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  714. <p style="text-align: center;"><span>Poconos rentals by owners for all seasons. Available for weekend, mid-week, weekly and monthly. Centrally located in Poconos in gated Arrowhead Lake community. Ton of adventurous things to do close by! Great restaurants and local shopping is an additional plus too. We love the fact that no matter the time of year, there is so much to do! These Pocono rentals are ready for you.</span></p>
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  747.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  748.            $160-500/night
  749.        </h3>
  751.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/broken-oar-cottage-orp5b69fbbx" target="_top">Broken Oar Cottage</a></h2>
  752.                        <a class="thumbnail" style="margin-bottom:0;width:100%" href="/broken-oar-cottage-orp5b69fbbx" target="_top">
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  757.                            <h3 class="pull-right hidden-xs media-heading">
  758.            $160-500/night
  759.        </h3>
  761.                    <h2 class="media-heading hidden-xs"><a href="/broken-oar-cottage-orp5b69fbbx" target="_top">Broken Oar Cottage</a></h2>
  762. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  763.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  764.        3 Bedrooms
  765.             &bull;
  766.            <span class="hidden-xs">2 Bathrooms </span>
  767.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">2 Baths </span>
  768.                 &bull;
  769.        Sleeps 1-7
  770. </div>
  773. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  774.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
  776.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  777.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  778.        Internet    </span>
  779.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Fireplace">
  780.            <i class="fas fa-fire"></i>
  781.        Fireplace    </span>
  782.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Lake View, Lake, Water View">
  783.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  784.        Lake View    </span>
  785.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  786.            <i class="fas fa-mountain"></i>
  787.        Mountain    </span>
  788.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  789.            <i class="fas fa-tree"></i>
  790.        Forest    </span>
  792.    </div>
  793. Escape to the tranquil &quot;Broken Oar Cottage&quot;, a perfect retreat in gated Arrowhead Lake community for a peaceful getaway or a fun-filled family adventure. Enjoy access to 4 beaches, 2 lakes, 3 seasonal pools, playgrounds, and courts for volleyball, tennis, and basketball. Plus, you&#39;re just a short drive away from JFBB and Camelback ski resorts, Kalahari Indoor Water Park, Pocono Raceway, and other exciting Pocono attractions! <br/>(Community fees are extra and mandatory, see &quot;Other things to note&quot;)                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  794. <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  795.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/broken-oar-cottage-orp5b69fbbx#photos"><i class="far fa-image"></i> Photos</a>
  796.        <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/broken-oar-cottage-orp5b69fbbx#availability"><i class="far fa-credit-card"></i> Rates</a>
  797.    <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/broken-oar-cottage-orp5b69fbbx#availability"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> Availability</a>
  798.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/broken-oar-cottage-orp5b69fbbx"><i class="fas fa-suitcase"></i> Details</a>
  799.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/broken-oar-cottage-orp5b69fbbx#inquire"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Inquire</a>
  800. </p>                    </p>
  801.                </div>
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  806.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  807.            $200-430/night
  808.        </h3>
  810.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/lakeside-escape-orp5b60f1cx" target="_top">Lakeside Escape</a></h2>
  811.                        <a class="thumbnail" style="margin-bottom:0;width:100%" href="/lakeside-escape-orp5b60f1cx" target="_top">
  812.                            <img class="media-object" src="" />
  813.                        </a>
  814.                </div>
  815.                <div class="col-sm-8">
  816.                            <h3 class="pull-right hidden-xs media-heading">
  817.            $200-430/night
  818.        </h3>
  820.                    <h2 class="media-heading hidden-xs"><a href="/lakeside-escape-orp5b60f1cx" target="_top">Lakeside Escape</a></h2>
  821. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  822.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  823.        3 Bedrooms
  824.             &bull;
  825.            <span class="hidden-xs">2 Bathrooms </span>
  826.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">2 Baths </span>
  827.                 &bull;
  828.        Sleeps 1-8
  829. </div>
  832. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  833.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
  835.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  836.            <i class="fas fa-paw"></i>
  837.        Allows pets    </span>
