. You can donate household items, clothing, toys, electronics, and smaller furniture, such as used nightstands and office chairs.</span></p>
  486. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">They use schedule via an easy-to-use online calendar, and your furniture donation can often be picked up within 24 hours. Very fast, right? You don&#8217;t even have to be home when the truck that picks up your donation arrives. Just pack the items you want to donate then label it “VVA Donation Collection” and put it at your door. The truck driver will load the box and leave a tax deduction receipt. Pick Up Please is very suitable if you are looking for someone who accepts furniture donations in a fast time. Visit the website to see where to donate.</span></p>
  487. <h3><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Who Accepts Furntiure for Donation &#8211; Furniture Banks</span></h3>
  488. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Accepting donations of furniture, cars, and other vehicles, Furniture Banks is the answer if you are looking for someone who accepts furniture donations. Furniture Banks also offers free pick up. You can visit their website to find a location and contact them to schedule a pickup.</span></p>
  489. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Everyone deserves to have basic furniture in good condition, that&#8217;s the mission of Furniture Banks. Your furniture donation to Furniture Banks helps immigrant women and children, the unemployed, the poor, and the homeless. Those who initially set up their homes with furniture that others might take for granted can now get better furniture donations. When you donate furniture they give your items directly to families in need. </span></p>
  490. <h3><span data-preserver-spaces="true">GreenDrop</span></h3>
  491. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Who accepts furniture donations and provides a free cleaning service when you are moving house? GreenDrop is the answer. The service, which is available in Philadelphia, New Jersey, Delaware, Baltimore, DC, and Northern Virginia. GreenDrop raises funds through the collection of donations. After collecting your items, they sell your donation to a thrift store. The funds are used to support charities.</span></p>
  492. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">In addition to free donation pick-up, GreenDrop offers home clean-out. They give a free service that helps you sort and donate bulk clothing and household items. This sorting is ideal for organizations before moving.</span></p>
  493. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">GreenDrop&#8217;s professional staff will identify which items can be donated. They also help you prepare a driver who will pack your donation. </span></p>
  494. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">GreenDrop accepts items ranging from clothing, household goods, electronics, appliances, to toys. Because they provide free pick-up of used furniture, for efficiency and to save time, they make a detailed list of items that they will not specifically accept. You can visit the GreenDrop webpage for more information.</span></p>
  495. <h2>Who Accepts Furniture Donations Guideline</h2>
  496. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">After you determine where you will donate your furniture, you can follow the following steps for efficient work. First, find a local organization that does furniture pick-up. Call them and check if they offer free pick-up. Also, inquire about the applicable COVID-19 safety procedures. Just in case, clean and disinfect any items you will be donating.</span></p>
  497. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Then, prepare your things. Each organization has its list of what items they receive and under what conditions. Check out the donation guidelines available on their website. You can also check for items that are torn, dirty, stained, or damaged&#8211;because not all organizations will accept items that are not in good condition.</span></p>
  498. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Once you&#8217;re done setting up, arrange an appointment. Choose the time and day that suits you and your organization&#8217;s needs. You can schedule an appointment at least two weeks before the day you move. Because the earlier you schedule the better.</span></p>
  499. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Sources:</span></p>
  500. <ul>
  501. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">8 Charities That Offer Free Donation Pick Up</a></li>
  502. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">How to Donate Items to Charity and Have Them Picked Up for Free</a></li>
  503. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Where to Donate Furniture &amp; How to Make Furniture Donations</a></li>
  504. </ul>
  505. <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true"> </span></p>
  506. <h2></h2>
  507. <p>The post <a href="">Who Accepts Furniture Donations and How to Donate In 2022</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  508. ]]></content:encoded>
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  511. <title>Free Government Laptops Application Form for Low-Income Families</title>
  512. <link></link>
  513. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Robert]]></dc:creator>
  514. <pubDate>Sat, 16 Nov 2024 12:13:59 +0000</pubDate>
  515. <category><![CDATA[Law, Justice & Legal Services]]></category>
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  530. <category><![CDATA[Government Free Laptops For Low Income Families 2023]]></category>
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  535. <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Free Government Laptops Application Form for Low-Income Families</a></p>
  536. <p>The federal government offers free laptops for low-income families, implementing various strict limitations. The government may also limit the program, along with the various actions, that make it hard for most families to apply for the free government laptops application form. Besides the federal body, there are many non-profit communities and local organizations that offer the same but with fewer limitations. The government bodies assist these organizations in social work. These non-profit communities issue cheap or free laptops/computers for people who are in need. They publish application forms that have to be filled out by low-income families. List of Free </p>
  537. <p>The post <a href="">Free Government Laptops Application Form for Low-Income Families</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  538. ]]></description>
  539. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Free Government Laptops Application Form for Low-Income Families</a></p>
  540. <p>The federal government offers free laptops for low-income families, implementing various strict limitations. The government may also limit the program, along with the various actions, that make it hard for most families to apply for the free government laptops application form.</p>
  541. <p>Besides the federal body, there are many non-profit communities and local organizations that offer the same but with fewer limitations. The government bodies assist these organizations in social work.</p>
  542. <p>These non-profit communities issue cheap or free laptops/computers for people who are in need. They publish application forms that have to be filled out by low-income families.</p>
  543. <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-10591 size-full" src="" alt="free-government-laptops-application-form" width="550" height="410" /></a></p>
  544. <h2>List of Free Government Laptops</h2>
  545. <p>So, here we have listed the organizations and non-profit communities that provide free laptops to the needed ones. Also, check out for how to apply for their respective application forms-</p>
