It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. I looked for a feed associated with this page, but couldn't find one. Please enter the address of your feed to validate.


  1. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
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  4. <meta property="og:title" content="Essential Oils Pure and Natural | dōTERRA">
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  125. var useXRegExp = true;
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  129. var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
  130. var charString = String.fromCharCode(charCode);
  131. if (typeof useXRegExp !== 'undefined' && useXRegExp) {
  132. var unicodeWord = XRegExp(pattern);
  133. if(!(unicodeWord.test(charString)))
  134. {
  135. return false;
  136. } else {
  137. return true;
  138. }
  139. } else {
  140. if (!(charString.match(pattern))) {
  141. return false;
  142. } else {
  143. return true;
  144. }
  145. }
  146. }
  147. function isValidAddressCharValue(elem,modifier) {
  148. const country = 'USA';
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  151. } else if (country == 'KOR') {
  152. var pattern = '^[A-Za-zÀ-ü 0-9\\p{Hangul}]+$';
  153. var useXRegExp = true;
  154. } else {
  155. var pattern = /^[A-Za-zÀ-ü 0-9\/\,\.\-\^\`\u0400-\u04FF\u3040\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\uff00-\uff9f\u4e00-\u9faf\u3400-\u4dbf\u017D-\u017E\u0176-\u0178\u00FD\u00FF\u0160-\u0161\u0E00-\u0E7F]+$/;
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  172. err = "Invalid Bill Info";
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  174. } else if (elem) {
  175. $(elem).closest('div.field').removeClass('error');
  176. }
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  182. scrollTop: $('#errormessage').offset().top
  183. }, 500);
  184. return;
  185. return false;
  186. }
  187. else {
  188. $('#errormessage').hide();
  189. return true;
  190. }
  191. }
  192. </script>
  193. <div id="teconsent" style="display: none;"></div>
  194. <script class="trustecm" trackertype="functional" type="text/plain">
  195. window['_fs_debug'] = false;
  196. window['_fs_host'] = '';
  197. window['_fs_script'] = '';
  198. window['_fs_org'] = '11MSMR';
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  200. (function(m,n,e,t,l,o,g,y){
  201. if (e in m) {if(m.console && m.console.log) { m.console.log('FullStory namespace conflict. Please set window["_fs_namespace"].');} return;}
  202. g=m[e]=function(a,b,s){g.q?g.q.push([a,b,s]):g._api(a,b,s);};g.q=[];
  203. o=n.createElement(t);o.async=1;o.crossOrigin='anonymous';o.src='https://'+_fs_script;
  204. y=n.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];y.parentNode.insertBefore(o,y);
  205. g.identify=function(i,v,s){g(l,{uid:i},s);if(v)g(l,v,s)};g.setUserVars=function(v,s){g(l,v,s)};g.event=function(i,v,s){g('event',{n:i,p:v},s)};
  206. g.anonymize=function(){g.identify(!!0)};
  207. g.shutdown=function(){g("rec",!1)};g.restart=function(){g("rec",!0)};
  208. g.log = function(a,b){g("log",[a,b])};
  209. g.consent=function(a){g("consent",!arguments.length||a)};
  210. g.identifyAccount=function(i,v){o='account';v=v||{};v.acctId=i;g(o,v)};
  211. g.clearUserCookie=function(){};
  212. g.setVars=function(n, p){g('setVars',[n,p]);};
  213. g._w={};y='XMLHttpRequest';g._w[y]=m[y];y='fetch';g._w[y]=m[y];
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  215. g._v="1.3.0";
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  219. <body>
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  224. <div id="consent_blackbar"></div>
  225. <script>
  226. //This is your domain, as in, how you who are calling the API wish to be identified.
  227. var MY_DOMAIN = "";
  229. var _STATE = {};
  230. /**
  231. * Different pages add the Consent Manager in different locations, so all callers of the API must wait till
  232. * the API is loaded. The API is loaded in two stages:
  233. * 1) The first stage is where the "PrivacyManagerAPI" object exists on the page and where default and
  234. * page/domain specific settings can be obtained. If your requirements demand user consent, you must wait
  235. * for the second stage load, but it is always recommended to wait for the second stage no matter what.
  236. * The "loading" parameter will be added to all API responses when the API is in this state.
  237. * 2) The second stage loads the user preferences and the domain specific information. If you made a
  238. * postMessage API call during the first stage, then the API will automatically send you another, updated,
  239. * response if the result has changed.
  240. */
  241. function runOnce(){
  242. // If notice behaviour is 'none' activate all 'trustcm' scripts
  243. window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(e){
  244. try{
  245. if(!_STATE.hasRunOnce){
  246. var isNone = /.*(,|)none/i.test(getBehavior());
  247. if (isNone) {
  248. if( !_STATE.hasLoadedRequired ){
  249. activateElement(document.querySelectorAll(".trustecm"));
  250. _STATE.hasLoadedRequired = true;
  251. }
  252. }
  253. _STATE.hasRunOnce = true;
  254. _STATE.i && clearInterval(_STATE.i);
  255. }
  256. }catch(e){
  257. != 'SyntaxError' && console.log(e);
  258. }
  259. }, false);
  260. //CHECK: for API exists on the page
  261. if(!_STATE.hasRunOnce && window.PrivacyManagerAPI){
  262. console.log("doing run once");
  263. //Register with the API for automatic updates of user preferences (for the settings you care about)
  264. //--OR-- if the API is loading, then this will send an update when the API is done and has loaded the user preferences.
  265. window.addEventListener("message", function(e){
  266. try{
  267. var json = JSON.parse(;
  268. json.PrivacyManagerAPI && handleAPIResponse(json.PrivacyManagerAPI);
  269. }catch(e){
  270. != 'SyntaxError' && console.log(e);
  271. }
  272. }, false);
  273. var apiObject = {PrivacyManagerAPI: { self: MY_DOMAIN, action: "getConsent" , timestamp: new Date().getTime(), type: "functional" }};
  275. apiObject = {PrivacyManagerAPI: { self: MY_DOMAIN, action: "getConsent" , timestamp: new Date().getTime(), type: "advertising" }};
  277. _STATE.hasRunOnce = true;
  278. _STATE.i && clearInterval(_STATE.i);
  279. }
  280. }
  281. /**
  282. * This function returns value of notice_behavior cookie to determine location and behavior manager based on domain.
  283. * When no notice_behavior cookie exists, this returns a blank string.
  284. */
  285. function getBehavior() {
  286. var result = "";
  287. var rx = new RegExp("\\s*notice_behavior\\s*=\\s*([^;]*)").exec(document.cookie);
  288. if(rx&&rx.length>1){
  289. result = rx[1];
  290. }
  291. return result;
  292. }
  293. /**
  294. * This function is called whenever a user preference is initially set, is retrieved for the first time on this page, or is updated.
  295. * This is the gateway function which should be customized by each client (you) to determine when and how to handle the API response.
  296. *
  297. * The second half of the function determines settings from the CM API, and decides which elements on the page should be "activated" based upon those settings.
  298. * Elements can only be activated once. Elements can not be deactivated, once activated.
  299. */
  300. function handleAPIResponse(response){
  301. //CHECK: make sure this response is to YOU. You will actually get the messages to all API callers on this page, not just to you.
  302. if(!response.source || response.self != MY_DOMAIN ) return;
  303. console.log("user decision",response);
  304. //Required trackers/cookies are always allowed, no need to ask permission.
  305. if( !_STATE.hasLoadedRequired ){
  306. activateElement(document.querySelectorAll(".trustecm[trackertype=required]"));
  307. _STATE.hasLoadedRequired = true;
  308. }
  309. // Check if behavior manager is EU
  310. var isEU = /.*(,|)eu/i.test(getBehavior());
  311. //Case where we don't want to do anything till the user has made a preference.
  312. if(isEU && REQUIRE_USER_EXPRESSED_PERMISSION && response.source != "asserted" ) return;
  313. //Step 1) Get Consent Manager settings (user prefs)
  314. // These API calls are DIFFERENT than the original API call ("response" parameter) so they must be called separately.
  315. //Step 2) Apply the settings after checking if approved
  316. var setting = null;
  317. if( !_STATE.hasLoadedAdvertising ){
  318. setting = PrivacyManagerAPI.callApi("getConsent", MY_DOMAIN , null ,null, "advertising");
  319. if( setting.consent=="approved" ){
  320. activateElement(document.querySelectorAll(".trustecm[trackertype=advertising]"));
  321. _STATE.hasLoadedAdvertising = true;
  322. }console.log(setting);
  323. }
  324. if( !_STATE.hasLoadedFunctional ){
  325. setting = PrivacyManagerAPI.callApi("getConsent", MY_DOMAIN , null ,null, "functional");
  326. if( setting.consent=="approved" ){
  327. activateElement(document.querySelectorAll(".trustecm[trackertype=functional]"));
  328. _STATE.hasLoadedFunctional = true;
  329. }console.log(setting);
  330. }
  331. // No additional checking, this always fires, but only after a user has consented
  332. if( !_STATE.hasLoadedAnyConsent ){
  333. activateElement(document.querySelectorAll(".trustecm[trackertype=any]"));
  334. _STATE.hasLoadedAnyConsent = true;
  335. }
  336. //check of vendor domain and fires if that domain is approved, which is based on how that domain was categorized on the backend
  337. var vendors = document.querySelectorAll(".trustecm[trackertype=vendor]");
  338. for (var i=0; i < vendors.length; i++) {
  339. var currentVendor = vendors[i];
  340. var vDomain = currentVendor.getAttribute("vsrc");
  341. if (vDomain && !_STATE['hasLoaded'+vDomain]) {
  342. setting = PrivacyManagerAPI.callApi("getConsent", MY_DOMAIN, vDomain);
  343. if( setting.consent=="approved" ){
  344. activateElement(document.querySelectorAll(".trustecm[trackertype=vendor][vsrc='"+ vDomain +"']"));
  345. _STATE['hasLoaded'+vDomain] = true;
  346. }console.log(setting);
  347. }
  348. }
  349. }
  350. /**
  351. * Activates (runs, loads, or displays) an element based upon element node name.
  352. * @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} list
  353. */
  354. function activateElement(list){
  355. if(!(list instanceof Array || list instanceof NodeList)) throw "Illegal argument - must be an array";
  356. console.log("activating", list);
  357. for(var item,i=list.length;i-- >0;){
  358. item = list[i];
  359. item.class = "trustecm_done";
  360. switch(item.nodeName.toLowerCase()){
  361. case "script":
  362. var z = item.getAttribute("thesrc");
  363. if(z){
  364. var y = document.createElement("script");
  365. y.src = z;
  366. y.async = item.async;
  367. item.parentNode.insertBefore(y,item);
  368. }else eval(item.text || item.textContent || item.innerText);
  369. }
  370. }
  371. }
  372. _STATE.i = setInterval(runOnce,10);
  373. </script>
  374. <div id="chatJavaScriptAlertHeader" style="display: none;">If you see this, then either you have disabled JavaScript, or there is a syntax error in the Avaya WebChat files.</div>
  375. <div id="cobrowseJavaScriptAlertHeader" style="display: none;">If you see this, then either you have disabled JavaScript, or there is a syntax error in the Avaya CoBrowsing files.</div>
  376. <div id="Header" class="ui primary raised segment nomargin">
  377. <div class="ui basic segment">
  378. <div class="ui stackable grid">
  379. <div id="logo" class="three wide column">
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  385. <tbody>
  386. <tr>
  387. <td class="tertiary2">
  389. </td>
  390. <td >
  391. ABOUT YOU
  392. </td>
  393. <td >
  395. </td>
  396. <td >
  397. Complete registration
  398. </td>
  399. </tr>
  400. <tr>
  401. <td><div id="step" class="active"></div><div id="inactivelineright"></div></td>
  402. <td><div id="step" class="inactive"></div><div id="inactivelineleft"></div><div id="inactivelineright"></div></td>
  403. <td><div id="step" class="inactive"></div><div id="inactivelineleft"></div><div id="inactivelineright"></div></td>
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  409. </div>
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  416. <div class="MainContent">
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  418. #Header { display:none;}
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  421. <script>
  422. $(document).ready(function() {
  423. $('#Header').show();
  424. $('.MainContent').show();
  425. });
  426. </script>
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  428. <input type='hidden' name='c_token' value='lp0n3187j4d1bgmfgfx0ctggvpyan1ydvonlrhdy'><input type='hidden' name='f_cd' value='09/07/2024 18:32:08'>
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  435. <div id="ApplicationTypeHeader" class="ui center aligned basic segment nopadding">
  436. <h2 class="ui secondary header">
  437. <span class="OA_Selecthow">