  838.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  839.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  840.        Internet    </span>
  841.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Fireplace">
  842.            <i class="fas fa-fire"></i>
  843.        Fireplace    </span>
  844.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Lake">
  845.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  846.        Lake    </span>
  847.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  848.            <i class="fas fa-mountain"></i>
  849.        Mountain    </span>
  850.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  851.            <i class="fas fa-tree"></i>
  852.        Forest    </span>
  853.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  854.            <i class="fas fa-hot-tub"></i>
  855.        Hot Tub    </span>
  857.    </div>
  858. Experience the ultimate Pocono getaway in our stunning home! Nestled amidst breathtaking mountains and just a short distance from the lake and ski resort, this charming retreat offers everything you need for a memorable stay. Relax in the private jacuzzi, challenge friends to a game of pool, and soak up the natural beauty that surrounds you. With comfortable accommodations and an unbeatable location,  book now and indulge in the best of mountain living!                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  859. <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  860.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/lakeside-escape-orp5b60f1cx#photos"><i class="far fa-image"></i> Photos</a>
  861.        <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/lakeside-escape-orp5b60f1cx#availability"><i class="far fa-credit-card"></i> Rates</a>
  862.    <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/lakeside-escape-orp5b60f1cx#availability"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> Availability</a>
  863.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/lakeside-escape-orp5b60f1cx"><i class="fas fa-suitcase"></i> Details</a>
  864.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/lakeside-escape-orp5b60f1cx#inquire"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Inquire</a>
  865. </p>                    </p>
  866.                </div>
  867.            </div>
  868.                <hr />
  869.            <div class="row">
  870.                <div class="col-sm-4">
  871.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  872.            $425-490/night
  873.        </h3>
  875.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/liway-lakeside-orp5b64544x" target="_top">LiWay Lakeside</a></h2>
  876.                        <a class="thumbnail" style="margin-bottom:0;width:100%" href="/liway-lakeside-orp5b64544x" target="_top">
  877.                            <img class="media-object" src="" />
  878.                        </a>
  879.                </div>
  880.                <div class="col-sm-8">
  881.                            <h3 class="pull-right hidden-xs media-heading">
  882.            $425-490/night
  883.        </h3>
  885.                    <h2 class="media-heading hidden-xs"><a href="/liway-lakeside-orp5b64544x" target="_top">LiWay Lakeside</a></h2>
  886. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  887.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  888.        3 Bedrooms
  889.             &bull;
  890.            <span class="hidden-xs">2 Bathrooms </span>
  891.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">2 Baths </span>
  892.                 &bull;
  893.        Sleeps 1-6
  894. </div>
  897. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  898.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
  900.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  901.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  902.        Internet    </span>
  903.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Fireplace">
  904.            <i class="fas fa-fire"></i>
  905.        Fireplace    </span>
  906.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Lakefront, Lake View, Lake, Waterfront, Water View">
  907.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  908.        Lakefront    </span>
  910.    </div>
  911. Lakefront charm! Located in gated Arrowhead Lake community.<br/>Perfect for family getaways. Enjoy the lake right from the dock with fishing, kayaking, and fire pit. Grill from the deck while watching the water and woods. Wooded lot separates the rest of the world from your retreat. First class amenities and new furniture will ensure you and yours relax in comfort.<br/>(Community fees are extra and mandatory, see full description)                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  912. <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  913.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/liway-lakeside-orp5b64544x#photos"><i class="far fa-image"></i> Photos</a>
  914.        <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/liway-lakeside-orp5b64544x#availability"><i class="far fa-credit-card"></i> Rates</a>
  915.    <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/liway-lakeside-orp5b64544x#availability"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> Availability</a>
  916.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/liway-lakeside-orp5b64544x"><i class="fas fa-suitcase"></i> Details</a>
  917.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/liway-lakeside-orp5b64544x#inquire"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Inquire</a>
  918. </p>                    </p>
  919.                </div>
  920.            </div>
  921.                <hr />
  922.            <div class="row">
  923.                <div class="col-sm-4">
  924.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  925.            $140-371/night
  926.        </h3>
  928.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/our-cozy-cottage-orp5b679f9x" target="_top">Our Cozy Cottage</a></h2>
  929.                        <a class="thumbnail" style="margin-bottom:0;width:100%" href="/our-cozy-cottage-orp5b679f9x" target="_top">
  930.                            <img class="media-object" src="" />
  931.                        </a>
  932.                </div>
  933.                <div class="col-sm-8">
  934.                            <h3 class="pull-right hidden-xs media-heading">
  935.            $140-371/night
  936.        </h3>
  938.                    <h2 class="media-heading hidden-xs"><a href="/our-cozy-cottage-orp5b679f9x" target="_top">Our Cozy Cottage</a></h2>
  939. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  940.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  941.        3 Bedrooms
  942.             &bull;
  943.            <span class="hidden-xs">1 Bathroom </span>
  944.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">1 Bath </span>
  945.                 &bull;
  946.        Sleeps 1-6
  947. </div>
  950. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  951.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
  953.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  954.            <i class="fas fa-paw"></i>
  955.        Allows pets    </span>
  956.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  957.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  958.        Internet    </span>
  959.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Lake">
  960.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  961.        Lake    </span>
  962.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  963.            <i class="fas fa-mountain"></i>
  964.        Mountain    </span>
  965.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  966.            <i class="fas fa-tree"></i>
  967.        Forest    </span>
  969.    </div>
  970. Embark on a memorable stay surrounded by the beauty and comfort of our Arrowhead Lake home – the perfect destination for a rejuvenating getaway!<br/>This fully remodeled, pet friendly and stylish getaway is an ideal retreat for family and friends trips, offering ample space for up to 6 guests.<br/>Close to Camelback (indoor water park, skiing, tubing), Kalahari Water park, Outlets shopping, Casino. Close to Jack Frost and Big Boulder skiing<br/>(Community fees are extra and mandatory, see &quot;Other things to note&quot;)                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  971. <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  972.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/our-cozy-cottage-orp5b679f9x#photos"><i class="far fa-image"></i> Photos</a>
  973.        <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/our-cozy-cottage-orp5b679f9x#availability"><i class="far fa-credit-card"></i> Rates</a>
  974.    <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/our-cozy-cottage-orp5b679f9x#availability"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> Availability</a>
  975.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/our-cozy-cottage-orp5b679f9x"><i class="fas fa-suitcase"></i> Details</a>
  976.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/our-cozy-cottage-orp5b679f9x#inquire"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Inquire</a>
  977. </p>                    </p>
  978.                </div>
  979.            </div>
  980.                <hr />
  981.            <div class="row">
  982.                <div class="col-sm-4">
  983.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  984.            $163-408/night
  985.        </h3>
  987.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/pine-chalet-orp5b64c79x" target="_top">Pine Chalet</a></h2>
  988.                        <a class="thumbnail" style="margin-bottom:0;width:100%" href="/pine-chalet-orp5b64c79x" target="_top">
  989.                            <img class="media-object" src="" />
  990.                        </a>
  991.                </div>
  992.                <div class="col-sm-8">
  993.                            <h3 class="pull-right hidden-xs media-heading">
  994.            $163-408/night
  995.        </h3>
  997.                    <h2 class="media-heading hidden-xs"><a href="/pine-chalet-orp5b64c79x" target="_top">Pine Chalet</a></h2>
  998. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  999.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  1000.        3 Bedrooms
  1001.             &bull;
  1002.            <span class="hidden-xs">2 Bathrooms </span>
  1003.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">2 Baths </span>
  1004.                 &bull;
  1005.        Sleeps 1-10
  1006. </div>
  1009. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  1010.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
  1012.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1013.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  1014.        Internet    </span>
  1015.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Beach, Lake">
  1016.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  1017.        Beach    </span>
  1018.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1019.            <i class="fas fa-mountain"></i>
  1020.        Mountain    </span>
  1021.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1022.            <i class="fas fa-tree"></i>
  1023.        Forest    </span>
  1025.    </div>
  1026. Embark on a memorable stay surrounded by the beauty and comfort of our Arrowhead Lake home – the perfect destination for a rejuvenating getaway!<br/>This fully remodeled and stylish three-story getaway is an ideal retreat for family and trips with friends, offering ample space for up to 10 guests.<br/>(Community fees are extra and mandatory, see full description)                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  1027. <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  1028.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/pine-chalet-orp5b64c79x#photos"><i class="far fa-image"></i> Photos</a>
  1029.        <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/pine-chalet-orp5b64c79x#availability"><i class="far fa-credit-card"></i> Rates</a>
  1030.    <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/pine-chalet-orp5b64c79x#availability"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> Availability</a>
  1031.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/pine-chalet-orp5b64c79x"><i class="fas fa-suitcase"></i> Details</a>
  1032.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/pine-chalet-orp5b64c79x#inquire"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Inquire</a>
  1033. </p>                    </p>
  1034.                </div>
  1035.            </div>
  1036.                <hr />
  1037.            <div class="row">
  1038.                <div class="col-sm-4">
  1039.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  1040.            $112-300/night
  1041.        </h3>
  1043.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/serenity-in-pocono-orp5b5d226x" target="_top">Serenity in Pocono</a></h2>
  1044.                        <a class="thumbnail" style="margin-bottom:0;width:100%" href="/serenity-in-pocono-orp5b5d226x" target="_top">
  1045.                            <img class="media-object" src="" />
  1046.                        </a>
  1047.                </div>
  1048.                <div class="col-sm-8">
  1049.                            <h3 class="pull-right hidden-xs media-heading">
  1050.            $112-300/night
  1051.        </h3>
  1053.                    <h2 class="media-heading hidden-xs"><a href="/serenity-in-pocono-orp5b5d226x" target="_top">Serenity in Pocono</a></h2>
  1054. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  1055.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  1056.        3 Bedrooms
  1057.             &bull;
  1058.            <span class="hidden-xs">2 Bathrooms </span>
  1059.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">2 Baths </span>
  1060.                 &bull;
  1061.        Sleeps 1-8
  1062. </div>
  1065. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  1066.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
  1068.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1069.            <i class="fas fa-paw"></i>
  1070.        Allows pets    </span>
  1071.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1072.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  1073.        Internet    </span>
  1074.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Fireplace">
  1075.            <i class="fas fa-fire"></i>
  1076.        Fireplace    </span>
  1077.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Lake">
  1078.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  1079.        Lake    </span>
  1081.    </div>
  1082. Bring the whole family to this great place with lots of room for fun.  Enjoy your time on the Front and Back porches.  Enjoy the night at the firepit.  Spend your days on the beaches, pool and the lodge or enjoy some fun at nearby ski resorts and water parks.  So much to do, so little time!<br/>Close to Kalahari indoor water park and Skiing resorts: Camelback, Jack Frost, Big Boulder<br/>Community fees are mandatory and additional. See full description.                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  1083. <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  1084.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/serenity-in-pocono-orp5b5d226x#photos"><i class="far fa-image"></i> Photos</a>
  1085.        <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/serenity-in-pocono-orp5b5d226x#availability"><i class="far fa-credit-card"></i> Rates</a>
  1086.    <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/serenity-in-pocono-orp5b5d226x#availability"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> Availability</a>
  1087.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/serenity-in-pocono-orp5b5d226x"><i class="fas fa-suitcase"></i> Details</a>
  1088.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/serenity-in-pocono-orp5b5d226x#inquire"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Inquire</a>
  1089. </p>                    </p>
  1090.                </div>
  1091.            </div>
  1092.                <hr />
  1093.            <div class="row">
  1094.                <div class="col-sm-4">
  1095.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  1096.            $131-350/night
  1097.        </h3>
  1099.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/happy-mountain-lodge-orp5b5822dx" target="_top">Happy Mountain Lodge</a></h2>
  1100.                        <a class="thumbnail" style="margin-bottom:0;width:100%" href="/happy-mountain-lodge-orp5b5822dx" target="_top">
  1101.                            <img class="media-object" src="" />
  1102.                        </a>
  1103.                </div>
  1104.                <div class="col-sm-8">
  1105.                            <h3 class="pull-right hidden-xs media-heading">
  1106.            $131-350/night
  1107.        </h3>
  1109.                    <h2 class="media-heading hidden-xs"><a href="/happy-mountain-lodge-orp5b5822dx" target="_top">Happy Mountain Lodge</a></h2>
  1110. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  1111.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  1112.        3 Bedrooms
  1113.             &bull;
  1114.            <span class="hidden-xs">2 Bathrooms </span>
  1115.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">2 Baths </span>
  1116.                 &bull;
  1117.        Sleeps 1-8
  1118. </div>
  1121. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  1122.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
  1124.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1125.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  1126.        Internet    </span>
  1127.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Fireplace, Firewood Provided">
  1128.            <i class="fas fa-fire"></i>
  1129.        Fireplace    </span>
  1130.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Beach, Lake">
  1131.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  1132.        Beach    </span>
  1133.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1134.            <i class="fas fa-mountain"></i>
  1135.        Mountain    </span>
  1136.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1137.            <i class="fas fa-tree"></i>
  1138.        Forest    </span>
  1139.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1140.            <i class="fas fa-hot-tub"></i>
  1141.        Hot Tub    </span>
  1143.    </div>
  1144. <p><span>Bring the whole family to this great place with lots of room for fun and Hot tub.&nbsp;</span><br /><span><span class="ll4r2nl dir dir-ltr">Located in gated Arrowhead Lake Community<br />Enjoy easy access to outdoor recreation and Arrowhead Lake at this beautiful 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom Pocono vacation house. This mountain chalet boasts over 1700 square feet of well-appointed living space, with a furnished deck. Guests are invited to settle in for a retreat of a lifetime!&nbsp;We are short 5 min walk to Choctaw Pool.<br /></span></span></p>                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  1145. <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  1146.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/happy-mountain-lodge-orp5b5822dx#photos"><i class="far fa-image"></i> Photos</a>
  1147.        <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/happy-mountain-lodge-orp5b5822dx#availability"><i class="far fa-credit-card"></i> Rates</a>
  1148.    <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/happy-mountain-lodge-orp5b5822dx#availability"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> Availability</a>
  1149.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/happy-mountain-lodge-orp5b5822dx"><i class="fas fa-suitcase"></i> Details</a>
  1150.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/happy-mountain-lodge-orp5b5822dx#inquire"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Inquire</a>
  1151. </p>                    </p>
  1152.                </div>
  1153.            </div>
  1154.                <hr />
  1155.            <div class="row">
  1156.                <div class="col-sm-4">
  1157.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  1158.            $120-300/night
  1159.        </h3>
  1161.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/treehouse-escape-orp5b670ebx" target="_top">Treehouse Escape</a></h2>
  1162.                        <a class="thumbnail" style="margin-bottom:0;width:100%" href="/treehouse-escape-orp5b670ebx" target="_top">
  1163.                            <img class="media-object" src="" />
  1164.                        </a>
  1165.                </div>
  1166.                <div class="col-sm-8">
  1167.                            <h3 class="pull-right hidden-xs media-heading">
  1168.            $120-300/night
  1169.        </h3>
  1171.                    <h2 class="media-heading hidden-xs"><a href="/treehouse-escape-orp5b670ebx" target="_top">Treehouse Escape</a></h2>
  1172. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  1173.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  1174.        3 Bedrooms
  1175.             &bull;
  1176.            <span class="hidden-xs">3 Bathrooms (2 full, 1 half)</span>
  1177.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">3 Baths (2 full, 1 half)</span>
  1178.                 &bull;
  1179.        Sleeps 1-9
  1180. </div>
  1183. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  1184.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
  1186.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1187.            <i class="fas fa-paw"></i>
  1188.        Allows pets    </span>
  1189.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1190.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  1191.        Internet    </span>
  1192.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Wood Stove, Fireplace">
  1193.            <i class="fas fa-fire"></i>
  1194.        Wood Stove    </span>
  1195.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Lake">
  1196.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  1197.        Lake    </span>
  1199.    </div>
  1200. Welcome to our charming home nestled within the tranquil beauty of the Pocono Mountains, located in the coveted Arrowhead Lake gated community. This spacious retreat offers the perfect blend of comfort and convenience, promising an unforgettable getaway for you and your loved ones. Pets welcome!<br/>(Community fees are mandatory and additional. See &quot;Other things to note&quot;)                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  1201. <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  1202.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/treehouse-escape-orp5b670ebx#photos"><i class="far fa-image"></i> Photos</a>
  1203.        <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/treehouse-escape-orp5b670ebx#availability"><i class="far fa-credit-card"></i> Rates</a>
  1204.    <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/treehouse-escape-orp5b670ebx#availability"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> Availability</a>
  1205.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/treehouse-escape-orp5b670ebx"><i class="fas fa-suitcase"></i> Details</a>
  1206.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/treehouse-escape-orp5b670ebx#inquire"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Inquire</a>
  1207. </p>                    </p>
  1208.                </div>
  1209.            </div>
  1210.                <hr />
  1211.            <div class="row">
  1212.                <div class="col-sm-4">
  1213.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  1214.            $105-258/night
  1215.        </h3>
  1217.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/comfy-chalet-orp5b5e1ebx" target="_top">Comfy Chalet</a></h2>
  1218.                        <a class="thumbnail" style="margin-bottom:0;width:100%" href="/comfy-chalet-orp5b5e1ebx" target="_top">
  1219.                            <img class="media-object" src="" />
  1220.                        </a>
  1221.                </div>
  1222.                <div class="col-sm-8">
  1223.                            <h3 class="pull-right hidden-xs media-heading">
  1224.            $105-258/night
  1225.        </h3>
  1227.                    <h2 class="media-heading hidden-xs"><a href="/comfy-chalet-orp5b5e1ebx" target="_top">Comfy Chalet</a></h2>
  1228. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  1229.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  1230.        2 Bedrooms
  1231.             &bull;
  1232.            <span class="hidden-xs">1 Bathroom </span>
  1233.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">1 Bath </span>
  1234.                 &bull;
  1235.        Sleeps 1-6
  1236. </div>
  1239. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  1240.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
  1242.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1243.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  1244.        Internet    </span>
  1245.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Fireplace, Firewood Provided">
  1246.            <i class="fas fa-fire"></i>
  1247.        Fireplace    </span>
  1248.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Beach, Lake">
  1249.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  1250.        Beach    </span>
  1251.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1252.            <i class="fas fa-tree"></i>
  1253.        Forest    </span>
  1255.    </div>
  1256. Relax with the whole family at this peaceful place to stay in Arrowhead Lake. This cozy chalet has two bedrooms and a loft. A short walk down the street to Minisink Pool. Check out Arrowhead&#39;s two large lakes for swimming, fishing, kayaking, or canoeing. With a large deck and fire pit, you can enjoy the fresh mountain air any time of day or night.<br/>(Community fees are extra and mandatory)                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  1257. <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
  1258.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/comfy-chalet-orp5b5e1ebx#photos"><i class="far fa-image"></i> Photos</a>
  1259.        <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/comfy-chalet-orp5b5e1ebx#availability"><i class="far fa-credit-card"></i> Rates</a>
  1260.    <a class="btn btn-default hidden-xs" href="/comfy-chalet-orp5b5e1ebx#availability"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i> Availability</a>
  1261.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/comfy-chalet-orp5b5e1ebx"><i class="fas fa-suitcase"></i> Details</a>
  1262.    <a class="btn btn-default" href="/comfy-chalet-orp5b5e1ebx#inquire"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> Inquire</a>
  1263. </p>                    </p>
  1264.                </div>
  1265.            </div>
  1266.                <hr />
  1267.            <div class="row">
  1268.                <div class="col-sm-4">
  1269.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  1270.            $114-300/night
  1271.        </h3>
  1273.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/cheerful-chalet-orp5b568c8x" target="_top">Cheerful Chalet</a></h2>
  1274.                        <a class="thumbnail" style="margin-bottom:0;width:100%" href="/cheerful-chalet-orp5b568c8x" target="_top">
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  1280.            $114-300/night
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  1285.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  1286.        3 Bedrooms
  1287.             &bull;
  1288.            <span class="hidden-xs">2 Bathrooms </span>
  1289.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">2 Baths </span>
  1290.                 &bull;
  1291.        Sleeps 1-8
  1292. </div>
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  1296.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
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  1299.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  1300.        Internet    </span>
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  1302.            <i class="fas fa-fire"></i>
  1303.        Fireplace    </span>
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  1311.            <i class="fas fa-tree"></i>
  1312.        Forest    </span>
  1314.    </div>
  1315. <p>Relax with the whole family at this peaceful place to stay.<br />Enjoy easy access to outdoor recreation and Arrowhead Lake at this beautiful 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom Pocono vacation chalet. This mountain chalet boasts 1400 square feet of well-appointed living space, with a furnished deck. Guests are invited to settle in for a retreat of a lifetime!</p>                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
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  1329.            $99-275/night
  1330.        </h3>
  1332.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/the-woods-orp5b605b3x" target="_top">The Woods</a></h2>
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  1339.            $99-275/night
  1340.        </h3>
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  1343. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  1344.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  1345.        3 Bedrooms
  1346.             &bull;
  1347.            <span class="hidden-xs">2 Bathrooms </span>
  1348.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">2 Baths </span>
  1349.                 &bull;
  1350.        Sleeps 1-8
  1351. </div>
  1354. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  1355.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
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  1359.        Internet    </span>
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  1361.            <i class="fas fa-fire"></i>
  1362.        Fireplace    </span>
  1363.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Lake">
  1364.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  1365.        Lake    </span>
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  1367.            <i class="fas fa-tree"></i>
  1368.        Forest    </span>
  1370.    </div>
  1371. Enjoy The Poconos, an affordable, and exciting family or couple’s vacation, 10 min walk to lake.<br/>(Community fees are extra and mandatory, see full description)                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
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  1384.                            <h3 class="pull-right visible-xs media-heading">
  1385.            $176-569/night
  1386.        </h3>
  1388.                    <h2 class="visible-xs media-heading"><a href="/woodlands-spa-retreat-orp5b5a318x" target="_top">Woodlands Spa Retreat</a></h2>
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  1394.                            <h3 class="pull-right hidden-xs media-heading">
  1395.            $176-569/night
  1396.        </h3>
  1398.                    <h2 class="media-heading hidden-xs"><a href="/woodlands-spa-retreat-orp5b5a318x" target="_top">Woodlands Spa Retreat</a></h2>
  1399. <div class="amenity-summary-size" style="margin-bottom:10px">
  1400.    <h4 style="display:inline" class="hidden-xs">Size &ndash; </h4>
  1401.        5 Bedrooms
  1402.             &bull;
  1403.            <span class="hidden-xs">2 Bathrooms </span>
  1404.        <span class="visible-xs-inline">2 Baths </span>
  1405.                 &bull;
  1406.        Sleeps 1-12
  1407. </div>
  1410. <div class="amenity-summary-amenities" style="line-height:2em;margin-bottom:10px">
  1411.    <span class="h4 hidden-xs">Amenities &ndash; </span>
  1413.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1414.            <i class="fas fa-paw"></i>
  1415.        Allows pets    </span>
  1416.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px">
  1417.            <i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
  1418.        Internet    </span>
  1419.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Fireplace, Firewood Provided">
  1420.            <i class="fas fa-fire"></i>
  1421.        Fireplace    </span>
  1422.    <span class="amenity-list-item" style="white-space:nowrap;margin-right:6px" title="Beach, Lake">
  1423.            <i class="fas fa-water"></i>
  1424.        Beach    </span>
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  1427.        Mountain    </span>
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  1433.        Hot Tub    </span>
  1435.    </div>
  1436. This modern Poconos home awaits you. The home boasts over 1600 sq ft, a hot tub, sauna, private deck and an open interior that floods with sunlight. With a fully stocked kitchen, BBQ grill, and meat smoker the options are endless. Visiting in the winter? Rest assured that you'll be close to 3 major skiing resorts and Kalahari water park.                    <p class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom:0">
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  1622.            {
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  1624.                {
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda