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<title>Ask MetaFilter</title>
<description>The past 24 hours of questions at Ask MetaFilter</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 22:53:35 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>Dog needs big balls</title>
<description><![CDATA[I want to get a horse size 40" ball <a href="">like these</a> but my GSD will deflate this in a matter of seconds. Do they make a solid rubber ball this large?<br/><br/>It cannot be too heavy. He is ridiculously strong.]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385121</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 22:53:35 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>Moving a window to another screen just using keyboard</title>
<description><![CDATA[Like many people I have two physical screens, and I'm becoming increasingly more keyboard oriented as I realise how much time and fiddliness a mouse involves. My system is Windows 10 22H2. One thing that really annoys me is that when toggling between open windows (Alt+tab+arrow keys) or creating a window (Window key E) is that I've found no way to move the new window to the other screen; I always have to use the mouse.<br/><br/>Is there a way to move a window to another screen just using keyboard? I don't really care where the window lands in the other screen but I often want to copy or move files from one visible window to another visible window and having them on separate screens makes this much more simple. I'm open to applications, scripts, keyboard combinations and anything else.]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385120</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 20:41:02 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>How Do We Salvage and Set Up an Out of the Box Windows PC in 2025? </title>
<description><![CDATA[I have acquired <a href="">this precise ThinkPad</a> directly from What is the latest and greatest in making sure there's no bloat and plenty of security?<br/><br/>In the old days I used to just go to and download a malware app and Avast and do some crazy rigamarole to get rid of proprietary garbage. But it's been years for me. Has life moved on? What are the antivirus, security, and bloat-removal software products that I need? Anything else I should be thinking about? <br>
I'll be using this for work, so basically I'll be web browsing, Zooming, and doing a mix of Google Drive and MS Office work, mostly everything in the cloud. Maybe once in awhile I'll watch reruns of The Office on it as well. <br>
I'll connect this computer to an external monitor and use a wireless USB keyboard and mouse, so if I should be thinking something about drivers or compatibility or whatever, good to know also. <br>
If the answer includes a clean reinstall of Windows please explain it to me like I'm a five year old, because the last time I did a clean reinstall was with a CD ROM copy of Windows.<br>
I hate computers and modern life <em>in toto</em>, so thank you for your help.]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385119</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 20:16:50 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>Yet another "what to watch next"</title>
<description><![CDATA[Mr. rekrap and I are in search of our next long TV binges, with snowflakes and criteria inside.<br/><br/>We're in search of our next "long watch" TV shows. We usually have one plot-driven hour-ish drama and one half-hour-ish comedy to finish off the evening. We'd like options with MANY episodes because we don't enjoy the decision-making process of finding something to watch when we're tailing off our busy days. Assume access to plenty of platforms.<br>
Past drama favorites: Silent Witness, Supernatural, Murdoch Mysteries, Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, Call the Midwife, House, Castle, CSI, NCIS. We both love science fiction, so safe to assume we've watched most obvious and some obscure series - all versions of Star Trek, Doctor Who, Farscape, Battlestar, Resident Alien, Killjoys, etc. The ideal prototype is SG-1 - we sometimes joke that the rest of our lives will consist of waiting until we're ready for a re-watch.<br>
Past comedy favorites: Modern Family, Hacks, Mrs. Maisel, Grace & Frankie, 30 Rock, Office, Parks & Rec. The ideal prototype is Who's Line is it Anyway? Clive, Drew and Aisha-hosted episodes.<br>
Additional Criteria:<br>
- (For the drama) not too unrelentingly grim or violent<br>
- Short arcs (monster/murder of the week) and long arcs (arch nemeses, slow burn romance)<br>
- In spite of some of the previously mentioned series, trying to avoid copaganda<br>
- Good diversity/representation, women-fronted a plus<br>
- Not animated<br>
- In English (sometimes I cook or do puzzles and am listening only)<br>
- Mostly this century (we find some older series cringey/hokey/or out of touch with today's sensibilities)<br>
- Smart, well-acted, likeable characters<br>
- (For the comedy) not mean-spirited, humor at the expense of others.<br>
We're all caught up on Silo, Severance, Slow Horses and tired of fishing around for something good, so give me your faves!]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385118</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 18:44:25 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>My puff pastry didn't puff.</title>
<description><![CDATA[I'm loving apples suddenly, especially cooked ones... escalloped or scalloped, whatever.<br/><br/>So I bought some Stauffer cooked apples. A bit too much cinnamon for my liking, so I softened a few sliced Macs and cooked them over slow heat until softened. Then I added those to the Stauffers. It helped a lot. Then I wanted to use my 3 inch ramekins, so I spooned the apples into them, and thought puff pastry would be wonderful on top. I used a air fryer. 380 degrees for 25 minutes. The top of the puff pastry was great...but the middle was doughy..My question is can I cut it out a circle of puff pastry and bake them in the air fryer or oven by itself... And then just plop it on top of the cooked apples on the ramekins? I wonder if it would spread out in addition to spreading upward.]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385117</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 17:31:23 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>Tinned lentils 2 years past best-by date</title>
<description><![CDATA[Okay to eat? Standard issue metal can of cooked lentils, no dents, rust, or bulging. Assume the lentils are okay but maybe not? Hive mind, please do your thing.]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385116</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 17:30:12 GMT</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Bella Donna</dc:creator>
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<title>8 year old boy is behaving badly and I don't know what to do.</title>
<description><![CDATA[My 8 year old is behaving poorly on an extended vacation. We're camping with him and his two younger brothers. We're at our wits end and won't be home for another month. I'm after some ideas for corrective measures because at 8 there's not much we can take away and if we keep restricting screen time he'll be 18 before he's allowed to watch a movie.
Asking here because I don't trust parenting forums or Facebook and I'm not sure where else to turn.<br/><br/>He's diagnosed ADHD and started on ritalin which seems to be helping, we're also going down the path of querying autism. Our problems are repeatedly losing his cool and being nasty, either to his younger brothers or us. <br>
For example, for the third day in a row as soon as the boys are out of sight of us something will set him off and he'll push, punch or pull down the pants of whichever brother has annoyed him. Another example is him losing his cool over something that appears minor and saying something mean, eg my partner didn't hear his question so when she asked him to repeat he said "are you stupid?" <br>
We'll get upset with him, sit down and explain why what he did was wrong, talk through ways he can try and calm down, and he'll apologise and act remorseful only to repeat his behaviour the next day.<br>
My partner's go to is to restrict his already limited video game time (he gets one hour once a week) but he's already in the middle of a six week ban for poor behaviour at home so I don't think that's making any difference.<br>
We're already booked in to see councillors and psychologists when we get home so we just need some coping mechanisms for the next month.<br>
Apologies if this is above askmes paygrade.]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385115</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 17:05:43 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>Travel Insurance</title>
<description><![CDATA[We're going to cancun with 2 adults and 3 kids in April. I want to buy travel insurance.<br/><br/>The trip is expensive (10k+) and 14 days before we go, I can't cancel the hotel for free. I have airline tickets that I can change if anything happens. But what's the best way to purchase travel insurance for the hotel (its an all inclusive)? Should I cover everything?<br>
One of my kids was in the hospital for a couple of weeks last year for vacation, so we want to be protected. We wouldn't cancel unless someone in my wife or mine immediate family died, or one of us was very sick (hospitalized). Thanks!<br>
I don't really care about covering bags, etc.]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385114</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 16:52:43 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>What are good nontoxic ways to clean mould?</title>
<description><![CDATA[I have mould growing on my tiled bathroom floor just in front of my glass shower door (<strong>not</strong> inside the shower). What are good nontoxic cleaning options to clean up the mould? Would white vinegar do any good?]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385113</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 16:32:08 GMT</pubDate>
<dc:creator>chariot pulled by cassowaries</dc:creator>
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<title>Connect external monitor to Android tablet</title>
<description><![CDATA[I'm finding it surprisingly hard to identify an Android tablet that can power, via HDMI-to-USB, an external monitor.<br/><br/>My kid's tablet is on its way out, so we've agreed to get him a new one. He's keen to start doing some coding and other cool computery stuff, and I want to encourage those interests. Since we both find that screen-intensive projects are easier on larger screens, and since I have an unused and fairly new monitor, I'd like to get him a tablet that can connect to an external monitor for use as an additional display.<br>
My understanding is that the determining factors here are, most importantly, <strong>the tablet's USB-C port</strong>, which must be of a certain type (USB 3.0? USB 3.1?) so that it can transfer data, not just power; and <strong>the USB cord itself</strong>, as I know these come in two flavors: power-only and data + power. Obviously we'd need the latter. (The monitor's output is HDMI, and I have an HDMI-to-USB-C adapter, so that part is, I think, not a problem.) Maybe there are other factors that I'm not aware of.<br>
I just can't for the life of me find any Android tablet that can power a monitor. Research has turned up the typical assortment of semi-comprehensible Reddit posts, promotional content, and contradictory results.<br>
After lengthy conversations with the genuinely helpful people at Best Buy yesterday, who really did seem like they understood my questions, I bought a <a href="">Samsung Galaxy A9</a>, on the Best Buyers' assurances that it would, in fact, power a monitor via the tablet's pre-installed <a href="">DeX functionality</a>. It did not work, and now it appears that I'll have to take the tablet - and the A9-sized tablet case that I also bought - back to the store for a refund. Which is a pain.<br>
So, then, the questions:<br>
1. If indeed the Galaxy A9 <strong>CAN</strong> connect to this external monitor, great! Can you please help me understand how to make this happen? Nothing I've tried seems to work.<br>
2. Can you help me find a tablet that WILL power this monitor? Must meet the following criteria:<br>
- Android<br>
- Not too expensive (make of that what you like)<br>
- Appropriately sized for the hands of a nearly-10yo<br>
- It doesn't really matter if the external monitor mirrors the tablet's screen, or acts as an extension of the tablet's screen. Either option is fine.<br>
- The monitor has no wireless ability. It can only connect via a cord. It draws power independently from the AC outlet, not from the tablet.<br>
- We have a Bluetooth keyboard and Bluetooth mouse, and those work just fine with the A9. Probably not relevant but hey.<br>
Bonus question: If I do find a tablet that can power a monitor, is it possible to <em>charge</em> that tablet while the monitor is connected to it? Most tablets have just the one USB-C port, which would seem to prevent simultaneous charging and monitor usage. Would I need some sort of port-splitter or -multiplier?<br>
Thank you!]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385112</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 16:09:51 GMT</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Dr. Wu</dc:creator>
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<title>Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Financial Literacy oh my!</title>
<description><![CDATA[I'm currently in a middle management position trying to run projects and programs at scale. My clients and superiors increasingly want data-driven reporting, metrics etc. to back up project proposals and charters. I have some grad school training in data collection and analysis. I'm making this work in a rough way, but when I look around at the market for the job I want to have in 5 years, there's a heavy emphasis on being able to generate and prepare these types of reports. I'm trying to identify which kind of training would best help me be more fluent at this type of work.<br/><br/>I have a computer science background, but work in construction. The skill set needed to support this stuff seems to be a combination of business intelligence, data analytics, maybe some LLM skill sets. Data analytics at the R: python level seems to far down the rabbit hole, but I'm looking for more than training on how to use Power BI. I want to get training on how to ask the right question, collect the data, and analyze and report that data in a way that's consummable for others. What am I looking to be trained in? It would be a nice bonus if this kind of work included a business financial emphasis.]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385111</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 15:03:30 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>Every single image in my PowerPoint presentation is gone</title>
<description><![CDATA[I was working on a PowerPoint this morning. I saved it and closed it. When I re-opened it, every single image had been replaced by a blank rectangle with a red x in it and the words "This picture cannot be displayed."<br/><br/>I'm on Mac OS Sonoma 14.6.1, on a 2023 14" MacBook Pro M2. I'm using Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Mac Version 16.93.2 (25012611) on a Microsoft 365 subscription.<br>
I have a back-up of the file from yesterday, but I worked on it this morning for over two hours, so all of that would be lost if I had to start over with yesterday's file.<br>
I can't access "version history" of the file - that option is grayed out.<br>
I hope someone has an answer that isn't "you're going to have to go slide by slide and replace every single image."]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385110</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 11:41:03 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>Slow travel: The solution for jet lag?</title>
<description><![CDATA[As you'll remember from the zombified stare of Bill Murray in "Lost in Translation," long-distance jet lag ain't no joke. When traveling between New York and Tokyo, day and night are reversed, and the symptoms--extreme fatigue, digestive issues and depression--linger for two weeks.
Obviously, the culprit in jet lag is the jet. Take away the jet, and you take away the lag. Nobody suffered from jet lag in the age of Ferdinand Magellan. So, slow travel is the key.<br/><br/>In a hypothetical trip from Tokyo to New York, there are two possible routes that one could take, using available transportation:<br>
Eastbound: Depart from Yokohama on a cruise ship (on the Viking or other lines) bound for Vancouver. Take the Canadian Sleeper to Toronto, then fly to New York.<br>
Westbound: Fly to Vladivostok, and board the trans-Siberian express bound for Moscow. Take local trains (or the Orient Express from Istanbul) to London. Board the QM2 at Southhampton for New York.<br>
When selecting between the two, many factors should be considered, including time and logistical considerations, and the fact that westbound travel is generally better for jet lag than eastbound.<br>
Weighing the two alternatives, how do these factors pan out?]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385109</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 05:09:14 GMT</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Gordion Knott</dc:creator>
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<title>Where in Europe (?) was this photo taken?</title>
<description><![CDATA[Do you recognize the landmark in this old photo of my father?<br/><br/>The photo is <a href="">here</a>.<br>
The man on the left is my father, who passed away in 2009. The man on the right is his best friend. They were both in the Army in the 1950s, stationed in Italy, but may have traveled together outside of that country. Do you recognize that beautiful domed building behind them?]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385108</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 01:28:28 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>Free legal advice in Maryland?</title>
<description><![CDATA[My elderly aunt has recently split from her partner. Her long-term savings (retirement savings) was somehow under his control and he is not returning it now that they've split. Obviously she needs a lawyer, but she is reluctant to spend a lot of money as she is extremely freaked out about money now, for good reason. Do you know what the options are? What kind of lawyer, and how to find this person, and if there are low-cost options? This is Maryland.<br/><br/>They didn't live together but I believe they were domestic partners or perhaps had a civil union? Not sure. They are both in their mid-80s and were together for maybe 10 years. I have no idea why she made the decisions she did but here we are.]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385107</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 00:40:42 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>How Best to Get the Word out about our Improv School?</title>
<description><![CDATA[I'm involved with an improv theatre school and we would like to get the word out in our City. We don't have a comms person, also we don't have anyone onboard with FB/Insta/Tiktok/social media expertise. We were thinking of getting a freelancer from say Fiverr but not sure if we'd be able to get someone who has the right improv tone of voice for it. What would you suggest? Btw, also curious as to what a freelancer charges these days. Is it better to pay by task or by the hour?]]></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false">,2025:site.385106</guid>
<pubDate>Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:26:46 GMT</pubDate>
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