  438. Select How You Would Like to Purchase Products
  439. <ul><b>Please note these options have changed
  440. </span>
  441. </h2>
  442. </div>
  443. <div id="PleaseNotText" class="ui center aligned basic segment nomargin" style="display:none;">
  444. <h4 class="ui secondary header">
  445. Please note these options have changed
  446. </h4>
  447. </div>
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  449. <input type="Hidden" id="EOHomeCountry" name="EOHomeCountry" value="">
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  455. <div id="MemberTypeWholesaleBubble" class="ui segment nopadding" onclick="SelectType('WholesaleType');">
  456. <div class="ui stackable grid nomargin">
  457. <div id="WholesaleCustomerSelectDiv" class="six wide column nopadding">
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  460. <div class="ui radio checkbox">
  461. <input type="Radio" name="MemberType" value="W" id="WholesaleType">
  462. <label for="WholesaleType"><h2>Wholesale<br>Customer</h2></label>
  463. </div>
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  823. </option>
  824. <option value="DEU"
  825. >
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  827. </option>
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  829. >
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  831. </option>
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  833. >
  834. Hungary
  835. </option>
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  837. >
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  839. </option>
  840. <option value="EO_Ireland"
  841. >
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  843. </option>
  844. <option value="EO_Israel"
  845. >
  846. Israel
  847. </option>
  848. <option value="ITA"
  849. >
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  852. <option value="EO_Latvia"
  853. >
  854. Latvia
  855. </option>
  856. <option value="EO_Liechtenstein"
  857. >
  858. Liechtenstein
  859. </option>
  860. <option value="EO_Lithuania"
  861. >
  862. Lithuania
  863. </option>
  864. <option value="EO_Luxembourg"
  865. >
  866. Luxembourg
  867. </option>
  868. <option value="EO_Malta"
  869. >
  870. Malta
  871. </option>
  872. <option value="EO_Moldova"
  873. >
  874. Moldova
  875. </option>
  876. <option value="EO_Monaco"
  877. >
  878. Monaco
  879. </option>
  880. <option value="EO_Netherlands"
  881. >
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  883. </option>
  884. <option value="EO_Norway"
  885. >
  886. Norway
  887. </option>
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  889. >
  890. Poland
  891. </option>
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  893. >
  894. Portugal
  895. </option>
  896. <option value="EO_Romania"
  897. >
  898. Romania
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  900. <option value="EO_Slovakia"
  901. >
  902. Slovakia
  903. </option>
  904. <option value="EO_Slovenia"
  905. >
  906. Slovenia
  907. </option>
  908. <option value="EO_Spain"
  909. >
  910. Spain
  911. </option>
  912. <option value="EO_Sweden"
  913. >
  914. Sweden
  915. </option>
  916. <option value="EO_Switzerland"
  917. >
  918. Switzerland
  919. </option>
  920. <option value="GBR"
  921. >
  922. United Kingdom
  923. </option>
  924. </select>
  925. </div>
  926. <div id="GAC" class="field" style="display:none;">
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  928. <option value="" selected>Choose Market</option>
  929. <option value="GAC_Albania" >Albania</option>
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  932. <option value="GAC_Anguilla" >Anguilla</option>
  933. <option value="GAC_Argentina" >Argentina</option>
  934. <option value="GAC_Armenia" >Armenia</option>
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  951. <option value="GAC_Brunei Darussalam" >Brunei Darussalam</option>
  952. <option value="GAC_Cabo Verde" >Cabo Verde</option>
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  956. <option value="GAC_Chad" >Chad</option>
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  958. <option value="GAC_Comoros" >Comoros</option>
  959. <option value="GAC_Curacao" >Curacao</option>
  960. <option value="GAC_Cyprus" >Cyprus</option>
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  962. <option value="GAC_Djibouti" >Djibouti</option>
  963. <option value="GAC_Dominican Republic" >Dominican Republic</option>
  964. <option value="GAC_Egypt" >Egypt</option>
  965. <option value="GAC_El Salvador" >El Salvador</option>
  966. <option value="GAC_Equatorial Guinea" >Equatorial Guinea</option>
  967. <option value="GAC_Ethiopia" >Ethiopia</option>
  968. <option value="GAC_Falkland Islands" >Falkland Islands</option>
  969. <option value="GAC_Fiji" >Fiji</option>
  970. <option value="GAC_French Guiana" >French Guiana</option>
  971. <option value="GAC_Gabon" >Gabon</option>
  972. <option value="GAC_Gambia" >Gambia</option>
  973. <option value="GAC_Georgia" >Georgia</option>
  974. <option value="GAC_Ghana" >Ghana</option>
  975. <option value="GAC_Greenland" >Greenland</option>
  976. <option value="GAC_Grenada" >Grenada</option>
  977. <option value="GAC_Guadeloupe (of Caribbean Islands)" >Guadeloupe (of Caribbean Islands)</option>
  978. <option value="GAC_Guam" >Guam</option>
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  981. <option value="GAC_Guinea-Bissau" >Guinea-Bissau</option>
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  985. <option value="GAC_Honduras" >Honduras</option>
  986. <option value="GAC_Indonesia" >Indonesia</option>
  987. <option value="GAC_Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire)" >Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire)</option>
  988. <option value="GAC_Jamaica" >Jamaica</option>
  989. <option value="GAC_Jersey" >Jersey</option>
  990. <option value="GAC_Jordan" >Jordan</option>
  991. <option value="GAC_Kenya" >Kenya</option>
  992. <option value="GAC_Kiribati" >Kiribati</option>
  993. <option value="GAC_Kosovo" >Kosovo</option>
  994. <option value="GAC_Kuwait" >Kuwait</option>
  995. <option value="GAC_Kyrgyzstan" >Kyrgyzstan</option>
  996. <option value="GAC_Lao PDR" >Lao PDR</option>
  997. <option value="GAC_Lebanon" >Lebanon</option>
  998. <option value="GAC_Lesotho" >Lesotho</option>
  999. <option value="GAC_Liberia" >Liberia</option>
  1000. <option value="GAC_Macau" >Macau</option>
  1001. <option value="GAC_Macedonia" >Macedonia</option>
  1002. <option value="GAC_Madagascar" >Madagascar</option>
  1003. <option value="GAC_Malaysia" >Malaysia</option>
  1004. <option value="GAC_Maldives" >Maldives</option>
  1005. <option value="GAC_Marshall Islands" >Marshall Islands</option>
  1006. <option value="GAC_Martinique" >Martinique</option>
  1007. <option value="GAC_Mauritania" >Mauritania</option>
  1008. <option value="GAC_Mauritius" >Mauritius</option>
  1009. <option value="GAC_Micronesia" >Micronesia</option>
  1010. <option value="GAC_Moldova" >Moldova</option>
  1011. <option value="GAC_Mongolia" >Mongolia</option>
  1012. <option value="GAC_Montenegro" >Montenegro</option>
  1013. <option value="GAC_Montserrat" >Montserrat</option>
  1014. <option value="GAC_Morocco" >Morocco</option>
  1015. <option value="GAC_Mozambique" >Mozambique</option>
  1016. <option value="GAC_Myanmar" >Myanmar</option>
  1017. <option value="GAC_Namibia" >Namibia</option>
  1018. <option value="GAC_Nepal" >Nepal</option>
  1019. <option value="GAC_New Caledonia" >New Caledonia</option>
  1020. <option value="GAC_Nicaragua" >Nicaragua</option>
  1021. <option value="GAC_Niger" >Niger</option>
  1022. <option value="GAC_Nigeria" >Nigeria</option>
  1023. <option value="GAC_Oman" >Oman</option>
  1024. <option value="GAC_Other various Caribbean Islands near the area of Antigua and Barbuda" >Other various Caribbean Islands near the area of Antigua and Barbuda</option>
  1025. <option value="GAC_Pakistan" >Pakistan</option>
  1026. <option value="GAC_Panama" >Panama</option>
  1027. <option value="GAC_Papua New Guinea" >Papua New Guinea</option>
  1028. <option value="GAC_Paraguay" >Paraguay</option>
  1029. <option value="GAC_Peru" >Peru</option>
  1030. <option value="GAC_Qatar" >Qatar</option>
  1031. <option value="GAC_Rwanda" >Rwanda</option>
  1032. <option value="GAC_Saba" >Saba</option>
  1033. <option value="GAC_Saint Lucia" >Saint Lucia</option>
  1034. <option value="GAC_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" >Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
  1035. <option value="GAC_Saint-Martin" >Saint-Martin</option>
  1036. <option value="GAC_Samoa" >Samoa</option>
  1037. <option value="GAC_San Marino" >San Marino</option>
  1038. <option value="GAC_Sao Tome and Principe" >Sao Tome and Principe</option>
  1039. <option value="GAC_Saudi Arabia" >Saudi Arabia</option>
  1040. <option value="GAC_Senegal" >Senegal</option>
  1041. <option value="GAC_Serbia" >Serbia</option>
  1042. <option value="GAC_Seychelles" >Seychelles</option>
  1043. <option value="GAC_Sierra Leone" >Sierra Leone</option>
  1044. <option value="GAC_Sint Eustatius" >Sint Eustatius</option>
  1045. <option value="GAC_Sint Maarten" >Sint Maarten</option>
  1046. <option value="GAC_Slovak Republic" >Slovak Republic</option>
  1047. <option value="GAC_Solomon Islands" >Solomon Islands</option>
  1048. <option value="GAC_South Africa" >South Africa</option>
  1049. <option value="GAC_South Sudan" >South Sudan</option>
  1050. <option value="GAC_Sri Lanka" >Sri Lanka</option>
  1051. <option value="GAC_Sudan" >Sudan</option>
  1052. <option value="GAC_Suriname" >Suriname</option>
  1053. <option value="GAC_Swaziland" >Swaziland</option>
  1054. <option value="GAC_Syria" >Syria</option>
  1055. <option value="GAC_Tajikistan" >Tajikistan</option>
  1056. <option value="GAC_Tanzania" >Tanzania</option>
  1057. <option value="GAC_Thailand" >Thailand</option>
  1058. <option value="GAC_Timor-Leste" >Timor-Leste</option>
  1059. <option value="GAC_Togo" >Togo</option>
  1060. <option value="GAC_Tonga" >Tonga</option>
  1061. <option value="GAC_Trinidad and Tobago" >Trinidad and Tobago</option>
  1062. <option value="GAC_Tunisia" >Tunisia</option>
  1063. <option value="GAC_Turkey" >Turkey</option>
  1064. <option value="GAC_Uganda" >Uganda</option>
  1065. <option value="GAC_Ukraine" >Ukraine</option>
  1066. <option value="GAC_Uruguay" >Uruguay</option>
  1067. <option value="GAC_Uzbekistan" >Uzbekistan</option>
  1068. <option value="GAC_Vanuatu" >Vanuatu</option>
  1069. <option value="GAC_Vatican City" >Vatican City</option>
  1070. <option value="GAC_Venezuela" >Venezuela</option>
  1071. <option value="GAC_Vietnam" >Vietnam</option>
  1072. <option value="GAC_Yemen" >Yemen</option>
  1073. <option value="GAC_Zambia" >Zambia</option>
  1074. <option value="GAC_Zimbabwe" >Zimbabwe</option>
  1075. </select>
  1076. </div>
  1077. <div id="RUS" class="field" style="display:none;">
  1078. <select id="RUSCountries" name="RUSHomeCountry">
  1079. <option value="RUS_Russia">Russia</option>
  1080. <option value="RUS_Belarus">Belarus</option>
  1081. </select>
  1082. </div>
  1083. </form>
  1084. </div>
  1085. <div class="ui basic segment nomargin">
  1086. <form method="Post" action="index.cfm?" name="LanguageForm2" class="ui form">
  1087. <input type="hidden" name="EnrollerID_ATP" value="458046">
  1088. <input type="hidden" name="EnrollerID" value="458046">
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  1090. <label><div class="hebrew2">Language Preference</div></label>
  1091. <div id="PleaseChooseLanguage" style="color:red;display:none;padding-top:5px;">Please choose a language</div>
  1092. <select name="ChangeMyLanguage" id="AppChangeMyLanguage" size="1" OnChange="CheckLanguage(this.value);">
  1093. <option value="" disabled selected>Select a Language</option>
  1094. <option value="ar">Arabic</option>
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  1108. <option value="fr">French - Français</option>
  1109. <option value="he">Hebrew</option>
  1110. <option value="hu">Hungarian</option>
  1111. <option value="it">Italian</option>
  1112. <option value="ja">Japanese - 日本語</option>
  1113. <option value="ko">Korean</option>
  1114. <option value="pl">Polish</option>
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  1119. <option value="ru_eeo">Russian EEO</option>
  1120. <option value="ru_uk">Russian-Ukraine</option>
  1121. <option value="sk">Slovak</option>
  1122. <option value="es">Spanish - ESPAÑOL</option>
  1123. <option value="es_col">Spanish</option>
  1124. <option value="es_mex">Spanish - Español (Mexico)</option>
  1125. <option value="sv">Swedish</option>
  1126. <option value="th">Thai - ภาษาไทย</option>
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  1128. <option value="zh_my">中文 (马来西亚)</option>
  1129. <option value="zh_aus">Chinese - 中文-澳大利亚</option>
  1130. </select>
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  1140. Please note that orders shipping to Norway must contain approved products or the order will not ship. To find a list of the approved products please click on the following link or contact customer service for further details.
  1141. </div>
  1142. <div class="ui basic segment nomargin">
  1143. <a href = "" target="blank" onClick="$('#divPopupNorway').modal('hide');">List of Approved Products for Norway</a>
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  1154. {
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  1156. {
  1157. var thisCou = $('#EOCountries').val().split('_')[1];
  1158. }
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  1160. {
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  1162. }
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  1182. }
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  1199. var getBuildURL=getShopURL(thisCou,document.getElementById('AppChangeMyLanguage').value);
  1200. if (getBuildURL != '') {
  1201. window.location.href=""+getBuildURL+"/create-account?EnrollerID=458046";
  1202. return;
  1203. }
  1204. }
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  1219. input.setAttribute("value", "ISRR");
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  1258. New Zealand products: Select this option if you wish to order your items from an New Zealand warehouse in New Zealand Dollars.
  1259. </label>
  1260. <label for="OTGRadio" id="OTGRadioRest">
  1261. <span class="OA_PurchasingChoiceOptionHeader">
  1262. Local (OTG) Order
  1263. </span><br>
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  1272. USA Products: Select this option if you wish to order your items from a USA warehouse in US Dollars
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  1298. Please contact our <a href="">Taiwan office</a> to find out more information
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  1301. Phone number: 886-4-2210-7105; Email:
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  1312. <h3>Welcome to dōTERRA!</h3>
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  1314. <div class="ui basic segment nomargin">
  1315. The Incaricati enrollment process includes a few simple steps:
  1316. <ul class="nomargin">
  1317. <li>You willbe asked to enter your personal information, your enroller and sponsor ID numbers (if applicable), and to place your enrollment order.</li>
  1318. <li>You will also be asked to fill out a form, detailing Italian income tax and social contribution withholdings, and agreeing to the data processing policy.</li>
  1319. <li>Once these steps are completed you will be asked to print, review, sign and date the form where indicated, and submit your signed form to dōTERRA.</li>
  1320. <li>Finally, you will be asked to create your Incaricati identification card by uploading a picture of yourself.</li>
  1321. <ul>
  1322. <li>To assist an email will be sent to you explaining how to print your form and create your identification card.</li>
  1323. <li>Please note, that until these steps are completed, your account willbe limited to that of a wholesale customer.</li>
  1324. </ul>
  1325. </ul>
  1326. </div>
  1327. <div class="ui basic segment nomargin">
  1328. We are pleased to have you join dōTERRA!Should you have any questions please contact us at: +39 0426270026
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  1331. <input type="button" class="ui basic primary button" onclick="$('#divItalyPopup').modal('hide');" value="Close">
  1332. <input type="button" class="ui primary button" onclick="SubmitTypeForm();" value="Continue">
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  1336. <div class="ui basic segment nomargin">
  1337. <h3>Welcome to dōTERRA!</h3>
  1338. </div>
  1339. <div class="ui basic segment nomargin">
  1340. Welcome to the ranks of doTERRA Wellness Advocate. After completing your enrollment, please remember to send back the signed agreement within 30 days. Thank you!
  1341. </div>
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  1343. <input type="button" class="ui basic primary button" onclick="$('#divTWNPopup').modal('hide');" value=" Close ">
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  1350. background-color:#DAE8F0;
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  1354. <div style="text-align:left;width:350px;position:relative;float:center">
  1355. <p style="font-size:24px;font-weight:bold">Hey there night owl.</p> <p style="font-size:12px;font-weight:normal">It's not too late to place an order that counts for what is technically now last month. </p> <p style="font-size:12px;font-weight:normal">The commission period hasn't switched to a new month yet. Any orders placed at this time will still count towards <span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">last month's</span> volume.</p>
  1356. </div>
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  1362. <script>
  1363. document.getElementById('AppChangeMyLanguage').onchange = function(){
  1364. if(this.value == 'ko') {
  1365. var country = document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry');
  1366. var countries = country.options;
  1367. for(var index = 0;index < countries.length;index ++) {
  1368. if(countries[index].value == 'KOR') {
  1369. country.selectedIndex = index;
  1370. break;
  1371. }
  1372. }
  1373. }
  1374. CheckLanguage(this.value);
  1375. };
  1376. function ShowHideEO() {
  1377. var sel = document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry');
  1378. var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
  1379. if (opt.value == "EO") {
  1380. document.getElementById('EO').style.display = "block";
  1381. document.getElementById('GAC').style.display = "none";
  1382. }
  1383. else if (opt.value == "GAC") {
  1384. document.getElementById('GAC').style.display = "block";
  1385. document.getElementById('EO').style.display = "none";
  1386. }
  1387. else if (opt.value == "ZAF") {
  1388. document.getElementById('EO').style.display = "none";
  1389. document.getElementById('GAC').style.display = "none";
  1390. }
  1391. else {
  1392. document.getElementById('EO').style.display = "none";
  1393. document.getElementById('GAC').style.display = "none";
  1394. }
  1395. CheckTradChinese();
  1396. }
  1397. function reloadCountry(cou) {
  1398. addDimmer();
  1399. var dmd = "";
  1400. /* START WF171402 Megan D: Adding URL for EO subcountries on reload */
  1401. if(cou.substring(0, 2) == 'EO' || cou == 'DEU' || cou == 'ITA' || cou == 'GBR'){
  1402. var buildurl = ""+cou+dmd;
  1403. } else if(cou.substring(0, 3) == 'ZAF'){
  1404. var buildurl = ""+cou+dmd;
  1405. } else if(cou.substring(0, 3) == 'GAC'){
  1406. var subCou = cou.slice(4);
  1407. cou = 'GAC';
  1408. var buildurl = ""+subCou+dmd;
  1409. } else{
  1410. var buildurl = ""+cou+dmd;
  1411. }
  1412. /* END WF171402 MD */
  1413. buildurl+="&EnrollerID=458046";
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  1415. console.log(allNativeLang);
  1416. var allNativeLang = JSON.parse(allNativeLang);
  1417. console.log(allNativeLang);
  1418. var i;
  1419. console.log(cou);
  1420. console.log(allNativeLang);
  1421. for( i in allNativeLang){
  1422. if (i == cou) {
  1423. console.log(allNativeLang[i]);
  1424. document.cookie = "Language=" + allNativeLang[i];
  1425. }
  1426. }
  1427. window.location.href = buildurl;
  1428. }
  1429. function GoToTradChineseCountry() {
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  1431. var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
  1432. if ($("#AppChangeMyLanguage")) {
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  1459. $(this).hide()
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  1461. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
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  1471. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
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  1479. $(this).hide()
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  1481. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
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  1486. $("#AppChangeMyLanguage").append($("<option>Chinese (Canada) - 中文 - 加拿大</option>").attr("value", "zh_can").text("Chinese (Canada) - 中文 - 加拿大"));
  1487. $("#AppChangeMyLanguage").val('zh_can');
  1488. $(".blu_butt").each(function(index){
  1489. $(this).hide()
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  1491. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
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  1496. $("#AppChangeMyLanguage").append($("<option>Chinese - Australia</option>").attr("value", "zh_aus").text("Chinese - Australia"));
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  1499. $(this).hide()
  1500. });
  1501. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
  1502. }
  1503. /*alert($("#AppChangeMyLanguage").val());*/
  1504. }
  1505. }
  1506. }
  1507. function CheckTradChinese() {
  1508. var sel = document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry');
  1509. var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
  1510. if ($("#AppChangeMyLanguage")) {
  1511. if ($("#AppChangeMyLanguage").val() == 'trad_chinese') {
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  1516. $(".blu_butt").each(function(index){
  1517. $(this).hide()
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  1519. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
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  1524. $("#AppChangeMyLanguage").val('zh_hkg');
  1525. $(".blu_butt").each(function(index){
  1526. $(this).hide()
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  1528. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
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  1536. $(this).hide()
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  1538. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
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  1546. $(this).hide()
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  1548. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
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  1555. $(".blu_butt").each(function(index){
  1556. $(this).hide()
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  1558. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
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  1563. $("#AppChangeMyLanguage").append($("<option>Chinese (Canada) - 中文 - 加拿大</option>").attr("value", "zh_can").text("Chinese (Canada) - 中文 - 加拿大"));
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  1565. $(".blu_butt").each(function(index){
  1566. $(this).hide()
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  1573. $("#AppChangeMyLanguage").append($("<option>Chinese - Australia</option>").attr("value", "zh_aus").text("Chinese - Australia"));
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  1575. $(".blu_butt").each(function(index){
  1576. $(this).hide()
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  1578. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
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  1585. $(".blu_butt").each(function(index){
  1586. $(this).hide()
  1587. });
  1588. document.LanguageForm2.submit();
  1589. }
  1590. }
  1591. }
  1592. }
  1593. function getShopURL(cou,lng) {
  1594. shCou=new Object();shCou["mys"]="MY";shCou["jpn"]="JP";shCou["kor"]="KR";shCou["france"]="FR";shCou["lithuania"]="LT";shCou["spain"]="ES";shCou["switzerland"]="CH";shCou["poland"]="PL";shCou["norway"]="NO";shCou["hungary"]="HU";shCou["portugal"]="PT";shCou["luxembourg"]="LU";shCou["fra"]="FR";shCou["andorra"]="AD";shCou["idn"]="ID";shCou["croatia"]="HR";shCou["iceland"]="IS";shCou["monaco"]="MC";shCou["chl"]="CL";shCou["netherlands"]="NL";shCou["moldova"]="MD";shCou["slovakia"]="SK";shCou["finland"]="FI";shCou["latvia"]="LV";shCou["liechtenstein"]="LI";shCou["bra"]="BR";shCou["bulgaria"]="BG";shCou["estonia"]="EE";shCou["phl"]="PH";shCou["belgium"]="BE";shCou["greece"]="GR";shCou["sweden"]="SE";shCou["austria"]="AT";shCou["pol"]="PL";shCou["zaf"]="ZA";shCou["gbr"]="GB";shCou["malta"]="MT";shCou["cyprus"]="CY";shCou["ita"]="IT";shCou["romania"]="RO";shCou["ireland"]="IE";shCou["denmark"]="DK";shCou["aus"]="AU";shCou["deu"]="DE";shCou["czech republic"]="CZ";shCou["slovenia"]="SI";shCou["nzl"]="NZ";shCou["ind"]="IN";
  1595. shLng=new Object();shLng["es_eo"]="es";shLng["sl"]="sl";shLng["ja"]="ja";shLng["sv"]="sv";shLng["en_uk"]="en";shLng["es_chl"]="es";shLng["ru"]="ru";shLng["hu"]="hu";shLng["zh_usa"]="zh";shLng["da"]="da";shLng["ru_uk"]="ru";shLng["ro"]="ro";shLng["no"]="no";shLng["zh_can"]="zh";shLng["zh_cn"]="zh";shLng["pt_bra"]="pt";shLng["fr_eo"]="fr";shLng["ms"]="ms";shLng["de"]="de";shLng["cs"]="cs";shLng["fr"]="fr";shLng["et"]="et";shLng["bg"]="bg";shLng["ko"]="ko";shLng["es_mex"]="es";shLng["fi"]="fi";shLng["lv"]="lv";shLng["sk"]="sk";shLng["en_dot"]="en";shLng["zh_tw"]="zh";shLng["es_col"]="es";shLng["th"]="th";shLng["es"]="es";shLng["nl"]="nl";shLng["en_aus"]="en";shLng["zh_hkg"]="zh";shLng["zh_sgp"]="zh";shLng["zh_aus"]="zh";shLng["he"]="he";shLng["pt"]="pt";shLng["uk"]="uk";shLng["it"]="it";shLng["zh_my"]="zh";
  1596. shCouLng=new Object();shCouLng["si"]="en,sl";shCouLng["cy"]="en";shCouLng["at"]="de,en";shCouLng["cl"]="en,es";shCouLng["lt"]="en,lt,ru";shCouLng["be"]="de,enfr,nl";shCouLng["jp"]="ja";shCouLng["ph"]="en";shCouLng["my"]="en,ms,zh";shCouLng["mt"]="en";shCouLng["hu"]="en,hu";shCouLng["ro"]="en,hu,ro";shCouLng["kr"]="en,ko";shCouLng["no"]="en,no";shCouLng["au"]="en,es,fr,pt";shCouLng["is"]="en";shCouLng["de"]="de,en,es";shCouLng["fr"]="en,fr,pt";shCouLng["bg"]="bg,en";shCouLng["fi"]="en,fi";shCouLng["ie"]="en";shCouLng["za"]="en";shCouLng["sk"]="en,sl,hu,sk,cs";shCouLng["lv"]="en,lv,ru";shCouLng["lu"]="de,en,fr";shCouLng["pl"]="en,pl";shCouLng["nz"]="en";shCouLng["ch"]="de,en,es,fr,it";shCouLng["mc"]="en,fr";shCouLng["in"]="en";shCouLng["dk"]="da,de,en";shCouLng["gr"]="en";shCouLng["es"]="en,es,pt";shCouLng["ad"]="en,es,fr,pt";shCouLng["nl"]="en,nl";shCouLng["hr"]="en";shCouLng["id"]="en,id";shCouLng["cz"]="cs,cz,en,ru,sk";shCouLng["se"]="en,no,sv";shCouLng["gb"]="en";shCouLng["li"]="de,en";shCouLng["pt"]="en,es,pt";shCouLng["it"]="en,it";shCouLng["ee"]="en,et,ru";shCouLng["br"]="pt";
  1597. var myCou=shCou[cou.toLowerCase()];
  1598. if (myCou == undefined) {
  1599. return '';
  1600. } else {
  1601. /* START WF172382 Megan D: Updating js to use myLng or lng based on what Hybris has avaible */
  1602. var myLng=shLng[lng.toLowerCase()];
  1603. var myCouLngList=shCouLng[myCou.toLowerCase()];
  1604. if (myLng != undefined && myCouLngList != undefined && myCouLngList.includes(myLng)) {
  1605. return myCou+"/"+myLng+"_"+myCou;
  1606. } else if(myCouLngList != undefined && myCouLngList.includes(lng)) {
  1607. return myCou+"/"+lng+"_"+myCou;
  1608. }
  1609. else {
  1610. return myCou+"/en_"+myCou;
  1611. }
  1612. /* END WF172382 MD */
  1613. }
  1614. }
  1615. function ChangeMarket() {
  1616. var marketModel = {
  1617. cou: document.getElementById("SelectHomeCountry").value,
  1618. lang: $('#AppChangeMyLanguage').val()
  1619. };
  1620. console.log(marketModel);
  1621. /* EVX-4407 Megan D; Not letting the user continue if no language is selected */
  1622. if (!$('#AppChangeMyLanguage').val()) {
  1623. document.getElementById('PleaseChooseLanguage').style.display = '';
  1624. return;
  1625. }
  1626. document.cookie = "Language=" + $('#AppChangeMyLanguage').val(); /*WF171402 Megan D: Adding this to set the Cookie.Langueage*/
  1627. if (document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry').value == 'EO') {
  1628. if ($('#EOCountries').val().split('_').length > 1) {
  1629. var thisCou = $('#EOCountries').val().split('_')[1];
  1630. } else {
  1631. var thisCou = $('#EOCountries').val();
  1632. }
  1633. } else if (document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry').value == 'GAC') {
  1634. if ($('#GACCountries').val().split('_').length > 1) {
  1635. var thisCou = $('#GACCountries').val().split('_')[1];
  1636. } else {
  1637. var thisCou = $('#GACCountries').val();
  1638. }
  1639. } else if (document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry').value == 'RUS') {
  1640. if ($('#RUSCountries').val().split('_').length > 1) {
  1641. var thisCou = $('#RUSCountries').val().split('_')[1];
  1642. } else {
  1643. var thisCou = $('#RUSCountries').val();
  1644. }
  1645. } else {
  1646. var thisCou = document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry').value;
  1647. }
  1648. if (listFind("AUS,BRA,DEU,Andorra,Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Croatia,Cyprus,Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Greece,Hungary,Iceland,Ireland,Latvia,Liechtenstein,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Malta,Moldova,Monaco,Netherlands,Norway,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,FRA,GBR,ITA,NZL,POL,ZAF",thisCou)) {
  1649. var getBuildURL=getShopURL(thisCou,document.getElementById('AppChangeMyLanguage').value);
  1650. if (getBuildURL != '') {
  1651. var element = document.getElementById('DiamondID');
  1652. var dmdID = ""
  1653. if (typeof(element) != 'undefined' && element != null)
  1654. {
  1655. dmdID = "diamondID="+document.getElementById('DiamondID').value;
  1656. console.log(dmdID);
  1657. window.location.href=""+getBuildURL+"/create-account?"+dmdID+"&EnrollerID=458046";
  1658. }
  1659. else
  1660. {
  1661. window.location.href=""+getBuildURL+"/create-account?EnrollerID=458046";
  1662. }
  1663. return;
  1664. }
  1665. }
  1666. //mike
  1667. if (document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry').value == 'CAN') {
  1668. var redirecturl = "/index.cfm?Fuse=public/DisplayPage&Page=OnlineAppRedirect&noheader=1&nofooter=1&country="+document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry').value+"&language="+document.getElementById('AppChangeMyLanguage').value;
  1669. window.location.href = redirecturl;
  1670. return;
  1671. }
  1672. //mike
  1673. if (document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry').value == 'USA') {
  1674. var redirecturl = "/index.cfm?Fuse=public/DisplayPage&Page=OnlineAppRedirect&noheader=1&nofooter=1&country="+document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry').value+"&language="+document.getElementById('AppChangeMyLanguage').value;
  1675. window.location.href = redirecturl;
  1676. return;
  1677. }
  1678. var thisLanguage = $('#AppChangeMyLanguage').val();
  1679. var repimga=document.getElementById("NFROGTImg");
  1680. var repimgb=document.getElementById("TypeDistributor");
  1681. var repimgc=document.getElementById("TypeCustomer");
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  1684. repimgb.src='skins/skin01/images/C.jpg';
  1685. repimgc.src='skins/skin01/images/B.jpg';
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  1688. {
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  1690. repimgb.src='skins/skin01/images/TypeDistributor.png';
  1691. repimgc.src='skins/skin01/images/TypeCustomer.png';
  1692. }
  1693. var localidcheck = (typeof arguments[0] == 'undefined' || arguments[0] == '') ? 1:arguments[0];
  1694. document.getElementById('PleaseChooseCountry').style.display='none';
  1695. var sel = document.getElementById('SelectHomeCountry');
  1696. var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
  1697. document.getElementById('HomeCountry').value=opt.value;
  1698. if ('AUS,CAN,CRII,CRI,EO,GBR,DEU,PYF,GUA,HKG,KOR,MEX,NZL,TWN,USA,GAC,ITA,ZAF,ISR'.indexOf(opt.value) >= 0) {
  1699. oldapp = document.getElementById('divGotoOldApp');
  1700. if (oldapp) {
  1701. oldapp.parentNode.removeChild(oldapp);
  1702. }
  1703. }
  1704. if (opt.value == "EO") {
  1705. var sel = document.getElementById('EOCountries');
  1706. var opt2 = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
  1707. document.getElementById('EOHomeCountry').value=opt2.value;
  1708. if (document.getElementById('EOHomeCountry').value == '')
  1709. throw new Error(document.getElementById('PleaseChooseCountry').style.display='');
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  1718. if (document.getElementById('GACHomeCountry').value == '')
  1719. throw new Error(document.getElementById('PleaseChooseCountry').style.display='');
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  1723. var opt2 = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
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  1725. if (document.getElementById('RUSHomeCountry').value == '')
  1726. throw new Error(document.getElementById('PleaseChooseCountry').style.display='');
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  1732. if (document.getElementById('ZAFHomeCountry').value == '')
  1733. throw new Error(document.getElementById('PleaseChooseCountry').style.display='');
  1734. }
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  1738. $('#WholesaleType').prop('checked', true);
  1739. $('#MemberTypeDistributorBubble').addClass('disabled');
  1740. }
  1741. else {
  1742. $('#MemberTypeWholesaleBubble').addClass('disabled');
  1743. }
  1744. }
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  1748. }
  1749. else {
  1750. $('#MemberTypeWholesaleBubble').hide();
  1751. }
  1752. if ('MYS,SGP'.indexOf(opt.value) > -1) {
  1753. SelectType('DistributorMemberType');
  1754. }
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  1756. if (localidcheck == 1) {
  1757. console.log($('#ZAFCountries').val());
  1758. ZAFAlertText = " \n\tNew disclaimer screen between Country/Language selection and Enrollment Options that will let the user know that they can only ship within South Africa. \n";
  1759. alert(ZAFAlertText);
  1760. }
  1761. }
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  1763. var sel = document.getElementById('SelectWarehouseID');
  1764. var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
  1765. document.getElementById('WarehouseID').value = opt.value;
  1766. }
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  1776. if (0) {
  1777. }
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  1780. }
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  1782. document.getElementById('MemberTypeForm').submit();
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  1788. $('#MemberTypeDistributorBubble').show();
  1789. $('#WholesaleType').attr('checked', true);
  1790. }
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  1793. $('#WholesaleType').hide();
  1794. $('#DistributorMemberType').hide();
  1795. $('#DistributorMemberType').css('cursor','pointer');
  1796. $('#WholesaleType').css('cursor','pointer');
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  1798. $('#NICESim').show();
  1799. }
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  1808. $('#MemberTypeWholesaleBubble').show();
  1809. $('#MemberTypeDistributorBubble').show();
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  1813. $('#PleaseNotText').show();
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  1816. $('#OTGRadio').attr('checked', 'checked');
  1817. CloseNFROTG();
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  1820. $('#NFRRadio').attr('checked', 'checked');
  1821. CloseNFROTG();
  1822. }
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  1830. $('#PleaseNotText').show();
  1831. }
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  1835. var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
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  1837. $('#PleaseNotText').show();
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  1851. }
  1852. }
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  1862. $('#NFRRadioNZL').hide();
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  1864. $('#NFRRadioRest').show();
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  1869. }
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  1874. }
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  1879. }
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  1884. }
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  1889. }
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  1895. $('#NFRRadioNZLL').show();
  1896. $('#OTGRadioNZL').show();
  1897. $('#NFRRadioNZL').show();
  1898. $('#OTGRadioRest').hide();
  1899. $('#NFRRadioRest').hide();
  1900. }
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  1903. if (CountryName2 != null) {CountryName2.innerHTML = 'Malaysia';}
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  1905. $('#OTGRadio').attr('checked', 'checked');
  1906. }
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  1911. $('#OTGRadio').attr('checked', 'checked');
  1912. }
  1913. if (HomeCountry == 'CAN') {
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  1917. $('#OTGRadio').attr('checked', 'checked');
  1918. }
  1919. }
  1920. function LocalIDPopUp(){
  1921. document.getElementById('LOCALIDPOPUP').style.display = 'block';
  1922. }
  1923. function TWNPopUp() {
  1924. $('#TWNPOPUP').modal('show');
  1925. }
  1926. function GotoOldApp() {
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  1942. }
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  1944. window.location.href = res;
  1945. }
  1946. }
  1947. showPopUp('overlay2','#ffffff');
  1948. GoToTradChineseCountry();
  1949. if ($('#NICESim')) {
  1950. $('#NICESim').hide();
  1951. }
  1952. if ($('#AdditionalInfoDiv')) {
  1953. $('#AdditionalInfoDiv').hide();
  1954. }
  1955. </script>
  1956. <script>
  1957. </script>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda