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  955. <div style="float:left;"><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40"><img alt="Birthday Presents and gifts" height="199" src="images/gifts-click_01.jpg" width="168"></a></div>
  957. <div style="float:left;"><a href="/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=40_47&products_id=244"><img alt="40th Birthday Presents Champagne and Gifts Wine" height="199" src="images/gifts-click_02.jpg" width="161"></a></div>
  959. <div style="float:left;"><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=30_102"><img alt="Wedding and Engagement gifts for couple" height="199" src="images/gifts-click_03.jpg" width="157"></a></div>
  961. <div style="float:left;"><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=31"><img alt="Christmas Gifts for men" height="199" src="images/gifts-click_04.jpg" width="179"></a></div>
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  964. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  967. <h1>Personalised Wine Gifts and Birthday Presents</h1>
  969. <center><a href="/index.php?main_page=page&id=5"><img align="center" alt="Testimonial" height="150" src="images/testimonial.jpg" width="628"></a></center>
  971. <p align="center">Personalised Wine - Unique Birthday Present Gift for any occasion. Select your occasion from the menu and Select the personalised label you require, fill in all the appropriate information and details and also make sure to upload your photo. You will then be sent back a proof image of your personalised wine birthday gift for you to confirm or suggest any changes. Within a couple of days you will receive your personalised wine gift and you&#39;ll be able to show it off and impress everyone at the party! Personalised wine gift makes the perfect gift for Weddings, Engagements, Anniversaries, Bon Voyage, Christmas, Valentines, Mothers Day, Fathers Day and many many more ideas.</p>
  972. </div>
  974. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  976. <div id="twobox">
  977. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_41">18th Birthday Presents</a></h3>
  978. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_41"><img src="/images/18th-birthday-presents.jpg"></a>
  980. <p>Know someone who is turning 18 and need to get them an awesome 18th birthday present they will never forget, we have the perfect 18th birthday present ideas for him and her. You can personalise our gifts with a photo and a unique message wishing him or her a happy 18th birthday. Choose from personalised wine, champagne, whiskey or other personalised 18th birthday gifts.</p>
  981. </div>
  983. <div id="twobox">
  984. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_42">21st Birthday Presents</a></h3>
  985. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_42"><img src="/images/21st-birthday-presents.jpg"></a>
  987. <p>Your 21st Birthday is a day you don&#39;t want to forget, it is a special occasion that signifies turning into an adult and an excuse to party. Make sure your son or friend remembers their 21st with a unique gift from yourself that they will treasure and remember for years to come. Personalised 21st Birthday Presents include personalised wine, vodka, champagne and whiseky among other.</p>
  988. </div>
  990. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  992. <div id="onebox">
  993. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_43">30th Birthday Presents</a></h3>
  994. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_43"><img src="/images/30th-birthday-presents.jpg"></a>
  996. <p>30th birthday presents to get for men and females, women or even your sister. You can select from many 30th birthday presents including personalised 30th gifts such as personalised wine, personalised champagne and whiskey and even personalised gifts to go with this such as engraved glass gifts or hip flasks. Your gift will make an excellent keepsake for a 30th birthday party and everyone at the party will be impressed by the funny photo gift. Upload an embarassing photo onto the label and add your message such as &#39;Happy 30th Birthday&#39;, &#39;30 Year old Vintage&#39; or &#39;Chateau du John&#39;. We have now also doing personalised Jack Daniels Whiskey gifts, with mock spoof labels, which are very popular and a great gift to get someone if they are a big whiskey drinker or Jack Daniels fan. These gifts have been a big hit with our customers and to make a really good impression why not add a gift box.</p>
  997. </div>
  999. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1001. <div id="threebox">
  1002. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_44">40th Birthday Presents</a></h3>
  1003. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_44"><img alt="40th Birthday Presents Men Ireland" src="/images/40th-birthday-presents.jpg"></a>
  1005. <p>40th Birthday gifts includes personalised 40th birthday gifts for men husbands females and women. Personalised wine with photo on label and unique message to give as a unique idea at the 40th birthday party.</p>
  1006. </div>
  1008. <div id="threebox">
  1009. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_45">50th Birthday Gifts</a></h3>
  1010. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_45"><img alt="50th Birthday Gifts Personalised" src="/images/50th-birthday-gifts.jpg"></a>
  1012. <p>50th Birthday Gifts for men women dads and mums in Ireland. Personalised unique wine for 50th birthday gifts, also includes Whiskey Champagne and other personalised gifts for a unique 50th present.</p>
  1013. </div>
  1015. <div id="threebox">
  1016. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_46">60th Birthday Presents</a></h3>
  1017. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=40_46"><img alt="60th Birthday Presents Ireland" src="/images/60th-birthday-presents.jpg"></a>
  1019. <p>60th presents mum dads or any men or women birthday. Send the 60th gift in Ireland and it can be delivered direct. Personalised gifts range including wine whiskey champagne. Unique and funny 60th gifts presents.</p>
  1020. </div>
  1022. <div id="onebox">
  1023. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=30_102">Wedding Presents</a></h3>
  1024. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=30_102s"><img src="/images/wedding-presents-front.jpg"></a>
  1026. <p>Wedding presents as a gift you can give to the Bride and Groom to celebrate their special day. We also have Wedding gifts for the parents of the bride and groom or even gifts for the Best Man such as the personalised Jack Daniels. Give the wedding present to the couple with a photo of the couple together and a message printed on the bottle of wine or Champagne. We now have Wedding gift packs with a personalised bottle of quality sparkling wine and two personalised crystal champagne flutes, which can be engraved separately with the names of the couple. This gift also makes a great Engagement or Wedding Anniversary gift. As a Wedding gift you can also have personalised whiskey which you can put into a wooden gift box for a really special and unique wedding gift idea.</p>
  1027. </div>
  1029. <div id="twobox">
  1030. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=65_104">Engagement Presents</a></h3>
  1031. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=65_104"><img src="/images/21st-birthday-presents.jpg"></a>
  1033. <p>It is hard to know what to get a couple as a gift who recently got engaged. At Winemax a special Engagement gift includes quality personalised wine or personalised champagne style sparkling wine. The label on the wine or champagne can be personalised with a photo and a message to the engagement couple. Adding a wooden gift box makes the engagement present a special keepsake.</p>
  1034. </div>
  1036. <div id="twobox">
  1037. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=37">Wedding Anniversary Presents</a></h3>
  1038. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=37"><img src="/images/21st-birthday-presents.jpg"></a>
  1040. <p>Wedding Anniversary Party? Then get the couple a special unique gift for their Wedding Anniversary. Our quality gifts are personalised with the names of the couple and are a great keepsake for many years to come. We have gift set including wine, champagne, whiskey and personalised wine glasses or champagne flutes. Impress the couple with a gift on their Wedding Anniversary</p>
  1041. </div>
  1043. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1045. <div id="threebox">
  1046. <h3><a href="">Valentines Presents</a></h3>
  1047. <a href=""><img alt="40th Birthday Presents Men Ireland" src="/images/valentines-presents.jpg"></a>
  1049. <p>Valentines Present Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband, Wife or even Fiance. If him or her loves wine, then surprise them on romantic Valentines with bottle of wine gift in one of our gift boxes. Valentine gift to show your love.</p>
  1050. </div>
  1052. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  1055. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=217_53">Fathers Day Presents</a></h3>
  1056. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=217_53"><img alt="40th Birthday Presents Men Ireland" src="/images/fathers-day-gifts-front.jpg"></a>
  1058. <p>Fathers love whiskey &amp; wine. Fathers Day gifts personalised Jack Daniels Whiskey or Vodka for Dad on Fathers Day. Funny fathers day gift with amusing photo and unique message. Perfect Fathers Day gift idea.</p>
  1059. </div>
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  1062. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=217_58">Mothers Day Presents</a></h3>
  1063. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=217_58"><img alt="40th Birthday Presents Men Ireland" src="/images/mothers-day-gifts.jpg"></a>
  1065. <p>Mothers love a bottle of personalised wine on Mothers Day. Rose wine gift with label of mother &amp; daughter together. Deliver your mothers day gift throughout Ireland. Mothers Day gifts personalised gifts sets.</p>
  1066. </div>
  1068. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  1071. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=31">Christmas Presents</a></h3>
  1072. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=31"><img src="/images/21st-birthday-presents.jpg"></a>
  1074. <p>Christmas is near &amp; it is time to think about Christmas gifts for friends &amp; family. Personalised wine gifts is perfect to give to people who you really love as an extra stocking filler, or give as a Christmas gift to people you are not sure what to get. The Christmas gifts can include a personalised bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey, vodka, Guinness and Baileys or our popular wine gifts and personalised champagne.</p>
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  1080. <h3><a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=32_51">Corporate Gifts</a></h3>
  1081. <a href="/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=32_51"><img src="/images/21st-birthday-presents.jpg"></a>
  1083. <p>Corporate gifts for clients &amp; associates. Show your business partners some innovative thinking with a bottle of personalised corporate wine gifts. You can add your logo or business team photo to the bottle and thank your clients or important customers. Our corporate gifts can be cheap with good discount on bulk orders and are great to give as corporate Christmas gifts to clients associates and customers.</p>
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