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  22. <title>The Easiest Stock Investment Strategy &#8211; Invest in Dividend Paying Companies</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 12:05:57 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  28. <category><![CDATA[Investment]]></category>
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  31. <description><![CDATA[The best stock investment strategies are the ones that have been proven over a period of time, the longer the better. Few investment strategies have withstood the test of time. Great investors throughout history have used different approaches to investing according to their temperament and goals. The goal of every investor is to make money [...]]]></description>
  32. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> The best stock investment strategies are the ones that have been proven over a period of time, the longer the better. Few investment strategies have withstood the test of time. Great investors throughout history have used different approaches to investing according to their temperament and goals. The goal of every investor is to make money and compound their way to financial freedom while protecting their capital, whether the investor has a long term or short term view.The different approaches are Value investing, Growth Investing and Income Investing and or Dividend Reinvesting. Each of these approaches can be used by the long term or short term investor, whether he is a day trader, momentum trader, contrarian investor, turnaround situations, buy and hold investor. These approaches can be used singly or jointly. Remember, every investor wants value from his investment. Everybody wants a bargain. Bargains can be achieved by analyzing the fundamentals of the company or by technical analysis.Why is investing in dividend paying companies is the strategy to invest in the stock market when compared to other strategies? It is because once you have completed your analysis and you have decided to invest in the company, all you have to do is monitor the fundamental of the company including the payment of dividends.Analysis of dividend income investing, value investing or growth investing is basically the same. All styles take effort and time to complete. However, keeping of income dividend is the easiest as you do not have to monitor the share price movement on an daily basis. With income investing you only need to monitor the fundamentals and dividends on a monthly, quarterly, semi annually or yearly basis. This gives you time to enjoy life.All of the strategies study the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement to calculate the ratios such asset growth, rate of liability reduction, sales growth, earnings per share growth, and return on equity. Once a suitable company is found, then the investor studies the strength of the management. Finally, the investor calculates the intrinsic value. Intrinsic value is the value of a company based on an underlying perception calculated from different ratios of the business. If the market price is lower than the market price, then the investor has found a bargain.The difference of each strategy is minimal that is seems they are the same. However, it is important to realize that each strategy seeks a different end result. Dividend income investing primarily seeks income first, value second and growth third. Value investing seeks value first, income second and growth third. Growth investing seeks growth first, value second and income from dividend is not important for growth investors. In reality all are seeking value hoping to profit from their investment strategy.For each investor the value is different. The best strategy is dividend income investing because while waiting to get capital gains from growth you can still earn passive income along the way. Better still you can reinvest divined income to compound your net worth without having to sell the investment. You can hold the investment forever or sell when you think the full value as been achieved. With growth investing to only way to achieve income is to sell the investment. Why would you want to sell an investment that has grown in value? Therefore, income investing is always better. Remember, you must find value in every investment, you cannot pay too much for an investment otherwise you will never get value. As Warren Buffet says &#8220;price is what you pay, value is what you get&#8221;. What can be a better value than getting immediate passive income from dividend income investing?So, are you looking to be an active stock investor, yet do not want to monitor your investments the whole day. Do you want to invest solely for growth or do you want income which will lead you to financial freedom through compounding your income.All of these stock investment strategies can be used to achieve success. Do you want to choose the easy or the hard way? I am quite for the easy method will be your choice and that choice is Income Investing. In the long term income investing and reinvesting the dividends will help you achieve financial freedom. Remember to choose the strategy which is suitable to your temperament. Also, remember, the easier system will always be the better choice. Learn and become the master of income investing through dividends paying companies. Remember, the aim of investing is financial freedom. </p>
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  38. <title>Five Basic Ways To Market Your Piano Music Online</title>
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  41. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 06:08:34 +0000</pubDate>
  42. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  43. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  44. <category><![CDATA[Music and Radio]]></category>
  46. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  47. <description><![CDATA[Many people have argued that there are no great piano composers in the modern world. They say that this art died fifty to one hundred years ago. Here are the facts &#8211; there are still many unbelievable piano composers in the modern world today. However, whilst one cannot argue with their creative skills, they lack [...]]]></description>
  48. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Many people have argued that there are no great piano composers in the modern world. They say that this art died fifty to one hundred years ago. Here are the facts &#8211; there are still many unbelievable piano composers in the modern world today. However, whilst one cannot argue with their creative skills, they lack basic modern marketing skills. And the world is missing out on this distinguished talent.The most affordable and convenient way to market your music today is through the internet. It is used by billions every single year. So why do many piano players fail to market their music online? Why do they go down the traditional route of taking it to a publisher?Marketing Method Number One &#8211; Creating Your Own Website with A ListIf you make the decision to market your music online, it is almost criminal to do so without a website. Your website must be where you send all of your prospective customers. Your website must contain details on how to purchase your music, both online and offline. I would also recommend having a &#8216;sample&#8217; piece of music for clientele to listen to for free and to be able to download the score.When you are building your website, you must include a list. What is a list? A list is a collection of email addresses of potential customers. Your list should be kept abreast on new pieces of music that you are creating. Also they should receive occasional incentives to remain on your list, eg. a free song or a discount.It is much easier to sell to people that know and trust you then to sell to a complete stranger. But so