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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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  4. xmlns:blogChannel=""
  5. >
  7. <channel>
  8. <title>News from NWZ</title>
  9. <link></link>
  10. <description>Aktuelle Informationen zu den Rechnersystemen und Angeboten der IVV Naturwissenschaften</description>
  11. <language>de</language>
  12. <copyright>Copyright ©  IVV Naturwissenschaften</copyright>
  13. <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 16:56:26 +0100</pubDate>
  14. <lastBuildDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 16:56:26 +0100</lastBuildDate>
  15. <managingEditor></managingEditor>
  16. <webMaster></webMaster>
  18. <item>
  19. <title><![CDATA[Conversion of group directories A-E completed, F-K to begin shortly]]></title>
  20. <link></link>
  21. <description><![CDATA[We have completed the transition of the group directories A-E, which are now accessible again via Dfs (N:\Group\..., \\\dfs\Group\...). <br />
  22. <br />
  23. Next up are the group directories of the groups whose names have the letters
  24. <ul>
  25. <li>F
  26. <li>G
  27. <li>H
  28. <li>I
  29. <li>J
  30. <li>K
  31. </ul>
  32. in the third position of the group name, e.g.  p0<b><u>F</b></u>sphys, r0<b><u>G</b></u>adau, q0<b><u>H</b></u>euer, p0<b><u>I</b></u>vv, q0<b><u>J</b></u>ose, p0<b><u>K</b></u>urs1.<br />
  33. <br />
  34. The group directories from these areas cannot be accessed until the migration is complete. Auxilliary group directories (names end in .2, .3, .4, .5) are not affected.<br />
  35. <br />
  36. As soon as this block is transferred, the following blocks follow: L-S, T-Z.<br />
  37. <br />
  38. It is not possible to predict how long the migration will take per block or letter. We will strive to make completed letters accessible again as soon as possible, even if the rest of the block has not yet been finalized.<br />
  39. <br />
  40. We will inform you here, once we have completed a block and move on to the next one. You can find the exact status <a href="">on this webpage</a>.]]></description>
  41. <guid isPermaLink="false">{38907c57-b276e4ea-9118a94d-09ff1958}</guid>
  42. <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 16:56:26 +0100</pubDate>
  43. </item>
  44. <item>
  45. <title><![CDATA[Mar. 28, 2025: Group directory migration begins at 1 pm]]></title>
  46. <link></link>
  47. <description><![CDATA[At 1 pm today, the migration of the group directories will begin.<br />
  48. <br />
  49. First, the group directories of the groups whose names have the letters
  50. <ul>
  51. <li>A
  52. <li>B
  53. <li>C
  54. <li>D
  55. <li>E
  56. </ul>
  57. in the third position of the group name, e.g. p0<b><u>A</b></u>g, r0<b><u>B</b></u>p, q0<b><u>C</b></u>orn, p0<b><u>D</b></u>enz, p0<b><u>E</b></u>xpert, will be transferred.<br />
  58. <br />
  59. The group directories from these areas cannot be accessed until the migration is complete. Auxilliary group directories (names end in .2, .3, .4, .5) are not affected.<br />
  60. <br />
  61. As soon as this block is transferred, the following blocks follow: F-K, L-S, T-Z.<br />
  62. <br />
  63. It is not possible to predict how long the migration will take per block or letter. We will strive to make completed letters accessible again as soon as possible, even if the rest of the block has not yet been finalized.<br />
  64. <br />
  65. We will inform you here, once we have completed a block and move on to the next one. You can find the exact status <a href="">on this webpage</a>.]]></description>
  66. <guid isPermaLink="false">{0d1a6276-2ccf7a17-2e64f011-2b658c9e}</guid>
  67. <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 16:56:26 +0100</pubDate>
  68. </item>
  69. <item>
  70. <title><![CDATA[Mar. 28-30, 2025: Limited operation - Group directories]]></title>
  71. <description><![CDATA[There will be limitations in the use of the group directories (N:\Group\..., \\\dfs\Group\..., <nobr>\\nwznas[01,02,03,04]\[?0*]). </nobr> during the weekend Mar. 28-30, 2025.<br />
  72. <br />
  73. This is due to the migration to the new SCIT server and storage system.<br />
  74. <br />
  75. During this period, several or all group directories are not accessible for a longer period of time. <br />Auxilliary group directories (names end in .2, .3, .4, .5) are not affected.<br />
  76. <br />
  77. Please take this into account when planning your work.<br />
  78. <br />
  79. If you have any questions, please contact your IT administrator or your representative in the <a href="">IVV Expert Panel</a>.]]></description>
  80. <guid isPermaLink="false">{6f133c36-0254ffab-5b518aba-62dad3e1}</guid>
  81. <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 16:56:26 +0100</pubDate>
  82. </item>
  83. <item>
  84. <title><![CDATA[Registration closes March 30: "Introduction to the administration of computers in the IVV"]]></title>
  85. <link>;lang=en</link>
  86. <description><![CDATA[In the summer term the lecture series "Administration of Computers in the IVV Naturwissenschaften" will take place again.<br>
  87. <br>
  88. A selection of event topics is available in <a href="">Learnweb</a>.<br>
  89. <br>
  90. You can <a href="">register online </a> until March 30, 2025, for some or all of the topics.<br>
  91. <br>
  92. <b>
  93. Please note that you <a href="">first have to enroll in the course</a> in the Learnweb and then <a href="">register for the individual topics via the so-called feedback</a>.</b> <br>
  94. <br>
  95. <b><u>The enrollment in the course alone, without answering the feedback for topic selection, is not sufficient. Enrolled-only students are NOT counted as participants (see below)!</u></b>
  96. <br>
  97. <br>
  98. The topics will be selected based on demand beginning March 31, at which time the exact dates for the individual topics will be fixed. <b>If a minimum number of 5 participants is not reached for a topic, this topic will be skipped for this semester's course. In that case, registered participants will be informed of the cancellation by e-mail. </b>
  99. <br>
  100. Please register only for the topics you are actually interested in.<br>
  101. <br>
  102. The event will take place during the semester (starting April 10, 2025) at ComputerLab 745 in the Institute for Solid State Theory, Building IG 1, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10 on Thursdays from 10:15am to 12pm.<br>
  103. <br>
  104. <b>
  105. The topic "IT-Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz: Einführung" will be conducted by Uni-Fortbildung in a web seminar on April 7 and 8, 2024.</b> Alternatively, there is an eLearning course with the same content. The registration for the web seminar and further information about the eLearning course and the certificate of participation for it can be found <a href=""> on the Uni Fortbildung website</a>.]]></description>
  106. <guid isPermaLink="false">{22d22387-1f0376ca-24581fb0-66c19511}</guid>
  107. <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 16:56:26 +0100</pubDate>
  108. </item>
  109. <item>
  110. <title><![CDATA[Registration opens March 11: "Introduction to the administration of computers in the IVV"]]></title>
  111. <link>;lang=en</link>
  112. <description><![CDATA[In the summer term the lecture series "Administration of Computers in the IVV Natural Sciences" will take place again.<br>
  113. <br>
  114. You will find the selection of event topics in <a href="">Learnweb</a>, starting on March 11.<br>
  115. <br>
  116. You can <a href="">register online </a> until March 30, 2025, for some or all of the topics.<br>
  117. <br>
  118. <b>
  119. Please note that you <a href="">first have to enroll in the course</a> in the Learnweb and then <a href="">register for the individual topics via the so-called feedback</a>.</b> <br>
  120. <br>
  121. <b><u>The enrollment in the course alone, without answering the feedback for topic selection, is not sufficient. Enrolled-only students are NOT counted as participants (see below)!</u></b>
  122. <br>
  123. <br>
  124. The topics will be selected based on demand beginning March 31, at which time the exact dates for the individual topics will be fixed. If a minimum number of 5 participants is not reached for a topic, this topic will be skipped for this semester's course. In that case, registered participants will be informed of the cancellation by e-mail.
  125. <br>
  126. Please register only for the topics you are actually interested in.<br>
  127. <br>
  128. The event will take place during the semester (starting April 10, 2025) at ComputerLab 745 in the Institute for Solid State Theory, Building IG 1, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10 on Thursdays from 10:15am to 12pm.<br>
  129. <br>
  130. <b>
  131. The topic "IT-Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz: Einführung" will be conducted by Uni-Fortbildung in a web seminar on April 7 and 8, 2024.</b> Alternatively, there is an eLearning course with the same content. The registration for the web seminar and further information about the eLearning course and the certificate of participation for it can be found <a href=""> on the Uni Fortbildung website</a>.]]></description>
  132. <guid isPermaLink="false">{cf4c9052-fe000f23-1eed3315-e5509f0c}</guid>
  133. <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2025 16:56:26 +0100</pubDate>
  134. </item>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda