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"description": "Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) is nationally ranked No. 1 in orthopedics (for the 11th consecutive year) and No. 4 in rheumatology by U.S. News & World Report (2020-2021).",
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"addressLocality": "New York",
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<h1 class="new-home-highlight"><strong>HSS</strong> | Hospital for Special Surgery</h1>
<div class="home-world-blk" style="color:#0074bc; text-transform:UPPERCASE">World's #1 in Orthopedics</div>
<p class="center h2" style="color:#0074bc; padding-top:10px; text-transform:UPPERCASE">Choose better. Move better.</p>
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$(function() {
//fetch insurance json
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
//create main insurance select
let ins = document.getElementById('Insurance');
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
// if ([i]['pt'] === 'yes') {
if ([i]['md'] === 'yes') {
ins.innerHTML = ins.innerHTML +
'<option insname="' +[i]['insname'] + '" payor="' +[i]['payor'] + '">' +[i]['insname-toshow'] + '</option>';
//switch to custom dropbox
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var $this = $(this);
var selectType, initialText;
if ($this.attr('id') === 'Insurance') {
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initialText = 'Insurance';
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initialText = 'Language';
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<h2 class="new-home-h2">Expertise you can trust.</h2>
<p>From diagnosis to surgery, our top ranked orthopedic and rheumatology specialists can explain your treatment options and provide the care you need.</p>
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<p>Mr. Dunleavy will succeed Stacey Malakoff, who announced her plan to retire in 2025. Malakoff will support the transition as Senior Advisor until December 31, 2025.</p>
<span class="text rounded thin_bold button-primary pure-button">Learn more<img src="/images/icons/banner-arrow2.gif" alt="Graphic: learn more" style="width:12px; height:auto; display:inline-block; margin-left:2px;"></span>
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<div class="news-title"><p class="p-resize">HSS Appoints Christopher Dunleavy as Chief Financial Officer Effective January 2, 2025</p>
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<p>Exciting new research was presented by HSS rheumatologists and scientists related to clinical advancements for patient care in rheumatology and orthopedics.</p>
<span class="text rounded thin_bold button-primary pure-button">Learn more<img src="/images/icons/banner-arrow2.gif" alt="Graphic: learn more" style="width:12px; height:auto; display:inline-block; margin-left:2px;"></span>
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<div class="news-title"><p class="p-resize">HSS Presents New Research at the ACR Convergence 2024</p>
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<p>As Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at HSS, Cassai has led strategic initiatives that transformed post-anesthesia care units and operating rooms into intensive care units, integrated telehealth, optimized biomedical assets and enhanced clinical systems to allow for optimal access across the health system.</p>
<span class="text rounded thin_bold button-primary pure-button">Learn more<img src="/images/icons/banner-arrow2.gif" alt="Graphic: learn more" style="width:12px; height:auto; display:inline-block; margin-left:2px;"></span>
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<div class="news-title"><p class="p-resize">Crain’s New York Business Recognizes Mary Cassai Among the 2024 Notable Leaders in Healthcare</p>
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<h3 class="mbfb-h3" id="9166" style="display:inline;">Move Better Feel Better</h3>
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<p>Women may be more likely to develop the disease for reasons they can control, and some they can’t.</p>
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<div class="news-title"><p class="p-resize">Why Women Are at Higher Risk for Getting Arthritis</p>
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<p>Learn how to strengthen leg muscles, increase their flexibility and when to seek treatment for leg muscle issues.</p>
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<div class="news-title"><p class="p-resize">A Guide to Your Leg Muscles, from the Ground Up</p>
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<p>Many factors affect joint pain, including which part of the joint is affected, what’s causing the pain and your overall health.</p>
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<div class="news-title"><p class="p-resize">What to Know About Joint Pain: Types, Causes and Treatments</p>
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