many people in all facets of marketing spend more time on getting more customers than selling to previous customers. Do not make this same mistake. By investing no more than $US200 per year, you could and should have a major increase in sales.Marketing Method Number Two &#8211; Piano Radio StationsPiano radio stations are a great way to market your music online. There are numerous radio stations on the World Wide Web that specialize in all sorts of areas, and piano is no exception. Whilst I could only speculate costs, you might be able to get your music played for free, or even better, you might be entitled to royalties from that particular radio station.The main difference between radio piano stations and normal piano stations is that online users are able to click on a link that will take them directly to your site. So make sure that the music that you submit to radio stations are some of your best pieces of work and fit the mould of the station.Marketing Method Number Three &#8211; Submitting Your Scores To DirectoriesThere are numerous cases where piano composers only market their actual music and neglect to market their sheet music. This is such a silly thing to do. If a piano player likes listening to your music, then naturally they would want to learn to play it. Web sites like Free Piano Sheet Music would be more than willing to put your compositions onto their web site for free. Also you would get valuable links from your sheet music to your website.Marketing Method Number Four &#8211; You TubeThis is the new way to market your music online. You Tube has simply taken the world by storm, not only from a viewers perspective but from a marketing perspective also. Similar to video clips that you see on MTV you are able to create your own video of your music. It does not have to be a complicated task. The easiest way to do it is to record yourself at the piano playing the score and this would be enough. However if you have a theme to your music i.e. the ocean, then you would cut to shot of the beach, i.e. waves crashing on the rocks. Whatever you decide your video clip to be, make sure you put a visible URL at the end of your video as credits, so the viewer can take action to buy your music.Marketing Method Number Five &#8211; Piano ForumsForums are an old and popular way to marketing your music, and it still works today. Not only can you specifically market your music in the forum, you can also market your music by just posting messages about anything related to the piano. For example, if there is a discussion about what is the best brand of piano, and you post your comments, you can put a link at the bottom of your post to your website. So not only do you market your music, you also marketing to the right group of people, piano players!In conclusion these are much more effective methods of marketing your music then taking it to a publisher. Not only do you have much more control of your music, it is also much cheaper.The world deserves to hear your music. </p>
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  54. <title>Green Mama by Tracey Bianchi &#8211; Greening Your Travel and Worship and Planting a Tree, Eco Book Review</title>
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  57. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Apr 2023 20:43:47 +0000</pubDate>
  58. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  59. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  60. <category><![CDATA[Travelling and Hotels]]></category>
  62. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  63. <description><![CDATA[Tracey Bianchi is a married mother of three young children, living in Chicago. Her environmental concerns for both her family and future generations inspired her to write Green Mama: The Guilt-Free Guide to Helping You and Your Children Save the Planet.Bianchi earned a master of divinity degree and is a frequent speaker and writer on [...]]]></description>
  64. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Tracey Bianchi is a married mother of three young children, living in Chicago. Her environmental concerns for both her family and future generations inspired her to write Green Mama: The Guilt-Free Guide to Helping You and Your Children Save the Planet.Bianchi earned a master of divinity degree and is a frequent speaker and writer on topics of Christianity. Regardless of your religious beliefs or denomination, and whether or not you have children, Green Mama will enlighten you to the earth&#8217;s dwindling natural resources; and how you can make a positive impact. Here, the topics of greening your travel and worship, along with advocacy for planting a tree are discussed.Greening Your Travel<br />
  65. Before traveling, ask yourself if you really need to get there at all. Monitoring your travel can reduce fuel consumption, carbon emissions and consumerism. U.S. residents are responsible for approximately 25 percent of the world&#8217;s carbon emissions even though we have only 5 percent of the population.Before jumping in the car, ask these potentially life-changing questions:Have I chosen a green place to live? Answers vary according to circumstances. For you, that might mean multiple acres in a rural area or easy access to public transportation.<br />
  66. Do I live close enough to the amenities I need or the places I frequently visit? Next time you move, consider not only housing costs and school district quality. Think too about the commute time to routine travel, including the grocery store, church and library.<br />
  67. Do I really need to do this today or can I do it another time as part of another errand?<br />
  68. Can I walk or bike there instead?<br />
  69. Who else can I bring with me (i.e. a neighbor who needs to go grocery shopping a the same time)?<br />
  70. Can I combine the trip with another errand?<br />
  71. Am I shopping locally? Are all of my errands as close to home as possible?Air TravelThe World Wide Institute states that one plane crossing the Atlantic Ocean uses16, 000 gallons of fuel. That&#8217;s enough to power one car for fifty years.Before flying, ask yourself if you can travel by car or train. Take public transportation to and from the airport whenever it&#8217;s possible. Bring your own snacks and decline drinks, napkins and plastic cups offered on the plane.Realize that you might be skiing at a resort that doesn&#8217;t monitor its carbon emissions. Long-term, the very commodity they&#8217;re selling (snowfall) could diminish with climate change. Eating at certain seafood restaurants, while enjoyable, may be purchasing their food from overfished waters. &#8220;Be an educated traveler and make a difference when you can,&#8221; says Bianchi.Green Your Hotel and Resort Stays.Bring home half-used bottles of shampoo and lotions. Use them up and recycle the containers. Look for water-saving tips from your hotel. Now, many offer water conservation programs that ask you to reuse your towels and bed linens the next day.Vacation with a Purpose.&#8221;Purposeful vacations take into account the social imprint of your vacation as well as the ecological practices of the places you visit,&#8221; says Bianchi.Consider an Eco-Vacation, a Mission Project or a Conservation Trip.Your local church or park district may offer trips and ecotourism vacations to destinations where you and your family can stay together. Cleaning up trails, helping to create a habitat for endangered wildlife and serving needy families worldwide are among the many vacation opportunities.Buy a Hybrid Car; They Make a Difference.The smaller and slower the car, the better the fuel efficiency.Greening Your WorshipYour place of worship (or any other community setting you experience, including work) may ignore promoting an eco-friendly atmosphere. &#8220;Turns out the very buildings that were designed to proclaim the wonders of the God of the universe are some of the least green places in the country,&#8221; says Bianchi.Styrofoam cups, individualized creamer packets and sugars, stir sticks, multi-page bulletins, and company newsletters printed with petroleum-based ink (instead of eco-friendly soy-based inks) are among the eco-savvy detractors.&#8221;Greening up the church is not a fad or some hippie luxury; it is good stewardship and it is our future,&#8221; she says. Bianchi suggests two levels to start greening your worship:1. Begin with your senior pastor, minister, rabbi, etc. A simple meeting with him or her can initiate the dialogue. Further talks can convene with committees, elders, trustees, and others leaders. Tap into your congregation&#8217;s professional talents, including architects, engineers and HVAC experts.Discuss who will lead the greening efforts. It may or may not be you. The green team will need to research recycling options, reasonable tweaks in lighting and energy and other common sense, eco-friendly adaptations.2. Use personal, covert greening efforts if you meet congregational resistance. This includes turning off lights in classrooms, and collecting and recycling church bulletins and newsletters on your own.A universal response from churches, nonprofits and other organizations that resist going green is cost. Today, many establishments are working with limited funds.Greening a place can appear to be pricey. Waste haulers may charge additional fees to remove recyclables. Recycling bins can be costly and purchasing fair-trade coffee and teas may sell for more, but, once done, long-term savings often result.In the church, some will question if a greener life is theologically supported. Going green will have its detractors in any setting.Planting a TreeNone of us can save the world on our own, but we can each make a difference. Bianchi mentions Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan activist who, in 2004, won the Nobel Peace Prize. Maathai says one thing we can do to fight environmental injustice, is plant a tree. It&#8217;s something we can all manage. Plant something green whether you live in a high rise, farm or anywhere else. Plunge your hands into the dirt and bring forth life.Greening your travel and worship offer a variety of ways to reduce your carbon footprint on earth. Consider planting a tree to promote perpetual life among nature.Green Mama offers a gallimaufry of websites to help you live more consciously and reduce consumerism. One of the best is the Center For A New American Dream. Visit them here: </p>
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  77. <title>The Advantages and Challenges of a Family Owned Business</title>
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  80. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 17:37:31 +0000</pubDate>
  81. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  82. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  83. <category><![CDATA[family]]></category>
  85. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  86. <description><![CDATA[Family Business account for over 80% of all US businesses, contribute 50% of our Gross National Product and provide half our workforce. However only about 10% of family businesses make it to the third generation due to the unique challenges family companies encounter.Starting a Venture with your Family&#8230;There are certain advantages to starting a family [...]]]></description>
  87. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Family Business account for over 80% of all US businesses, contribute 50% of our Gross National Product and provide half our workforce. However only about 10% of family businesses make it to the third generation due to the unique challenges family companies encounter.Starting a Venture with your Family&#8230;There are certain advantages to starting a family venture:- Initial costs and losses are easily shared.<br />
  88. - Later success benefits the family as a whole.<br />
  89. - Enables the family to be together.<br />
  90. - Family may trust each other more than outsiders.However, there are many challenges which come up during a start-up venture that need to be addressed:Tips for Spouses jointly running and starting a business:&#8211; Follow business rules; romance is for non-business hours.<br />
  91. &#8211; Clearly define each spouse&#8217;s role.<br />
  92. &#8211; Accentuate each other&#8217;s talents.<br />
  93. &#8211; Keep business and personal life separate- understand the inherent conflicts of interest.<br />
  94. &#8211; Set strong ground rules and understand you won&#8217;t always agree.<br />
  95. &#8211; Define your expectations specifically and clearly.<br />
  96. &#8211; Set aside family time.- Involve young family members in the business for fun, short tasks and jobs.<br />
  97. - Have a system for recognizing and rewarding hard work and accomplishments of family.<br />
  98. - Understand clearly what the business relationships of Family are.<br />
  99. - Have a solid Business Plan which clearly defines the company structure, responsibilities, roles, strategic direction and so forth.<br />
  100. - Clearly identify who is the lead entrepreneur.<br />
  101. - Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each family member.<br />
  102. - Understand each family person&#8217;s business experience and background.<br />
  103. - Establish how much money each family will contribute.<br />
  104. - Agree up front how equity will be divided.<br />
  105. - Honest and clear communication between family.<br />
  106. - Professional, business environment and structure.<br />
  107. - How and where non-family will be incorporated into the venture.If You Join an Early Stage Family Venture&#8230;Advantages for family persons joining a new family venture are numerous:- Family can help and are inexpensive during the development period.<br />
  108. - Family wants the opportunity to help the business as it benefits the family as a whole.<br />
  109. - Flexible hours, days and pay are attractive to family member initially, using minimum resources.<br />
  110. - The business brings family back together.<br />
  111. - Family members join the family venture because they are frustrated with their current work place and environment.Issues to consider for an early stage family Venture:- Largely interpersonal issues. Experience role reversals.<br />
  112. - Resentment can build if a family member isn&#8217;t adequately challenged and rewarded.<br />
  113. - Issues concerning power, rivalry and jealousy are common between family members.<br />
  114. - Take in consideration a family member&#8217;s personal interest, skills, experience and training when assigning areas of responsibility.<br />
  115. - Define, exactly, each family member&#8217;s area of responsibility.<br />
  116. - Define who each family member is accountable to, as well as, for.<br />
  117. - Determine compensation structures- salary, bonus and equity stakes.<br />
  118. - How will a disagreement be handled?<br />
  119. - What will be done if a family is not contributing?<br />
  120. - If a family member wants out, what is the buyout plan and continuation plan?<br />
  121. - Are you going to allow family members to be non-participating, passive investors in the business?Best Advice: Defining upfront the various rules, expectations and structure unique to a family business is vital for its success. These unique requirements need to be well developed and delineated in the Company Business Plan and continually discussed in periodic family meetings. This way, every family member feels they are vital and contributing to the overall strategic direction and future of the family venture.Joining a Family Company As a Mature Business&#8230;This can be the biggest challenge for a family member: Where do I fit in a Family Business which has been in operation for a period of time and/or for successive generations? Some characteristics and challenges to consider for a later stage/ mature family business:- Having a policy that everyone starts at the bottom and works his or her way up through the ranks no matter their experience level, can initially set back family members joining the existing enterprise. However, they will soon realize it is very important not to show favoritism between family members and non-family employees. This nips in the bud issues of favoritism, entitlement, jealousy and resentment.- Family members can sometimes be transient, interim or temporary employees to help during seasonal demand, a particularly tough business environment or during high growth periods. This phenomenon can increase spirit de corps, but it can also cause strife. Again, having family meetings to decide such matters and ensuring the majority is on board with bringing in temporary family help, is critically important.- Some family members may use the business as a stepping stone on a career path or starting their own venture. Planning for this potential loss and contingency should be part of every family business&#8217;s Management Plan. Also, establishing non-compete rules upfront and protecting the proprietary nature of the business if a family member moves on should also be part of the Company&#8217;s Planning Structure.- The issue of the family successor is huge in a mature family enterprise. How will a family business choose its next successor? Is there room for the next generation? What are the expansion options for family members? Is the Company growing enough to support new family blood? Does the current management structure and style permit the flexibility and latitude the next generation seeks? This all speaks to the importance of having well developed; family- contributed Business Planning in order to maintain successive-success for future generations. This phenomenon becomes more urgent and important in maturing family operations. We deal with this future outlook issue in subsequent section in detail, along with conflicts, limitations and issues faced by a family enterprise.Advantages a mature stage family business enjoys are numerous, but the following are common, and often, keys to success:- Each family member is contributing to the overall benefit of the entire family.<br />
  122. - Family members can enjoy making and reaching goals together,<br />
  123. - Be a member of a very special team which is very close knit.<br />
  124. - Everyone pitches in to do the hard work- getting things done, that &#8220;need doing&#8221;.<br />
  125. - Family teamwork translates into identifiable and quantifiable progress.<br />
  126. - A feeling among family that is &#8220;our business&#8221;. It is &#8220;what we do&#8221;. It is all about ownership and legacy.<br />
  127. - Special attitude shared by family members pushes them to work hard for the success of the business.<br />
  128. - Bringing in new life, new skills and added experience into the maturing business.<br />
  129. - Mature family companies often have and keep market advantage and competitive edge as new generations often ensure the company doesn&#8217;t stagnate. </p>
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  135. <title>Know Which Laws Come Under California Labor Law Posters?</title>
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  138. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 06:37:22 +0000</pubDate>
  139. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  141. <category><![CDATA[Labor Law]]></category>
  143. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  144. <description><![CDATA[California employers need to post labor law posters including CA minimum wage in addition to all federal and state regulations. To ensure compliance with the labor law posters mandates, employers must display both state and federal laws in a conspicuous place at every worksite. There are a number of firms that publish all-in-one labor law [...]]]></description>
  145. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> California employers need to post labor law posters including CA minimum wage in addition to all federal and state regulations. To ensure compliance with the labor law posters mandates, employers must display both state and federal laws in a conspicuous place at every worksite. There are a number of firms that publish all-in-one labor law posters. These kinds of posters offer economical poster compliance solutions to employers. Some poster firms even offer year-round free updates for a small additional fee.California State Labor Law Requirements include OSHA, Payday Notice, Emergency Phone Number, Time Off for Voting, Discrimination and Harassment, Whistleblowers are Protected, Access to Medical Exposure Records, Family Rights Act, Unemployment Insurance, Unemployment Insurance Benefits, Minimum Wage, Workers&#8217; Compensation, No Smoking Policy and Paid Disability Leave.Federal Labor Law Requirements include Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law which also includes NEW GINA in effect November 21, 2009, Federal Minimum Wage 2009, USERRA &#8211; Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, OSHA &#8211; Job Safety &#038; Health Protection, Employee Polygraph Protection Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, IRS Withholding Notice, Anti-Discrimination Notice and Payday Notice.Occupational Safety and Health Protection Law (CA Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 340) requires California employers to ensure that the workplaces are free of health or safety hazards.Payday Notice (CA Labor Code 207) requires the employers to notify employees regarding their payday schedules.Emergency Phone Number (CA Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1512(e) is an essential poster that lists the emergency phone numbers required during injuries or accidents in the workplace.Time Off to Vote Notice implies that employees are entitled with the right to take time off to vote in case they are not able to do it outside their working hours.Discrimination and Harassment notice conveys the zero tolerance policy of California State on discrimination since discrimination at workplaces against employees or job candidates is a severe crime in California.Whistleblower Protection (CA Labor Code 1102.8 (a)) poster is meant to inform whistle blowers regarding their rights and protections. In case they have reasons to feel that these two areas are violated, they should contact the authorities over the phone numbers given in the notice.Access to Medical and Exposure Records (Cal/OSHA, 3204) requires employers to enable the employees with access to medical and exposure records.Family Rights Act Notice A &#038; B grants employees the right to avail of up to 12 unpaid weeks under certain situations including pregnancy or when they need to attend to the medical needs of a family member reported with serious ailments impairing their ability to work. Under specific categories involving family members and military, they can avail of up to 26 unpaid weeks off.Unemployment Insurance and Benefits requires employers to display this notice since employees must gain access to this insurance or file a complaint. They are entitled to get unemployment if they happen to get unemployed due to no fault of their own.Minimum Wage (CA Labor Code 1183(d)) lets the employees know their rights regarding overtime and minimum wage payment rules.Workers Compensation Law (CA Labor Code 3550 (a)) is a notice that informs the workers that they can file a claim for any injuries or illnesses that happen while they are on the job.Further to these California labor law posters, the two other posters required are Smoking Policy (CA Labor Code 6404.5) and Paid Disability Leave California. </p>
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  151. <title>Managers Coaching in the Workplace</title>
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  154. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:36:07 +0000</pubDate>
  155. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  157. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
  159. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  160. <description><![CDATA[Workplace coaching has been for the reserve of executives or individuals within organisations. Now organisations realise that managers using coaching skills can provide direct performance and business benefits.More than 70% of organisations with any formal leadership development activities use coaching as an important part of that. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) states [...]]]></description>
  161. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Workplace coaching has been for the reserve of executives or individuals within organisations. Now organisations realise that managers using coaching skills can provide direct performance and business benefits.More than 70% of organisations with any formal leadership development activities use coaching as an important part of that. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) states that line managers typically deliver 36% of the coaching to their reports, while HR and Training and Development specialists were delivering 30%.This suggests an expectation for line managers to deliver more coaching.I will start with defining what is coaching in the workplace, and what it is not. I will cover how it works as a development tool, the topic of the Manager as coach, their roles and responsibilities; the deliverables to the business and the pros and cons of delivering coaching.I will cover how a manager can coach, who they will coach, and different styles and to conclude the issues that it may raise, how they can be recognised and some solutions.How does it work?<br />
  162. Organisations realise they can improve the performance and motivation of their people through coaching. A coaching style of management is preferred to the traditional command and control approach.Coaching is a more a management style rather than a tool. Application of coaching has many examples; delegating, problem solving, team building, planning and reviewing.Coaching embraces 2 fundamental principles, that of awareness and responsibility. Huge potential lies within all of us. What blocks that unleashed potential? Restrictive structures and company practices, the lack of encouragement and opportunities offered, and management style of the company. The most common internal block is self belief. Building self awareness, responsibility and self belief is the goal of a coach.Awareness can be raised by focussed attention and by practice. It is the clear perception of the relevant facts and information. It helps in recognising when and how emotions or desires distort our own perception.When we accept, choose or take responsibility for our own thoughts and actions, our levels of commitment increase, and so does our performance. Performance is likely to improve if someone chooses to take action, rather than being told.Effective questioning in conversation best generates awareness and responsibility. Questions should be open beginning with words like what, when, how (much/many), and who. Why is discouraged as it suggests criticism. Questioning will follow the coachee&#8217;s train of thought. If they appear to be going way off track a simple interjection like &#8220;I notice we haven&#8217;t talked about&#8221;, helps bring things back on course.What should we ask, and in what sequence? Several coaching models exist. The most familiar is the (T) GROW model. The G is for Goal, setting the agenda for the session as well as the long term aspiration. The R is for reality, exploring the current situation. The O follows for options or courses of action. Finally W is for what is to be done, when, by whom (the way forward).Other coaching models exist, such at the SHOOTS model. Here they cover Seek to understand, Hone the goals, Objectives set, Options and action planning, Try it out, Success review. One further coaching model the &#8220;Coaching path&#8221;, is another.The Manager as Coach the pros &#038; cons<br />
  163. Can a manager coach and do their own day job? With the demands placed on managers these days, adding one more task to their list of objectives in an ever demanding workplace.Organisations realise they can improve both the performance and motivation of their associates through coaching. Focussing on encouraging people to think for themselves, a coach provides support, challenge, feedback and guidance, but rarely answers.A survey conducted by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) suggests managers who have been trained in coaching can also self coach. While operational coaching carried out by line managers will help to improve performance, it is dedicated internal coaches who will bring about long-lasting behavioural change that can really add value.Dedicated internal coaches within an organisation must raise the question of value for money and cost effectiveness. My own observations of cost-cutting programmes, flatter organisations, and the need to demonstrate value for money leave little room for a coach to exist as a dedicated resource.There are some additional pros and cons for coaching a team From the perspective of the coach is a successor could be created, avoiding team members being &#8220;off the job&#8221; to develop skills, and could be cost effective. The downside to this is that they (the manager) feel their own job may be jeopardised, it can be time consuming, and giving people responsibility may encourage them to dispute the coach&#8217;s authority. The manager in coaching may develop a lack of confidence if the coaching experience does not go well.For the team the benefits are that they will be coached by someone who knows them and their development needs. Development is part of the job and is therefore directly relevant and useful, and it makes work more challenging and interesting. The downside could be if coaching isn&#8217;t taken seriously.Coaching may not always be appropriate. A manager may have to switch from a coaching role to a directing role and then back again. As long as this is explained to the team this should not cause an issue. If not then the behaviour can be seen as ambiguous.For the manager to be successful he needs to build rapport with the people he is coaching. Without this coaching will have limited benefits. The relationship will often be one to one, however in the case of a development or performance focus; the manager may have to report to a sponsor to give feedback. All parties will need to know this from the start.How can a Manager Coach?<br />
  164. Organisations need to decide how coaching will be deployed, who will do the training (internal/external) and how many managers are to be trained. This would usually be led by the HR function, supported by senior management. This could be built into the organisations objectives and targets. By the creation of a &#8220;coaching culture&#8221; coaching will be more readily accepted.Various coaching models are available for the manager as coach. The most common is (T)GROW. Used effectively it&#8217;s relatively simple to use (previously discussed). Regardless of which model the coach chooses to take, it will give them a repeatable model to use. One disadvantage of having many managers coaching in organisations is standardisation, a model will help.Assuming the manager has received coaching training, and is now armed with a repeatable model to follow, what next? There are several dimensions in the coaching relationship to consider. One is between the coach and the coachee (team or individual).A third dimension which is the manager to the organisation. This may mean reporting upwards on progress and developments of a coaching relationship.A manager can coach in various ways; coaching downwards, meaning coaching individuals who report directly. Coaching upwards, meaning the relatively unusual situation of coaching ones superior. This can be dangerous as a senior manager may ask for honest feedback, but does not want to hear the truth! I would advise extreme caution in this situation.Coaching sideways, meaning coaching colleagues peers or equals in the organisation. This occurs in different areas and can benefit the coach, coachee and the organisation with an exchange of views and knowledge. It allows challenging questions to be asked, which might not necessarily be raised if one had expert knowledge of the functional area.Team Coaching, is another dynamic where a manager can apply his coaching skills. For a team there are times when coaching intervention will be effective. These are the beginning, midpoint and ends. The beginning helps establish boundaries, identifies what to do regarding tasks and timings. This helps the group to have a good launch, and can significantly enhance member&#8217;s commitment to the team and the task. At the midpoint failures and successes can be shared, as well as experiences. Teams are able to review how they have worked together and will be open for some coaching intervention. The end of a task or performance should be time for lessons learnt for future project work.These 3 coaching interactions can be summarised as motivational in the beginning, consultative at the midpoint, and educational at the end. Evidence suggests that coaching a team in between these points in the cycle may have small beneficial effects.What issues does it raise?<br />
  165. There are three angles, the coach (manager) the coachee (individual and team) and the organisation.In all organisations politics have their place. It is important to remember that as a coach your role is non-judgemental. The manager needs to recognise when there is a conflict of interests and flag at the earliest opportunity. By finding themselves &#8220;in the middle&#8221;, this is potential for stress. Managers should be aware and take early action to avoid this situation.In commercial organisations, Return on Investment (ROI) or at least a clear measure of how coaching will impact the organisation is required. Few initiatives will be approved or deployed unless there is a clear measurement system. This is where a &#8220;coaching culture&#8221; may support the initiative. Being incorporated into the organisations missions, and values as well as one of the organisations corporate objectives will support success and adoption.Tracking success of coaching can pose a headache. Process tools &#038; guidelines will help with this. For example specifying how long the coaching will last for, the assessment instruments and agreement as part of the contracting phase.One issues a manager may face when coaching in an organisation is that of standardisation. For example coaching models, how information is recorded, and how coaching sessions are conducted.A barrier to coaching is the perception the time to do it. Small companies and some owner managers are likely to complain that they don&#8217;t have the time to do everything. Smaller companies tend to have fewer dedicated resources. However it is accepted that some smaller businesses fail as a consequence because they had not adequately developed their key staff.Managers as coaches may well come across the international dimension and are an aspect that the manager as a coach needs to be aware of, even within a single organisation. This is particularly relevant in a more diverse workforce.Managers ought to understand how development impacts on people in the organisation. Managers need genuine interest; otherwise they may only pay lip service to the &#8220;coaching culture&#8221; or their organisations &#8220;strategy and vision&#8221;. In hostile environments (such as fast paced manufacturing) with aggressive attitudes and styles, change needs to happen quickly, and coaching is not automatically chosen.Autocratic environments where management &#8220;tell&#8221; their associates display language and behaviour in direct conflict to the coaching style. If managers have to &#8220;tell&#8221; their associates, they handle and remove any ambiguity in their role as coach. As long as this is explained to associates this should not cause an issue.If time is upmost then telling will be the fastest way. If the quality of the result is upmost, then coaching for high awareness and responsibility is likely to deliver. If maximising learning is upmost, coaching will optimise learning and retention.Coaching is a tool for people development. What if there is nowhere for the people to develop to? Organisations adopting flatter and leaner structures, particularly in the light of current economic situations there may leave little scope for individuals to move unless someone leaves. Succession planning helps here but people may have to &#8220;stand still&#8221; for some time.As a consequence of downsizing individuals find them with even higher workloads than before. Organisations typically shed jobs and restructure with little thought as to how the business processes and people are affected.Other organisational barriers to coaching success are lack of time, where the managers did not feel that they had the time; they want things done now so revert back to &#8220;command and control&#8221;.Fear of skills coaching used, for managers who can&#8217;t or won&#8217;t coach will oppose its use. They may feel weakness in their ability. Fear from the associate&#8217;s side their mangers are not confident in their role as coach, and some associates may be better than them. From the manager&#8217;s side there is the fear of the coach, that the coach can perform better than them and perceive it as a threat. There is the fear of risk, that if it does not bring the results that are expected (whether reasonable or not) that it would be a waste of money (externally provided), or resources and time (internally provided).Coaching is not a &#8220;catch all&#8221; for everything and everyone and the manager needs to recognise when coaching is not appropriate. As a guide but by no means exhaustive, when faced with the following situations, a manager may question if coaching is appropriate. If a criminal act is committed, serious health or emotional problems, stress, and substance abuse.Conclusion<br />
  166. Coaching has been recognised as adding value in the workplace, not only for high achievers and executives. Responsibility for delivering the coaching still rests largely with the line management team in an organisation ( 70%).Coaching is applied in a non-directional, non-judgemental way. Before improving performance awareness and responsibility need to be raised. Coaching models exist to aid the manager the most common being (T)GROW.Coaching may appear an additional task on f the manager&#8217;s already heavy workload. Done correctly, it allows the manager more time on core tasks such as long-term planning and objective setting. In developing staff it avoids them being &#8220;off the job&#8221; to develop skills. There are occasions where a manager will have to &#8220;tell&#8221; staff and needs to be handled by them appropriately.Coaching can be done at various levels within an organisation, team, individuals, peers, superiors or themselves. It is important for the manager to recognise when coaching is not appropriate and seek assistance.The manager needs to be aware of any conflicts of interest, particularly in the area of values and beliefs. A demonstrable measurement system will support the coaching approach. The standard of training and ongoing support to coaches is important to ensure that a coach does not have a negative effect on the workforce. Cultural and diversity dimension also needs to be considered.Coaching is clearly not a &#8220;catch all&#8221; or a sticking plaster for a manager to heal over their areas of responsibility. It is extremely powerful when used as a management style, supported by a strong and visible coaching culture within an organisation.The final question I would raise to any organisation not using, or considering using coaching is why would they not want to benefit from the overriding benefits that it can yield? </p>
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  172. <title>Spa and Aromatherapy Massage &#8211; Courses for the Entrepreneur</title>
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  175. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:11:33 +0000</pubDate>
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  178. <category><![CDATA[Spa and Wellness]]></category>
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  181. <description><![CDATA[Find Spa and Aromatherapy Massage Courses in the United States and Canada. Today&#8217;s average high school graduate is still debating on which educational path to follow. Those who aren&#8217;t certain about which career field to pursue may have an entrepreneurial niche; and may prefer a hands-on learning environment like that of a spa and aromatherapy [...]]]></description>
  182. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Find Spa and Aromatherapy Massage Courses in the United States and Canada. Today&#8217;s average high school graduate is still debating on which educational path to follow.  Those who aren&#8217;t certain about which career field to pursue may have an entrepreneurial niche; and may prefer a hands-on learning environment like that of a spa and aromatherapy massage program.Prospective students who have shown interest in bodywork and natural healing may primarily be drawn to an education in spa and aromatherapy massage; as it combines essential training in oils, herbs, and botanical medicine with a variety of massage methods.  In most cases, a spa and aromatherapy massage program involves practical training in Swedish massage, deep tissue massage and seated massage, among other modalities.  In addition, students enrolled in a spa and aromatherapy massage course will often discover little known facts and history about the origins of herbal medicine, aromatic and scented oils, and their natural healing attributes.A typical outline of a spa and aromatherapy massage program entails comprehensive studies in hot oil treatments, body wraps, facials, hand and foot spas, beauty/skin nutrition and treatments, detoxification therapies, and associated instruction.Students who fulfill all educational and training requirements of a spa and aromatherapy massage course can earn holistic certification and/or diploma in the respective field.  Because massage and healing arts schools vary in program length and training hours, a number of spa and aromatherapy massage courses may meet or exceed state and national requirements for national certification.  Bear in mind that while you may be eligible for national certification as a massage therapist, esthetics&#8217; licensure varies in accordance with the spa/aromatherapy curriculum requirements.Successful graduates of a spa and aromatherapy massage program may go onto entry level positions in wellness clinics, or may put their skills to the test by going into their own business or managing a franchise.  In some cases, professionals who have established a good reputation may choose to pursue entrepreneurial careers on cruise liners and at popular resorts.  Truly, the sky is the limit in this occupation: as a career choice, experienced spa and aromatherapy massage professionals can anticipate lucrative earnings of $30* and up.If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding spa and aromatherapy massage courses, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.*Salary source: (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)Spa and Aromatherapy Massage: Courses for the Entrepreneur© Copyright 2007The CollegeBound NetworkAll Rights ReservedNOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active. </p>
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  188. <title>Releasing Trauma &#8211; The Mind, Body, Spirit Connection</title>
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  191. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 16:31:11 +0000</pubDate>
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  194. <category><![CDATA[Mind Body Spirit]]></category>
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  197. <description><![CDATA[The Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, PH.D is a beautiful and insightful guide into the mind/body/spirit connection. I first read this book about 10 years ago and found myself leafing through its pages once again just a few months ago searching for answers.About 13 years ago I suffered an unspeakable trauma, something that [...]]]></description>
  198. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> The Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, PH.D is a beautiful and insightful guide into the mind/body/spirit connection. I first read this book about 10 years ago and found myself leafing through its pages once again just a few months ago searching for answers.About 13 years ago I suffered an unspeakable trauma, something that I could never ever imagine happening, did. Yes, I did go for many rounds of counseling but other than that, I kept my trauma a secret. My tears were cried privately and I just continued with the business of living.We make decisions sometimes that are not in our best interest, maybe out of fear or in the hope that we are somehow protecting ourselves or others, or both. But choosing not to speak our truth is not a good place to be in. What I did instead was to stuff my pain way down deep into the very darkest corner of my by heart, my soul, my being. No amount of counseling, no therapy could reach that.Yes, our life, our story, our thoughts and our beliefs really do become our biology. We are, after all, a mind body. After so many years I thought that I had been able to exorcise most of my demons, but this was not the case.About a year ago I started to experience bouts of extreme lower abdomen pain that left me drained and bedridden. Initially I shrugged it off &#8211; after all, wasn&#8217;t I always a stomach girl? Every time something stressful happened in my life, wasn&#8217;t my stomach the first to say, &#8220;Hello there, remember me?&#8221; And weren&#8217;t we all going through an incredibly stressful time trying to cope with my Dad&#8217;s rapidly failing health?After my 5th attack and a battery of medical tests showed no medical cause for my symptoms, I acknowledged what I already knew. I think we always intuitively KNOW, don&#8217;t we? My body was rebelling and screaming for me to pay attention &#8211; to sit up and take notice &#8211; to deal with my trauma once and for all. I was scared, really scared. I knew enough about the mind/body/spirit connection to realize that I needed to take action now to start the healing process before it was too late.You see, disease is sometimes the result of trauma firmly rooted in place in our bodies. It can cause an energy shift that affects our cells &#8211; the very fabric of our body, leaving us open and vulnerable to disease. And I was hoping that in my case, after so many years of not paying attention, that it wasn&#8217;t&#8217; too late.My healing journey has been long and difficult. In the final analysis, I understand now what I didn&#8217;t before. I finally got it. This is my life and my journey. No matter what life dishes up, it&#8217;s how I treat with these trials, these traumas, which ultimately shapes the person I am. It&#8217;s MY story, no one else&#8217;s. </p>
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  204. <title>Use Different Software For Property Management</title>
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  207. <pubDate>Sun, 26 Mar 2023 07:35:19 +0000</pubDate>
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  214. <description><![CDATA[With the rapid advance in technology, landlords and letting agents have been reaping the untold benefits of property management software programs. Software for management of property that covers every requirement is easily available with the latest property management software able to produce instant charts showing rental arrears, maintenance costs, and profit and loss accounts of [...]]]></description>
  215. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> With the rapid advance in technology, landlords and letting agents have been reaping the untold benefits of property management software programs. Software for management of property that covers every requirement is easily available with the latest property management software able to produce instant charts showing rental arrears, maintenance costs, and profit and loss accounts of all the properties being managed currently.Keeping Your Management Skills Up-To-DateThere are software programs that help in the management of property by offering useful solutions for managing real estate portfolios by keeping track of information and accounts of clients. Real estate agents that use letting agency software can find that they can easily manage a network of properties quite easily, from their office. Nowadays, property management software is readily available for landlords, surveyors, letting agents, and real estate agents. It does not matter how many properties you are managing, one or hundred; landlord software will assist you in managing your time better and will also assist you in focusing on bettering your business.Making Your Office More EfficientThere are several types of property software management available that can help in making the running of properties far easier compared to earlier years. You are not longer required to make several visits to properties in faraway places or chase down overdue payments. The fact of the matter is that the latest software possesses several features that can help making the running of your business easier and more efficient. Property management software has become so highly advanced; it can do the work usually done by a full-time employee, helping you to cut down additional expenditure. It can store all the information you need about your current properties, the current lessors, future renting income, and overdue rents. This landlord software can even prepare notices to your tenants in cases of outstanding rents or notices about future rent increases or decreases, helping you in managing your assets efficiently.Maximize Your Returns with TechnologyA letting agency software can easily assist you in fixing rentals and rental periods, keep track of information on received deposits and rents, and can also easily manage various accounts. It can help in keeping a close eye on lapsing insurance policies, utility bills, generate invoices, statements, and rent reminders. It can be used easily by most property managers and agents running property businesses, big or small. Furthermore, the software can be upgraded as needed to keep up with the latest developments. This software can be managed quite easily by anyone with basic training. Finally, there is no doubt that property management software is the way of the future, and is available to property owners and tenants all over the UK to help them grow and prosper. </p>
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  221. <title>How To Avail Flight and Hotel Packages for Cheap Tours?</title>
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  224. <pubDate>Thu, 02 Feb 2023 05:45:46 +0000</pubDate>
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  229. <description><![CDATA[Travelling by air is convenient as people get a host of opportunities during both international and domestic journeys. There has been a significant increase in the number of airlines around the world in the last two decades that has given globetrotters a wider range of options while checking international flight schedules. However, making a plan [...]]]></description>
  230. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Travelling by air is convenient as people get a host of opportunities during both international and domestic journeys. There has been a significant increase in the number of airlines around the world in the last two decades that has given globetrotters a wider range of options while checking international flight schedules. However, making a plan for a tour with family and friends can be quite expensive in modern days because of high conveyance charges and costly accommodation prices. These two sectors make up most of the expenses of a tour and high charges on these often desist people to take vacations. Vacations have become costlier just because of the impact of these factors. Nevertheless, few simple tactics can yield the best rates while planning out and excursion.Plan EarlyThe first and arguably, one of the most important factors in determining the cost of the tour is planning efficiently. It has been found out after numerous surveys that making an outline of the tour well in advance can save thousands of bucks. It is understood that sometimes it is just not possible to chalk out an itinerary due to the suddenness of the trip. However, a pre-planned tour is always cheaper than a sudden trip just because of the fact that holidaymakers can start early. This also means that travellers can check the flight schedules and seat availability well in advance. Booking almost a month in prior to the actual journey has been found out to be cheaper by quite a margin; thus proving that an advanced planning reaps reduced trip charges.Packages Combine the Best OptionsVacationers who are looking for the best travel prices can check websites, which are dedicated for this purpose. Such portals offer a plethora of opportunities to chalk out trips at the cheapest charges. Holidaymakers can choose from the package options, which chart out a precise itinerary to the number of attractions at a popular destination. Making reservations for flights and hotels separately can cost enormously more than booking them in a bulk. These flight and hotel packages make all arrangements regarding travel, food and accommodation during a trip and offer discounts; as a result reducing travel expenses.Carry a Web Research SmartlyIt is understood that while chalking out a trip or choosing a package, a detailed research is to be carried out on the web. It has been found out that often, travellers spend days researching on travel portals to hit upon the best itinerary. Some system protocol must be maintained to get the best rates and opting for the same. It has been suggested by frequent fliers that it is always wise to clear the history every time after a research session is conducted. Some of these websites have a way of tracking the system from where a number of surveys are being carried out at any point of time. Subsequently, the rates between the commonly searched destinations are displayed a bit higher than the actual. Clearing the history and cache negates such a chance and travellers are able to get the original rates.These factors have a considerable impact on travelling in the modern age and the rates can be reduced by following these steps. However, all said and done, vacationers should keep in mind that a lot depends on the circumstances and chances and also some other terms as well. </p>
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