  546. <h3><strong>SMARTRIVERSIDE</strong></h3>
  547. <p>Smartriverside is a non-profit organization established in 2006 that provides no-cost or affordable computers and laptops to help low-income families. They restore used PCs/laptops and install the Microsoft Operating System and Microsoft Office suite. The staff also provides free support to whosoever receives the PCs. The application form is available on the Smartriverside website.</p>
  548. <ul>
  549. <li><strong>Eligibility &#8211;</strong> Families in Riverside with a total income below $ 45,000 and who complete a free 8-hour training course are eligible for free PCs.</li>
  550. </ul>
  551. <h3>EVERYONEON</h3>
  552. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">EveryoneOn</a> is a national non-profit community that offers social as well as economic opportunities by helping low-income families connect to the internet. While they may not always provide laptops, but they refurbish computers and sell them for an extremely low price. They also offer various free courses and training for the un-privileged ones from almost 50 states.</p>
  553. <ul>
  554. <li><strong>Eligibility &#8211;</strong> This program is available for families with a yearly income of $35,000 or less than that.</li>
  555. </ul>
  556. <h3><strong> COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANCE CORPS</strong></h3>
  557. <p>Computer Technology Assistance Corps (CTAC) is an organization providing grants to low-income families. These organizations help people looking for laptops. People may also search for other options available, such as Army, Goodwill, Salvation SmartRiverSide, etc. This community often works in collaboration with government and technology-related companies such as Microsoft.</p>
  558. <ul>
  559. <li><strong>Eligibility &#8211;</strong> To fill the free laptop application form, an applicant must be receiving some form of state/federal assistance. In case you do not get any assistance, then the laptops will be offered at a slightly higher fee. Other than that, Not-For-Profit, Public or Private Schools, Public libraries, and Faith-Based community service programs are also eligible.</li>
  560. </ul>
  561. <p>To apply online,</p>
  562. <ul>
  563. <li>Individuals and families have to visit &#8211;</li>
  564. <li>Nonprofits, Public libraries, Schools, community service programs have to visit &#8211;</li>
  565. </ul>
  566. <h3><strong> WITH CAUSES</strong></h3>
  567. <p>“With Causes” is a national organization offering refurbished laptops and computers. They review every help request and then determine if they can provide their assistance or not. They mostly donate laptops and computers who need it. Also, their products are in working condition.</p>
  568. <p>With several commercial sponsors, this organization has a bigger supply and helps more people in need. If you want to get free laptops and computers, then fill their form, available on the website.</p>
  569. <ul>
  570. <li><strong>Eligibility &#8211;</strong> To apply for the grant, you have to fill the application form, which the organization will review.</li>
  571. </ul>
  572. <h3><strong> THE ON IT FOUNDATION</strong></h3>
  573. <p>The On It Foundation is a program for providing free computers to K-12 students and their families. The main aim of the organization is to bridge the ‘Digital Divide’ by providing the students of low-income families with a free refurbished computer along with at least 20 hours of computer training.</p>
  574. <ul>
  575. <li><strong>Eligibility &#8211;</strong> To qualify for free computer equipment and fill the free laptop application form, the student must get a free/reduced school lunch as well as should attend a public school in the United States.</li>
  576. </ul>
  577. <h3><strong> WORLD COMPUTER EXCHANGE</strong></h3>
  578. <p>World Computer Exchange offers one of the best opportunities for low-income families to get refurbished laptops or free government laptops. They have a keen interest in providing computers and the internet for the youth of the nation. They also have the aim of developing countries and have been associated with more than 51 countries now. Along with that, the World Computer Exchange works with governments, schools, libraries, NGOs, and many other parties to support those who are in need.</p>
  579. <ul>
  580. <li><strong>Eligibility &#8211;</strong> To get this grant, the applicant should be less than 24 years of age.</li>
  581. </ul>
  582. <h3><strong> CFY.ORG</strong></h3>
  583. <p>CFY.Org is an amazing source of resources to get free or cheap laptops. It is a national organization that is committed to helping students, parents, and teachers to improve the educational outcomes of society. Besides, they also provide a free internet package and learning software. The best part is that they have a help desk for people who have IT and internet related problems. This is a factor that makes it a better and more useful program than the others. Therefore, it is worth for you to check their website in case you need a free computer for low-income families. To get the free laptop application form, you have to visit the official website of CFY.Org and apply for it.</p>
  584. <ul>
  585. <li><strong>Eligibility &#8211;</strong> It is a grant offered to only students, teachers, and parents.</li>
  586. </ul>
  587. <h3><strong> COMPUTERS FOR LEARNING</strong></h3>
  588. <p>Computers For Learning is an organization that works to encourage and promote the use of excess federal computer software and hardware. They refurbish the equipment and distribute them in schools, colleges, and universities. Not just that, they also send the equipment to organizations for helping people.</p>
  589. <ul>
  590. <li><strong>Eligibility &#8211;</strong> Applicants of this grant must be located in the United States, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Any school is eligible to receive the grant for Learning program if it is public, private, or parochial and serves pre-kindergarten through grade 12 students.</li>
  591. </ul>
  592. <h3><strong>Free Government Laptops Application Form. The conclusion</strong></h3>
  593. <p>It is evident that there are various sources to get free laptops, apart from the government. You don’t need to fill free government laptops application form for low-income families, to get these grants but have to apply for the respective ones. These are non-profit organizations that have the aim of doing something good for the community and help it grow more prosperous. Also, most of them want to keep the environment clean by recycling laptops for free or at a very low cost.</p>
  594. <p>So, if you know someone who is in search of free laptops and computers, help them by sharing this information with them.</p>
  595. <p>The post <a href="">Free Government Laptops Application Form for Low-Income Families</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  596. ]]></content:encoded>
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  599. <title>Financial Assistance for Veterinary Care</title>
  600. <link></link>
  601. <comments></comments>
  602. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Munir Ardi]]></dc:creator>
  603. <pubDate>Sat, 16 Nov 2024 00:08:05 +0000</pubDate>
  604. <category><![CDATA[Environment]]></category>
  605. <category><![CDATA[Discount Veterinary Services]]></category>
  606. <category><![CDATA[do vets take payment plans]]></category>
  607. <category><![CDATA[financial aid for veterinary care]]></category>
  608. <category><![CDATA[financial help for veterinary care]]></category>
  609. <category><![CDATA[government grants]]></category>
  610. <category><![CDATA[help with vet bills for dogs]]></category>
  611. <category><![CDATA[help with veterinary bills]]></category>
  612. <category><![CDATA[Low Cost Veterinary Services]]></category>
  613. <category><![CDATA[Low Cost Veterinary Services Denver]]></category>
  614. <category><![CDATA[Low Income Veterinary Clinics]]></category>
  615. <category><![CDATA[vet bill assistance]]></category>
  616. <category><![CDATA[Veterinary Care Assistance Programs]]></category>
  617. <category><![CDATA[Veterinary Financial Assistance Programs]]></category>
  618. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  620. <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Financial Assistance for Veterinary Care</a></p>
  621. <p>As a pet owner, I am sure that you have done your best to keep your pet healthy. However, sometimes bad things happen and you have to deal with the expensive cost of vet care for your pet. It is often that the expenses are beyond the financial capability of the family. Therefore, financial assistance for veterinary care is often needed. Many organizations in the United States recognize the importance of giving assistance for people who cannot afford vet care for their pet. As a pet owner myself, I never want to see my pet suffer only because I have </p>
  622. <p>The post <a href="">Financial Assistance for Veterinary Care</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  623. ]]></description>
  624. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Financial Assistance for Veterinary Care</a></p>
  625. <p>As a pet owner, I am sure that you have done your best to keep your pet healthy. However, sometimes bad things happen and you have to deal with the expensive cost of vet care for your pet. It is often that the expenses are beyond the financial capability of the family. Therefore, financial assistance for veterinary care is often needed.</p>
  626. <p>Many organizations in the United States recognize the importance of giving assistance for people who cannot afford vet care for their pet. As a pet owner myself, I never want to see my pet suffer only because I have no money to get the best care for her. However, there are thousands of pets in the United States are euthanized every year because of the high cost of care. Pet owners come from various backgrounds, including from low-income families. Unexpected high cost often forces these people to make a painful decision to let go of their pet.</p>
  627. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-5399 size-full" src="" alt="financial-assistance-for-veterinary-care" width="728" height="485" /></a></p>
  628. <h2>List of Financial Assistance for Veterinary Care</h2>
  629. <p>Below are some of the organizations in the United States that may be able to help pet owners to cover the veterinary care cost:</p>
  630. <h3>AAHA Helping Pets Fund</h3>
  631. <p></p>
  632. <p>The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) works together with accredited veterinary clinics. The goal is to identify pets that need help, including abandoned pets and pets whose owners are facing financial hardships and can&#8217;t afford to cover the cost of the veterinary services. Check out their website in our reference section for complete information.</p>
  633. <h3></h3>
  634. <p></p>
  635. <p>It&#8217;s another nonprofit organization that focuses to help pets whose owners are unable to provide the best care because they have limited funds. This organization works together with veterinary clinics to help these animals. Just like the AAHA, the organization&#8217;s funding comes from the generous hands of the donators. Therefore, the help may be limited depending on the available funding.</p>
  636. <h3>Cats in Crisis</h3>
  637. <p></p>
  638. <p>This is a non-profit organization that focuses on the welfare of domestic cats and kittens. If you have a cat that needs special medical needs and finds yourself in a tight spot because you can&#8217;t afford the veterinary care, you may want to contact them for help. The link to the organization&#8217;s website is available in our reference section.</p>
  639. <h3>The Pet Fund</h3>
  640. <p></p>
  641. <p>This organization aims to reduce the number of euthanized pet and the number of pets sent to shelters because the owners neglect the medical need of the pet due to the high cost. The organization may be able to help you cover the medical costs that are beyond normal expenses.</p>
  642. <h3>Help a Pet</h3>
  643. <p>This organization recognizes the advantage of having a pet for senior citizens, physically and mentally challenged people and children from low-income families. As you know, having a pet can improve your mental condition. However, these people often don&#8217;t have what it takes to provide medical treatment for their pet. Help a Pet organization will help eligible individuals who are able to show proof that they are from low-income families. The pet owners should try their best to cover the cost, and the organization will help cover the rest of the cost. (Currently, the website is down &#8211;</p>
  644. <p>There is much other help available, and you can see the list of organizations that offer <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">grants for veterinary care</a> in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Animal Friend Rescue</a> site.</p>
  645. <h2>How to Get Free Pet Food and More Supplies</h2>
  646. <p>If you&#8217;re looking for free pet food and other supplies, here are some helpful resources:</p>
  647. <ol>
  648. <li>Pet Help Finder: Visit their website, click on “Food Pantry and Supplies,”. After that, enter your city, state, or zip code, then click “Search” to find nearby assistance.</li>
  649. <li>Feeding Pets of the Homeless: Use their interactive resource map by selecting &#8220;Get Help,&#8221; then choose “Find Resources Near You” and enter your location to find available resources.</li>
  650. <li> or These websites can help with not just pet needs, but also housing, food, paying bills, and more. Simply enter your location to find available support services in your area.</li>
  651. </ol>
  652. <h2>Where to Get Low-Cost Veterinary Care</h2>
  653. <p>If you can&#8217;t afford a vet, there are several options for finding free or low-cost veterinary care:</p>
  654. <ol>
  655. <li>Pet Help Finder: Visit their website, click on “Veterinary Services,” and enter your city, state, or zip code. Then click “Search” to find a list of affordable providers offering spay/neuter services and other veterinary care.</li>
  656. <li>Veterinary Colleges: If your pet requires emergency care and you can&#8217;t afford treatment, contact nearby veterinary colleges. They may have emergency assistance programs that can help.</li>
  657. <li>Emergency Care: If you&#8217;re unsure whether your pet&#8217;s condition is an emergency, call your veterinarian and describe the symptoms. Some animal shelters and community clinics also offer limited emergency care services.</li>
  658. </ol>
  659. <h2>How to Cover Veterinary Expenses</h2>
  660. <p>There are several ways to help cover veterinary expenses if you&#8217;re facing financial difficulties. First, consider negotiating a payment plan with your veterinarian. If you have a good payment history, they might allow you to pay in weekly or monthly installments. Some veterinarians also partner with third-party billing services like VetBilling, which let you spread out payments over time.</p>
  661. <p>Another option is to seek a second opinion. Although there might be a consultation fee, a different veterinarian might suggest alternative treatments that are more affordable but just as effective. You can also look for veterinarians in less expensive areas. Last option, find community or shelter clinics nearby that offer discounted services. Additionally, local veterinary colleges often run low-cost clinics for clients with limited incomes, providing another option for affordable care.</p>
  662. <h2>Conclusion</h2>
  663. <p>In conclusion, navigating the financial challenges of veterinary care can be overwhelming. But, there are numerous resources of financial assistance for veterinary care to support difficult situations. As a pet owner, ensuring the well-being of your furry companion is a top priority, and it’s reassuring to know that various organizations and programs are dedicated to helping you manage the costs associated with veterinary care.</p>
  664. <p>Whether you’re facing an unexpected medical expense or struggling to afford routine care, assistance is available through grants, low-cost clinics, and financial aid programs. Organizations like AAHA Helping Pets Fund, Angels4Animals, and The Pet Fund are invaluable resources.</p>
  665. <p>These organizations can prevent unnecessary euthanasia and abandonment by providing financial support to pet owners in need. Additionally, local veterinary colleges and community clinics offer affordable care options, ensuring that every pet has access to the medical attention they require.</p>
  666. <p>For those in need of pet food and supplies, platforms like Pet Help Finder and Feeding Pets of the Homeless offer accessible solutions. These sources are helpful to keep your pet healthy and well-fed. Remember, seeking a second opinion or negotiating a payment plan with your veterinarian can also help alleviate financial stress without compromising the quality of care your pet receives.</p>
  667. <p>Ultimately, these resources underscore a collective commitment to animal welfare. Besides, it is as a recognition that financial constraints should never be a barrier to providing your pet with the best possible care. By leveraging these available supports, you can ensure that your pet remains happy, healthy, and well-cared for, regardless of your financial situation.</p>
  668. <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">References</span>:</p>
  669. <ul>
  670. <li>Small Paws Rescue &#8211;</li>
  671. <li>Image:</li>
  672. <li></li>
  673. </ul>
  674. <p>The post <a href="">Financial Assistance for Veterinary Care</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  675. ]]></content:encoded>
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  680. <title>Scholarships for Adopted Kids</title>
  681. <link></link>
  682. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Munir Ardi]]></dc:creator>
  683. <pubDate>Fri, 15 Nov 2024 11:59:32 +0000</pubDate>
  684. <category><![CDATA[Education]]></category>
  685. <category><![CDATA[adoption scholarships 2024]]></category>
  686. <category><![CDATA[can parents apply for scholarships for their child]]></category>
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  700. <category><![CDATA[scholarships for adopted students]]></category>
  701. <category><![CDATA[scholarships for adopted students in florida]]></category>
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  703. <category><![CDATA[scholarships for adoptive kids]]></category>
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  710. <category><![CDATA[wendy's scholarships for adopted children]]></category>
  711. <category><![CDATA[what scholarships are available for adopted child]]></category>
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  714. <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Scholarships for Adopted Kids</a></p>
  715. <p>Being adopted often comes with many obstacles and problems, often starts when the adopted person is still a kid. But once they pass through their teen&#8217;s age, there are many scholarships for adopted kids available so that they can pursue good degrees in an accredited college in United States. This should ensure their bright future. The presence of such financial aid is crucial because statistics have shown that many of these adopted children don&#8217;t go to college. In fact, only half of them graduated from high school. Out of those who actually earned their high school diploma, there&#8217;s only six </p>
  716. <p>The post <a href="">Scholarships for Adopted Kids</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  717. ]]></description>
  718. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Scholarships for Adopted Kids</a></p>
  719. <p>Being adopted often comes with many obstacles and problems, often starts when the adopted person is still a kid. But once they pass through their teen&#8217;s age, there are many scholarships for adopted kids available so that they can pursue good degrees in an accredited college in United States. This should ensure their bright future.</p>
  720. <p>The presence of such financial aid is crucial because statistics have shown that many of these adopted children don&#8217;t go to college. In fact, only half of them graduated from high school. Out of those who actually earned their high school diploma, there&#8217;s only six percent that continue their education to college.</p>
  721. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-5059 size-full" src="" alt="scholarships-for-adopted-kids" width="728" height="485" /></a></p>
  722. <h2>List of Scholarships for Adopted Kids</h2>
  723. <p>In this post you will see our list of available scholarships for adopted kids, which hopefully can boost these kids&#8217; confidence and spirit to pursue higher education:</p>
  724. <h3>Horatio Alger Association National Scholarship</h3>
  725. <p>Specifically aimed for students facing great problems (including <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">adoption</a>), this is by far the biggest adopted kids scholarship available in United States. Applicants should demonstrate extreme financial need, have an average GPA of at least 2.0, and show good commitment to finish their study.</p>
  726. <p>The application submission deadline is on February 1, and the eligible students will receive a whopping $21,000. Please call (703) 684-9444 or send emails to <a href=""></a> for more information on this great opportunity.</p>
  727. <h3>Casey Family Scholars Program</h3>
  728. <p>The Casey Family Scholars Program is a nation-wide program available for eligible foster or ex-foster kids. Those who have been adopted from a foster care after they turned 16, those who have been in a foster care for 12 consecutive months, and those whose parents passed away before their 18<sup>th</sup> birthday are encouraged to apply.</p>
  729. <p>The amount of scholarship varies, but typically somewhere between $1,500 and $6,000 per year for each selected students.  It is also worth noting that the scholarship is preferably given to those receiving the Pell Grant. Usually the deadline for this scholarship ends in March 31<sup>st</sup>. For more information, please call (571) 203-0270 or visit their website.</p>
  730. <h3>Gordon Evans Scholarship</h3>
  731. <p>As their utmost respect for the well-known foster parent named Gordon Evans, the National Foster Parent Association provides five scholarships, each worth $1,000, for foster and adoptive children in the United States who are studying full-time as undergraduate students in an accredited college. The deadline for this scholarship ends in March 31, and you can contact them at (253) 683-4246 for further information regarding this opportunity.</p>
  732. <h3>Fostering a Future Scholarship Program</h3>
  733. <p>The scholarship money is up to $2,500, and the deadline for application is on April 15. The program is  by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and the Children&#8217;s Action Network.</p>
  734. <p>The adopted kids should be enrolled in vocational training program, or two or four years of undergraduate education at an accredited institution in the United States. The candidates should be under 21 when he or she applies for this opportunity.  Call them at (310) 477-7611 or send emails to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> for more information.</p>
  735. <h3>Carlos Lara and Don Hazel Scholarship Fund</h3>
  736. <p>This $1,000 scholarship is available annually for foster and adoptive children who have graduated from high school and is currently attending an accredited college. You need to provide a copy of your high school transcript, college acceptance letter, letters of recommendation, and a short essay. Contact the Texas Foster Family Association for further details at (936) 275-3547. As you may have suggested, this scholarship is available for people in Texas State.</p>
  737. <h3>Youth in Foster Care Scholarship</h3>
  738. <p>Students who have lived in New Mexico and been in the New Mexico foster care program for at least one year. They must be between 17 and 21 years old. Applicants need to have at least a 2.5 GPA if they are in high school or college. This requirement does not apply to GED holders applying to college.</p>
  739. <ul>
  740. <li>Scholarship amount: $1,000</li>
  741. <li>Application deadline: June 6, 2024</li>
  742. </ul>
  743. <h3>Oregon Chafee Education and Training Grant</h3>
  744. <p>Oregon students who are currently in child welfare foster care, were in child welfare foster care for at least 180 days after turning 14 and left foster care at age 16 or older, or were adopted or placed under guardianship after their 13th birthday, with the adoption or guardianship finalized after September 1, 2015.</p>
  745. <ul>
  746. <li>Scholarship amount: Up to $2,500, and it is renewable.</li>
  747. <li>Application deadlines: Fall – August 1, Winter – November 1, Spring – February 1, Summer – May 1</li>
  748. </ul>
  749. <h3>Forward Steps Scholarship</h3>
  750. <p>Foster youth from Colorado who want to go to a university in the Denver metro, Longmont, Fort Collins, or Greeley areas.</p>
  751. <ul>
  752. <li>Scholarship amount: Up to $3,000.</li>
  753. <li>Application deadline: Twice a year – May 31 and October 31.</li>
  754. </ul>
  755. <h3>Nicholas &amp; Helena Patti Foundation Scholarship</h3>
  756. <p>Students with Italian heritage who plan to major in music or education-related subjects. Preference is available for students who have been in foster care.</p>
  757. <ul>
  758. <li>Scholarship amount: Up to $6,500.</li>
  759. <li>Application deadline: November 1, 2024.</li>
  760. </ul>
  761. <h3>Pennsylvania Chafee Education and Training Grant Program</h3>
  762. <p>Undergraduate students in Pennsylvania who are currently in foster care or were discharged or adopted from foster care at or before age 16. Applicants must be under the age of 26.</p>
  763. <ul>
  764. <li>Grant amount: $5,000.</li>
  765. <li>Application deadline: January 31, 2025.</li>
  766. </ul>
  767. <h3>Adoption STAR Academic Scholarship Programs</h3>
  768. <p>High school seniors who are adopted or in foster care. Applicants must have a transcript that demonstrates either high performance or improvement over time.</p>
  769. <ul>
  770. <li>Scholarship amount: $3,000.</li>
  771. <li>Application deadline: Rolling.</li>
  772. </ul>
  773. <h3>Casey Family Services Alumni Scholarship</h3>
  774. <p>Individuals who have received services from Casey Family Services in Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, or Vermont. Applicants must be between 16 and 49 years old and starting or attending a post-secondary institution to earn a certificate, associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree, or a professional degree (PhD&#8217;s not eligible).</p>
  775. <ul>
  776. <li>Scholarship amount: Up to $10,000.</li>
  777. <li>Application deadline: Rolling.</li>
  778. </ul>
  779. <h3>Maryland Higher Education Commission Tuition Waiver for Foster Care Recipients</h3>
  780. <p>Foster care youth in Maryland under 25 years old who are pursuing an associate, bachelor’s degree, or vocational certificate at a Maryland public college or university.</p>
  781. <ul>
  782. <li>Waiver amount: Full tuition waiver.</li>
  783. <li>Application deadline: Deadlines vary by school, but be sure to complete the FAFSA by June 30 of each year.</li>
  784. </ul>
  785. <h3>Other Scholarships for Adopted Children</h3>
  786. <p>There are many scholarships for adopted kids for specific states or cities. For example, there&#8217;s the Illinois&#8217; Adoptive Families Today Commemorative Scholarship,  Oregon&#8217;s DREAM Former Foster Children Scholarship, Vermont&#8217;s Emily Lester Vermont Opportunity Scholarship, the Dorothy and Robert Debolt Scholarship in California, etc.</p>
  787. <p><u>References</u>:</p>
  788. <ul>
  789. <li>Horatio Alger Association National Scholarship &#8211;</li>
  790. <li>Foster Care to Success &#8211;</li>
  791. <li>Image:</li>
  792. </ul>
  793. <p>The post <a href="">Scholarships for Adopted Kids</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  794. ]]></content:encoded>
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  797. <title>Free Tubal Reversal Surgery</title>
  798. <link></link>
  799. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Munir Ardi]]></dc:creator>
  800. <pubDate>Thu, 14 Nov 2024 23:56:37 +0000</pubDate>
  801. <category><![CDATA[Health]]></category>
  802. <category><![CDATA[can a tubal ligation be reversed]]></category>
  803. <category><![CDATA[free tubal ligation reversal in florida]]></category>
  804. <category><![CDATA[free tubal ligation reversal in louisiana]]></category>
  805. <category><![CDATA[free tubal ligation reversal surgery]]></category>
  806. <category><![CDATA[free tubal reversal chicago]]></category>
  807. <category><![CDATA[free tubal reversal grants]]></category>
  808. <category><![CDATA[free tubal reversal in florida]]></category>
  809. <category><![CDATA[free tubal reversal in north carolina]]></category>
  810. <category><![CDATA[free tubal reversal in ohio]]></category>
  811. <category><![CDATA[free tubal reversal in tampa fl]]></category>
  812. <category><![CDATA[free tubal reversal in texas]]></category>
  813. <category><![CDATA[free tubal reversal surgery in ontario]]></category>
  814. <category><![CDATA[free tubal reversal texas]]></category>
  815. <category><![CDATA[government grants]]></category>
  816. <category><![CDATA[reversal tubal ligation cost]]></category>
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  819. <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Free Tubal Reversal Surgery</a></p>
  820. <p>In general, a free tubal reversal surgery is a long shot because both the government nor insurance companies don’t think that this is a medically necessary procedure. That said, there are several church-based organizations that offer such service to a limited number of people. But before we get to that point, let’s discuss the tubal reversal surgery definition, risk cost, etc so that you can learn a bit more about this procedure. This surgery is meant to reverse the process for women who have their tubes tied, allowing them to have a normal pregnancy once more. However, women who have </p>
  821. <p>The post <a href="">Free Tubal Reversal Surgery</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  822. ]]></description>
  823. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Free Tubal Reversal Surgery</a></p>
  824. <p>In general, a free tubal reversal surgery is a long shot because both the government nor insurance companies don’t think that this is a medically necessary procedure. That said, there are several church-based organizations that offer such service to a limited number of people. But before we get to that point, let’s discuss the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">tubal reversal</a> surgery definition, risk cost, etc so that you can learn a bit more about this procedure.</p>
  825. <p>This surgery is meant to reverse the process for women who have their tubes tied, allowing them to have a normal pregnancy once more. However, women who have taken part in the procedure have an increased risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. What is an ectopic pregnancy? It is a pregnancy that occurs within the fallopian tube. This risk is even higher if you are pregnant immediately after the reversal surgery. Therefore, doctors always recommend women wait up to 60 days after the surgery is performed. They may recommend birth control methods to lower the risk. However, don&#8217;t let this discourage you. In fact, most women who have this tubal reversal surgery have normal pregnancies, as long as they follow the doctor&#8217;s recommendation.</p>
  826. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-4518 size-full" src="" alt="free-tubal-reversal-surgery" width="728" height="484" /></a></p>
  827. <h2>Tubal Reversal Cost</h2>
  828. <p>Surgical Fees, around $6,200 include:</p>
  829. <ul>
  830. <li>Surgeon and assistant surgeon&#8217;s Fee of $3,000</li>
  831. <li>Anesthesia Charge $800</li>
  832. <li>Facility Fees $2,400</li>
  833. </ul>
  834. <p>You should also consider the additional fees which include:</p>
  835. <ul>
  836. <li>Laboratory Fees</li>
  837. <li>Semen analysis</li>
  838. <li>Initial consultation</li>
  839. <li>Prescription medicine</li>
  840. </ul>
  841. <p>So as you can see, the tubal reversal surgery cost is pretty high. So is there any possible way to get free tubal reversal surgery?</p>
  842. <p>There are several church-based organization that provides such a service. However, because there are so many women wanting to get free tubal reversal surgery, you have to enlist yourself on their waiting list. The organization may also charge you around $20 per month to keep you on their list. Some may get the procedure in 4 to 9 months, but others may have to wait even longer than that. In some cases, you might not be picked after all.</p>
  843. <p>The Lord&#8217;s Heritage ministry is one of these organizations. The Blessed Arrows, Tubal Reversal Angels, and Baby Quest Foundation may also provide this kind of service. Other organizations you can ask about are our Vision of Faith and Fit to be Untied.</p>
  844. <p><strong>Other tubal reversal surgery financing options</strong></p>
  845. <p>As you can see, getting a free tubal reversal surgery is unlikely, because even though you can get yourself on the waiting list you may have to pay a monthly fee. In our opinion, the best solution to finance this procedure is to persistently save some money. This way you can really plan ahead, and you can avoid the interest rate that you can get if you financed the surgery by taking a loan from a bank or other financial lenders. You have to be extra careful when you&#8217;re choosing the company. But, for Muslim people, insurance, credit card or loan, and other financing options, there always has an interest rate, and it does not match with the shariah system, so, be careful!</p>
  846. <p>If you are eligible for federal grants or other types of grants from other institutions, you should not spend your grant for this surgery. In general, grants are intended for basic needs or education. Remember, having children takes a lot of effort, money, and energy. You should make sure that you can raise them well.</p>
  847. <p><u>Related Articles</u>:</p>
  848. <ul>
  849. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Funding for Tubal Reversal Surgery</a></li>
  850. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Grants for Tubal Ligation Reversal</a></li>
  851. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">4 Sources of Tubal Ligation Reversal Financial Assistance</a></li>
  852. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">What Makes the Vasectomy Reversal Success Rate High?</a></li>
  853. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">March of Dimes Research Grants</a></li>
  854. </ul>
  855. <p>image:</p>
  856. <p>PS: For Muslims who want to do tubal reversal, please follow the instructions below:</p>
  857. <ul>
  858. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Muslim Husband Wants Tubal Ligation</a></li>
  859. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Birth Control</a></li>
  860. </ul>
  861. <p>The post <a href="">Free Tubal Reversal Surgery</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  862. ]]></content:encoded>
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  865. <title>Colorado Coalition For The Homeless And The Phone Number</title>
  866. <link></link>
  867. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Munir Ardi]]></dc:creator>
  868. <pubDate>Thu, 14 Nov 2024 11:40:45 +0000</pubDate>
  869. <category><![CDATA[Housing]]></category>
  870. <category><![CDATA[colorado coalition for the homeless 2100 broadway]]></category>
  871. <category><![CDATA[colorado coalition for the homeless family support services]]></category>
  872. <category><![CDATA[colorado coalition for the homeless federal center]]></category>
  873. <category><![CDATA[colorado coalition for the homeless housing first]]></category>
  874. <category><![CDATA[colorado coalition for the homeless jobs]]></category>
  875. <category><![CDATA[colorado coalition for the homeless lakewood]]></category>
  876. <category><![CDATA[colorado coalition for the homeless phone number]]></category>
  877. <category><![CDATA[colorado coalition for the homeless staff]]></category>
  878. <category><![CDATA[colorado coalition for the homeless stout street]]></category>
  879. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  881. <description><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Colorado Coalition For The Homeless And The Phone Number</a></p>
  882. <p>Colorado Coalition for the homeless program is available in many options. You can use these programs to get help. Their goal is to help homeless so they get a valuable assistance. It is what you need when you are facing eviction. In addition, these programs give you housing needs. They complete it with some useful services. They also have many programs available. It is because they are cooperating with their partners. In fact, they work with Urban Peak and Outreach Collaboration. In this opportunity, we would like to collect some programs for the homeless, including the phone number. If you </p>
  883. <p>The post <a href="">Colorado Coalition For The Homeless And The Phone Number</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
  884. ]]></description>
  885. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Colorado Coalition For The Homeless And The Phone Number</a></p>
  886. <p>Colorado Coalition for the homeless program is available in many options. You can use these programs to get help. Their goal is to help homeless so they get a valuable assistance. It is what you need when you are facing eviction. In addition, these programs give you housing needs. They complete it with some useful services.</p>
  887. <p>They also have many programs available. It is because they are cooperating with their partners. In fact, they work with Urban Peak and Outreach Collaboration. In this opportunity, we would like to collect some programs for the homeless, including the phone number. If you know a person who needs this information, please let him/her know.</p>
  888. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-8991 size-full" src="" alt="colorado-coalition-for-the-homeless" width="728" height="410" /></a></p>
  889. <h2>Colorado Coalition For The Homeless Rental Assistance</h2>
  890. <p>They are many options available to get rental assistance. But, they provide a limited offer. Furthermore, you only can apply for their program through certain referrals. The services they can provide are permanent housing and vouchers. In addition, they have transitional apartments to provide. Please note that they provide a limited service. They only can help homeless families or individuals.</p>
  891. <p>In fact, they have some useful programs. They can provide you property owner advocacy and counseling. You can also get their housing referrals service. Other programs available are housing search assistance, life skill training, and on-site inspections. It is possible to find their direct financial aid to pay the rent. However, this is a limited assistance. Commonly, you can get this kind of assistance through referrals to the federal programs.</p>
  892. <p>Here are the following options when you need Colorado homeless shelters:</p>
  893. <h3>Street Outreach</h3>
  894. <p>Colorado Coalition for the Homeless also leads and coordinates DSOC, which stands for Denver Street Outreach Collaborative. This program includes the City and County of Denver, Urban Peak, and St. Francis Center. The programs are essential to support the homeless. What they do is to help the individuals to build trusting relationships with their staff. In addition, the services are to move them from the homelessness toward the stable housing support. The programs are to give the needs of safety and to give crisis intervention. Besides, they want to connect homeless to mental and medical health care, housing, clothing, and other assistance.</p>
  895. <p>With DSOC, they give services especially to homeless individuals by providing more than 30,000 contacts. In 2015, they have helped 274 people to get permanent housing.</p>
  896. <h2>Street Outreach Program And Services</h2>
  897. <ul>
  898. <li>Help people move from the streets to get better treatment, such as employment and housing</li>
  899. <li>Get vital documents, such as birth certificates, social security cards, and Colorado’s ID</li>
  900. <li>Support accessing shelter</li>
  901. <li>Provide basic needs such as coats, gloves, hats, and socks</li>
  902. </ul>
  903. <h2>Behavioural Health Outreach Program</h2>
  904. <p>This program is available to support people who live on the street and live with their mental illness. BHN work together with DSOC to identify and engage any individuals to live on the street. In addition, they have navigators to work immediately with the homeless community providers. Therefore, they will identify, assess and even diagnose the homeless. Besides, they also educate and treat the qualified people. The goal is to provide the appropriate care. Their community has care providers. What they do is to formulate the right treatment plans and to monitor the progress of the services.</p>
  905. <h2>Recovery Support Services for Youth Program</h2>
  906. <p>This program supports adolescents as well as young adults from 15 to 25 years old with mental health issues. They provide the right treatments. They work based on the Urban Peak case managers referrals.</p>
  907. <p>In this program, the qualified person will get some services such as psychiatric evaluation and treatment. Besides, they can get access to Stout Street Health Center for dental, medical, and pharmacy services. In addition, this program provides outpatient therapy, referral to the community mental health centers.</p>
  908. <p>For further information, please visit the link above or visit their office at 2100 Broadway, Denver, CO 80205.</p>
  909. <h3>Housing First</h3>
  910. <p>This adopted program is available to support chronic homeless individuals. So, they can move immediately out of their shelter or streets. The goal is to provide a proper housing. This program named Housing First because they will provide rapid access to support housing, provide intensive case management. The goal is to provide crisis intervention and therapeutic support services.</p>
  911. <p>What they do is to avoid the homelessness recurrence, to help homeless people with disabilities. By implementing this approach, they can reduce the needs of emergency room care, detox services, inpatient medical and psychiatric care. They also can reduce the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">emergency shelter</a> needs. Based on the report, they can reduce by almost 73% of the cost. Through this approach, they can make $31,545 cost savings for each participant.</p>
  912. <p>In addition, multiple studies made the Housing First got more popularity. Based on those studies, the program is successful to end homelessness with chronical issues, especially those with psychiatric disabilities.</p>
  913. <h2>House First program And Services</h2>
  914. <ul>
  915. <li>Nursing assistance</li>
  916. <li>Legal referrals and advocacy</li>
  917. <li>Referrals to food resources</li>
  918. <li>Substance use treatment</li>
  919. <li>Therapy</li>
  920. <li>Psychiatric services</li>
  921. <li>Benefits acquisition</li>
  922. <li>Linkage to integrated health services</li>
  923. <li>Transportation assistance</li>
  924. <li>Linkage to community resources</li>
  925. <li>Assertive community treatment team</li>
  926. <li>Supportive housing</li>
  927. </ul>
  928. <p>If you seek for housing assistance, we recommend you to come to their Community Resources program to complete the VI-SPDAT. It is a survey to measure how long you are homelessness, as well as the medical vulnerability. At that time, they will place you on One Home to assess you for the housing placement. Please note that they cannot accept referrals from other sources.</p>
  929. <p>For further information, please contact 303 297 4091</p>
  930. <p>Another way to do is to visit 2100 Broadway, Denver, CO 80205.</p>
  931. <h3>Career and Employment Counseling</h3>
  932. <p>This is another option to take when it comes to the Colorado Coalition for the homeless. It supports individuals to gain, and increase their income. Besides, they help homeless individuals to get complete their vocational goals. Their prior is to help you get a job so you can pay the rent and regain your place.</p>
  933. <p>The case managers coordinate with the community action agencies, employers as well as government job centers. Therefore, this program can run well. They provide effective strategies including the action plans to support their clients. Through their program, homeless individuals can learn how to use the available resources. Therefore, they can develop their skills to get a job.</p>
  934. <h3><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Community Resources and PATH</a></h3>
  935. <p>The program is available to help the homeless adults, especially individuals with no children. The goal is to help them to complete their short-term needs. Besides, the program is to support transition individuals. Speaking of the program, here are the following services available:</p>
  936. <ul>
  937. <li>Provide an assistance to apply for permanent housing</li>
  938. <li>Short-term case management</li>
  939. <li>Provide shelter information</li>
  940. <li>Give referrals to other agencies</li>
  941. <li>Give referrals to have treatment programs based on community</li>
  942. <li>Support basic hygiene products</li>
  943. <li>Benefits applications assistance</li>
  944. <li>Advocacy</li>
  945. <li>Payeeship referrals</li>
  946. <li>Permanent resident card applications</li>
  947. </ul>
  948. <p>PATH is available to support single, homeless individuals who live with mental illness. This program helps a person to move from the homelessness to the permanent housing. Besides, the person can get the access to the resources to the person gets a housing stability for a long-term. Even though the client does not have any specific limit, commonly the period is from nine to eighteen months.</p>
  949. <h2>PATH Application Requirements</h2>
  950. <ul>
  951. <li>Photo ID</li>
  952. <li>Birth certificate</li>
  953. <li>Proof of income</li>
  954. <li>Social security card</li>
  955. </ul>
  956. <p>Note: It does not a big deal if you have no original items above since you can provide the copies.</p>
  957. <p>If you are a single adult, couples without children, make sure that you are eligible. It does not a big deal if you have no referral. Meanwhile, if you know a person who needs PATH, make sure that the individual can meet the following requirements:</p>
  958. <ul>
  959. <li>Adults with the history or diagnosis of mental illness</li>
  960. <li>Homeless</li>
  961. <li>Seek for housing for themselves</li>
  962. </ul>
  963. <p>Sadly, the wait lists to get the help from these programs are quite long. It can take 12 months to wait for the help. Therefore, you should send your application immediately to get permanent housing assistance.</p>
  964. <p>For more information about Community Resources, please call at 303-312-9679</p>
  965. <p>Or, visit their office at 2100 Broadway, Denver, CO 80205.</p>
  966. <p>If you want to know more about PATH, please contact 303-293-6506</p>
  967. <p>Their office is 2100 Broadway, Denver, CO 80205.</p>
  968. <h3>Transitional Housing</h3>
  969. <p>This program is available to support lower income families. Even individuals who evicted recently can join in this program. The program provides skills training, financial literacy, and employment for the homeless. In addition, they provide credit repair. Once their clients are ready to move into the new house, they may require referrals to support government grant programs. Therefore, you can pay the housing costs.</p>
  970. <h3>BART</h3>
  971. <p>You can even get help from BART. The Colorado Coalition for the homeless and Benefits Acquisition and Retention Team (BART) are available as your alternative. This program is available for those who are facing eviction, homelessness. In addition, it can be the solution to those expects to access the public benefits without interest loans. This program is available only to help the homeless with difficult and complicated issues.</p>
  972. <p>What BART and staff do is to expedite the benefits acquisition process. Therefore, the application only takes 1 week. If there is no waiting list, they can include disability, food stamps, section 8, and others.</p>
  973. <h2>Colorado Coalition for the Homeless Medical Care Services</h2>
  974. <p>In fact, homeless individuals will not get their health care because they have no access. They cannot afford the medical bills, prescription medications, and other medical treatments when they need it. To solve these problems, the Colorado Coalition for the homeless cooperates with clinics and doctors. Therefore, they can provide integrated healthcare support for the homeless children and individuals.</p>
  975. <p>The staff in the clinic is physician assistants, registered nurses, volunteer doctors, nurse practitioners. Other than that, you can find medical assistants and case managers.</p>
  976. <p>What they can do for you is to provide infection treatments, flu shots, and immunizations. Furthermore, they can provide wound care and comprehensive mental health services. Not only that, but they also support you to provide diabetes and hypertension care, prenatal and baby care. They can help you if you need prescription medications and dental care.</p>
  977. <p>Those who are responsible to pay for the medical costs are the contributors and donators. They have these people from the local foundations, hospitals, medical community, clubs, and businesses. For example, they have pediatric medical care from the Stout Street Clinic. Other than that, they provide eye care to support free eyeglass adjustments and repairs. It is important to note that the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless Pharmacy provides limited free prescriptions and medications. For example, on some days they only provide 500 prescriptions. Their key partner is the University Of Colorado School Of Pharmacy.</p>
  978. <p>Moreover, they provide dental care for the homeless. This service runs well with the help of a clinic’s dentists, dental students, and hygienists. In addition, they have some assistance from the University Of Colorado School Of Dentistry. Interestingly, they have free routine dental care, extractions, and cleanings, along with emergency treatment.</p>
  979. <h2>Mobile Clinic Denver Services</h2>
  980. <p>There is also A Mobile Clinic. They have a doctor and nurse practitioner stops at the shelters, churches, and even transitional housing site. In addition, they can stop at drop-in centers such as at Colfax Avenue motels or Denver. This clinic is available, thanks to the support of the Colorado Coalition for the homeless. They work together with charities and homeless service providers.</p>
  981. <p>What they do with the mobile van is to provide medical exams. For example, they provide medications, diagnosis as well as the acute and chronic illness treatment. They can do pre-and post-natal treatment, general health care service, mental health evaluations, and others.</p>
  982. <p>Their office is at 2111 Champa Street, Denver, Colorado 80205 and the Stout Street Clinic, 2100 Broadway, Denver, Colorado 80205. To get this Colorado Coalition for the homeless health care, please contact them at 303 293 2217.</p>
  983. <h2>Summary</h2>
  984. <p>In conclusion, the Colorado Coalition for the homeless is available in many options. Therefore, you should use your time wisely to join. If you really need a help, do not waste your time to contact them. In addition, register yourself immediately so they can help you. It can be your valuable opportunity that will not come twice. Once you think that you are eligible, apply for the program immediately.</p>
  985. <p>Moreover, it is important to know that some programs have a long waiting period. In this condition, do not wait for them for checking your application. Instead, your time to apply for other programs.</p>
  986. <p><u>Related Articles</u>:</p>
  987. <ul>
  988. <li class="title front-view-title"><a title="The List Of Free Hotel Vouchers Homeless Assistance" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The List Of Free Hotel Vouchers Homeless Assistance</a></li>
  989. <li class="title front-view-title"><a title="Help For Homeless Families with Children" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Help For Homeless Families with Children</a></li>
  990. <li class="title front-view-title"><a title="Emergency Housing for The Homeless" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Emergency Housing for The Homeless</a></li>
  991. <li class="title front-view-title"><a title="Transitional Housing Grants for Homeless" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Transitional Housing Grants for Homeless</a></li>
  992. <li class="title front-view-title"><a title="How to Get Grants for Homeless Families" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">How to Get Grants for Homeless Families</a></li>
  993. <li class="title front-view-title"><a title="Housing Assistance for Single Moms" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Housing Assistance for Single Moms</a></li>
  994. <li class="title front-view-title"><a title="Rental Assistance for Single Mothers- The Available List To Support" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rental Assistance for Single Mothers- The Available List To Support</a></li>
  995. </ul>
  996. <p><u>References</u>:</p>
  997. <ul>
  998. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Help for the Homeless</a></li>
  999. <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Community Resources and PATH</a></li>
  1000. <li>Image:</li>
  1001. </ul>
  1002. <p>The post <a href="">Colorado Coalition For The Homeless And The Phone Number</a> appeared first on <a href="">Government Grants News</a>.</p>
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