This feed does not validate.
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use lib ".";
use Kerryandjane;
use strict;
my %sections = ();
print "Content-type: text/xml\n\n";
print <<'EOF';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<channel rdf:about="">
<title>Kerry and Jane's News</title>
Tedious and rarely-updated news from Kerry and Jane.
# first get a list of valid sections
open (LIST, "<", "../data/sections.dat") or die ("Failed to open section list: $!");
while (<LIST>) {
next if /^\s*#/;
if (/^(.*?),(.*)$/) {
$sections {$1} = $2;
close LIST;
my %files = ();
my $date = "";
foreach my $section (sort keys %sections) {
while (<../data/$section/news/*xml>) {
if (-r) {
my $filename = $_;
$date = get_date ($_);
if ($date) {
if ($files {"$date"}) {
my $temp_date = $date;
for (my $count = 1; $files {"$temp_date"}; $count++) {
$temp_date = sprintf ("%s-%02d", $date, $count);
$date = $temp_date;
$files {"$date"} = $filename;
my $last_file = (keys (%files) < 5 ? keys (%files) - 1 : 4);
foreach ((reverse sort keys %files) [0..$last_file]) {
parse ($files {$_}, "ref");
print << "EOF";
<image rdf:about=\"$Kerryandjane::img_loc/kerryandjane88x31.gif\">
<title>Kerry and Jane's Page</title>
foreach ((reverse sort keys %files) [0..$last_file]) {
parse ($files {$_}, "item");
print "</rdf:RDF>\n";
sub get_date {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $year = 0;
my $month = 0;
my $date = 0;
if (-r $filename) {
local $/;
open (ARTICLE, "<", "$filename") or return "00000000";
my $contents = <ARTICLE>;
close ARTICLE;
if ($contents =~ m|<DATE.*YEAR="(\d+)"|is) {
$year = sprintf ("%04d", $1);
if ($contents =~ m|<DATE.*MONTH="(\d+)"|is) {
$month = sprintf ("%02d", $1);
if ($contents =~ m|<DATE.*DATE="(\d+)"|is) {
$date = sprintf ("%02d", $1);
return "$year$month$date";
sub parse {
my ($filename) = $_[0];
my ($mode) = $_[1];
$filename =~ m|.*/(.*?)/news/(.*?)$|;
my $section = $1;
my $file = $2;
my $title = "[No Title]";
my $year = 0;
my $month = 0;
my $date = 0;
my $body = "";
if (-r $filename) {
local $/;
open (ARTICLE, "<", "$filename") or die ("Failed to open $filename: $!");
my $contents = <ARTICLE>;
close ARTICLE;
if ($contents =~ m|<TITLE\b.*?VALUE="(.+?)".*?>|is) {
$title = $1;
if ($contents =~ m|<DATE\b.*YEAR="(\d+)"|is) {
$year = $1;
if ($contents =~ m|<DATE\b.*MONTH="(\d+)"|is) {
$month = $1
if ($contents =~ m|<DATE\b.*DATE="(\d+)"|is) {
$date = $1;
if ($mode eq "ref") {
print " <rdf:li rdf:resource=\"\?section=$section\&filename=$file\"/>\n";
} else {
$contents =~ m|<body>(.*?)</body>|is;
$body = $1;
# only show the first paragraph
$body =~ s/<p>.*//is;
# remove cross-reference tags
$body =~ s|<xref text="(.?)".?/>|$1|is;
print << "EOF";
<item rdf:about="\?section=$section\&filename=$file\">
<title>$title ($date/$month/$year)</title>