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  1693. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" height="32" />
  1694. <span>
  1695. Launch Construct 3
  1696. </span>
  1697. </a>
  1698. <a href="/en/make-games/games-editor" class="openDemo" title="Construct 3 feature list">
  1699. Construct 3 Features
  1700. </a>
  1701. </div>
  1702. <div class="logosWrap">
  1703. <h2>
  1704. Some of our customers
  1705. </h2>
  1706. <ul class="logos">
  1707. <li>
  1708. <img no-referrer="none" alt="EA has bought Construct" loading="lazy" src="" width="48" height="48" srcset=" 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x" />
  1709. </li>
  1710. <li>
  1711. <img no-referrer="none" alt="SEGA has bought Construct" loading="lazy" src="" width="100" height="30" srcset=" 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x, 3x" />
  1712. </li>
  1713. <li>
  1714. <img no-referrer="none" alt="Zynga has bought Construct" loading="lazy" src="" width="110" height="28" srcset=" 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x, 3x" />
  1715. </li>
  1716. <li>
  1717. <img no-referrer="none" alt="King has bought Construct" loading="lazy" src="" width="70" height="47" srcset=" 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x, 3x" />
  1718. </li>
  1719. </ul>
  1720. </div>
  1721. </div>
  1722. <div>
  1723. <div class="scene">
  1724. <div class="cube">
  1725. <div class="cube__face cube__face--front show-front tnpFace">
  1726. <video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
  1727. <source src="" type="video/mp4">
  1728. </video>
  1729. </div>
  1730. <div class="cube__face cube__face--back  show-back gooseFace">
  1731. <video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
  1732. <source src="" type="video/mp4">
  1733. </video>
  1734. </div>
  1735. <div class="cube__face cube__face--right show-right">
  1736. <video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
  1737. <source src="" type="video/mp4">
  1738. </video>
  1739. </div>
  1740. <div class="cube__face cube__face--left  show-left">
  1741. <video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
  1742. <source src="" type="video/mp4">
  1743. </video>
  1744. </div>
  1745. </div>
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  1750. <div class="topSlant"></div>
  1751. <div class="underTop">
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  1753. <div class="c">
  1754. <div class="twoCol simpleEvent">
  1755. <div>
  1756. <div class="vWrap">
  1757. <video autoplay loop muted playsinline style="width: 600px;">
  1758. <source src="" type="video/mp4">
  1759. </video>
  1760. </div>
  1761. </div>
  1762. <div>
  1763. <span class="h2Tag">No coding required</span>
  1764. <h2>
  1765. Game Changing Visual Scripting
  1766. </h2>
  1767. <p>
  1768. Our powerful event sheet view empowers you to create and modify your creations. It's fast. It's easy.
  1769. </p>
  1770. <p>
  1771. Bring your ideas into reality. Construct's been designed to allow you to <a href="/en/make-your-own-game" title="Create games">make your own game</a> you've always wanted to make.
  1772. </p>
  1773. <a class="openDemo" href="" target="_blank">
  1774. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="28" height="28" srcset=" 1x, 1.5x" />
  1775. <span>
  1776. Launch the Guided Tour
  1777. </span>
  1778. </a>
  1779. </div>
  1780. </div></div>
  1781. <div class="c">
  1782. <div class="jsCol">
  1783. <span class="h2Tag">Coding optional</span>
  1784. <h2>
  1785. Add JavaScript
  1786. </h2>
  1787. <div class="twoCol">
  1788. <div>
  1789. <p>
  1790. Combine blocks with JavaScript, and go further by adding JavaScript files. Take complete control over your games.
  1791. </p>
  1792. <p>
  1793. Invest in yourself and <a href="/en/courses/learn-javascript-construct-79">learn Javascript with Construct 3</a> - an industry standard programming language with <a href="/en/make-games/gamemaker-alternative" title="GameMaker alternative">high job availability</a>.
  1794. </p>
  1795. </div>
  1796. <div>
  1797. <div class="jsBlock">
  1798. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" class="blockimg" src="" width="489" height="59" />
  1799. <a class="openDemo" href="" target="_blank">
  1800. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="28" height="28" srcset=" 1x, 1.5x" />
  1801. <span>
  1802. Try now in Construct 3
  1803. </span>
  1804. </a>
  1805. </div>
  1806. </div>
  1807. </div>
  1808. </div>
  1809. </div></div>
  1810. <div class="statsSlant">
  1811. </div>
  1812. <div class="statSlot"></div>
  1813. <div class="statsContent">
  1814. <div class="hpContent">
  1815. <div class="statHero">
  1816. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="1280" height="800" />
  1817. <div class="vWrap">
  1818. <video autoplay loop muted playsinline style="width: 100%;">
  1819. <source src="" type="video/mp4">
  1820. </video>
  1821. </div>
  1822. </div>
  1823. <div class="statTop">
  1824. <div>
  1825. <span class="h2Tag">Popular and proven</span>
  1826. <h2>The Backbone Behind Great Games</h2>
  1827. <p>
  1828. Chances are you've played games made in Construct and even have some installed on your phone. Used by game developers from all over the world Construct 3 is recognised as the easiest and most powerful game engine around.
  1829. </p>
  1830. <p>
  1831. Construct 3 is packed with all the tools you need to make, publish and monetise your own games.
  1832. </p>
  1833. <a class="openDemo" href="" target="_blank">
  1834. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="28" height="28" srcset=" 1x, 1.5x" />
  1835. <span>
  1836. Open "3D City" in Construct 3
  1837. </span>
  1838. </a>
  1839. </div>
  1840. </div>
  1841. <ul class="c3Stats">
  1842. <li>
  1843. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="100" />
  1844. <h3>1,950,000+</h3>
  1845. <p>
  1846. Game creators using Construct 3 every year
  1847. </p>
  1848. </li>
  1849. <li>
  1850. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" class="keyboard" src="" width="100" />
  1851. <h3>200,000+</h3>
  1852. <p>
  1853. New projects created in Construct 3 every month
  1854. </p>
  1855. </li>
  1856. <li>
  1857. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="100" />
  1858. <h3>60,000+</h3>
  1859. <p>
  1860. Games exported from Construct 3 monthly
  1861. </p>
  1862. </li>
  1863. </ul>
  1864. </div>
  1865. </div>
  1866. <div class="stunningWrap">
  1867. <div class="hpContent">
  1868. <div class="stunningHero">
  1869. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="1428" height="1010" />
  1870. <div class="vWrap">
  1871. <video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
  1872. <source src="" type="video/mp4">
  1873. </video>
  1874. </div>
  1875. </div>
  1876. <div class="stunText">
  1877. <span class="h2Tag">Stand out from the crowd</span>
  1878. <h2>
  1879. Build stunning games
  1880. </h2>
  1881. <p>
  1882. Adding special effects and gorgeous graphics is easy in Construct. Don't just make a game - make a breathtaking game.
  1883. </p>
  1884. <a class="openDemo" href="/en/make-games/free-trial" title="Best GameMaker alternative">
  1885. Construct 3 Free Trial
  1886. </a>
  1887. <h3>And publish them everywhere</h3>
  1888. <p>In a few easy clicks publish to your favourite platforms. Put your games in front of millions of potential players and make the next big hit!</p>
  1889. <div class="twoCol">
  1890. <div>
  1891. <ul>
  1892. <li>
  1893. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  1894. Android
  1895. </li>
  1896. <li>
  1897. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  1898. iOS
  1899. </li>
  1900. <li>
  1901. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  1902. Windows
  1903. </li>
  1904. <li>
  1905. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  1906. Mac
  1907. </li>
  1908. <li>
  1909. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  1910. Linux
  1911. </li>
  1912. </ul>
  1913. </div>
  1914. <div>
  1915. <ul>
  1916. <li>
  1917. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  1918. Steam
  1919. </li>
  1920. <li>
  1921. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  1923. </li>
  1924. <li>
  1925. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  1926. Newgrounds
  1927. </li>
  1928. <li>
  1929. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  1930. Facebook
  1931. </li>
  1932. <li>
  1933. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  1934. And more!
  1935. </li>
  1936. </ul>
  1937. </div>
  1938. </div>
  1939. </div></div>
  1940. </div>
  1941. <div class="browserWrap">
  1942. <div class="hpContent">
  1943. <div class="threeCol">
  1944. <div>
  1945. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="100" />
  1946. <span class="h2Tag">High performance</span>
  1947. <h2>
  1948. It's <em>Fast</em>
  1949. </h2>
  1950. <p>
  1951. Construct 3 can leave other engines in the dust. The runtime powering your games is insanely fast allowing you to develop your ambitious ideas.
  1952. </p>
  1953. <div class="c">
  1954. <a class="openDemo" href="/en/make-games/gamemaker-alternative" title="Best GameMaker alternative">
  1955. GameMaker alternative
  1956. </a>
  1957. </div>
  1958. </div>
  1959. <div>
  1960. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="100" />
  1961. <span class="h2Tag">Regular updates</span>
  1962. <h2>
  1963. It's Evolving
  1964. </h2>
  1965. <p>
  1966. Construct 3 is the game creation tool known for it's non-stop updates and improvements. There's a lot more to come.
  1967. </p>
  1968. <div class="c">
  1969. <a class="openDemo" href="/en/make-games/releases" title="Build games">
  1970. Construct 3 Updates
  1971. </a>
  1972. </div>
  1973. </div>
  1974. <div>
  1975. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="100" />
  1976. <span class="h2Tag">Highly capable</span>
  1977. <h2>
  1978. It's Flexible
  1979. </h2>
  1980. <p>
  1981. Construct is not a template engine. It's a fully featured game development tool. Make something unique and truly your own creation.
  1982. </p>
  1983. <div class="c">
  1984. <a class="openDemo" href="/en/make-games/showcase" title="Build games">
  1985. Construct Showcase
  1986. </a>
  1987. </div>
  1988. </div>
  1989. </div>
  1990. </div>
  1991. </div>
  1992. <div class="whatSlant"></div>
  1993. <div class="whatsIncludedWrap">
  1994. <div class="hpContent">
  1995. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" class="package" src="" width="512" />
  1996. <span class="h2Tag">Feature packed</span>
  1997. <h2>
  1998. Everything you need is included
  1999. </h2>
  2000. <div class="fourCol">
  2001. <div>
  2002. <h3>The Editor</h3>
  2003. <ul>
  2004. <li>
  2005. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2006. Runs in the browser
  2007. </li>
  2008. <li>
  2009. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2010. Works offline
  2011. </li>
  2012. <li>
  2013. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2014. 13 languages
  2015. </li>
  2016. <li>
  2017. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2018. Multi monitor support
  2019. </li>
  2020. <li>
  2021. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2022. Themes
  2023. </li>
  2024. </ul>
  2025. </div>
  2026. <div>
  2027. <h3>The Tools</h3>
  2028. <ul>
  2029. <li>
  2030. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2031. Image editing
  2032. </li>
  2033. <li>
  2034. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2035. Collisions
  2036. </li>
  2037. <li>
  2038. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2039. Tilemaps
  2040. </li>
  2041. <li>
  2042. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2043. Physics engine
  2044. </li>
  2045. <li>
  2046. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2047. Pathfinding
  2048. </li>
  2049. <li>
  2050. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2051. Savegames
  2052. </li>
  2053. <li>
  2054. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2055. Networking
  2056. </li>
  2057. <li>
  2058. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2059. Scene graph
  2060. </li>
  2061. <li>
  2062. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2063. Timelines
  2064. </li>
  2065. <li>
  2066. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2067. 3D features
  2068. </li>
  2069. </ul>
  2070. </div>
  2071. <div>
  2072. <h3>Publishing</h3>
  2073. <ul>
  2074. <li>
  2075. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2076. Export to web
  2077. </li>
  2078. <li>
  2079. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2080. Export to desktops
  2081. </li>
  2082. <li>
  2083. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2084. iOS build service
  2085. </li>
  2086. <li>
  2087. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2088. Android build service
  2089. </li>
  2090. <li>
  2091. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2092. Playable ads
  2093. </li>
  2094. <li>
  2095. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2096. Mobile adverts
  2097. </li>
  2098. <li>
  2099. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2100. In-app purchases
  2101. </li>
  2102. <li>
  2103. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2104. Live previews
  2105. </li>
  2106. <li>
  2107. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2108. Remote previews
  2109. </li>
  2110. <li>
  2111. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2112. Debugger
  2113. </li>
  2114. <li>
  2115. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2116. Profiler
  2117. </li>
  2118. </ul>
  2119. </div>
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  2121. <h3>Support</h3>
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  2123. <li>
  2124. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2125. <a href="/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3" title="Construct 3 manual">Fully documented</a>
  2126. </li>
  2127. <li>
  2128. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2129. <a href="/en/tutorials" title="Learn to make games">Thousands of tutorials</a>
  2130. </li>
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  2132. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
  2133. <a href="/en/forum" title="Gamedev forum">Helpful community</a>
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  2136. <img no-referrer="none" loading="lazy" src="" width="32" />
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  2138. Asset store
  2139. </a>
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  2152. Ready to get going?
  2153. </h2>
  2154. <p>
  2155. Why not go through our beginner's guide on <a href="/en/make-your-own-game" title="Build games">how to make your own game</a> or launch our <a href="" target="Game making software">interactive guided tour</a> right from inside your browser.
  2156. </p>
  2157. <div class="readyButtons">
  2158. <a class="openDemo" href="/en/make-games/games-editor">
  2159. Construct 3 Features
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  2161. <a class="openDemo" href="/en/make-games/buy-construct">
  2162. Buy Construct 3 Now
  2163. </a></div>
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  2238. Make Your Own Game
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