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  2. <feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
  3. <title type="text">photos</title>
  4. <subtitle type="text"><![CDATA[photos by spriggs, now mostly taken with a sony &alpha;7c &amp; mutilated in pixelmator]]></subtitle>
  5. <id></id>
  6. <link rel="alternate" type="application/xhtml+xml" href="" />
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  8. <author>
  9. <name>jeeeem</name>
  10. <uri></uri>
  12. </author>
  13. <generator uri="" version="3.2">Movable Type</generator>
  14. <icon></icon>
  15. <updated>2024-12-22T00:05:47Z</updated>
  16. <entry>
  17. <title type="text">honda</title>
  18. <summary type="text">early 60s civic mouse motor</summary>
  19. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="honda" title="early 60s civic mouse motor" src=""></a><br />
  20. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/80 aperture f/22 iso 800 focal length 66mm</p>]]></content>
  21. <category term="/cars" scheme="" label="Cars" />
  22. <id></id>
  23. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  24. <published>2024-12-22T06:33:18Z</published>
  25. <updated>2024-12-22T00:05:47Z</updated>
  26. </entry>
  27. <entry>
  28. <title type="text">rundown</title>
  29. <summary type="text">not a pretty sight</summary>
  30. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="rundown" title="not a pretty sight" src=""></a><br />
  31. iphone 13m shutter 1/2309 aperture f/1.6 iso 50 focal length 53mm</p>]]></content>
  32. <category term="/buildings" scheme="" label="Buildings" />
  33. <id></id>
  34. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  35. <published>2024-12-20T22:49:37Z</published>
  36. <updated>2024-12-20T23:02:45Z</updated>
  37. </entry>
  38. <entry>
  39. <title type="text">玄関</title>
  40. <summary type="text">clogged with junk from the garage &mdash; which is being operated upon</summary>
  41. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="玄関" title="clogged with junk from the garage &mdash; which is being operated upon" src=""></a><br />
  42. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/30 aperture f/5 iso 2000 focal length 24mm</p>]]></content>
  43. <category term="/hsai" scheme="" label="Hōsai" />
  44. <id></id>
  45. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  46. <published>2024-12-20T07:57:38Z</published>
  47. <updated>2024-12-19T23:35:03Z</updated>
  48. </entry>
  49. <entry>
  50. <title type="text">chaos</title>
  51. <summary type="text">moving is such fun &mdash; trying to figure out where everything goes ...</summary>
  52. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="chaos" title="moving is such fun &mdash; trying to figure out where everything goes ..." src=""></a><br />
  53. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/40 aperture f/4 iso 5000 focal length 31mm</p>]]></content>
  54. <category term="/hsai" scheme="" label="Hōsai" />
  55. <id></id>
  56. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  57. <published>2024-12-19T05:54:53Z</published>
  58. <updated>2024-12-19T00:29:56Z</updated>
  59. </entry>
  60. <entry>
  61. <title type="text">geek closet</title>
  62. <summary type="text">now just need the computer (and the network)</summary>
  63. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="geek closet" title="now just need the computer (and the network)" src=""></a><br />
  64. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/25 aperture f/16 iso 12800 focal length 24mm</p>]]></content>
  65. <category term="/hsai" scheme="" label="Hōsai" />
  66. <id></id>
  67. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  68. <published>2024-12-18T09:13:22Z</published>
  69. <updated>2024-12-17T23:55:32Z</updated>
  70. </entry>
  71. <entry>
  72. <title type="text">sportscar fanatic&apos;s lair</title>
  73. <summary type="text">one of two small sportscars safely ensconced</summary>
  74. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="sportscar fanatic's lair" title="one of two small sportscars safely ensconced" src=""></a><br />
  75. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/15 aperture f/16 iso 12800 focal length 24mm</p>]]></content>
  76. <category term="/lotus" scheme="" label="Lotus" />
  77. <id></id>
  78. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  79. <published>2024-12-17T08:28:05Z</published>
  80. <updated>2024-12-17T00:05:39Z</updated>
  81. </entry>
  82. <entry>
  83. <title type="text">玄関</title>
  84. <summary type="text">view from the living room</summary>
  85. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="玄関" title="view from the living room" src=""></a><br />
  86. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/30 aperture f/16 iso 5000 focal length 24mm</p>]]></content>
  87. <category term="/hsai" scheme="" label="Hōsai" />
  88. <id></id>
  89. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  90. <published>2024-12-16T09:05:52Z</published>
  91. <updated>2024-12-15T23:21:52Z</updated>
  92. </entry>
  93. <entry>
  94. <title type="text">two sportscars</title>
  95. <summary type="text">both filthy after the long drive from kanazawa to okayama</summary>
  96. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="two sportscars" title="both filthy after the long drive from kanazawa to okayama" src=""></a><br />
  97. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/160 aperture f/6.3 iso 100 focal length 30mm</p>]]></content>
  98. <category term="/cars" scheme="" label="Cars" />
  99. <id></id>
  100. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  101. <published>2024-12-15T07:19:26Z</published>
  102. <updated>2024-12-14T20:56:04Z</updated>
  103. </entry>
  104. <entry>
  105. <title type="text">axe victim</title>
  106. <summary type="text">fretless and fretted in their new home</summary>
  107. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="axe victim" title="fretless and fretted in their new home" src=""></a><br />
  108. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/20 aperture f/16 iso 12800 focal length 44mm</p>]]></content>
  109. <category term="/guitars" scheme="" label="Guitars" />
  110. <id></id>
  111. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  112. <published>2024-12-14T10:43:17Z</published>
  113. <updated>2024-12-13T23:14:49Z</updated>
  114. </entry>
  115. <entry>
  116. <title type="text">sesame rye</title>
  117. <summary type="text">baking</summary>
  118. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="sesame rye" title="baking" src=""></a><br />
  119. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/30 aperture f/14 iso 12800 focal length 105mm</p>]]></content>
  120. <category term="/cooking" scheme="" label="Cooking" />
  121. <id></id>
  122. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  123. <published>2024-12-13T09:46:06Z</published>
  124. <updated>2024-12-12T21:58:11Z</updated>
  125. </entry>
  126. <entry>
  127. <title type="text">kitchen</title>
  128. <summary type="text">not exactly what had been intended but good enough</summary>
  129. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="kitchen" title="not exactly what had been intended but good enough" src=""></a><br />
  130. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/30 aperture f/14 iso 2000 focal length 24mm</p>]]></content>
  131. <category term="/hsai" scheme="" label="Hōsai" />
  132. <id></id>
  133. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  134. <published>2024-12-12T08:11:29Z</published>
  135. <updated>2024-12-11T22:10:38Z</updated>
  136. </entry>
  137. <entry>
  138. <title type="text">geek closet</title>
  139. <summary type="text">looks most excellent</summary>
  140. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="geek closet" title="looks most excellent" src=""></a><br />
  141. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/30 aperture f/16 iso 8000 focal length 24mm</p>]]></content>
  142. <category term="/hsai" scheme="" label="Hōsai" />
  143. <id></id>
  144. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  145. <published>2024-12-11T07:22:29Z</published>
  146. <updated>2024-12-10T22:08:32Z</updated>
  147. </entry>
  148. <entry>
  149. <title type="text">mad scientist&apos;s lair</title>
  150. <summary type="text">to be occupied by two small sportscars</summary>
  151. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="mad scientist's lair" title="to be occupied by two small sportscars" src=""></a><br />
  152. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/30 aperture f/16 iso 4000 focal length 24mm</p>]]></content>
  153. <category term="/hsai" scheme="" label="Hōsai" />
  154. <id></id>
  155. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  156. <published>2024-12-10T06:02:53Z</published>
  157. <updated>2024-12-09T22:19:30Z</updated>
  158. </entry>
  159. <entry>
  160. <title type="text">home sweet home</title>
  161. <summary type="text">only a week to occupation (weather permitting &mdash; and it mayn't)</summary>
  162. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="home sweet home" title="only a week to occupation (weather permitting &mdash; and it mayn't)" src=""></a><br />
  163. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/30 aperture f/16 iso 640 focal length 29mm</p>]]></content>
  164. <category term="/hsai" scheme="" label="Hōsai" />
  165. <id></id>
  166. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  167. <published>2024-12-09T05:21:38Z</published>
  168. <updated>2024-12-08T22:25:54Z</updated>
  169. </entry>
  170. <entry>
  171. <title type="text">bling</title>
  172. <summary type="text">blingy toyobimmer (it was very fast, however)</summary>
  173. <content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href=""><img alt="bling" title="blingy toyobimmer (it was very fast, however)" src=""></a><br />
  174. sony &alpha;7c shutter 1/125 aperture f/5.6 iso 320 focal length 105mm</p>]]></content>
  175. <category term="/cars" scheme="" label="Cars" />
  176. <id></id>
  177. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/xhtml+xml" hreflang="en" />
  178. <published>2024-12-08T08:58:20Z</published>
  179. <updated>2024-12-07T23:30:35Z</updated>
  180. </entry>
  182. </feed>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda