
[Valid RSS] This is a valid RSS feed.


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  6. <title>IWMW 2008: News</title>
  7. <link></link>
  8. <description>Institutional Web Management Workshop 2008: News</description>
  9. <language>en</language>
  10. <dc:date>2010-08-16</dc:date>
  12. <item>
  13. <title>Copy of IWMW 2008 Ning social network produced</title>
  14. <link></link>
  15. <guid></guid>
  16. <description>Following changes to the terms and conditions of the  Ning social networking service
  17. a copy of the IWMW 2008 Ning social network has been taken. [16 August 2008]</description>
  18. <dc:date>2010-08-16</dc:date>
  19. <pubDate>Mon, 16 Aug 2010 11:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  20. </item>
  22. <item>
  23. <title>New blog posts on the Seesmic Blog Page</title>
  24. <link></link>
  25. <guid></guid>
  26. <description>A number of new blog posts including a 'Welcome to Aberdeen' message have been added to the video blog page. [16 July 2008]</description>
  27. <dc:date>2008-06-30</dc:date>
  28. <pubDate>Wed, 16 Jul 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  29. </item>
  31. <item>
  32. <title>Delegates to get preferential rates when using University of Aberdeen Sports facilities</title>
  33. <link></link>
  34. <guid></guid>
  35. <description>The University of Aberdeen Sport and Recreation department are able to offer all delegates preferential
  36. rates for using the Sports facilities for the duration of the conference. [11 July 2008]</description>
  37. <dc:date>2008-07-11</dc:date>
  38. <pubDate>Fri, 11 Jul 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  39. </item>
  41. <item>
  42. <title>Delegate Information for IWMW 2008 now available</title>
  43. <link></link>
  44. <guid></guid>
  45. <description>Full delegate information including details of accommodation location is now available. [9 July 2008]</description>
  46. <dc:date>2008-07-09</dc:date>
  47. <pubDate>Wed, 9 Jul 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  48. </item>
  50. <item>
  51. <title>Liveblog Service Test Page for IWMW 2008</title>
  52. <link></link>
  53. <guid></guid>
  54. <description>The Scribblelive live blog service will be used to provide a commentary
  55. on the plenary talks at the IWMW 2008 event. A test Scribblelive blog page has
  56. been set up to allow users to familirise themselves with the service. [4 July 2008]</description>
  57. <dc:date>2008-07-04</dc:date>
  58. <pubDate>Fri, 4 Jul 2008 16:40:00 GMT</pubDate>
  59. </item>
  61. <item>
  62. <title>IWMW 2008 Seesmic Blog Page</title>
  63. <link></link>
  64. <guid></guid>
  65. <description>A page has been setup on the IWMW 2008 Web site which provides access
  66. to Seesmic video blog posts. [30 June 2008]</description>
  67. <dc:date>2008-06-30</dc:date>
  68. <pubDate>Mon, 30 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  69. </item>
  71. <item>
  72. <title>IWMW 2008 Seesmic Microblog post no. 1</title>
  73. <link></link>
  74. <guid></guid>
  75. <description>The first Seesmic video microblog post has been published. [27 June 2008]</description>
  76. <dc:date>2008-06-27</dc:date>
  77. <pubDate>Fri, 27 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  78. </item>
  80. <item>
  81. <title>IWMW 2008 Feeds Available On Netvibes</title>
  82. <link></link>
  83. <guid></guid>
  84. <description>Access to RSS feeds for the IWMW 2008 event is now available on
  85. Netvibes. [22 June 2008]</description>
  86. <dc:date>2008-06-22</dc:date>
  87. <pubDate>Sun, 22 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  88. </item>
  90. <item>
  91. <title>Bookings are Now Closed</title>
  92. <link></link>
  93. <guid></guid>
  94. <description>Bookings for IWMW 2008 are now closed. If you wish to be added to the waiting list
  95. please contact the events team. [13 June 2008]</description>
  96. <dc:date>2008-06-13</dc:date>
  97. <pubDate>Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  98. </item>
  100. <item>
  101. <title>Social Network For IWMW 2008</title>
  102. <link></link>
  103. <guid></guid>
  104. <description>The Ning social networking service has been used to create a social
  105. network for use by participants and other interested parties at IWMW 2008. [11 June 2008]</description>
  106. <dc:date>2008-06-11</dc:date>
  107. <pubDate>Wed, 11 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  108. </item>
  110. <item>
  111. <title>Twitter ID For IWMW 2008</title>
  112. <link></link>
  113. <guid></guid>
  114. <description>Details of use of Twitter at IWMW 2008 are now available. [08 June 2008]</description>
  115. <dc:date>2008-06-02</dc:date>
  116. <pubDate>Mon, 2 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  117. </item>
  119. <item>
  120. <title>Innovation Competition</title>
  121. <link></link>
  122. <guid></guid>
  123. <description>This year Innovation Competition has now been launched. [03 June 2008]</description>
  124. <dc:date>2008-06-02</dc:date>
  125. <pubDate>Mon, 2 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  126. </item>
  128. <item>
  129. <title>IWMW 2008 BarCamp</title>
  130. <link></link>
  131. <guid></guid>
  132. <description>This year IWMW will be running a mini-BarCamp. [02 June 2008]</description>
  133. <dc:date>2008-06-02</dc:date>
  134. <pubDate>Mon, 2 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  135. </item>
  137. <item>
  138. <title>Additional Accommodation Information</title>
  139. <link></link>
  140. <guid></guid>
  141. <description>Information on additional accommodation for Monday 21 July is now available. [22 May 2008]</description>
  142. <dc:date>2008-05-22</dc:date>
  143. <pubDate>Thu, 22 May 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  144. </item>
  146. <item>
  147. <title>Bookings are now open for IWMW 2008</title>
  148. <link></link>
  149. <guid></guid>
  150. <description>You can now book to attend the Workshop. You will be required to select
  151. your parallel sessions when registering so please read up in advance. Messages sent
  152. to web-support and website-info-mgt. [12 May 2008]</description>
  153. <dc:date>2008-05-12</dc:date>
  154. <pubDate>Mon, 12 May 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  155. </item>
  157. <item>
  158. <title>Plenary Talks now available on the IWMW 2008 Web site</title>
  159. <link></link>
  160. <guid></guid>
  161. <description>Details of the plenary talks to be given at the workshop are now
  162. available from the Web site. [07 May 2008]</description>
  163. <dc:date>2008-05-07</dc:date>
  164. <pubDate>Mon, 5 May 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  165. </item>
  167. <item>
  168. <title>Parallel Sessions now available on the IWMW 2008 Web site</title>
  169. <link></link>
  170. <guid></guid>
  171. <description>Details of the parallel sessions available for delegates to attend
  172. are now available from the Web site. [05 May 2008]</description>
  173. <dc:date>2008-05-05</dc:date>
  174. <pubDate>Mon, 5 May 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  175. </item>
  177. <item>
  178. <title>IWMW2008 group created on Facebook</title>
  179. <link></link>
  180. <guid></guid>
  181. <description>An IWMW2008 group has been created on Facebook. Join up now!. [10 April 2008]</description>
  182. <dc:date>2008-04-10</dc:date>
  183. <pubDate>Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  184. </item>
  186. <item>
  187. <title>Call for Speakers and Workshop Facilitators sent to lis-link List</title>
  188. <link>;L=lis-link&amp;T=0&amp;O=D&amp;X=671FEE7932587D9305&amp;P=18204</link>
  189. <guid>;L=lis-link&amp;T=0&amp;O=D&amp;X=671FEE7932587D9305&amp;P=18204</guid>
  190. <description>The "Call for speakers and workshop facilitators" was sent to the
  191. lis-link JISCMail list. [21 Feb 2008]</description>
  192. <dc:date>2008-02-21</dc:date>
  193. <pubDate>Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  194. </item>
  196. <item>
  197. <title>Reminder of the Call for Speakers and Workshop Facilitators sent to website-info-mgt List</title>
  198. <link>;L=website-info-mgt&amp;T=0&amp;F=&amp;S=&amp;X=64140651329F361B77&amp;P=1442</link>
  199. <guid>;L=website-info-mgt&amp;T=0&amp;F=&amp;S=&amp;X=64140651329F361B77&amp;P=1442</guid>
  200. <description>A reminder of the "Call for speakers and workshop facilitators" was sent to the
  201. website-info-mgt JISCMail list. [21 Feb 2008]</description>
  202. <dc:date>2008-02-21</dc:date>
  203. <pubDate>Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  204. </item>
  206. <item>
  207. <title>Reminder of the Call for Speakers and Workshop Facilitators sent to web-support List</title>
  208. <link>;L=web-support&amp;T=0&amp;O=D&amp;X=134083524B923D7051&amp;P=5254</link>
  209. <guid>;L=web-support&amp;T=0&amp;O=D&amp;X=134083524B923D7051&amp;P=5254</guid>
  210. <description>A reminder of the "Call for speakers and workshop facilitators" was sent to the
  211. web-support JISCMail list. [21 Feb 2008]</description>
  212. <dc:date>2008-02-21</dc:date>
  213. <pubDate>Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  214. </item>
  216. <item>
  217. <title>Call for Speakers and Workshop Facilitators sent to website-info-mgt List</title>
  218. <link>;L=website-info-mgt&amp;T=0&amp;F=&amp;S=&amp;X=40B2EA7B6A1B40EF46&amp;P=342</link>
  219. <guid>;L=website-info-mgt&amp;T=0&amp;F=&amp;S=&amp;X=40B2EA7B6A1B40EF46&amp;P=342</guid>
  220. <description>The "Call for speakers and workshop facilitators" was sent to the
  221. website-info-mgt JISCMail list. [22 Jan 2008]</description>
  222. <dc:date>2008-01-22</dc:date>
  223. <pubDate>Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  224. </item>
  226. <item>
  227. <title>Call for Speakers and Workshop Facilitators sent to web-support List</title>
  228. <link>;L=web-support&amp;T=0&amp;F=&amp;S=&amp;X=4CC39C44B99323C2F3&amp;P=1625</link>
  229. <guid>;L=web-support&amp;T=0&amp;F=&amp;S=&amp;X=4CC39C44B99323C2F3&amp;P=1625</guid>
  230. <description>The "Call for speakers and workshop facilitators" was sent to the
  231. web-support JISCMail list. [22 Jan 2008]</description>
  232. <dc:date>2008-01-22</dc:date>
  233. <pubDate>Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  234. </item>
  236. <item>
  237. <title>Soft Launch Of The Call For Speakers And Workshop Facilitators</title>
  238. <link></link>
  239. <guid></guid>
  240. <description>The "Call for speakers and workshop facilitators" page has been created. [21 Jan 2008]</description>
  241. <dc:date>2008-01-21</dc:date>
  242. <pubDate>Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  243. </item>
  245. <item>
  246. <title>IWMW 2008</title>
  247. <link></link>
  248. <guid></guid>
  249. <description>The "Institutional Web Management Workshop 2008" Web site was set up.[2 Jan 2008]</description>
  250. <dc:date>2008-01-02</dc:date>
  251. <pubDate>Wed, 2 Jan 2008 09:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  252. </item>
  254. </channel>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda